Carried Away

By moc.loa@975lliHtrA

Published on Sep 3, 2004


Disclaimer: This story is basically a fantasy involving humiliation, mild violence, and sexual activity between young men. If you find such material offensive or in violation of the laws of your state/country, please don't read any further.

(c) Art M. Hill All rights reserved (2004). If you enjoy this story, please email me.

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I lay in bed for awhile after mom and dad left for church. Bob was coming home on leave from the marines. Huh! I hadn't seen him for over a year. He had missed my high school graduation . . . off somewhere in Central America. He had written a short note of congratulations in his large, strong script. Jeez, even his handwriting was macho! I was happy and surprised, though, about his note. Even being off in the jungle somewhere he had remembered his kid brother.

Now I would be seeing him again. That was good. But what if he found out what I had been doing since I had entered college--besides studying, that is? Actually, there wasn't anyone to tell him that I could think of. I was sure Bob didn't even know Chris or Nick, who were my age. Not even my best friend Allen knew what was going on (yet). That was something else I worried about. I needed to tell someone what was happening to me. Could I trust Allen? Would he tell? Even worse, would he stop being my friend?

I pushed all those thoughts out of my mind, and drifted off to sleep again. I had a troubling dream in which I was standing naked in the center of the auditorium at school with everyone laughing at me and calling me a cocksucker. I looked down and saw that I had a boner and that my cock was dripping precum that slowly trickled down my right leg. My brother Bob was standing by the exit door, up top. I saw his silhouette, but couldn't make out the expression on his face. Then I heard him bellow out "YOU DAMN FAGGOT!!" As he turned to leave the room, I woke up with a start, covered with sweat and my heart beating away like a drum. "Calm down," I said to myself. "Just a dream," I thought shakily. "Just a dream."

By the time mom and dad got back home (they usually stopped at the diner for breakfast after church) I was eating my own breakfast. I got up ravenously hungry. I had made myself a cheese omelet with bacon, sausage, and toast along with OJ, a cup of black coffee, and a cinnamon roll.

"Boy, you sure recovered fast," dad teased. "Did you leave any food in the frig?"

I laughed and said that I had probably just needed a little extra sleep because I felt fine now. "I hope you said a prayer for me at church," I said (really meaning it!)

"Sure we did, son," dad said, "I would imagine being in college now you need all the prayers you can get."

I wouldn't object to that statement.

I went over to Allen's house around 1:00 pm. He greeted me at the door. I was expecting twenty questions so I tried to beat him to the punch. "How was Spider Man last night, Allen?"

"It was great," he said. "I wouldn't mind seeing it again, so just let me know when you're free. By the way, I ran into your friend Nick sitting next to Chris in the theater. He said you told him you were gonna see the movie and wondered why you weren't there. I told him you weren't feeling well. Then he laughed and said something really weird; something about your stomach probably being full from the big meal you just had. I don't know how he knew that, because we were in Starbuck's when he ran into us."

"Oh, maybe he saw us in the food court before he came over," I stuttered.

"Dave, I gotta ask ya . . ."

"Ah, Allen," I interrupted, "I just found out that Bob is going to be home for a few days next week

"Your brother Bob?" Allen asked.


"That's great," Allen said, "what's the occasion?"

"Well, he's been overseas for awhile and I guess they're giving everybody some time off."

"How long will he be staying?

"I don't know," I said, "at least for a couple of days. He called mom to let her know he was coming. He gets here next Wednesday."

"Huh," said Allen. "Hey, let's do something. How about going to the mall and see what's going on. Besides I think I'm gonna get a couple of those videos I saw last night. They were having a sale."

I immediately thought about the possibility of running into Chris or Nick and was going to say no. But I couldn't let my fear of them run my life. Besides, I had school tomorrow and I had to pick up Chris anyway. Then I had English and I would be seeing Nick (or at least his feet!) So I might as well face it: unless I dropped out of school--which was not an option at the moment--I was gonna be seeing those guys, probably every day.

Allen's car wasn't in the greatest shape, as I think I mentioned before, but it did get us to the mall, after stalling out several times at stop lights.

We no more then walked through the main entrance to the mall when I saw Chuck and Larry (my roadside friends) cut across in front of us, walking down the main gallery. Both had their arms draped around their latest girlfriends and weren't paying attention to anything else. So I was safe for the moment. Just to be on the cautious side, though, I suggested that we walk in the opposite direction.

"But the video store is that way," Allen protested, indicating the way Chuck and Larry had gone.

"Patience, man, I wanna get some ice cream up at Baskin Robins." I hit Allen' s weak spot, since I knew he was an ice cream junky, and we were off and running.

We both ordered huge ice cream sundaes with lots of different flavors and toppings. We sat for awhile talking.

"Dave," Allen said, "you've been dodging my questions since yesterday. So tell me: what's been going on. Why are you acting so weird?"

I didn't know how far I wanted to go so I chose my words carefully. "Okay, Allen, the truth is that these guys from school are after me."

"Who?" Allen asked, "Whose after you?"

"You gotta swear not to tell anyone. You also gotta promise to let me handle it my own way. Okay?"

"Yeah, okay, I promise. Now tell me."

"Some of the guys on the football team. Chris Foster, Nick Moran, a couple of other guys I just saw when we came into the mall."

"What do you mean `they're after you'? I thought Chris and Nick were your friends. You sure have been spending a lot of time with them lately. Hell you' ve been picking Chris up for school every day. I seen ya dropping him off."

Now I was on dangerous ground. I had no intention of telling Allen (at least for now) about my sexual attraction to those guys, and what they had made me do for them. I simply said: "Some things aren't like they seem. Those guys may look like they're friendly, but it's all an act. They want someone to pick on and humiliate, and I'm the one."

Allen looked at me as if I was paranoid. If he were in my English class he sure would think different. "What do those guys have against you, anyway?" Allen asked skeptically.

"You don't believe me, do you?! It's not that they got anything against me. It's like a game for them. They gotta show how big and macho they are, and I just happened to be there. And by the way, you started this whole thing by insis ting that I stop and pick up Foster when he was hitchhiking in the rain that day."

"Oh, so now it's my fault. Dave you better think about what you're saying if you want us to stay friends."

"Allen, I'm sorry," I said. "I want us to be friends. But if we're really friends you gotta trust me." I said this, knowing I was concealing the most important part of the story, precisely because I didn't trust HIM.

Allen seemed to sense that there was something I wasn't telling him. Without another word he pushed back his chair, leaving his melting ice cream on the table, and walked out of the store.

I was totally shocked. I finished my ice cream in gulps and quickly ran out into the mall gallery. Allen was no where to be found. When I went outside his car was gone. Now I was getting pissed. He left me stranded here!

Slowly I walked back into the mall and started wandering around aimlessly. Mom and dad were home I thought; one of them could come and get me. Then I thought to myself: "Yeah, you want to have your own place and be treated like an adult and the first time something goes wrong you run back to mommy and daddy."

With that thought in mind, I decided to walk over to Broad Street and pick up the cross town bus that stopped only a few blocks from my street. But just as I turned around and prepared to leave the mall I ran straight into Chuck and Larry.

"Hey, guys," I said nervously, "how's it goin?" Each of them was big enough to make up about two of me.

"It's goin' just fine, fag," Chuck grinned, "what happened to your little girlfriend. You two have a cat fight?"

They had been watching us all along, I thought. What now? "Ah, I was just leaving guys, I gotta get home. I got a math quiz tomorrow and I have to hit the books."

"Hold on just a minute," Chuck said, "we got some unfinished business with you. You're gonna love it."

"But what about your, ah, girlfriends, won't they be waiting for you?"

"Nah, they went shopping. Those bitches will be tied up for hours--not that it 's any of your damn business to begin with, fag. Now follow us."

"We went out one of the side exits and walked across the parking lot. The two gorillas flanked me on either side, and I felt like a Volkswagen stuck between two eighteen-wheelers. They led me over to a large dumpster on the fringe of the woods and pushed me behind it. Nobody from the mall could see us.

"Now," said Chuck, "the other night you begged real nice to suck our cocks. In fact, I never heard anyone beg like you did. So, nice guys that we are, we' re gonna let you knock yourself out, and if you turn out to be as good as I hear you are, we're gonna be real close friends. Now assume the position fag." As I hesitated Chuck shouted: "Down on the ground where you belong, cunt!"

I sank to my knees, something that was starting to become a familiar position to me.

"See how he learns Lar," Chuck said. "Maybe this time I don't need to slug him around or break that pretty little nose of his." Larry laughed, but his eyes looked cold and hungry.

"Okay, fag," Chuck ordered, "you know what to do, so let's get going. Don't make me repeat myself again because that gets me real pissed off."

I only hesitated for a second before I pulled down Chucks zipper. Larry stepped up next to Chuck and I did the same for him. I found myself at crotch level with two tented pairs of boxers staring me in the face, their contents demanding to be released.

Apparently these guys wanted the full treatment so I pulled their jeans down to their ankles. They were both wearing sexy silk boxers--Chuck's were dark blue and Larry's metallic green. I felt my own cock get unbearably hard as I pulled down those boxers and saw two big, beautiful cocks spring out at me almost at the same time.

"Look at `im, Chuck," Larry laughed, "he's just about creamin' in his pants over our big cocks. Bet he will when he gets a taste."

"Before ya start, fag, let's see your mouth. Open up. I don't want to stick my cock in no sewer like the last time."

Obediently, I opened my mouth and it must have passed inspection since he immediately shoved his meat into me, making me choke uncontrollably.

"Aw, what's the matter? My dingy to big for the little girl? C'mon you fucker, you can do better than that," he growled.

By sheer will power I opened my mouth wide and took in his whole cock. I concentrated on opening my throat like I'd been told and found that it was apparently starting to work.

"Now that's what I'm talkin' about, homo," Chuck groaned, as he plunged deeper and deeper. Okay, now give some respect to my balls. They're all sweaty from this damn heat. Cool `em down for me."

This was another totally new experience for me. At first I recoiled at the thought of licking someone's sweaty balls. Man, that was gross. But the alternative was to get slugged by Chuck and when he made a fist it looked like the size of a fairly large ham. I took a tentative lick and he shuddered. For some reason that kind of turned me on and I did it again. The taste was not at all like I thought it would be. I guess this guy was pretty clean--in spite of wearing dirty sneakers!

I really started to get into it, licking and sucking gently on one nut and then the other. He insisted that I take each one completely into my mouth and swirl my tongue around it while applying suction. When I did that he made a guttural sound that definitely sounded like he was enjoying it. As I continued to work on his wrinkled sack I noticed that it was starting to retract and I took that as my cue (besides the swat he gave me on the head) that it was time to get on his cock, that was now dripping a steady stream of precum onto my face.

In the meantime Larry was feeling left out by all this and demanded his share. With obvious reluctance Chuck pushed me off and told me to get on Larry's cock. Larry was uncut and I didn't quite know what to make of his pole. He helped me by peeling back his foreskin and exposing his big purplish head. "Dude, is he stupid or what?" Larry said to Chuck. "This dork doesn't even know what a foreskin is."

Actually I had seen uncut guys before, but never up close. I had been curious, but was afraid to look too long for fear that the guy would think I was checking him out. But now I was learning first hand as Larry demanded that I swab my tongue under his foreskin before I started to orally massage his cockhead. I was surprised by how sensual it felt to circle my tongue under that silky piece of skin covering Larry's cock. From the noises coming from Larry I could tell that he was really enjoying the attention and encouraged me to keep going. I licked his shaft up and down and finally took his dripping cockhead, now fully exposed, into my warm, wet mouth. He just about went crazy.

"This fucker is great," Larry panted. "I think I'm gonna use him every day."

"Okay, cocksucker," Chuck said. "Get Lar off and then do me. We ain't got all day. The bitches are probably wondering what happened to us. Besides I'm so horny I'm gonna blast soon anyway. Ya want it in your hole or on your face?"

What a choice! With my mouth stuffed with Larry's cock I indicated as best I could that I wanted it down my throat. Less messy I thought vaguely to myself just as Larry shouted and blasted his huge load down my throat. "Fuck!" he moaned. "Take it all, you fuckin' cocksucker. Yeah, Oh, yeah, that's it!" For a moment Larry was frozen in ecstasy as his cock continued to shoot and shoot. Man he must have been saving this for a week. I managed to swallow it all. For some crazy reason it made me proud. I was getting better and something about taking every drop of his cum really turned me on.

When Larry was finished he demanded that I remove every drop of cum from under his foreskin. As I scooped the creamy residue from under the elastic skin I let go with my own load, soaking my briefs and pants.

"Look at the bastard," Chuck laughed. "He's in love with your dick, Lar. Maybe he's in love with you too."

"Fuck you!" Larry said to Chuck, then to me: "Listen you son of a bitch, I' m no queer, and don't you forget it." To emphasize the point he roughly pushed me away from him, his cock coming out of my mouth with a loud pop.

Chuck, still laughing, put up his hands as if he was being treated unfairly by Larry. Just lookin' at the evidence, dude, lookin' at the evidence."

Larry glared at Chuck but said no more as Chuck moved in on me to take his own turn with my mouth.

Seeing the way I treated Larry, it wasn't long before Chuck blasted his own load with a loud shout of pleasure that I was sure could be heard all the way across the parking lot. If I thought Larry's load was big, Chuck's was an absolute torrent that was really a challenge to swallow. It just kept coming and this time it started to pour out of both my mouth and nose.

"Can't keep up with me, eh faggot? That's okay," he said, "you'll learn."

When Chuck finally came down from his climax he said to Larry: "Hey, I have an idea. Let's show the faggot his place. Then he turned, opened the lids of the mall dumpster. "Grab his feet," Chuck said to Larry as he took me under the arms. Larry immediately understood Chuck's plan and started laughing uproariously as they lifted me off the ground.

"Heave-ho!" Chuck yelled as they rocked me back and forth twice before throwing me into the dumpster where I sank into the garbage. "You stay here until we get back," Chuck warned. "We're going to meet our girlfriends, but before we leave we're comin' back, and you better be here." With that he slammed the dumpster lid closed, leaving me in almost total darkness and surrounded by smelly garbage. I could hear their laughter fading in the distance.

(To be continued)

Next: Chapter 8

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