Carried Away

By moc.loa@975lliHtrA

Published on Sep 16, 2004


Disclaimer: This story is basically a fantasy involving humiliation, mild violence, and sexual activity between young men. If you find such material offensive or in violation of the laws of your state/country, please don't read any further.

(c) Art M. Hill All rights reserved (2004). If you enjoy this story, please email me.

I had decided to check out Bob's room and was drawn to his clothes closet. His combat boots had turned me on, and before I knew it I was rubbing them over my face and even sticking me nose inside to smell the odor. Luckily I pulled my nose out and was just holding them when Bob appeared at the door.

I almost hit the ceiling in shock when I heard him say: "Davey! What the hell are you doing in my room?"

I had to think fast. "I, ah, thought I would surprise you and give your boots a good polishing. You really look great in your uniform . . ."

For a moment he continued to frown, but then his face broke into a smile. " Davey that's real nice of you. I appreciate it. You know on the base we always have to keep our boots spit shined or we get hell. But I can do that. Jeez, I'm used to it. I don't want my kid brother bothering to do those kind of things for me."

"It's okay, Bob," I said with considerable relief. "I really like having you home. It's the least I can do." Bob smiled again and for some reason I felt closer to him than I had in a long time.

"Davey, I gotta apologize. I know we haven't been as close as we should for the last few years. I guess I just got wrapped up in myself and didn't want to let anyone else in. How `bout we do something together before I go back. Kind of get to know each other again."

I felt so happy at that moment. My brother was asking me to get closer! It made me feel a bit ashamed about the boots. Regardless, I repeated that I wanted to clean them for him, although now with the added reason of really wanting to do something for him because we were brothers.

That evening I went over to see Allen. I couldn't keep my happiness to myself. I told him that Bob really seemed to have changed and that he finally seemed to be interested in getting closer. "You know," I said, "I think I kinda misjudged Bob. I can understand that he was having problems in college. I guess everybody does."

"Yeah, I guess that's true. By the way, how is Chris doing?" Allen asked. " >From what I can see he doesn't seem to be very interested in class. All he seems to want to do is play football. I know he's a great player, but that's not gonna get you a degree."

I kind of tensed when Allen mentioned Chris. I guess he did because he knew I picked him up every day for school. I tried to play it cool.

"Um, he told me that he was hoping to get a football scholarship. You know that athletes get special treatment when it comes to grades."

"Not any more, Dave," Allen said. "Most colleges have got a whole new set of rules, and they treat athletes no different from any other student. I think it 's a good idea. Why should someone get a free ride just because he's a jock? Usually what they do when they see that athletes aren't doing well they assign them tutors to help them in the subjects they're failing."

Hmmmmm, I thought to myself: Maybe that's the answer. Maybe if I offered to tutor Chris he wouldn't be trying to cause me so much trouble. On the other hand, I might just be making things worse. But on the other hand I would have an excuse to see that hunk more often . . . Guess where that idea came from? Yeah, down in my pants! Just the place I shouldn't be listening to!

Allen must have read my mind. "Hey, why don't you tutor him, Dave. Your grades are really good." Yeah, this was the same Allen that told me to stop for Chris on the road that day when he was hitchhiking. That had sure turned out well!

"I'll see, Allen," I said in a noncommittal way. I'd have to think about it very carefully. End of conversation.

Well, my visit to Allen didn't turn out the way I thought it would. I felt worse after talking to him rather than better. Maybe that's why on my way home I stopped at the all-night drug store and bought a black shoe polish kit with paste and a buffer. I was gonna give myself a little treat by polishing Bob's boots, and maybe use some white 'polish' along with the black!

When I got back home my heart was pounding. I went into my room and locked the door. Bob's boots were on the floor next to my bed. I lay back on the bed and set the boots on my chest with the toes touching my chin. I imagined Bob standing on me looking down at me sternly, reprimanding me for some infraction of military rules, and ordering me to clean his boots. You would have thought I would have had enough of that kind of stuff, what with licking Chuck's and Larry's muddy athletic shoes and almost choking on them. But no, my cock said I needed more. In fact, it was already standing straight up from the pressure and smell of the boots.

I put the treads on my face, stuck out my tongue and licked. I could feel my cock start to jump around. Next I put them on either side of my hard cock and ran it up and down between the smooth black leather, smearing precum along the way. That was all it took. `Thar' he blows!' Holy shit, what an orgasm! My back arched up until I thought it would break. It seemed like all the energy in my body was empting out through my cock slit. Four-five-six powerful spurts left me exhausted and covered with cum. When I came back down to earth I saw that Bob's boots were also covered in jizz. As I picked them up and gingerly dropped them on the floor I felt the dampness inside. I rolled over in bed on my own mess and looked inside the boots. It looked like globs and globs of cum had landed inside the boots. I had some work to do or Bob's socks would end up glued to his boots for good (slight exaggeration, but you get the idea!)

Even though I was ready to fall asleep after that huge explosion, I figured I needed to take care of the boots as soon as possible. If that jizz dried I didn't know how easy it would be to get off, especially on the insides. And if Bob suspected . . . that would be the end of our new found friendship and maybe of my life!

A took an old undershirt and started wiping the cum from inside first one boot and then the other. It wasn't easy. Then I got the idea of using a small sponge, slightly moistened, and that did the trick. The cum had dripped down into the toes of the boots and that was the hardest part to get out. I figured that any remaining smell from inside would be masked by the shoe polish--that is, after I got the jizz off the outsides of the boots!

I decided to leave the actual polishing of the boots until tomorrow. I only had one class (English Lit) so I could come right back and finish the boots and have them back in Bob's closet at a reasonable hour. Or so I thought . . .

I cleaned the mess off myself. I was too tired to take a shower so I just washed off the crusting cum, put on some fresh briefs, and fell into bed. I was out like a light the moment my head hit the pillow.

TGIF . . . that's always a great feeling. Of course, I always had a sinking feeling when first period was English. That was my time to see Nick. Although I was really attracted to him, he was completely unpredictable, and now that other students had seen Nick's performance (his ballet on my head!) I was getting less turned on and more embarrassed. I didn't want it getting around that I was a foot freak--even if I was!

To my surprise Nick was very subdued during class. He took his usual seat directly behind me, but said nothing and didn't even put his feet up on the back of the chair. Actually I was slightly disappointed. Am I screwed up or what?

After class I headed for my locker to get the books I needed for the weekend. Lots of other students were doing the same thing including Nick who still remained strangely silent. When I started to open my locker I had the feeling that several students (all on the football team) were watching me intently. When the locker door swung open a big pile of smelly football shoes, each pair tied with the shoestrings came tumbling down from the top shelf, bounced off my head and fell to the floor. The noise was enough to attract the attention of everyone in the hall. There was an outburst of laughter as students gathered around to see what had happened. I must have been quite a sight. I even had one pair of sneakers that was hanging around my neck, swinging back and forth.

Nick approached me with a mock look of shock on his face. "Hey, Stanton," he said, loud enough to be heard half way down the hall, "what's the big idea?! I been lookin' for my shoes since yesterday. So have the other guys. Everybody has been wonderin' if someone was playing a trick on us or what. I'll tell you it ain't funny. You really pissed off a lot of guys on the team."

"Yeah!" said Chris, who appeared out of nowhere. "You ain't funny, Stanton. We got our first game comin' up next week. We don't need this kind of shit right about now." Turning to some of the other guys, including Chuck and Larry, he said, "Hey dudes, I think we need to teach this clown a lesson, don't you? "

With that, several of them pounced on me. I screamed, which only made them start laughing hysterically. They lifted me up and carried my to the showers in the gym. Somebody turned on the cold water, and before I knew it I was pushed under the icy spray. I screamed again.

"Shut up!" said Chris. "Take it like a man."

Just then coach came in, hearing the rumpus, and yelled: "What the hell is going on in here?!" Then he saw me drenched and shivering under the shower. " Okay, assholes, you think you're so funny, now get out of here and give me five laps around the track. And if I see you doing something like this again, you' re gonna be real sorry. Some of you jerks may find yourselves in the bleachers rather than on the field when we start playing."

I was very grateful when coach turned off the shower and told me to get out. " Un, Stanton, isn't it? What happened?

"Oh, some of the guys thought I hid their football shoes and wanted to teach me a lesson."

"Did you?" coach asked.

"No, I didn't. Somebody must have put them in my locker. I don't have any idea who it was." I lied. I was practically sure I knew exactly who did it.

"Okay," coach shrugged. "But you let me know if any of my guys bother you again, and I'll make sure they're off the team. Nobody in this school is gonna get bullied when I'm in charge. Here's a couple of towels. Take your time and dry off."

I didn't want to take too much time since I didn't want to face the guys when they came back in. When I left my clothes were still soaked and my shoes squished as I was walking. I went back to my locker: the shoes were gone. I quickly picked up my books and left. I had kept one of the towels to spread over the seat of the car so that it didn't get wet. Meanwhile I was thinking to myself: What next??

As I was walking through the parking lot toward me car, I saw Nick circling around on his Honda. It looked like he hadn't been on the field. Maybe he had given coach some excuse for not taking his punishment . . . He was looking real hot with his black leather motorcycle jacket and mirrored sun glasses. I couldn't help but stare at him. Smiling he stopped in front of me and gunned the engine.

"Hey man," Nick said, "you're not pissed at us for that little joke are ya?"

"Nick," I said, "it wasn't a little joke. You guys embarrassed me in front of half the school and then shoved me in the shower. Look at my clothes," I snapped, "they're still dripping wet."

"That's your trouble, Stanton," Nick grinned, "you got to loosen up a bit. You're way too serious. Tell ya what. How about if take you for a little ride on the bike. I know you've been lookin' at it. Besides," he argued, "the wind will dry out your clothes real fast. Then you won't have to worry about messing up your car."

I was quickly weakening. Nick's argument about the clothes made sense. Even more, I would get to sit behind that sexy stud and feel his body heat. I was just worried that I might spring a boner and piss him off.

"Okay, Nick," I said, "I've never been on a motorcycle before and I'd like to try it. It's gotta be quick though `cause I need to get home early. (I still needed to polish Bob's boots and get them back in the closet!)

"I wanna show you I'm really a nice guy," Nick said disarmingly. "I'll have you back in no time. Here, put on this helmet and hold on to me."

I melted. I put my feet up and Nick was balancing us as he prepared to take off. He gunned the motor again and we flew through the parking lot and out the gate of the college. The wind was wonderful. So was the view--and I don't just mean the sights of the road! I could see the wide expanse of Nick's back tightly outlined in black leather. I saw the shaggy ends of his blond hair curling out from under his helmet. I felt my cock start to stir.

Nick turned his head slightly around and yelled: "Like it, huh?"

My answer was carried away by the wind, but I'm sure he got the message. Try as I might, my cock kept expanding and I'm sure he must have felt it through his Levis. Now we were on an open expanse of road leading out of town. I began to wonder where Nick was going. I told him I needed to get back soon. I guess he just wanted to give me the full tour.

Just as I was about to tap Nick on the shoulder and signal to him that we should be starting back, he pulled off the road into the parking lot of a dingy-looking bar. I saw several other motorcycles parked in the gravel lot. I immediately started to feel nervous as he cut the motor and climbed off the cycle. He took off his helmet and gloves and stared at me through his mirrored glasses.

"Nick," I said, "what are we doing here? I told you I had to get home early."

"Don't sweat it, Stanton. I'm real dry and I need a brewsky. C'mon and join me, I'm buyin'. Hey, we're only gonna stay for a couple of minutes and then you can go home to mommy."

I felt like I was trapped and wasn't happy at all. But it was miles back to town. I thought about hitchhiking and then laughed to myself . . . maybe some other perv would pick ME up! It looked like I would just have to follow Nick's lead and hope he didn't get plastered. Then the ride back might not be so pleasant as the ride out.

Nick led the way. He pushed through the door and stepped into the bar's dark interior. Even though it was only mid-afternoon there were quite a few customers cued up to the bar or sprawled at the tables. Several were shooting pool at a table on the other side of the room. Everything looked hazy because of the clouds of cigarette smoke drifting through the room. Country music was blasting from a jukebox.

As my eyes got accustomed to the gloom I saw that most of the customers were bikers and looked like a pretty rough bunch. I felt totally out of place here, although Nick stepped casually up to the bar, pulled out his smokes and ordered two beer.

"Ah, Nick," I said timidly, "should you be doing this when you're in practice? You got your first game next week, don't you?"

"Fuck that," Nick said, "coach will never know . . . unless you tell him, that is. Besides, one or two beers never hurt me before, I work out five days a week, wanna feel?"

He had taken off his jacket and displayed his bulging guns, very obvious through his straining tee shirt. "Go on, feel it" he said harshly, "I know you' ve been dying to do it since you first saw me."

I recoiled as Nick resumed his arrogant manner and heard some scattered laughter as some of the bikers looked in our direction. "Guess Moran has found himself a bitch," I heard one guy say. "I wonder if he's willing to share her."

(To be continued)

Next: Chapter 10

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