
By Suzanne Wright

Published on Nov 17, 2015



This story is fiction. All the names, places and characters are fictitious and derived from the author's imagination. It contains descriptions of Lesbian sex. If this story is not appropriate for you or is illegal where you are then don't read it. The author retains all rights to the story.



It was Monday morning and I needed to make a trip to the bank but I guessed they would be busy early so I waited until around 10am to go. The possibility of getting in and out quickly looked possible as there was only one woman at the teller station and one more in line.

As it turned out, my first guess was wrong. The woman being served had a huge stack of papers she needed to take care of and it took a while. The young woman in front of me didn't seem anxious about waiting and as I waited, I looked her over, several times in fact, as she was very easy to admire.

She was a lovely blonde, long wavy blond hair down to her shoulder blades and she was about my height. As I spent several minutes behind her, I was able to get a look at her rear and her legs were on display almost to the curve of her nicely rounded butt cheeks which were barely covered by the short-shorts she was wearing. A t-shirt from some band I never heard of covered her upper body and her legs ended at her feet, with bright red nail polish and flip flops.

I hadn't gotten a good look at her face, so, hoping to get her to turn around I commented, "Glad I'm not in a hurry today,"

She turned part way around and I discovered that front was equally attractive. Her bright blue eyes glistened. The t-shirt graced her ample bosom, which I quickly judged to require a C cup bra and her face was beautiful and perfect. Not a blemish on her skin that I could see and she had a cute, slightly turned up nose above her full lips which were a lovely shade of pink without any help from a gloss.

"Yeah, me too, but that's the way it goes some days," she replied, "at least the teller is cute," she snickered.

I leaned my head to look past her and said, "She is pretty cute isn't she?" then I added, "you're cuter though," as I smiled.

She hee-hee'd before she said, "Well, thank you," her eyes roamed down and back up my body, "you are quite attractive yourself," she added, nodding slightly.

As my 40 year old mind processed that statement, I heard her saying, " ...... getting thirsty standing here,"

"Do you have a lot of business to conduct?" I asked.

"No, I ran out of cash over the weekend and I just need to withdraw some money,"

"You don't use the ATM?"

"I try to avoid them .... I like to do it the safe way,"

"Very wise of you," I commented with a grin, then my phone rang.

As I answered it and turned my body, my elbow rubbed rather forcefully right across her breasts. She didn't flinch and I rolled my eyes and shook my head as if to say, "sorry about that"

She just waved me off with her hands and giggled.

After a short conversation, I turned back to her and said, "I'm sorry ....uh ...."

"Caryl," she supplied.

"..Caryl, I was just too in a hurry to stop that ringing ...."

"I'ts fine, no worry," she said and put her fingers lightly on my forearm.

"Well, I'm Suzanne, and since we have .... met(I snickered) .... could I entice you to the coffee shop next door for coffee or a latte or .... ?"

After several seconds she answered, "Yeah, I think I'd like that but I'll buy."

"Nonsense, it was my invitation to you so I am obligated,"

Just then the teller spoke up, "Next please,?"

Caryl's withdrawal took about one minute and as she turned she said to me, "Meet you outside?"

I nodded and approached the teller station where my banking business took only a couple of minutes as I made a deposit of a couple of checks and withdrew some cash from my savings account.

Outside, Caryl was leaning against the building. I reached out and touched her hand and held it a few seconds as we neared the coffee shop doorway. Inside we both ordered the large size latte, I paid and we sat in a booth across from each other.

"So, Caryl, do you work or ....?"

"I'll be starting my final year at the university in August," she said, "what about you?"

"Well, I'm long past those days," I laughed, "I teach economics at Marker High,"

"Oh, my Mother is a teacher, too," she chirped, "maybe that's what brought us here,"

"No," I spoke up, "what brought us here is that I wanted to assure you that my elbow didn't assault you in the bank," I laughed.

"Really? .... that was just an accident .... it was .... wasn't it?" she was coy and joked with me.

"Of course it was .... but I'm not sure I want to tell you the real reason I asked you over here,"

"Ohhh .... that has a sinister ring to it ...." she leaned across the table on her elbows and said in a whisper, "you must tell me,"

We both laughed and I cleared my throat, then said, "Well, I .... uh .... just thought it was a bit unusual .... your comment about the teller,"

She blushed, rolled those gorgeous blue eyes and said, "I'm not sure how to reply to that .... she definitely is attractive .... I .... I deem many girls to be attractive," she paused, "you also are quite attractive,"

We were staring into each others eyes and before I spoke again she added, "Plus, you yourself made a similar comment about me, .... which I appreciated by the way,"

"Me? attractive to someone young enough to be my daughter?"

"Are you a mother?" Caryl asked quickly.

"Nope, never been married, no children,"

"You are a lovely woman, Suzanne, and I'm thinking you are too young to be my mother," she said.

"Okay, you must be like, at least 20 or 21 to be in your last year,"

"I just turned 21, so unless you are.... "

I interrupted her, "I am 40, so there," I offered with raised eyebrows.

"My Mom is 41 and I think she is quite attractive too .... and like you, she looks younger than her age,"

"Thank you for that .... now could we return to discussing our appreciation of other women's looks?"

Caryl tilted her head in thought and I said, "Is that a recent thing for you?"

"Actually it isn't .... the best I remember that came with puberty for me,"

"Hmmm, sounds familiar," I mused, "care to elaborate?"

"Not until you tell me about yourself and your own .... attractions,"

So, I decided it was time to lower the walls. I told her of my early attraction to other women, my disdain for men and admitted to being lesbian. She took it all in and seemed genuinely interested.

"Do you have a partner?" she quizzed.

"No, I am single presently, do you have a story to tell?"

"I do .... my beginnings were with my three friends, all girls of course, from the time we were about eight years old. We had sleepovers on weekends that continued through high school. We were very close and all that time together bred intimacy which led to .... well other things that you can imagine. I'm the only one of the four who remains only interested in other girls .... well females .... "

"Wow, sounds so similar to my earlier years," I said softly, "do you have a girlfriend .... a partner?"

"No .... in fact I have not been exactly looking for anyone .... concentrating on my studies,"

We just sat in silence for maybe a minute before she said, "I want to ask you something,"


"Is there a chance .... never mind," she stammered.

I smiled and said, "That wasn't a question,"

Caryl laughed and started again, "Is there a chance .... that .... you would be interested in spending some time with me?"

"I have enjoyed the time we have already had together .... so my answer is yes .... I would love to spend more time with you,"

"How about now?"

"I .... uh .... have lots of free time since school is not in session,"

She seemed a bit nervous as she said, "My apartment is just a short walk from here," then she stood and offered me her hand.

We walked in silence until we turned the corner, she took my hand and said, "I'm in that white stucco building, a studio on the second floor,"

Inside, she had a small bedroom and a combination living room/kitchen and of course a bathroom.

She kicked off her flip-flops, turned to me and held out her arms. Like a robot, I entered her embrace, put my arms around her and we kissed. Just a lingering lip kiss. Then at her offering, I sat on the sofa. Caryl straddled my legs, sat on my knees and leaned forward, pressing my back against the sofa and began kissing me. I actively entered into the kissing and soon our tongues were dancing together. My hands squeezed her butt and then made their way up and under the t-shirt to her covered breasts.

Her fingers began unbuttoning my satin blouse and soon my B cups were bare as she found the front clasp of my bra and unhooked it. As she moved her mouth to my nipples, I unhooked her bra, freeing her tits for my own fondling.

In a couple more minutes we were both completely naked, kissing, fondling breasts and nipples, squeezing ass cheeks and I ventured a hand between her legs. Her pussy lips were wet, she had very fine, sparse pubic hair so light in color it was almost invisible. Her moan was music to my ears as I rubbed the back of my hand over her slick labia.

"Oh that feels sooooo good, Suzanne, press harder,"

I did and then slipped my middle finger inside her bringing another moan from her throat. She changed position to get to me and we fingered each other as we continued with our wet kissing and heavy breathing.

Caryl stood and said, "We would be more comfortable in the bedroom," and she led me there.

She made the effort to go down on me first but I stopped her and said, "Seniority has its privileges, I get to do you first," as I pushed her legs apart and crawled between them with my aim focused her her sweet looking, wet, pussy lips.

My tongue traced her slit, up and down several times, before I pushed in to separate her inner lips and expose her tender flesh to my tongue. With her hand on the back of my head, her hips began an undulating motion, pushing up to meet my licking and sucking of her. Her clit was peeking out and I flashed my tongue tip across it bringing a squeal and a hip thrust from her. Our rhythms synchronised and we were working smoothly together until I noticed a bit of a stutter in her movements. She was getting close.

I suctioned my mouth over her clit area, inserted two fingers in her flooded pussy and sucked hard at her clit as my tongue flicked it over and over and my fingers pounded rapidly in an out of her canal. Her body went rigid, she squealed from a closed mouth and tremors engulfed her as she climaxed in a strong orgasm.

When she regained her breath, she said, brokenly, "Oh god .... that was fantastic .... it's been too long since I had one like that .... vibes and fingers just don't do it,"

I kissed her mouth, she opened wide begging for my tongue which I gave her and she sucked it in deep, savoring her own flavors.

"Suzanne, you are really good,"

"Please call me Suzi?"

"Yes, Suzi, you are really good," and we both laughed.

Soon she was back to working on me and I was ready. After giving her such a good cum I was quite needy myself. Caryl was definitely not a beginner. She did all the right things, moved in on me when the time was right and her talents at eating pussy were well honed and enjoyable.

Her mouth sucked and nibbled at my engorged labia, she licked the insides of my thighs with her wet tongue, then back to my pussy, down to my perineum and up to my clit. Over and over she went, bringing up my temperature and my desire to climax. This girl seemed to read me exactly and knew just when to play and where to play as she deftly drove me over the edge. I had a roaring climax, tremors throughout my body and spasmic aftershocks inside my pussy while we were kissing in our afterglow.

We stayed in bed, dozed, and woke up later. Caryl made sandwiches for lunch and we sat, naked, and talked about many things but mostly extolling each others talents.

"Can you stay longer?" she asked me.

"If you want me too, yes I can,"

"Stay overnight with me?"

"I'd love that," I answered and her face lit up like a beacon.

It was midafternoon so we went out for a walk, stopped at a small park and watched people go by as we sat on a bench. Later we ate dinner at a small Italian restaurant before we went back to her apartment.

We watched some TV and went to bed early, soon after darkness arrived.

I felt as if I had known her for years. We meshed together so well and the sex was wonderful with her. Caryl was obviously truthful about her prior years and had quite a bit of experience.

Our third round started around 11pm or so. She informed that there was a favorite way she wanted to make love to me that we hadn't tried yet. I imagined her with a strapon between my legs, fucking me into oblivion. Was I ever wrong.

She was on her back, her head on top of two pillows and she was urging me forward, on my knees, to position my recently serviced pussy directly above her face. She proceeded to urge me lower until her mouth made contact with my wet lips and her tongue lapped at my oozing juices. This was NOT an unfamiliar position to me. I had been there many times before with a young woman who lived with me while she attended college. I had learned it from her and had used it myself on other women.

My hands gripped the headboard of her somewhat rickety bed as she began to lick and suck on my protuding pussy lips. I fucked her face, sliding my pussy over her chin, mouth and nose. Her tongue work was magnificent and my pleasure rate was high. My memory brought up the first time I had been eaten out that way. Soon I was riding the crest of yet another orgasm brought about by the talented tongue and lips of this beautiful young blonde. Then another vision entered my mind. A vision of a similar situation several years ago with another lovely blonde. A second, unannounced orgasm erupted with those thoughts as Caryl continued her assault on my pussy.

After a short rest, I coaxed Caryl into that same position. She was eager to get there and we enjoyed a long session, as I worked to hold her back for awhile by resting my own tongue and lips. Then I would bring her back up and keep her on edge for a bit. Finally I let her explode. Her humps and contortions rocked the bed, nearly suffocated me and she flooded my face with her cum juices.

Relaxing, we were just kissing now and then, touching each other, lightly rubbing our fingers over legs, arms, nipples and faces.

I turned my face toward her and said, "Caryl, I have to ask you .... where did you learn to use that position? It is so hot."

"I .... uh .... shouldn't tell that .... I'm sorry .... I just can't,"

"Why? I don't understand,"

"It's just, well, a secret ...."

"Well, I presume it wasn't from one of your high school girlfriends since you already told me about them,"

"No it wasn't one of them,"

"Then it must have been someone closer, maybe a relative, maybe an aunt or a cousin?"

Almost too soft to even hear, she said what sounded like "lower or roar"

I said, "What was that?"

She turned toward me and said, "I said .... closer .... you may hate me if I tell you,"

"No chance of that but the telling is up to you," as I moved close and kissed her lips which had a salty taste.

I looked up and saw tears.

"No need to cry, Caryl,"

"I want to tell you .... but it's hard,"

I waited.

"Don't hate me .... it was my Mom .... I learned that and lots of stuff from her,"

"Oh ... my ... god .... I'm sorry I dragged that out of you,"

"No, don't be .... it's alright .... I needed to vent that .... I am not ashamed of it or her in any way .... actually we both wanted each other .... but I knew she would never make a move .... so I did .... she didn't refuse me at all .... I was 16 and we continued until I came here for the university,"

"So while you were doing things with your three friends, you were also sleeping with your Mom?"

"That's correct," she answered, "she figured out about me and my friends but they never knew,"

"Do you know if your Mom has a partner now?"

"I'm not sure. I am pretty certain she did have someone else for a time while I was still at home. I think maybe they got together on the weekends I was gone to the other girls' home for sleepovers,"

"Well that kind of makes sense I guess,"

A few years back, I had an on-line friend that I had talked to for a while. We talked extreme sex, lesbian sex, even though she was not lesbian. She had a daughter named Caryl who would have been about the same age as this girl named Caryl. One time, when her daughter was gone to a weeklong summer camp, I went to visit her. I stayed in a hotel and she would come there to be with me. I taught her that sexual position and she loved it .... she particularly loved being on the bottom but also enjoyed the top now and again. For six days we had so much sex, so many orgasms it was impossible to remember how many. I couldn't help but wonder if by some twist of fate, I had happened upon her daughter.

Caryl was quiet and had stopped crying.

"I never had sex with my Mom .... maybe because she was always too busy selling herself to men .... but I did have sex with my half-sister a few times when I lived with her. My Mom's name is Evie, which is short for Evelyn. What's your Mom's name?"

"I guess I can reveal that, first name only of course, it is Magdalene, but most everyone just calls her Maggie,"

I hoped the shock didn't show on my face when she said that. Her mother was certainly the same woman I went to visit with. Since I was never in her house, I had no opportunity to see a picture of her daughter. Maggie had described her to me as being a younger version of herself only taller, prettier and with bigger boobs. I had jokingly mentioned that we should have a threesome and she vehement as she gave a big no to that. She didn't even want me to kid about it.

"Do you see her often now that you are here?"

"Not really, I knew that I had to get away and make a life of my own and allow her to do whatever was right for her," she said rather dreamily, "I usually go home for a week during summer break but we haven't renewed that part of our relationship."

I hugged her to me, rubbed her back, kissed her neck, ear and cheek then said, "Are you up for more tonight?"

"I'm kind of beat, but if you want to .... we can,"

"No .... no .... only if you're ready, Caryl, we can cuddle, talk more, hug and kiss and then get a good nights sleep,"

"I'd like that .... then in the morning ...."

I butted in, "In the morning .... we will let the morning take care of itself, okay?"

"Okay," she agreed meekly.

Morning came and I was awake first so I rummaged around in the kitchen area and found some coffee. While it was brewing, I went to the bathroom which was off the bedroom. I tried to be quiet but when I came out, Caryl was awake.

"You're not trying to sneak out on me are you?" she said with a yawn.

"Absolutely not, if you open your eyes you will see I am still naked and the coffee is making in the kitchen,"

"Come back to bed with me?" she asked in a begging tone.

I couldn't refuse and slid under the covers with her.

She insisted that I sit on her face again and I agreed only if she would sit on mine in return. We reached an agreement and after achieving two orgasms each, we wiped ourselves and headed to the coffee.

As she handed me a piece of paper, "Suzi, you know where I live now and here is my phone number so I hope this isn't the last time we get together,"

"If you are okay with the age difference, it won't be the last. I'm going to give you my address and phone number .... no wait, this will be better. When you finish your coffee, get dressed, we will go to my place and you will know where I live and you can get the number from my phone there. Then you will know for sure."

"Okay, but I would have trusted you anyway," she smiled and kissed me.


Should this be continued? Should her Mother find out?

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