Castle Murtaugh

By John Parker

Published on Mar 12, 2022


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You get a lot more from here than you get from going to a movie.

I'm Duncan Murtaugh. I build fine furniture in my workshop, and host hospitality at Murtaugh Castle with my business partner (among other things), Angus. Castle Murtaugh is a genuine historic Scottish Castle, nothing like the queens residence at Holy Rood in Edinburgh but large, converted into a hotel of sorts.

Angus stayed with me for three years. Between hospitality at the castle (with generous tips) and fine the furniture shop, which burgeoned, he became wealthy for a man his age. He was probably the most eligible bachelor in Murtaugh, except he wasn't. I took him to Glasgow for fun ounce, I couldn't keep him forever and didn't really want to for his sake. He eventually moved to Glasgow at the end of tourist season, bought half interest in a woodshop and got a real apartment for himself. Brian Murphy was his business partner (soon to find out more than that.) Brian Murphy sounds like a good Scottish-Gaelic name, but he was an American mongrel. Almost all of northern European blood flowed through his veins. When Angus bought in, Wallace Murphy, Brian's father retired, then returned to the states.

Angus and Brian worked with old-growth pine Angus and I had worked with oak, totally different wood. Angus ruined a bit of It before getting the hang of it. Angus and I had made fine furniture, he and Brian made durable stuff, "Murphy and Bruin Restaurant and Office Outfitters."

Before Angus moved, I only came to Glasgow for the Steamworks, a gay sex club. I took Angus there, but only once. The Steamworks promotes itself as a men only health club, but there's nothing healthy about it. Checking in you're given a towel. There's a large sign that says "NO NUDITY, TOWELS MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES." That was bullshit. If men wore their towel at all it was usually over their shoulders. There was a small exercise area (health club?) but the action was on the other side of the locker room. If gay men do it, they do it here. In no particular order, there was a man strapped naked to a St. Andrews cross that was being slowly rotated. He was being flogged by another man wearing a lot of leather and hardware piercing his body. The guy on the cross's cock and balls, abs and upper legs were pink/red. The guy with the whip asked us if we wanted in. Angus took the lash and timidly hit the guy on the belly. "If you're going to do it, do it." He took the flogging whip back. The guy on the cross was now upside down. The other man gave him a hell of hard hit in the balls, I could feel it myself.

"Does he like that, Duncan?"

"Wouldn't be here if he didn't. I told you there was a lot more to gay sex than what we do."

There was a man in a sling with another man's arm shoulder deep in his ass and pumping. Again, we were offered the chance to participate. "You guys want in here?" No, we said.

Angus asked, "Where does that arm go?" "Honestly, Angus, I don't know and don't want to."

We finally got to why I come here in the first place, the maze and then the steamworks themselves. In the maze things are totally dark except a row of very dim blue lights along the floor demarking paths and cubicles so you won't crash in to a wall. "In here, Angus, any number of men, perhaps many, will want to play with your body. All the walls have large holes in them. Arms and cocks come through them. Stick your cock through one and you'll get a blow job All you have to do if you're not having fun is just say no thank you and push the hands away. Men were on us like leeches. I loved it, nothing better than to have eight or ten hands groping your body while getting a blow job or a reaming or both. Angus wasn't enjoying himself. "Don't like this, Duncan!"

"We can leave, Angus, take my hand."

We went to the steamworks itself. The steamworks is a very large, maybe forty feet by fifty feet, steam room. This room is why most men come here. It was not excessively hot, but hot enough to break a sweat even if you weren't fucking with somebody. There's a smaller sauna, but it's much too hot to play in, at least for me. The steamworks was similar to the maze, a lot of "private" places, sub rooms but larger, but there was no privacy. There were a lot of places to sit or lay down. Each subroom had a hose to rinse yourself off or clean up a cum mess. A sign over the faucet said, in English and Scottish "HOSE IT DOWN."

"Just walk around and see what's going on. Though it's foggy in here you will be able to see and find me," I told Angus. "Men will want to touch you and offer to have sex in some form with you. Make your own decisions, no one's going to force you to do anything. If anyone tries the other men will stop him. There's a company attendant in here (black swim trunks) who'll send his ass out of here on a rail. This is a party room, not a rape parlor."

I walked around. I didn't even know places like this existed. Most of the men in here were Duncan's age or older. I was probably the youngest man in here. Duncan and I enjoyed each other and a lot of what I saw we did, and a lot I couldn't imagine doing. I saw one man sucking his own cock while another man pounded his ass doggie style. Duncan and I don't do doggie, and while we do suck cock, not our own. I got my ass patted a lot, and several offers to play, usually give or get blowjobs; younger men want them, older men want to give them. There was one man with his shoulders on a bench giving a man a blow job. He was getting one too in a vertical 69, but most of his body weight was supported by the other guy holding him up only by his balls, ouch!

Almost every man walking around in here had a semi to a full stiffie. I was wondering if something was wrong with me, my noodle hung limp between my legs despite several polite gropes. I'm gay, I know, but not gay like this. I found Duncan, he was getting a blow job. I stood in the distance and just watched. Duncan didn't see me through the fog, and he was preoccupied. I could tell when it was over because they kissed and shared his cum, which is usually a lot. We do that, cum isn't all that good, but the kiss is. Duncan thanked him with a sweet kiss. He was Duncan's age or so. Duncan and I share a lot, but I'm young and won't be older for years and never as old as he is. I was beginning to feel inadequate and confused.

"Duncan, you can stay here, but I have to go, I don't like this place."

"No, Angus, we'll both go. This was a gift, apparently unwelcome, to you"

There were showers outside the steam room and sauna. I enjoyed showering with Duncan almost as much as having sex with him. I'd soap that fur up, rub our bodies together, scrub each other down, then rinse off. There were five other men there, but it still seemed very private. As we showered, I said, "Angus, since before you knew that your cock was more than something to piss with, this was the only way I could have man sex, maybe two or three times a year. I guess I may have felt like you do the first time, but I was alone and eighteen. I had only one choice, cut my cock off or come back. You've got good rather than sordid choices; Brian, maybe me, maybe more."

Out of the blue, Angus said, with water pouring over our heads, "I love you, Duncan."

"I love you, too, Angus." We hugged each other and kissed. Naked in a sex club shower room is not a romantic environment, but "any port in a storm" they say. We had never said it before, but we had felt it for a long time.

Back in Angus's apartment, "Good night, Duncan," we kissed.

Brian came out and gave me a kiss too. He asked Angus, "How was it?

"Don't want to talk about it."

"Are you okay, Angus?"


The walls in their apartment are paper thin, I heard it all. I had fucked up royal. I should have prepared him before taking him. Yes, he's gay, but that was way too gay for him. There was a knock on my door. It was open, but still a knock.

Brian said, "Can we sleep with you?"

"Both of you?"

"Yes," said Angus.

I guess I was forgiven. Brian crawled in bed in front of me, Angus behind. I had my arm around Brian and Angus was behind me with his arm across both of us. We were all naked, my cock was in Brian's ass crack, Angus's in mine. "Sleep well, guys." I said. They kissed me, "You too, Duncan " but not the same words.

People shuffle in the night. When I woke in the morning, I was on my back with Brian on one shoulder and Angus on the other. Even though I had to piss like hell, I was totally content. If I had to do it in the bed, I wasn't going to wake them, I was in heaven. When we woke Brian was playing in my body hair, then grabbed my morning wood and balls. "Maybe someday, Brian, but not now." I kissed his forehead.

We had breakfast at "The Cock and Bull," a full Scottish/English breakfast at a pub nearby. It is pretty much what the agency serves at the castle, if you've never had one, they're unbelievable buffets. Men were up two hours working while their wives put these together together for them, it was the main meal of the day. If you're not hungry skip a paragraph or two, In the UK and Northern Europe (and Castle Murtaugh,) this is breakfast.

There was a hot and cold bar. The order is variable. Fried or poached eggs, scrambled eggs, boiled eggs soft and hard, bacon, ham, a variety of sausages, baked beans, roasted tomatoes, sauteed mushrooms, fried and boiled potatoes, and oat porridge. The cold bar was sliced cheese, cold ham and sliced meats, mixed fruit salad and fresh fruit, yogurt and a variety of breads. The Cock and Bull served dozens, maybe a hundred or more for breakfast here, for five hours every day. I don't know how the castle did it for maybe twenty people or so, but it wasn't my job.

I visited again, Stewart Black was there too, he had just ordered 100 chairs for a new restaurant he was opening in Glasgow with his partners. Angus had redesigned their basic chair so it was stackable. Stewart loved it.

I gave the boys a kiss, as well as Stewart.

Brian was about the same age as Angus, early mid-twenties, but looked maybe 16. He was short, fair skinned and with a rosy complexion. A man where it counts I knew, but looked very much a boy otherwise. Angus was growing into a man, but still young and handsome.

"You staying the night, Duncan? If you don't mind sleeping with Stewart you can stay with us." That was a prospect I hadn't anticipated.

"Shall we go get some dinner?" I said, my till.

"Yes, but not on you, on me," said Stewart. I own the restaurant even though it won't be able to be opened as a club for a several months."

"Coach and Four" it said on the door in Scottish and English. It occupied a corner location at Clyde and Bath Streets. A respectable location just outside the M8 loop. I was surprised at its small size, it was really just a pub, but Stewart said they bought the two buildings on both sides as well, one on Bath and the other on Clyde. The food was very good, and plenty of it. A lot of Scottish food is what Americans call comfort food, and beer, plenty of it. Over dinner I discussed plans for the new restaurant and theater with Stewart. The young men just listened and learned. "If this is the middle building then the stage has to go where the bar is." "Yes," said Stewart. "It won't be a conventional pub anymore."

"Are you going to rename it?"

"Yes, Dunsborough Crossing (Ethan Dunsborough is my senior, partner but it is an honorary for his deceased father who founded the partnership, the crossing because of our location,) and then sub headings of "A Total Scottish Experience, dinner and entertainment." We actually sold the trademark of "Coach and Four" to Milligan's across Bath along with the years old signage for a hefty sum. Milligan is a good old Scottish name, but "Coach and Four" has been around for decades and has an international following. They couldn't lose, with early arrivals and late stayers. With the Bath address, few would know it wasn't the original."

"What are you going to do with that?" I pointed to a balcony overhang. "Probably rip it out, it's a card parlor right now," answered Stewart.

I gave an off handed comment. "Why don't you turn it into an intimate fine-dining experience for the better healed who don't want the "take it or leave it' fare of most dinner shows. My clientele either come from or go to Glasgow, and all are wealthy ("Loaded," piped in Angus) and enjoy a good show.

"Sounds good, Duncan, but I don't think my architect is up to the task. Do you want to prepare a proposal for me?"'

"Will do, Stewart. Tomorrow I'll come in here and get some precise measurements. I'm not sure I'm sober enough to try them right now." We left the pub leaning a bit on each other. We could have driven but it was safer not to. We weren't the only ones in Glasgow's busy streets that were into our cups, almost every night. We sobered up quite a bit over the five kilometer walk to the boys' apartment.

"Brian and I are turning in, we `ve got a shitload of chairs we've got to start on tomorrow. We have to go get the wood and unload. It's a whole day." I said to myself, Angus, I don't think pine is all you're planning on unloading.

"We'll, it took me three years, but I finally have you in bed, Duncan."

`You only asked once, Stewart, and there's a nice highland road between Edinburgh and Murtaugh. Four hours, max."

"I would have come, but you showed no interest."

"Don't get me wrong. Angus was fun, but I prefer a real man, a big man, who knows what he's doing," said Stewart.

"You've got me now. Why don't we each just do what we like with each other, and tell each other what we like and don't like having done to us.''

It became an orgy. We started with long, deep, almost suffocating kisses while our hands played in each other's body hair, we both had a lot.

He kissed my neck and shoulders then gave me a helluva hicky. That was going to be visible in the shop for a couple of weeks. I gave him a serious tongue bath from nipples to navel that saturated his black hair. I did some teeth work on his nipples and buried my tongue in his navel as far as I could push it. The boys admittedly got a ten-minute head start on us, but we hadn't even gotten to each other's cock yet.

Brian was moaning. Had to be Brian, pitch too high for Angus, and it was clear he was getting fucked. In the Castle you could fire a gun in your room and no one would know. In this building, you fart and your neighbors know. It was over almost before it began, again they might as well have been in bed with us. "Leave it in me," said Brian. The impetuousness of youth, sex should be enjoyed and savored like fine wine, not guzzled like a soda.

I flopped and Stewart and I did a 69 on each other's balls. I really like balls, both mine and someone else's. We licked and sucked each other a long time.

"O-U-C-H!!" Stewart took a big bite out of my inner thigh.

"You okay, Duncan?'" I heard through the wall. "I think so, Angus, go back to sleep." "Who's sleeping?"

"Loose the teeth, Stewart, or I'll lose them for you."

We drifted into a sweet slow cock-suck 69. We timed it so we came together."

"I want you to fuck me, Duncan."

"Not tonight, Stewart. When I cum, I cum a lot, but it's all at once. I've never been able to do doubles. Maybe in the morning." I'm the bigger man, he laid on my shoulder. As we relaxed to go to sleep, in the silence of our room we heard, "Yes, Angus, rape the fuckin shit out of my ass. Harder, Angus." There were muted gurgles, I guess they were kissing. I looked at Stewart and we laughed quietly. The impetuousness, and stamina of youth. We hugged and fell asleep.

The boys brought us coffee early and said they had to go. We told them we'd meet them at the shop later and go for lunch.

"It's morning, Duncan, you promised. "

"I did not, I said maybe, but let's do it. Choose your style. " Stewart sucked me until I was hard (I had already gotten up to piss, so the morning wood had faded) then hemounted me cowboy. Actually, my favorite, because I could play with him while he played with me.

"Slow down bronco-buster."

"But you're so big, and so tight, Duncan. It feels so good."

"Then what's your hurry, Stewart?"

He rode me for almost a half an hour, then when I scorched his ass with hot cum; he came on my pubes. Stewart wasn't a squirter, he just seeped out maybe a half teaspoon or so, but his cum was thick and pasty, I was a forceful squirter with runny cum. I know I painted his rectum with at least six productive shots. I scooped up his cum off my belly, licked it off my fingers, then let him clean them off.

"Was that worth waiting for, Stewart?"

"Oh, yes!

We cleaned up and walked back to the restaurant. They weren't open until 10:30 but they did prepare a limited Scottish breakfast for the staff. It was nothing like what was served in the castle, (haven't shared that with you; I will) but it was satisfying, and I was still full from the night before. All I had was a cup of tea and two raisin scones with clotted cream. My second serving of thick cream this morning.

I went out to my truck to get my measuring gear. I prided myself in getting my measurements accurate within one millimeter. Stewart wanted to help; big mistake. Stewart was a smart business man, but not a carpenter, too inconsistent. I wouldn't want to sit on a chair he made.

When Angus finally showed up, we remeasured. Angus knew what he was doing. I told Stewart, "A Carpenter always measures twice before cutting once," though there was no cutting in the offing yet.

We had a late lunch/early dinner at the Coach and Four. I held back on the beer. "Can you stay another night," asked Angus?

I replied, looking at Stewart more than Angus, "I would if the choice were mine, but it's not. We are all very good friends, now. This day will come again, often." It was a six to seven hour drive to Murtaugh, shows you how desperate I got for sex some times!

A fine carpenter has to be an artist as well. Rendering a piece of lumber, especially multiple times, requires highly scaled accurate drawings.

I put together a portfolio of drawings for Stewart for the loge dining room. Every drawing pleased me more, fifteen in all in the portfolio. I hope Stewart liked them, because if he did this would be the best thing I'd ever done in my life, but very expensive.

"Stewart. Duncan (but he knew that?), I've got some renderings you need to see. Do want me to come up there so your partners can see them and I can explain, or do you want to come down here."

"All that counts is that somebody cums a few of times." We laughed. "Up here would be better. I'm the senior owner in Glasgow, but they have a lot of money up front as well."

I arrived late, not a short drive. I had to get a room, but I stayed with Duncan. He was totally closeted in Edinburgh. Back in bed, I said, "Shall we go again?"


"No teeth, Stewart, or you're going to lose them." It went down as before (back page if you want, there are only so many rational ways two grown men can have sex, and we pretty much did them all.

This time we ended in me fucking Stewart again.

"I've got to go, Duncan, we both have to end up at the office looking like we haven't both been raped."

The presentation went well, I wish I could show you the drawings. It was over lunch, but I didn't have any time to eat.

I said good bye to the partners and then talked to Stewart.

"It's a go, Duncan."

"What's my budget?"

"You don't have one, Duncan."

"I've got to have one, or I can't even start."

Stewart handed me a SwissBank platinum credit card with my name on it, but linked to their corporate account. "There's more money behind that than you could ever need."

"Staying the night?"

"Yes, if you want me to, but I need something to eat." Stewart smiled lustily. "... but not you right now."

Over dinner we discussed the buildout. I had smaller versions of the drawings for us to look at. "Do it right, or don't do it, Duncan. I don't care what it costs. We'll recover it in one season. We're not going to sell it cheap."

Back at Stewart's home, we crawled in bed.

"Let me do this by myself," said Stewart. "You can fuck me in the morning."

I laid on his bed, not knowing what to expect. "By myself" I didn't understand.

He held my cock and sucked on my cock head, that was all, but it was good. You can't imagine what it's like to get hard and want a blow job and just get your bulb polished.

"Lay still, Duncan, or I will bite." I don't know how long it took, maybe a week, before I blew a load in his mouth. He didn't stop, delightful agony.

I called Angus when I got back to Murtaugh. "I need you here to work oak, can you come, can Brian do it?"

"Not enough time to teach him."

"We're doing Stewart's chairs, but he's way behind in the restaurant build out. We've got them all cut. We can throw pieces in the truck and Brian can assemble them there.

"I've got more work than the two of us can handle right now, but the money is really good, Angus."

"Your shop equipment can't work oak, you'll have to come here for a few weeks."

"We'll shut down and be there in two days."

"Not so fast, I have to get these schematics to the architect, I'll be in Glasgow tomorrow, can I stay with you guys?"

"That may be the dumbest thing you ever said, Duncan."

On the way I arrived late, I grabbed a Cornish pasty or two on the way, (You've never had one? Best fast food in the UK.)

"You're late," said Angus.

"Got a late start, and weekend traffic wasn't good."

"You want something to eat?"

"No, I ate, but I need to go to bed.

"I think Brian and I can take care of that." He gave me a beer. I downed it. He gave me another.

"Angus, I enjoy sex with you so much, but I'm awfully tired and tomorrow is going to be a busy day."

"Either room, take your pick."

We, all of us, met with the architect and handed off copies of the schematics the next day.

"Brilliant," said the architect, "but you need to put a loo up here."

"I'll leave that to you, but please don't change any measurements out here."

"I'll put it in there. According to your drawings, it's going to be a small service kitchen, but now just a little smaller."

`You guys ready to head off to Murtaugh?"

Angus had loaded several unassembled chair parts in their truck. When he wasn't able to help us, Brian could assemble and finish them.

We got back to the castle around eight. While Brian unloaded Angus and I went into the castle kitchen to bring out some dinner.

"Duncan, Brian wants you to fuck him, and he's a total asshole. That isn't disparaging, it's really his only sex organ. He's got a decent cock, but doesn't like it played with, or even touched. He can cum, but doesn't like it, but he can have a dozen prostate orgasms while you fuck him, and you can feel them. You can offer, but he'll ask. Not that I'm complaining, but I haven't had a decent blowjob in a long time."

I hugged Angus and gave him a deep kiss. "Maybe we can take care of that tonight." We kissed again.

It was bed time, if not sleep time. "Pick your room."

"How about all of us in there?"

We undressed. Brian is not shy. "Suck on his cock, Duncan." Brian has only one sex outlet (inlet), but he is a voyeur. No one watches as much gay porn as he does, but he doesn't jack off. I willingly obliged and so did Angus. Needless to say, I had a boner, Brian was holding it. "You two can keep on with what you're doing, but I need this up my ass, Duncan." Angus yold me he would ask. We adjusted positions and I entered him, he was pretty loose. He had a very large love nut (prostate), I could feel it with my cock. Before long I could tell he was starting to have prostate orgasms, you could hear it in his breathing and feel them in his ass. I decided to try something I don't know if any of us had ever done, certainly I hadn't.

Brian was riding me cowboy but he wouldn't let me touch him. "Angus get down here and get in here with me." I knew what a double fuck was, but never did one.

Angus slid his cock up along side mine. Brian gasped, "Oh shit, Angus."

We were all happy. Rubbing your cock along another man's in a tight space is something different. It probably would be good with anyone, but it was special with Angus. Brian's body was going crazy between us, I was afraid we were going to hurt him if he didn't hurt himself..

Angus blew a load and then I followed.

"Can you guys go to sleep in there?" Brian asked.

"Don't see how," I said getting up to walk into the other room. I'd let Angus and Brian work it out.

We had to build three oak pedestal tables with ball and claw supports with a one and a half inch carved skirt. I already had the chairs to match.

While they worked on the tables I built out the banister and balusters for the balcony. It was all heavily steel reinforced then hidden under oak. A blacksmith in Murtaugh made the steel frame

It took a lot of hard work during the day, and a good deal of fucking at night, men who work hard need to play hard. Brian finished the last twenty chairs and helped with the table tops while Angus and I did the chisel work. I only had two leather kilts, but Brian didn't work with the sharps. I took off my kilt and put in on him and Angus tried to show him how to do hand chiseling. In moments the chisel landed in Angus's lap. "That's what the kilt's for Brian, without it you might have lost your best friend.

Grand Opening! And everything was ready. The loge wasn't for sale yet, but it was done. Stewart, Angus, Brian, and I were in dress tartans. As the crowd moved inside at the main entrance on Bath, a limo pulled up to the side entrance on Clyde. Grace Hughes Milne, Lady Provost (Mayor) of Glasgow, followed by her body guard and her husband. Arriving shortly after was Graham Henderson, Prime Minister (Governor) of Scotland and his wife and his bodyguard. Stewart was busy doing something and wasn't here. The lady Provost accepted a glass of wine and approached me as the obvious eldest here and asked, "To what do we owe the pleasure of your company." A polite was to say who the hell are you and why are you here in addition to us.

We are simple carpenters, your ladyship, but all the furniture and the railing up here we built, much of the furniture downstairs we built as well. She pulled out a chair. "You made this," she ran her hand along the skirt on the table... and this"

"Yes, your ladyship, but they take a while to make, they're all hand done." I pulled out a business card and handed it to her. She gave it to her bodyguard without even looking at it.

Stewart came up, apologized for his absence, (he had to get the show on the road,) and asked if all was well. Couldn't be better said the Prime Minister and Lady Provost. We all sat for dinner. "Order me something I like I'll be right back."" said Stewart. "I know what you like, Stewart, but it's not on the menu." He grabbed the short hairs on my neck and pulled a few out. Stewart wasn't the emcee, he hired a professional actor, but he felt the need to oversee everything the first night. I told him, "It's going to go the way it's going to go, from this point it's like a rock rolling downhill." A harp was displayed at the back of the stage. I though it was just décor, but two young men lifted it from its mounting and positioned a stool. A red-haired harpist dressed in a diaphanous deep blue gown (and bare feet) began playing. A violinist accompanied her during dinner in full Scottish regalia. The harpist added vocal accents, like "tura lura lura," with a stunning soprano voice. Background music while eating is comforting, but live is so much better.

"I know I'm obsessing, Duncan, but if that rock doesn't end up where it belongs, it will be in my ass when I get back to Edinburgh.."

"Everything went off beautifully. The food in the loge was haute cuisine. A two-person camera crew filming the opening came up and asked if the Lady Provost and the Prime Minister would sit for a brief interview. What politician would say no. Grace Milne said, "It's wonderful to have nothing on my plate but delicious food, and delightful entertainment to go with it. It's such a wonderful employment opportunity for the young people of Glasgow." The prime minister said, "The Dunsborough Group have been delighting locals and travelers in Edinburgh for years, they've outdone themselves in Glasgow."

Stewart whispered. "I couldn't have gotten that advertising if I tried to pay for it!" The dance and vocal show were first rate. I'd seen a few, not many, but none could beat this. Stewart knew what he was doing.

"As soon as the dignitaries leave, we'll go too. Will you be coming back to Angus and Brian's place?"

"Yes, but it will be late."

"I'll wait up for you."

"That was a lot of fun, are you guys up for more?" asked Brian. "What we all did before."

I looked at Angus, he nodded.

I decided to get creative. Once we were naked and worked up boners. I picked up Brian in my arms and put my cock in his ass. Then Angus did it. Get the picture. We were holding Brian between us with his arms around both our necks, our arms locked under his knees and around his back. Essentially we raised, lowered and twisted his body jacking ourselves off with his ass. I had the love nut side, but I'm sure Angus could feel his prostate orgasms. Brian practically passed out before the two of us came. We showered and they went to bed. I assume to sleep, because I heard nothing coming from their room.

Stewart showed up around midnight. I was still naked; saw no reason to dress. I met him at the door with two fingers of Glenfiddich single malt Scotch. We clinked rims. "Thank you for this."

"If you're dressed for what I think you are, I'm too tired," said Stewart.

"The boys already took care of me," I answered. They're men, but to Stewart and me they're boys. "We all took a shower; I just didn't want to dress again. Let's take our Scotch to bed, tou can tell me how it was.

It went well, we actually turned a profit even with our opening discount. That's rare for a new restaurant. We had a lot of walk ups. "Meal do naidheachde (congratulations in Scottish.)" and finished the Scoch.

In the morning I was spooning him with my morning wood against his ass crack. "Put it in there, Duncan, nice and slow." I did, it felt really good for both of us. Angus and Brian came in. We knock but never close

doors. It was kind of a weird conversation, I was fucking Stewart's ass while they stood there. "You guys want breakfast?"

"We're working on it, I said. We're way ahead of you."

"Don't kid yourself," said Angus.

"Later for lunch?"

"An early one," said Stewart. I've got to get back to Edinburg."

" ... and I've got to get back to Murtaugh." I said.

We ate at the "Cock and Bull" (Milligan's with the new/old signage.) They moved us to the head of the line and wouldn't let us pay.

Angus and Brian worked the tourist season at the castle. To quote Brian, "Nothing is better than having total fun and getting paid for it." We had a tour of 14 gay men. Once I was sure they were gay,

I offered an upgrade in the entertainment to which Brian and Angus agreed. Angus and Brian did the table dance. Young men are much more agile and attractive. They showed a lot of cock.

Then Angus fucked Brian on the table doggy style. Brian is a vocal sex partner, that didn't hurt. There were phone cameras flashing and a lot of money thrown on the table. "Can we do this again," Brian asked. "Probably not. But most of these men are going to hit on you guys tonight. Your choice, but you have to be ready for work at six in the morning in regalia."

I got a call,"Duncan I'm between a very big rock and a very hard place. Brian's work visa is expiring and his father is ill. He's moving back to the states. I can afford to buy his share of the business, but not the property.

"Does Brian have a lawyer?"


"Get one yourself, not the same one, I'll be there tomorrow."

To make a short story even shorter, I ended up buying the whole shop from both of them and the land and his apartment. Brian needed out quickly, his work visa was expiring so it was a very good price for me and he wanted out. I called Stewart and offered him the land. He bought it at a sweet price. The club didn't have a staging area for buses and limos, profitable spaces for others money on the table that he could claim and it was a short shuttle to the club if need be. I didn't lose anything, made a lot.

Angus moved his tool shop to Murtaugh and we refitted the horse barn (no horses) next to the shop for a soft wood works. Angus preferred oak, but we both did pine. He kept the trademark Murphy and Bruin even though it was all ours. It had a following. Murtaugh became Murtaugh and Bruin, and Duncan Murtaugh and Angus Bruin became more than business partners for many, many years.

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