Catch of the Day

By Justin Balancier

Published on May 24, 2021



"Catch of the Day"

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*********************** Part 1

Gary was someone difficult to ignore. He was intelligent, mature and sexy looking in tight pants with a designer shirt. He was slightly older than Byron was, but - oh, how cute.

Folks who knew them recognized they were a couple of bookends. When they got married, the gadabout gays never noticed a thing. There was no doubt that hot flesh goes to hot bodies at any age.

Winter arrived early in December that year. On December 4, a noreaster storm dumped over a foot of snow on upstate New York. The city got less but the inconvenience of snow falling day after day became depressing.

The Gay Community Center in the Bronx had scheduled a holiday buffet for Friday the 19th. By then the Bronx was clear of snowbanks, but it was still cold and snowy. This was one time that Christmas would definitely be white.

I am Byron and I did not see it coming but life was about to change. Whether good or the opposite, only time would tell. My age and my standards, I must admit, are different from most people. I am too hung up on sex. The time I spent being lovely in my younger years, was not wasted; it was a bonus. However, the hourglass is moving in the opposite direction and I feel misled like a slow poison bringing me to a peaceful ending.

It was December with the house decorated for the holidays even with Byron being Jewish, he loved the Christmas season. It meant parties, company and good food with exciting cookies and special treats.

"Hey there studly, what is taking you so long, time is fleeing. You have to spill some jokes. Collect your damn thoughts and get a move on," said Gary to his married partner Byron, whom after many long years, he still referred to as his boyfriend.

He hated the term `husband' between two men, but that was how Gary looked at things. When it came to liking or disliking certain terms, Gary was the biggest jackass on the block. "We are both adults here. Doesn't everybody look out for number one?" he would use for a comeback if criticized. What that had to do with being married, he never would explain.

The Gay Community Center's December get together, celebrated Christmas and Hanukah for scores of gay people in the Bronx every year. Those who were able brought a `dish to pass' for a buffet table. The meeting hall was large with round tables and folks mingled and sat wherever they could. For entertainment, folks both young and old would give short comments about being gay.

It was not educational in the sense of spouting off grievances. Over time, the comments became goofy, and generally rude. It was all in fun and no one got offended by where it showed.

Byron was used to crowds of people and speaking to an audience never bothered him. Some would get embarrassed, but not Byron.

"Okay, I am ready," said Bryon, let's go

"You're not wearing that," replied Gary looking at Byron dressed in red and white striped pants with a matching top.

"What's wrong with it?"

"You look like a freakin candy cane, that's what's wrong with it"

"I'm a Jew," babbled Gary

"So, a Jew doesn't like candy canes?" Said Byron "I want to be festive and accuracy matters."

"You're a regular Dolly Levy. You look like a Schmoe," said Gary, sounding sarcastic. "Okay-okay, wear the damn thing."

There was one thing special about Gary. He was the classic example of an overbearing senior queen who was always right. He knew everything and what he did not know he made up, just to get the last word.

Byron and Gary had been together for years and a physical touch cemented their relationship. As they grew older and gay marriage became possible, they tied the knot legally. It made owning property and finance so much easier not having to probate a will when the inevitable happens.  

They arrived at the Community Center in time to fill the buffet tables with an assortment of food dishes. Everything was free and passes were given in advance for seating. The gay bars reigned supreme and where people flocked after eating. Some things never change.

A senior drag queen (a polite way to say seventy-six) called Dalilah, stood up tapping a glass with a spoon attempting to silence the crowd. It worked too because she looked like an old lady with a voice like Tarzan. Folks quieted down and a rather large lesbian got up to make an announcement.

"Okay, you brownie queens, listen up. I am Cindy and I am here with my wife Laura. She is the hot drink over there with the auburn hair wearing the sexy red and white striped candy cane top." She cried out as if it was a grand announcement of something important.

"Oy vey Byron, give a look. She is wearing your shirt. There is a dyke wearing a candy cane top and a faggot donning the same candy cane shirt; how delightful," continued Gary elbowing Byron as if it was something special. "Idiot, I told you not to wear that thing." Concluded Gary

"Who cares, a shirt is a shirt, and it looks better on me."

"It's a man's shirt, she is wearing" Gary reminded him

"Duh, no kidding," replied Byron trying not to laugh at the obvious.

Cindy talking nonsense made a couple of comments about the holiday season. She was struggling to say something gay and clever but could not do it.

"I better get my ass movin and say something quick before all you fagots are back on the streets sucking up the air and tourist." Cindy roared with laughter thinking she was entertaining. There were a few giggles but that was about it.

"As I look around the room," began Cindy; the silver and red balls are a cute touch. I know Tony preferred blue balls, but his boyfriend Stevie wanted to keep it real. Oh, how it saddens me, freakin queens," She exclaimed, taking a swig from the beer bottle in her hand. "C'mon folks yell out something; I am dying here." Confessed Cindy

"You can't get any deader," yelled out Jamie, a fruit swishing bar queen who did not care for lesbians.

"Okay Ladies, I'm gonna sit down and do some drinkin. I am getting ready for New Years and I want to beat the rush."

Gary nudged Byron who scuffled getting to his feet. Byron liked to think of himself as being over the hill, but that was far from the truth. He was in his fifties with silver in his brown hair. He still had hot looks and his body, although no longer that of a teenager, was something mysterious with two legs and a playground in perfect working order.

People were talking and paying no attention to Byron. The room looked chaotic the way the gay crowd liked it best.

"Okay ladies and construction workers," bellowed out Byron in a strong voice. A gentle looking blond boy with hair tied into a bun walked by and smiled at Byron.

"There goes Doris Day," chuckled Byron, getting a mixed reaction. Most had never heard of Doris Day, so that ended rather quickly.

Two fellows, probably in their thirties, sat together looking as if they were lost. They were not faces that Byron or Gary recognized. The young man whom Byron called `Doris Day' left the center. One of the men from the table, followed him fading into the snow-covered darkness.

The other one was now alone leaning back in his chair looking vulnerable. Byron had been studying him trying to piece together what he was thinking. However, it was not working very well.

He looked to be about 5/10 and not especially husky, but not skinny either. His hair was dark and cut short. His mouth framed with a trimmed beard typical style of the day. The beard looked appetizing on his face. He had the nose, mouth and chin that supported a beard like a western star. He was not gorgeous but definitely a hot looking man. Byron was hoping he would stand up; being a butt and crotch watcher, although he would never admit it.

Gary was flitting around the room with Lady Dalilah, trying to clear off the dessert table. Gaud that girlie show was enough to give faggots a bad name.

It was comical watching Gary move; he was right in his element. At one time Gary waited tables in Provincetown, Mass during the summer when the gay crowd flocked to Cape Cod. That is where Byron first met him. They were both in their twenties, and hot like two dynamite sticks. They pawed one another like patriots and eventually lived together, maintaining their independence, as year after year rolled off the calendar.

They are a priceless couple but not innocent by a long shot. Hooking up with a stranger occurs often and they never give it a second thought. Casual sex has no purpose other than a stiff cock with different strokes. The thing they took seriously was genuine affection loving each other. Everything else was fluff.

"Who are you looking at?" asked Gary brushing past Byron carrying a pedestal cake plate with nothing on it except crumbs and some chocolate frosting.

"Did you notice the number sitting alone at the table by the clothes rack. He had somebody with him but now he is alone," said Byron

"Yup, I did. He is not much, I've seen better," replied Gary

"I think he is a cutie. He is not a boy, but a man; that is who I am looking at," replied Byron

"Try not to be a slut dear. It is so unbecoming."

"That is easy for you to say and I will bear it in mind, should he ask about you,' replied Byron.

"Oy vey, all the work I have to do around here and people are leaving left and right. Some help. You know, would be nice. Wait, don't go anywhere." said Gary.

A few minutes later Gary returned with the man, they were talking about moments earlier. Gary introduced him to Byron as Mike, an old friend. Byron could not hold back the laughter. Gary was such a jackass and would make up scenarios about people all the time. Gary had no idea who Mike was; they chuckled at a game of bullshit.

"Okay men, what do you want me to do? I volunteer assistance , so lead the way," gurgled Mike. "I noticed the two of you are wearing wedding rings. –Married, he inquired?"

"That's what a certificate says, but we are not clingy, jealous people. Gary and I take social and even sexual liberties without ruining our home life. We are past the age of adopting children but marriage does have its advantages with taxes and spousal survival," explained Byron

"It's obvious that you have put a lot of thought into being married," replied Mike

"No, not really, we have been together for years and it was that way from the beginning long before gay marriage came along. It is not everybody's cup of tea, but we like it. It works for us so why should a piece of paper change how we live together." Said Byron

"It shouldn't as long as that is the way you see it. I think it is cool, concluded Mike, who had already begun stacking chairs. He had something about him that seemed hidden. At first glance, he looked rather ordinary. After being around him and the second glance taken, Mike was not ordinary but exceptional.

Gary whispered to Byron. "Lordy, you know how much I appreciate a man with a good booty. Look at the ass on Mike. Not too big and not too small and the cheeks of his butt like a saddle"

"Calm yourself `Hopalong' if there is any riding to be done, I saw him first"

"Did not" mumbled Gary

"Did too"

"Who are you talking about"" interjected Mike, hearing only part of their conversation.

"We are talking about horses," said Gary. "You see we like riding as a sport. Byron's daddy was a jockey and he taught him how to ride."

"Of course he did," smirked Mike letting them know he was not stupid.

Okay men, everything is caught up and I have to hit the road and find a way to get back home. I live in Jersey."

"What happened to your friend Doug, is he coming back?" asked Gary

"I doubt it. Doug came to the Bronx knowing that his boyfriend Ian would be here and I tagged along for moral support and Sucker Company. It looks like he found him. He is the gay dude that Byron called Doris Day. Doug has the car, so I need to find a way to Manhattan. From there, I can make out fine," concluded Mike.

"If you know where you are going you can take the subway to 96th street, or if you're flushed with cash, a taxi is about $50.00 / $60.00 bucks and fifteen minutes to Manhattan. From there Jersey is a short train ride." Gary replied, sounding like a travel agent.

"Or, you can hang around and come home with me and we will drive you to Jersey in the morning," jumped in Byron trying to set a plan in place.

"Ha ha-ha, am I supposed to be a sandwich between two daddy studs," said Mike

"It is only a suggestion Mike. You don't have to be anything; just sayin that you are a mighty fine piece of work."

"I do appreciate two hot daddies. Sure, I can lighten your loads." Said Mike

"Yikes, what a perfect thing for Mike to say; it fit them to a T

Byron and Mike left the Center around 10.00 pm. They walked through the glass doors and on to 161st street. It has started snowing again but the wind was calm.

Gary stayed behind to finalize the cleanup and put his approval on everything. He loved being in charge of people, even though it meant nothing to the volunteers at the center.

For Gary being in charge was a `do it yourself' project, He was not too old to make adjustments and always excited for what comes next in the life he shared with Byron, his one and only love,.


Part 2 - Gets into the meat of the story –"Warm Flesh on a cold day"

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