Catching Logan

By N L

Published on Mar 3, 2006


DISCLAIMER: Don't read if sex stuff is illegal for you and/or for your area. Don't think this is real because it's not. Don't copy or post this story outside of Nifty without the author's express written consent. Don't expect sex right away--it's better when you work up to it. And don't flame me; constructive criticism only, please.

Copyright 2006 by smplsguy79


"You have reached the voice messaging system for... `Lacy Randall and Jenna Nessler' ... please leave a message after the tone." BEEEEEP.

"Hey Jenna. It's Jack. Tell Lacy she's a skanky bitch, and that maybe, if she's really apologetic, I may decide to forgive her for ditching me in the library earlier. And then tell her that, just for the record, she was right, and if she wants to know what happened after she left, she needs to call and say she's sorry. Oh, and the new bra. The tits looked even perkier than usually in Lit today."

Jack hung up the phone, chuckling to himself, and turned to face his room. Alone for once, he sighed with relief. Not that he minded his roommate--he didn't. Ryan was one of his best friends, and despite seemingly different temperaments, they got along as roomies very well. It was just a matter of habit. Jack had always had a room to himself, and really never had to share anything with anyone, ever. His sister and he had never gone without: separate rooms, separate TVs, separate bathrooms, almost separate lives. So coming to college and giving up that sense of privacy had been a real challenge for Jack. His freshman roommate, the one all of his friends had dubbed "Black Death" for his goth-like appearance and continual stench of body odor and dirt, had been a nightmare brought to life for him. At least Ryan showered and attempted to honor the unspoken code of roommate conduct: to each his own, and the rest is politely discussed.

But Jack's favorite moments in his dorm were when Ryan was out of the room. Then, he felt like he had his own space, his chance to let go and simply exist without worrying about the wants and needs of others. He could do whatever he liked, however he liked. Which usually meant masturbating. Not that he needed to now, despite the frequent pictures of Logan in a jockstrap running through his head. He'd already beat off to that picture twice today. Though the more he thought about it, the more tempted and turned on he got. Those toned arms, the obviously defined pecs, the deliciously firm and rounded ass...yeah, he may have to polish the rocket after all. Damn, there wasn't a moment in the day that thinking about Logan didn't get him turned on. Then again, it was a rare moment that he wasn't thinking about Logan to begin with, on top of which, he wasn't really finding any other sort of sexual outlet, so it was only to be expected that the mere thought of Logan would get Jack going. He was actually just about to unbutton his pants and really give into his thoughts on the handsome boy when--


"FUCK!" Jack yelled, jumping nearly a foot in surprise. He took a second to swallow his heart back down into his chest before turning and opening his door.

Lucas looked him up and down, his critical brown eyes missing nothing. He raised an eyebrow at Jack. "Should I go and let you take care of that?" he asked, gesturing to Jack's not-so-subtle erection. "I don't want you distracted while we're talking."

Jack burst out laughing. "Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. And who asked you here, anyway?" He pulled his friend into a hug.

"EWWW! Don't hug me. I don't want to touch that thing," Lucas said, pointing at Jack's crotch. He pulled away, playfully hitting Jack against the chest. "And you asked me here, numb nuts. Or did you forget once again? Damn, do I have to start making you write everything down?"

Jack pulled Lucas by the arm into his room and shut the door. "I did forget, but only because I don't care enough about you to bother remembering." He grinned, a mischievous look in his eye, and Lucas punched him in the arm. "Ow. That almost hurt. I'm lucky you hit like a girl."

"I only hit you like a girl `cause your faggoty ass couldn't handle a real punch."

Jack laughed again. "Do you ever stop and wonder what other people must think of us when we talk? Christ, they'd think we hate each other."

It was Lucas' turn to give a sly grin. "Who says we don't?" He turned and took a seat on Jack's bed, laying back on the pillows and kicking his shoes off at the same time. "Now if only I could get you to stop hounding me, all would be perfect in my world."

Jack took a seat in his desk chair, turning it so he could face Lucas. God, he loved Lucas. The boy, sadly straight as a razor, had the gayest sensibility of anyone Jack had ever met, and the wit of Oscar Wilde to boot. He'd originally approached Lucas after their freshman American History class one day, hoping that the cute guy was as gay as Jack thought he was, and to get him to join Jack's group for a project on the Civil War. Turns out, Lucas was befriending Jack to get closer to Annette, the girl in his group. In the end, the group got an "A", Annette hooked up with the captain of the wrestling team, and Jack and Lucas ended up close friends. No one complained, least of all Lucas. He always said having Jack around helped him get the girls. Too bad no one had ever seen him actually date one.

"So," Jack started, "why are you here? Not that I mind, but I was kinda in the middle of something."

Lucas smirked, running his hands through his dark hair and throwing his arms behind his head like he owned the place. "Hey, I wasn't joking when I said I'd make you start writing everything down. You really did ask me to stop by."

"I did?" Jack started racking his brain, trying to remember what he wanted to see Lucas for. Maybe it had something to do with their theater class. He attempted to remember their assignment for the next meeting. Nothing.

"Let me guess," Lucas said, his tone sarcastic. "You forgot."

"No, no," Jack protested. "Just give me a minute, and I'll remember."

"No rush. It's not like I don't have other things to do." Lucas' smirk now seemed permanent, mocking Jack and his sieve-like memory. Then the whistling began. Lucas knew Jack hated whistling of all kinds, said it made his skin crawl like nails on a chalkboard, and Lucas took delight in doing it whenever he could. Antagonism as love, he called it. And the Jeopardy theme song, while annoying, was rather appropriate.

"Stop that," Jack ordered. "Seriously, Lucas, stop that." The whistling continued. "Stop, or I'll tell Ryan what really happened to his green shirt."

"You wouldn't."

"I wouldn't, would I?"

"You're fuckin' evil, man."

"I was taught by the best." Jack grinned.

"Yeah," Lucas replied, sitting up straight. "But I also taught you to never torment your teachers. That always gets you a bad grade."

Jack laughed. "Are we really going to continue with that analogy? `Cause if I have to start calling you Professor Beckford, I'm gonna slit my wrists."

Lucas stood up from the bed, his face serious. "Now class, what have I told you about disrespecting me? I'm just going to have to give you extra homework." He put his hands on his hips, creating the perfect imitation of Dr. Dooling, their former history professor. The man was so singularly odd , he just begged to be mocked by students one and all. "But honestly, Jack," Lucas continued, breaking character, "I do have a lot to do. That paper for Sociology of Gender is kicking my ass."

"That's what you get for studying females. I just stick to the guys. Much simpler that way." Jack leaned back in his chair, as if all was right in his world.

Lucas just shook his head. "I'm outta here. If you remember what you wanted to see me for, first, write it down, and then call me."

"Smartass." Jack grinned. Lucas left, softly closing the door behind himself, and Jack was once again alone. With a soft sigh of relief, Jack stood and walked to the mirror. He took a critical look at himself and wondered why he so desperately wanted to be alone. Even having Lucas in his room for ten minutes had put Jack on edge. His strawberry blond hair seemed to deride him, shining back from the mirror impertinently. He squinted his eyes, a soft green that was almost hazel, and stared at his face. He'd been told often that he was cute, but he had a hard time seeing it. His nose wasn't small, but it also wasn't big. Just right, his mother often told him when he made fun of it, but it did have a slight kink in it, a reminder of a childhood biking accident that had left him it broken and bloody. He smiled, remembering how he'd been so proud of his "war wound". His father had called him manly after that. But Jack didn't feel manly. Hell, just thinking about his father was about to bring him to tears. Maybe that's why he wanted to be alone. He didn't want others to see his pain.

The phone began to ring, and Jack jumped in surprise for the second time in fifteen minutes. He managed to grab it on the third ring, a little breathless from the shock. "Hello?"

"My tits are fantastic, aren't they?"

"Jenna!" Jack exclaimed, genuinely happy to hear from her. He'd always liked Lacy's roommate. A sweet if slightly plain girl from some small town in Iowa, she'd always managed to seem more sophisticated than her upbringing. A trick he'd desperately like to learn, if he was honest. He always felt a bit like a yokel, even though he'd come from a rather large suburb of Minneapolis. He guessed it had little to do with where you came from and more with how you viewed yourself.

"Lacy wanted me to call. She says she doesn't owe you anything, much less an apology."

Jack giggled. Lacy and he often played this game, using Jenna as a go-between. Lord knows why she never got sick of it. "Tell her I hope she fails her test."

He heard Jenna whispering, and he knew that Lacy was standing there with her, listening to the conversation. He smiled the smile of a man bent on committing evil and enjoying the prospect. "Oh, and Jenna? Tell her Logan Hemphill says hello."

He heard Jenna choke, and he almost lost it. "LOGAN HEMPHILL?!" she exclaimed, not even taking the time to relay the message. "You talked to that hunky piece of man meat?"

Before Jack could answer, he heard a scuffle over the phone, and suddenly Lacy was talking to him. "You talked to Logan? What's going on? And don't leave out a single detail. I want to know if he so much as...I don't know, sneezed."

"I don't know, Lacy. You kinda left me in a lurch there, and I'm feeling pretty wounded. I don't know if I can trust you anymore." He could barely keep the mirth out of his voice.

"Oh, shut up, you silly faggot. Tell me what happened."


"Okay, fine," she said, giving in. "I'm sorry. Now tell me."

"Wow," Jack said. "That was so genuine, I'm bowled over by the emotions."

"Jack," Lacy pleaded, a slight whine in her voice.

"He wants me to help him with his Calculus."

"Really? Wow, that's kinda big. You'll get to be alone in a room with him and everything."

"Oh, shut up, Lacy. It's just a little bit of tutoring. But I thought you might like to know."

Lacy's voice took on a slight edge, and he could see the mothering look she had even though she was across campus. "Jack, you've been crushing on him for over a year, and now you get to spend time with him one-on-one. That's a big thing."

"Speaking of," Jack replied, finally giving in to the curiosity that had been eating away at him. "How long have you known I've had a thing for Logan?"

"Jack, we've all known for months and months. Hell, even Ryan and Lucas are sick of your moping around about it."

"Fuck, really? How come you guys never said anything about it?"

"We just figured you'd tell us when you were ready, or you'd get over it and move on to someone else. And we were right. You're telling me about it now."

"Well, not exactly." Jack was grinning now. God, he loved Lacy. "It was more like you calling me out on it."

"True, but you were still telling me, in your own confusing, chickenshit sorta way. So when are you guys getting together?"

"I'm supposed to call him tomorrow."

"Keep me posted. I want all the juicy details."

"All right. Like I could keep anything from you, anyway."

"Damn right. Oh, and Jack?" Lacy's voice took a more serious tone. "Be careful, okay? You don't even know if he's gay."


"No, I'm serious, Jack. You tend to jump into things you aren't even sure about. Look at Michael." Jack cringed at the mention of his ex-boyfriend, the one he'd caught naked and sweating with his former hall director. At least that had ended badly, or so he'd heard. A little joy at Michael's pain had helped him get over the little fucker.

"Okay, Lacy. I'll be careful."

"Good. Gotta go. Jenna's trying to raid my closet. Stupid little girl doesn't think I can see her when I'm on the phone with you."

"Talk to you later. Oh, and Lacy? I love you."

He could hear her grin through the phone. "I love you, too, dipshit."

Jack hung up the phone, smiling to himself. It had gone just as well as he'd hoped. And, even though he didn't want to admit it, Lacy was right. He had to be careful. What did he really know about Logan? The boy could be a serial killer. Jack doubted serial killers dressed that nicely, but it was possible. Then he realized he hadn't told Lacy about Logan thinking she was in Calc with him. He'd wait a second. Lacy almost always called back right away with something. Her friends liked to call it the thirty second pause. The phone rang again, and Jack grabbed it before the first ring had died.

"Lacy, just let her borrow the clothes. It's not like you don't have enough to go around."

There was a slight pause, and then, "Jack? Jack Leider?"


"It's Logan. Logan Hemphill."

Oh, shit. "Oh, hey, Logan."

"Sorry to bother you. Guess you were expecting a call from someone else, huh?"

"Shit, I'm sorry, man. I thought it was going to be Lacy again. She has the habit of calling back right away." Jack was trying furiously to stop his heart from pounding in his ears and hold control of his bladder at the same time. The fight was difficult.

"Oh, hey, no worries. I know I'm kinda calling out of the blue, but I got your number from the directory. I'm lost on this assignment, man. You'd said you might be able to help me, and I was hoping maybe you could tonight. If you're not too busy, that is. You probably have a ton of stuff to do. Hell, you probably can't. I'm sorry. I shouldn't be bothering you with this." Logan's words seemed to run together, almost as if he were hopped up on too much caffeine.

"Whoa, hey. I can help you. I've got most of my homework done."

"Really?" Logan asked, a hopeful note in his voice. "Oh, man, that's great. You're in Brandt Hall, right?"

"Um, yeah--"

"Great. I'll be over in like, ten minutes. That cool?"

"Uh, I guess--"

"Awesome. See you soon." There was a click, and then silence. He'd hung up.

Jack stared at the receiver for a minute, unsure if what he thought had just happened really had. Logan was coming over to his room? Oh, God, Logan was coming over to his room.


Second chapter down. I hope you're enjoying it so far. And thanks to all that have written. I've appreciated the support and feedback. It was more than I expected, so if I haven't responded, I'm sorry. Hopefully I'll get to it soon. Send thoughts, comments, questions and critiques (especially critiques...I really wouldn't mind the help) to

Next: Chapter 3

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