Catching up with Derrick

By moc.oohay@xse_dipertni

Published on Jan 24, 2015



This is more of a (true) confession than a story, but I figured why not share it where it might be appreciated for its dark side. This is my dirty little secret, a fetish if you will. I've been partnered for almost 7 years, with a man who I adore. Until recently I've been fully satisfied, and as a result completely faithful, for those 7 years. This wasn't the result of discontent or discord in our relationship, it was just a moment of horniness that turned in to something more.

Let me step back a little bit... I'm your average guy in his mid-30's. Relatively comfortable in my professional life, comfortably in the doldrums of my home life. Nice house, nice cars, practically married for 7 years to a great man. He's my trophy man. Former military, beautiful in every way from his handsome face to the body he still meticulously maintains. If anything, that softness that creeps up on us in our 30's has made him even better. Taking him from a chiseled muscle boy to a bulky "real" man.

Sexually, we get along great. At least that's what I've told myself for many years. We're generally compatible when it comes to sex, we're both basically versatile and have comparable sex drives. I suppose like any long term couple we've waned a bit over the years, but remained relatively in sync. But even that wasn't the source of my actions. Rather, it stemmed from my love of cum.

It's not just a love really, it's a fetish and an obsession for me. Seeing it, tasting it, feeling it and sharing it... I'm all about it. Of course, my husband has never withheld it from me. We haven't used rubbers for half a decade and almost every sexual act we commit ends with cum in a hole, but there's never any ceremony when it occurs. For him, unloading in an ass, or in his ass, is more about convenient clean up than the dirty, depraved act of "breeding" I secretly think about in my mind as I'm pumping a fresh load in him.

So after 7 years of secretly wishing my husband was a nasty pig... it happened. I was jerking off to some porn while hubby was out of town and stumbled across videos of men who were shooting massive loads. Not the fake ones, but real guys who edged for hours and blasted all over a table or mirror. Here I was, watching (relatively boring) masturbation videos and edging myself closer and closer to a great orgasm. It was at this moment my mind wondered back to my past and to an old fuck buddy I hadn't seen in years.

His name was Derrick. We didn't hook up often back in the day. Derrick was a relatively dull person, and despite some effort on our part to be social, it simply didn't work. The fact that he was strictly a top didn't help either. Not to mention the massive piece of meat between his legs. While I'd love to tell you that taking 10 fat inches was glorious ecstasy, he was simply too thick for me to take regularly, and I'd be out of commission for a week after I did. But there was one redeeming quality he did have and that was the loads that came out of his dick. We always played safe, but he loved to spray his load on my face and my hairy chest. I was always amazed by the quantity on the second or even third load in an evening. The one time I let him cum in my mouth I was struck by how awful it tasted as he literally filled my mouth, and yet there was no doubt in my mind that I would swallow that acidic, bitter fluid he was giving me. I have a cum fetish after all... and this played right in to it.

As I said, I hadn't spoken with, or even seen Derrick in several years. When the hubby and I first got together, Derrick wasn't particularly understanding of my desire to be monogamous and behaved inappropriately on a few occasions. I had to cut him loose and that meant minimizing any contact with him. So this made what I wanted to do difficult. There was a remote possibility I could go to a bar and run in to him, but I literally hadn't seen him in years so this seemed unlikely. I finally settled on digging out an old cell phone and charging it up to see if I possibly had it saved somewhere. This was fruitless as I did find his number, but when I called it was clear I had the wrong number.

That night I ended up back in front of the computer, finishing the load I had been working on for hours. If nothing else, the thought of one of Derrick's massive loads helped push me just a little bit further than your typical jerk off session. Frankly, once I emptied my balls and the pressure was released, thoughts of Derrick faded to the back of my mind as if that desire hadn't actually happened. Like the past 7 years, I had gone back to forgetting him.

It was nearly 2 months later when my partner was again out of town for work that it all came rushing back to me. I was at lunch with coworkers as I typically am every Friday, at a restaurant that I'd visited for years. About midway through our meal I noticed someone watching me from the restaurant bar. The man that was watching me looked familiar but I had a hard time placing him. I waited for an appropriate time and excused myself to check out this stranger up close.

When I was half way between our table and this stranger I immediately recognized Derrick's face. He had changed considerably since I last saw him. He had grown hair on his head and face where he was once clean shaven. I now saw beautiful eyes looking at me without the "ironic nerd" glasses he once wore. He had put on weight and muscle where he was once a fairly trim man. And he was wearing urban clothes which didn't match his mid-40's age, but framed his impressive transformation quite well.

Considering the location, our conversation was brief. It was your typical small talk, followed by a vague invitation to "hang out some time" that would typically have been followed by a further 7 years of never speaking to him again. But seeing this dark skinned, handsome man had stirred up the same feelings I had felt only a couple months before. I'm not sure if he could tell, or if he simply felt the same (or if I'm imagining it) but I would swear I saw a lengthening of his dick in his baggy sweatpants. I think it surprised him when I asked for his card with a promise to stay in touch.

The rest of the work day was rough. Knowing the card was in my pocket and what calling Derrick would lead to filled me with dread and excitement. Needless to say, the moment I was a comfortable distance from any coworkers that might see, I was clumsily typing the numbers in my phone. I hesitated only briefly to feel a moment of guilt of what I was planning and pressed that green button that would forever tarnish my reputation (if only in my own mind).

Derrick answered on the first ring, and skipped past the formality of "hello" and asked me directly "what took you so long?" Since we hadn't made any plans, nor did he have my number to know who was calling, this forwardness caught me off guard, but also set the tone for what would turn out to be the rest of the weekend. I was impressed with Derrick's restraint as he made small talk asking about my life, work and love for the past half a decade. We rarely had deep conversations but it was clear he wanted to start off on the right foot. Of course, this didn't last long and within only 5 or 10 minutes of the conversation he was inviting me to his apartment. He was careful to suggest a specific reason for his invitation, but I knew this wasn't a social call.

I initially made excuses for why I couldn't come right away but Derrick had a rebuttal for each. And before I knew it I was pointing my car in the direction of his apartment and my heart began to pound. It was no more than 15 minutes before I pulled up and parked on the street with a dry mouth and euphoric feeling in my entire body. I rang the bell to be quickly buzzed in without so much as a "who is it".

I made my way to his door slowly, as if to work up the courage. This wasn't necessary as the testosterone driving me wasn't going to allow me to turn around. With trepidation, I knocked on the door and was startled when the door was answered by someone other than Derrick. With a deer in the headlights look I asked sheepishly if Derrick was home, to which the handsome face behind the door smiled and invited me in. As he closed the door behind me he shouted to the rear of the apartment "Derrick, you've got a hot one this time!" in a playful tone. Derrick peeked his head out of the door as one who is naked often will and motioned for me to come back without a word. I glanced momentarily at the roommate, feeling judged subconsciously, to find his attention had already turned back to the television.

As I entered Derrick's room I could confirm my suspicion that he was in fact naked. I was struck by just how handsome he truly was. The presence of his beautiful beard only drew my attention more to the thick curly black hair that covered his dark chest and stomach. I didn't remember him being this hairy and the fog in my mind was only made denser by the object of my affection hanging below his sexy new beer belly. Even soft it would demand jealousy of most men, with a nice set of balls that hung nicely beneath; their smallish size betraying their potency.

We sat on his bed for what felt like an eternity, making small talk that was no less awkward than it was nearly a decade before. He asked me about my partner, which I answered hesitantly for fear of giving him material for future blackmail. After what was probably only 15 minutes or so he suggested that I make myself more comfortable, which considering the context meant I should join him in his nakedness.

It was only at this point that my inner voice questioned what I was doing. I knew that once my clothes came off, neither he nor I would be able to prevent what was about to happen. I hesitated only briefly however, as I noticed he was beginning to swell, the fantasy of what was about to happen quickly became more and more in line with reality.

To this point I had given very little thought to what might happen between us. If history was anything to go on, I would like end up giving him head for longer than my jaw was comfortable with, and leave with cum in my goatee and matting my chest hair awkwardly against my skin. I assumed my suspicion to be confirmed once I removed the last of my clothing and he pushed me to my knees.

Derrick had never been particularly aggressive in our previous experiences and I expected the same this time. Surprisingly however, this thought was quickly put to rest as he grabbed the base of his monster and planted it firmly in my throat on the first thrust. His hands holding my head firmly to ensure I neither backed away nor pulled to the side to escape. It always surprised me that Derrick enjoy head in this manner, as even with my jaw fully extended, my teeth would scrape his dick. But he seemed to pay no mind.

I pride myself on my lack of gag reflex, but the dryness of his dick and the short aggressive strokes he took in my throat quickly changed my track record. His relentlessness and refusal to allow me to recover between strokes quickly had my eyes watering and my abdominals hurting. This wasn't some cute porno gagging, this was heaving to a painful degree.

It was only once Derrick pulled himself entirely from my mouth that I understood the motivation for this violation of my throat. He growled approval as thick long ropes of saliva stretched between my quivering lips and the head of his dick. This was what he wanted. He wanted it wet and messy, and in only the first minute or so he had managed to make it happen.

It was at this point that he let go of my head and invited me to wrap my lips back around his massive tool. Without catching my breath I quickly did so and began a rhythmic dance with my tongue, lips and head, attempting to please this beast that would inevitably give me what I was really here for. After only a couple strokes Derrick told me to remain still, and once I complied he quickly went to work with thrusting in to my willing mouth and throat. He demanded that I remain stationary while he savagely fucked my face with more force than I was comfortable with. The baritone of voice however motivated me to comply.

This continued for what must have been 5 minutes or more. In those few minutes my jaw was worn out and ropes of saliva were hanging from my chin and his balls. I briefly contemplated how I would tell him I needed a break when he suddenly withdrew. I sat back on my heels gasping for breath with tears streaming from my eyes from the gagging and lack of air.

It was then I heard five words that, alongside Derrick's new found aggression, brought a new degree of trepidation for me. He pointed at the bed and matter-of-factly said "lay down on your back". This hesitation was noticed and followed swiftly by Derrick flexing his new muscles to pick me up and throw me on the bed. It was a playful gesture, but it caught me off guard. I'm a big guy, and not many men can throw me around, but Derrick was motivated. He had a point to prove, and I was along for the ride.

"Lift your legs" was his next command which I followed quickly. At this point, I was motivated by the simple reality that I hadn't taken a dick this size in years, and I didn't want to inflame the situation by failing to comply. If he were to attempt to enter me while angry, it could ruin the evening for us both.

Derrick grabbed a bottle of lube and an extra-large condom from his nightstand and made his intentions be known. "I'm about to break your hole" were words that brought fear to my brain and a rush of sexual desire to every other part of my body. Where my brain told me I should be scared, my body tensed and my hole twitched in anticipation. Derrick squeezed some lube on his fingers and quickly brought them to my hole. I distinctly remember it, because the cold lube briefly shocked me out of my sex-drunk state.

Without warning, two of Derrick's long, thick fingers were firmly embedded in my hole as far as they would go. This sudden assault on my hole was enough to remind me of the dangers of what I was about to do. He roughly worked my hole quickly, smacking my hands away as I tried, unsuccessfully, to slow him down. As a third finger forcefully joined the others, I felt a twinge of pain, and feared he would ruin the evening before it even began.

However, as much like the oral assault only minutes before, this assault on my ass ended as quickly as it began. As he withdrew I remember glancing between my legs and noticing his dick pointing at an angle well above horizontal. This caught my attention as it's the only time I've seen a dick this big, stand so rigidly, and I knew the foreplay was over.

Derrick reached down to the rubber he had placed on my belly earlier and began to struggle with its wrapper in his slippery hands. As he drew it to his mouth to use his teeth, words escaped my mouth without conscious thought. "Fuck me raw" flew from my mouth more naturally than it probably should have. This was the only time the entire evening that something had caused Derrick to miss a beat in his quest to concur my hole. Every time we'd ever hooked up, condoms had been used without thought or mentioning. So this was likely an unexpected twist for him.

"Do you mean..." Derrick began to ask before I interrupted him with a simple "yes". As he began to ask again, I reiterated with a firmer, confident "yes" which laid the issue to rest. A smile crossed Derrick's face as he spit on his hand and rubbed the head of his dick. "If I fuck you raw, I ain't gonna pull out" he trumpeted. My only response was a groan of encouragement that let him know I was fine with that. "I've been wanting to breed this white ass since the first time I had it" he said as he grabbed me by the hips and pulled me to the edge of the bed.

"I bet you say that to all of the asses you have in this bed" I replied.

"Uh huh" he affirmed, as he lined up his spit slick dick with my already slippery hole. "And it works every time."

I worked to come up with something sexy to reply with, but the time to talk was clearly over. The head of his dick was entering my hole and my attention turned to relaxing. Derrick's dick can be a bit deceiving when he first pops in. Near the head he's only slightly above what I'd call average but tapers to a massive girth near the base. He was only an inch or two in at this point and it was a beautiful feeling.

He began to move with slow, short strokes as I remember he always did, never fully withdrawing but never going deeper than an inch or two. After a couple minutes, when he was ready, he drove a couple more inches in to my hole, the extra length was easy to accommodate and the added girth reminded me of why I feared his dick in my younger days. It didn't hurt necessarily, but it was beyond what I had become accustomed to after years of taking only one dick.

He repeated the short strokes at this new depth, and as I was waiting for the next couple inches, I noticed a possessed, almost animal look in Derrick's eyes. It was a look that couldn't be mistaken for anything other than animal lust, and it was incredibly sexy. It was that look that made me notice my own dick was rock hard from the pressure on my prostate, the smell of sweat in the room and the beast between my legs.

A moan of ecstasy escape my lips, and I mumbled something to Derrick along the lines of "oh baby, give me that dick". A small smile graced his lips and he repositioned himself with his arms surrounding my legs and his hands getting a firm grasp on my shoulders. As the smile turned back to the look of a predator stalking prey, Derrick growled "I thought you'd never ask" and buried the rest of his massive tool in my ass.

The searing pain in my hole caused a guttural scream to escape my lips. I fought to remove the intruder from my hole, losing awareness of time and space. To maintain his position, Derrick had leaned forward pressing my legs to my chest and wrapping his arms around my back to restrain my arms and legs from making any meaningful gesture of resistance. At 6'4" and 260 pounds, I've never been legitimately restrained by anyone. He held me firmly, while I strained, until my muscles were sore.

As the pain subsided, I vague recalled the roommate Antoine knocking on the bedroom door asking if everything was ok, with Derrick assuring him it was. My vision was blurry, which given my state of confusion concerned me. It took a moment for me to realize the blurriness was a result of the tears in my eyes. I had experienced a real pain that was nothing like the pain-to-pleasure fantasy one often reads about.

When I focused back on the face of the man whose dick was practically in my soul, I saw a genuine look of concern. He brought his face to mine and kissed me with a passion that took my mind from this place and soothed any pain I was feeling. As he pulled away he apologized for the misunderstanding, and looked with the eyes of a sad puppy asking me if I wanted him to stop. While a part of me contemplated ending the night at this point, the realization that the hard part was over, and I was only a short time away from what I came here for resulted in a single word escaping my lips... "no".

Derrick shifted his weight off of me and changed to a position I was all too familiar with. Derrick only fucked in the missionary position, and it worked well for him. I remained on my back with my legs pulled close to my chest. Derrick masterfully pushed my legs away from him, to bring my ass off the bed and allow him a straight shot at my ass with him on his knees. This afforded him both the perfect angle in which to enter my ass, and leverage for later when the pace would inevitably increase.

Until now Derrick's dick had never moved from his balls deep position, but he was now ready to fuck. He slowly withdrew, with my already battered hole gripping as he did so. "Still a perfect fit" he said with a coy smile, acting as if the events immediately preceding hadn't happened. I contemplated a response too slowly, as when he sank back in a moan of pleasure escaped my lips. "I guess you agree" was his cocky reply. He settled on a slow pace, withdrawing only 2 or 3 inches each time before diving back in to my ass. The pain in my ass was still present, so I appreciated the slow ride for the time being.

Fortunately, it didn't take long before my ass had acclimated to the massive ebony tool in it, and I was moaning with each stroke Derrick made in to my hole. My busy mind, now given time to focus on the matter at hand, flashed back to years prior and remembered just how great a fuck this man was. Every stroke was identical to the last, and each of them was perfect. From the arrow straight angle of entry, to the balls-deep-every-time penetration, this was heaven.

I also became keenly aware of what made Derrick's dick so great. While the entry was rough, every other aspect was amazing. Despite his massive length and girth, his tool had a slight downward curve that literally was a perfect fit in my hole. In the dozen or so times we fucked, he never once bottomed out like so many other dicks have, even when he got rough. While his dick got hard enough to fuck, and fuck well, he never got completely rigid. As such, while he was easily 4 inches longer than my partner, it was easier to accommodate him than my partner's rigid upward curve I'd taken hundreds of times.

"Your dick IS perfect" escaped my lips after only a few minutes of this slow ride. Prompting a look of pride to cross Derrick's face. I felt a brief twinge in my hole as his dick got a little harder. His stroke was evolving and every few pumps, with effortless regularity, he would withdraw much further and bury himself again. Perhaps it was my imagination, or perhaps the raw contact, but with these longer strokes I would swear I could feel details of Derrick's dick I had never noticed before.

I concentrated on the amazing feeling I felt in my ass and the newfound feelings I was experiencing. Derrick's dick was veiny and rough, but with amazingly smooth skin covering the shaft. I could feel each ridge and vein as they slid past the muscles in my tightly stretched ass with each withdraw. In contrast, the head of his meat was rough, with a pronounced ridge that drilled in to me with each penetration.

These feelings were new to me and I concentrated on them intently. Never before, had I felt the fine, intricate sensations this dick was creating. Nearly 15 minutes in to the encounter Derrick's pace remained unchanged, but his technique certainly had. He was long-dicking my hole with machine precision. Each time he would withdraw until on only the head remained trapped in my hole, followed by smoothly burying his massive tool 10 inches deep inside of me.

This continued for a time I couldn't define, lost in the amazing feelings Derrick was masterfully creating in me. By this point I hadn't touched my own dick, which was now rigid and begging for attention. Realizing Derrick had left the lube on the nightstand, and reaching for it would spoil the perfection that was this position, I reached between my legs to feel the massive shaft entering me. I collected just enough lube to massage my own tool without interrupting Derrick's rhythm.

When I had felt Derrick's meat, with no rubber between his flesh and mine, I quickly remembered the motivation which had brought me to this moment. The fantasy came rushing back to me, and within seconds of wrapping my slippery hand around my own tool, I knew this scene wouldn't last much longer. I'd experienced the perfect fuck for what I imagine was the past 30 minutes and I was instantly on the verge of exploding. Had I not touched my cock, I'd have probably shot anyway.

With my attention turned towards pleasuring myself, Derrick must have sensed this and picked up the pace. His strokes shortened and his hips took on a piston action that is familiar with any man making the transition from fucking for pleasure, and fucking to cum. While my strokes on my own dick remained slow, my sense of pleasure heightened nonetheless.

For the first time since he started rhythmically drilling my hole, I met Derrick eye to eye right as he was making the transition to jack hammering my as. The look on his face was no longer that of a predator stalking prey, nor was it one of a man concerned for the pleasure of his partner. It was the look of a man who had one goal, and that was to nut. "I'm close" I said to him, hoping he remembered that once I cum, the fucking stops. He replied, in a smooth, baritone with a plea that was unlike any I'd heard from Derrick before "wait for me baby."

With this Derrick closed his eyes and grabbed my hips. He was fucking me with abandon, with only one goal. Every few seconds he would whisper "wait for me baby" while his breathing became sharp and fast. I had let go of my cock by this point, otherwise I'd have cum. The violent battering of my hole, combined with watching the master at work, would have been too much to take. I was willing myself not to cum with every muscle in my body, and my strength was waning.

Derrick's eyes suddenly shot open and he looked at me with a yearning I had never seen in a human being. "Can I breed you?" he shouted, to ensure he was heard. "Yes!" was my only reply as I reached for my own dick. While it didn't cross my mind at the time, Derrick and I always finished together, every single time. The scenes were always perfect, and we both climaxed in unison whenever we met. This time would be no different.

As my balls pulled tight to the base of my dick, I unleashed a flood of cum that shot past my chest, over my head and on to the headboard of the bed. At that moment I also felt a sensation like none I had ever experienced, with an instant burning sensation enveloping the deepest parts of my gut. Derrick buried himself in me and unleashed a torrent of his seed in to my belly. The sensation of which completely overwhelmed any awareness I had of my own orgasm. It was both intoxicating and simultaneously overwhelming. My ass had been seeded with regularity over the past 5 years, but I was never as innately aware of it as I was at this moment. I briefly had to remind myself why I had come here, to keep myself from forcibly removing Derrick from the confines of my ass.

It took no more than a fraction of a second for the raunchy part of my brain to command my arms and legs to latch on to Derrick and pull him close. I came here to take a massive load, and the sensation emanating from my abdomen was signaling mission accomplished. The sensation was so overwhelming that I was barely aware of Derrick, and his gasping for breath above me. His weight was now resting on me, bending me in half to an almost uncomfortable degree. Long after his massive tool had ceased to spasm in my hole, the spasms of his body at the end of a powerful orgasm brought my attention back to the here and now.

While I had certainly painted the headboard with my own orgasm, I was now becoming aware of the quickly cooling remnants of my own massive load on my face and chest. As I watched the look of ecstasy fade from Derricks face, and his eyes return from their sojourn to the recesses of his eye sockets, I began to smile. Derrick caught my gaze and chuckled, asking self-consciously what I was smiling about. I don't really remember how I responded, it may have been with words or animal grunts of pleasure. Nonetheless, Derrick lifted his chest from mine appearing to be satisfied with my appreciation for his talent.

Few words were spoken for several minutes as his meat softened in my ass, before he eventually chose to withdraw. As he dragged himself from my hole, he instructed me to clench. Apparently my hole was thoroughly distended and he didn't want me to lose any of his "babies" as he put it. As the head fell out of my hole, he quickly stood and I could tell his legs were shaky. It was at this point I noticed a white streak of fluid along the length of his dick, leading to a drop of fluid at the tip, perilously close to dropping to the floor.

I shifted on the bed and hung my head over the edge. I opened my mouth and waited for Derrick to allow me to savor the rest of his cream. This was something that would never happen at home, and it was unplanned now. I reached out and grabbed him gently by the nuts and pulled him towards me. As I wrapped my lips around the head of his deflated meat I heard him sigh, and his body jumped from the over-stimulation. Fearing he'd revolt, I easily swallowed his now soft tool completely, cleaning it thoroughly with my mouth and tongue. Before long he withdrew, having no interest in the added stimulation.

As I righted myself, I maneuvered off the bed to stand on my own shaky legs. A cocky smile formed across Derrick's face, followed by an undeniable truth from his mouth: "We have great sex together." Still slightly high from my mind-blowing orgasm, and the new sensation of gravity's effect on the nut in my belly, I agreed wholeheartedly. Derrick handed me a towel and I wiped my face and chest.

Derrick glanced at the clock, grabbed a pair of boxer briefs from the dresser and stated without fanfare that he needed to be leaving. There was something about this scenario that was both troubling and extremely sexy. Derrick had accomplished his mission, and now he was done with me. I asked if I could excuse myself to the restroom, and he rejected my request while continuing to dress, insisting he really needed to go. I paused only briefly and began to dress as well.

Within only a couple minutes we were both dressed and exiting his bedroom. The roommate was still watching TV, but turned his attention to us as we came in to view. The feeling of being exposed was one I hadn't felt in years, but I felt it now. He smiled briefly before casually returning his attention to the television. This was clearly not the first time he'd witnessed the proverbial walk of shame.

As we exited the apartment and began walking down the hallway towards the exterior door, Derrick said nothing. I hadn't been treated like meat in years, and it was somewhat disconcerting in this case. With only a few steps to go before we would part ways, Derrick stopped me and turned me towards him. He came towards me, as if for a kiss, while simultaneously working his hand down the back of my pants, sticking his finger in to my sloppy hole.

"I was going to kiss you, but I know where your mouth has been" he said with a look of childish pride. I forced a chuckle that betrayed my mildly hurt feeling. "But the load I left in this ass should be enough of a reminder of what just happened, that you don't need a goodbye kiss."

With that, he withdrew his finger from my ass, pulled his hand from my pants, and shoved the same finger in my mouth. After he was sure it was clean he pulled it from my lips with a pop and walked away without another word. Slightly stunned, I turned to follow a few seconds later. He exited the building to the right and I went left to return to my car. We had walked until we were nearly 50 feet apart before I heard Derrick shout "hey!" from behind me.

I turned around, wondering what he could possibly have left to say. "You're coming back tomorrow" he shouted firmly. And turned again and walked away.

The events of this story occurred around Thanksgiving 2014, and Derrick and I have had further encounters since. I would love to get feedback, and hear what you guys think, and I might take the time to put them in words as well.

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