Catherine's Hitchhiker

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Jul 31, 2005



This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author. This is one of my older stories. I hope that you will like it.

Catherine's Hitchhiker By Chris

Catherine had just turned forty and was the owner of an envelope company that that her father had left to her when he had died of a heart attack five years before. Catherine was sure that he would have preferred to leave the company to a son but after she was born her parents found out that, her mother could not have any more children. Therefore, her father made the best of the situation and he made sure she knew everything about the business. She worked her summers there as she grew up and knew how to run every machine in the business. Even today, if they got a new machine in she made sure that she could run it. Five years before her father died, he had turned most of the day-to-day running of the company to her, and in the past ten years, she had seen the company grow by forty percent and it was still growing.

It was a Friday evening when she was driving back from a meeting with one of her company's oldest customers that she did something that went against her very nature. She had met with the son of the owner on Wednesday and then had to spend a couple of days at the owner's house. She had known Mac and Patty her whole life and they were more like family friends than customers. They were getting older now and she felt like she had to see them at least a few times a year. She did enjoy spending time with them so it was not something she felt had to do but wanted to do. It was a nice break but she was happy to get home and back to work. She had the weekend to catch up with everything before getting back to work on Monday.

She did not get away from Mac and Patty until after eight in the evening and now, it was eleven and she only had one more hour until she was home. It had rained all the way from Mac's and at times, it poured. That was all she had seen since she left to go on her trip was rain, rain and more rain. She was in the middle of one of those downpours when she saw something beside the road ahead. As she got closer, she saw that it was a woman sitting on the side of the road with her thumb out. She slowed a bit but had no intention of stopping, as she never picked up hitchhikers; it was just too dangerous nowadays. As she passed by, she saw that it was a young girl who looked like she was soaked to the bone. She was out there with no raincoat or anything to shield her from the rain. Catherine went on past but she had not gone a half mile before her conscious got to her. She could not leave the girl out there in the rain like that. She found a place to turn around and came back. As she passed the girl, she looked around to make sure that no one else hiding by the side of the road, and she saw the girl looking at her with pleading eyes. She turned around again, pulled up by the girl, and hit the lever to roll down the passenger window. She still had all the doors locked, as she was nervous as hell picking up a hitchhiker.

Catherine watched as the girl slowly got up and walked to the car. Catherine noticed that she was a little older than she thought, but could not been out of school long. She had long brown straight hair with small breasts and was thin.

"Where are you going?"

"Anywhere as long as it is dry." The girl said in a weak voice.

"Well get in." Catherine said as she unlocked the door and got a blanket from the back seat to put it over the seat. Catherine got a good look at the girl as she got in. She was very pale and had dark circles under her eyes. As she sat down, she had a coughing fit that sounded wet and bad.

Catherine took off quickly after the girl got in and watched as she covered herself in the blanket. Catherine started talking to the girl fussing at her about being alone at this time at night and in the rain at that. The girl's only acknowledgement was to ask for the heat to be turned on as she was freezing. Catherine turned it on even though it was the middle of the summer and it was a hot humid night even with the rain. The girl coughed on and on and she kept shivering even with the blanket and heat on. The girl had her head against the door window and every once in a while Catherine thought she heard a moan come from her direction. Catherine finally reached over and felt the girl's head and found that the girl was burning up. Catherine shook the girl's shoulder but all she got was a moan. Catherine was definitely not a doctor but she knew this girl was very ill and she had to get her to the hospital quick. Catherine went as fast as the conditions allowed and in a half hour had her at the emergency room entrance. Catherine rushed in a got an orderly to help her get the girl inside. They took the girl into a room and Catherine was left waiting outside. She wanted to leave as she felt that she had done her part and got the girl help but she stayed for some reason. She did not want to get involved with some drugged out teenager but the girl looked so helpless by the side of the road. As she waited, she got her laptop from the car and checked her emails. It was not until about three am that the Doctor came out to see her.

He said that she had a very sick girl on her hands. She had pneumonia in both lungs and was running a fever of a hundred and six. He asked Catherine what she knew about the girl and all she could say was that she found her hitchhiking by the side of the road, that she did not even know the girls name. That the doctor said that he could tell her. They had found her driver's license in her back pocket but nothing else; no money, no phone numbers, nothing that could tell them anything about the girl. The doctor gave the license to Catherine and she looked at the girl's name, Holly Lynn Ferguson. She was eighteen and born in Morristown, Kansas.

Catherine then made a decision that she figured that she would regret. She told the doctor she would take care of the girl's bill and to make sure to take good care of her. The doctor said that they would and that they were going to take her to ICU for a couple of days and if she responded to the medicine then they would move her to a regular room. Catherine took the driver's license to the front desk to arrange for billing. The girl at the desk kept asking her questions about the girl that obviously Catherine did not know and Catherine tried to explain the situation but was getting nowhere. She was about to lose her temper with the girl when the ER Doctor came by and saw what was happening. He excused himself and took the girl to the back office. When the girl reappeared, she was smiling nervously. She was now very helpful. Catherine knew the doctor had told the girl that she was talking to the newest member of the Board of Directors of the Hospital. She wasn't going to use that but she did not mind that the doctor doing it for her. But she was going to mention to the Director of Admissions about his people being a little more helpful. She finally got all the paper work done and she left the hospital in the wee hours of the night. Catherine picked up the girls clothes that she had been wearing. They smelled liked the girl had been wearing them for a few days.

She slept for a few hours, washed out the girl's clothes and then stopped by the plant before going to the hospital late Saturday afternoon. When she got to the ICU, the nurses rolled out the red carpet for her. The word that the girl was a friend of hers obviously had made it up the unit. They told her to stay as long as she liked and gave her a nice chair that she could sit in. Holly, as she now knew was the girls name to be, looked a lot better. Her skin was not so pale and there was some color in her cheeks. The nurse said that she had not woken up yet and that was beginning to worry them. Catherine checked Holly over then sat down. She was not sure what she should be doing or why she was there in the first place but here she was. Catherine sat there for a little while then saw Holly move her hand. On an impulse, she took Holly's hand in hers and squeezed it. Holly's hand was cool to the touch and very soft. Catherine sat there holding Holly's hand and then she started to talk to her quietly. She told Holly all about herself and then told her how dangerous it was for Holly to be out there hitchhiking on her own. Catherine had been there for about two hours when she decided to leave. She told Holly that she had to go but that she would come back. She started to let go of Holly's hand when she felt Holly squeezed her hand and heard a weak voice asking her not to go. Catherine looked up to see Holly looking back at her with crystal blue eyes. Catherine smiled at her trying to give Holly her most confident smile.

"Well you decided to wake up. You were beginning to have us worried. How are you feeling?"

"Tired and thirsty."

"Let me go get the nurse I am sure they will want to talk to you."

"Don't leave." Holly pleaded.

"Don't worry I will be right back. I promise and I never break my promises."

Catherine smiled and squeezed Holly's hand and then left to get the nurse. She quickly returned with the nurse in tow.

"See I told you I would be right back didn't I?"

Holly smiled and held out her hand for Catherine who took it in hers. The nurse asked Holly many questions and then checked the IV's that were in her other arm. She told Holly that she was going to call the Doctor and she was sure that he would be in to see her soon. Catherine asked the nurse about giving Holly some water and she checked the chart. The nurse told Catherine that Holly could have small sips but limit it to sips only. The nurse left and returned with a cup of ice water with a straw. Catherine had never played nursemaid before but she guessed now was as good a time as any to start. She took the cup and gave Holly a sip then took a cloth by the bed and wiped Holly's chin when she dribble a drop or two. Catherine then sat back down, took Holly's hand, and started talking. Most of what she told her was the same things she was telling her when Holly was asleep. She told her that she owned an envelope company that was left to her by her father. She told her that she was forty and never been married or had any children. She did leave out what very few in this town knew which was that she was a lesbian. She talked a while until Holly drifted off the sleep. Catherine then took a break, went to the bathroom, and got something to eat.

When she came back, a couple of hours later the Doctor was with Holly and Holly looked scared. Catherine sat down and took Holly's hand again and that seemed to calm her back down. The Doctor asked Holly some more questions and looked her over real good. He also told Holly that he was going to have respiratory therapy come it and do some treatments. The therapy would not be fun but if she did as she was told that she would get out of the hospital that much sooner. Holly agreed to do whatever they said. When the doctor left, Holly made Catherine promise that she would be there when they came to do her treatments. Catherine said that she would, realizing that she was probably stuck there the rest of the night. It was not long before respiratory therapy came in and started the treatments. First, there was a breathing treatment followed by them showing Holly how to hold a pillow to her chest and cough. Catherine could tell it hurt Holly to cough but she kept trying and soon she was bringing up stuff from her lungs that Catherine had just as soon never seen. The treatment tired Holly out and as soon as they left, Holly fell to sleep but not before reaching for Catherine's hand.

Catherine spent the rest of the night there only taking short breaks and sleeping in her chair as best as she could. Sunday, Holly was feeling much better but could only stay awake for short periods of time. Catherine was finally able to find out something about Holly as she gently probed her about her past. She found out that Holly never knew who her father was. Her mother had one boyfriend after another none of them rated much above a bum. Holly had pretty much raised herself as her mom took little or no interest in her. Holly attended school when she wanted to and no one seemed to care, not her mother or the school system. When Holly turned eighteen, her mother left with a truck driver going west so Holly decided that she would go east and try to find something better. The road was not what she though it would be. She did meet some nice people but some bad ones too. She would work a few days to make some money and then move on. It was three days before Catherine picked her up that her luck ran completely out. She had met up with a couple of girls and had stayed with them. They seemed real nice that first night but when she woke up the next day she was alone in the motel room and her money and clothes were gone. She was in the middle of nowhere so she started walking down the road when it started to rain and it rained on her for three days. She told Catherine she had given up all hope when Catherine came along. Catherine was in tears at this point of the story and she knew one way or another she was going to help this girl. If anyone deserved a break, it was Holly.

Catherine spent Sunday and on to early Monday morning with Holly. It was about four am when Catherine woke Holly up and told her that she had to go to work but she would be back that evening. Holly said okay then Catherine on impulse moved over to the head of Holly's bed and kissed her on the forehead. Holly smiled and squeezed Catherine's hand and then let it go. Catherine left knowing that she had a long day ahead. When Catherine got to the plant and her secretary came in, she called her into her office. Catherine explained what had happened on Friday night and part of Holly's story. Then she asked her secretary for a favor. If she would take her two teenage daughters and get Holly some clothes then she could also buy her daughters a couple of outfits too. Her secretary said that she and her daughters would be glad to help and she did not need to but them anything but Catherine said to buy the girls something and that she would be calling them to make sure that their mom did do that. Her secretary told Catherine that if she weren't already her daughter's hero then she would be now. Catherine gave her Holly's sizes that she had gotten off the clothes Holly had been wearing and gave her a company credit card.

When Catherine came back that evening they had moved Holly to a private room and had her sitting up and walking a little. Holly could only go a short distance before she had to return and rest. The poor girl was mentally and physically worn out. Catherine stayed a few hours but the weekend was beginning to show on Catherine and Holly made her go home that night and get some sleep as long as Catherine stopped by to see her before work and then after work. The rest of the week Catherine saw vast improvements with Holly's health. She was getting around better and was coughing less. On Thursday when Catherine came in Holly looked like she was about to cry.

"What's wrong honey? Did something happen today?"

Holly burst into tears and Catherine came over to the bed and sat beside her. She took Holly into her arms and let her cry a moment. When Holly got her composure back Catherine asked her again what was wrong.

"The Doctor came in today and said he was releasing me tomorrow."

"Well that is great news honey. I know after a week here I would be dying to get out."

"But I don't have anywhere to go and I have no money. Plus I don't think I am well enough to get a job yet even if I could find one."

Catherine smiled and wiped the last of the tears from Holly's eyes.

"Well don't worry about the job or money quite yet. You can find something when you get your strength back and as to where you can live for the time being. Well that is my fault, I though I had told you that you can stay will me as long as you want."

"Are you sure? You have done so much for me already, I can't ask for anything more."

"You don't have to ask. I am offering and I won't take no for an answer."

Holly did not answer but instead turned and hugged Catherine. She kept waiting for Holly to let go but when she didn't Catherine realized that Holly was crying again. Catherine held her tight and stroke Holly's back and head. As she held her, she began to feel a stirring in her body. It had been a couple of years since her last lover left her and she had forgotten how much she missed holding someone. Holding Holly brought it all back, the need to have someone in her life. She vowed not take advantage of this girl. They held each other for a few minutes then Holly pulled back embarrassed by being so emotional. Catherine tried to put Holly at ease by telling her that her house was too big for her and she needed the company.

Catherine took Friday afternoon off and came to the hospital to pick Holly up. She had put her old jeans and top on. Catherine waited as the nurses checked her out and took her in a wheel chair down to the entrance. Catherine had left her car there, she helped Holly get in, and she took off. It took about twenty minutes for Catherine get them home and Holly was taking in everything. Once at home Catherine showed Holly around, which was circular and had a porch going all round the house. When that was done, Catherine showed Holly what would be her room and when Holly opened the closet door she found all sorts of outfits hanging there and they were all in her sizes. Holly looked at Catherine with a question on her face.

"There are all yours. If you look in the dresser, you will find some bras and panties for you to wear. I had my secretary to pick you up some things. She has two teenage daughters that love to shop so they did not mind at all shopping for you especially since they got to pick out some things for themselves."

"I don't know what to say. No one ever done anything like this for me before, I am not so sure I deserve this. I can never replay you for all this if I lived a hundred years."

"Well you can't repay me because I will never ask you to. I am doing it because I can. And you do deserve something good to happen to you so don't ever think that you don't."

Holly ran over to Catherine and hugged her. Catherine wrapped her arms around Holly holding her tight and again feeling those feelings again. She tried to block them out but that was getting harder to do. When Holly finally let go Catherine looked into her eyes as she brushed the hair from Holly's face. Catherine thought how pretty a girl Holly really was. She was not sure that she could keep her hands off this girl but again she vowed to herself that she would.

Catherine took Holly into the living room and settled her on the couch as she went to make them some lunch. When she returned, she found that Holly had fallen sound asleep on the couch. Catherine smiled to herself and got a blanket to put over her. Catherine went to her office that she had made one of the bedrooms into and did some work as Holly slept. It was close to dinnertime before Holly woke up so Catherine warmed up the lunch she had made for her. They talked a while then Holly said that she would like to take a shower. Catherine showed Holly where everything was and left her to shower. It was about twenty minutes later that Holly came into the living room looking refreshed from her shower. Catherine noticed that she had a glow to her face that she had not seen before. Holly was wearing one of her robes and she came over and sat beside of Catherine. They sat there and watched a movie and Catherine could not help breathing in the scent of Holly freshly washed body.

They watched a movie then Catherine got up and took her own shower. As she washed her body, all she could think of was Holly. There was something about the girl that had woken up that urgent need inside of her. As her hands ran over her breasts, she felt her nipples harden and she could not help but to caress them. She squeezed and pinched her nipples then she moved her right hand down her body. She kept her pubic hair trimmed and her fingers quickly went over her mound and on to her pussy. She was already aroused and her clit was peeking out from its hood. She caressed her clit with her fingers then pushed two fingers deep into her pussy. She started slowly then pushed harder and faster into her pussy. She was super wet and her fingers slipped in and out easily. She had to bit her lip to keep from moaning aloud. As she approached her orgasm, she moved her fingers to her clit rolling it between her index and thumb. She then began to rub her clit with her fingers applying the pressure she needed to make her cum. This brought her to a quick climax. As she recovered, she realized that it had been much too long since she had last had an orgasm. She then quickly finished her shower before Holly began to wonder what happened to her.

When she came back to the living room, she found Holly about half-asleep so she told her it was time to hit the sack. She took Holly into her bedroom to find her a nightgown to wear. She had slept in the nude for years now so she had some trouble finding a nightgown. She came across some see through gowns and a baby doll set but they did not seem appropriate for the moment. She finally found an old nightgown in her dresser. However, when she turned around she found Holy curled up on her bed sound asleep. Catherine sighed trying to decide what to do. She did not trust herself to sleep in the same bed with Holly but at the same time, she did not have the heart to wake her up. She thought a minute or two then went over to the bed and got Holly into a sitting position. Holly woke up enough to do as Catherine asked. Catherine untied the robe and took it off Holly. That left her in only her panties. Catherine looked down at Holly's small breasts with her light brown areolas. It was all Catherine could do not to reach down and take one of Holly's breasts into her hand feeling the soft flesh. But Catherine put it out of her mind and put the gown over Holly's head and got it on her, covering up what she so wanted to touch. Catherine pulled down the comforter and sheet and tucked Holly into her bed. She though about where was she going to sleep for a few minutes then she said the hell with it. She found another old nightgown and slipped it over her body. She then climbed into bed with Holly. She had trouble going to sleep hearing Holly breathing beside her and feeling the warmth of her body so near but eventually she fell into a peaceful sleep.

Sometime during the night, Catherine felt a weight on her chest. As she woke up, she realized that Holly had moved during the night and she was now draped across her body with her head on Catherine's shoulder. Catherine thought "Oh god now what do I do" then she did what came natural. She put her arms around Holly squeezing her tight against her body. Catherine began to rub Holly's back and stroke her hair. She felt Holly stir and "coo" a little and Catherine stopped what she was doing until she felt Holly settle back down. Catherine held her close and soon fell back to sleep. The next morning Catherine woke up first. She kissed Holly on the forehead then slipped out from under her.

She had breakfast made by the time Holly came into the kitchen. They had their breakfast and they talked a while. Catherine told Holly that she had to go to the plant to do some paperwork that she did not get to on Friday and asked Holly if she wanted to ride alone. Holly happily accepted and they went to get dressed and were off. Once there, Catherine gave a quick tour of the plant and then led Holly up to her office. As she did her work, Holly lay down on the couch and caught a nap. Every occasionally Catherine would catch herself looking at Holly's sleeping form instead of doing her work. She knew if she kept this up, she would never get her work done so she would get back to work only to find herself staring at Holly a little while later. Finally, she got everything done, she woke Holly up, and they left to get a bite of lunch. Catherine took her to a little restaurant that was nearby that served great pasta. They got a booth in the back and Catherine ordered a pasta salad and Holly did the same. As they ate, Catherine kept noticing that Holly's knee kept touching hers. She would keep it there a moment then take it away but it always came back. Catherine was not sure if Holly realized what she was doing or what those touches was doing to her body. By the time they left the restaurant, Catherine's panties were soaking wet. When they arrived home, Catherine had to make a quick trip to her bedroom went to change her clothes and put on a fresh pair of panties.

Catherine then made them some ice tea and they went out on the porch to sit. Catherine had a swing and Holly decided that was where she wanted to sit and relax. They sat and swung as they talked. Holly opened up more about her childhood or really lack of one. Catherine told her that she actually turned out well considering that she had really raised herself. Holly told Catherine that she was worried about never finishing school and not knowing what she wanted to do with her life but Catherine assured her that she would help her there. She could her GED and then go on the school or get a job, the possibilities were endless. Catherine put her arm around Holly and pulled her against her body to reassure her. Catherine was going to release her after a moment but Holly settled back and put her head against Catherine's shoulder. Therefore, she left her arm where it was and gently stroked Holly's upper arm. Catherine felt her nipples get hard again and her pussy start to tingle with the presence of Holly's body against hers. Holly's body was warm and soft and she knew it was a waste of time to change her panties before as they were getting wet again.

Soon Catherine noticed that Holly's breathing had changed and that she had dosed off. Seeing Holly sleeping made her sleepy and with the gentle rocking of the swing, she soon dosed off herself. They slept there for about an hour before Holly's stirring woke Catherine up. Holly moved back over and they stretched a moment. Catherine suggested that they take a short walk before supper so they got up and walked around the house as Catherine showed Holly her flowerbeds. Catherine pointed out the different flowers and told Holly all about them as gardening was her only hobby. They spent about an hour walking and talking just enjoying the warmth of the sun and their blossoming friendship. When they got back neither was hungry but Catherine knew Holly needed some nutrition in her body so she made them a light salad. When supper was over, they retired to the living room for a little TV. They had been there about an hour when Holly spoke up.

"Would you mind if I borrowed your tub to take a bath? It has been a long time since I have been able to just soak in a tub."

"Sure you can take a bath anytime you want. You will really love my tub, as it is also a spa and the water jets moving the water around really feels good. I don't use it enough myself."

Catherine got up and taking Holly by the hand led her to the master bathroom. Catherine turned on the water and when it got warm, she started to fill the tub. As she turned to get Holly some towels out, she was shocked to see Holly undressing in front of her. Holly had her top off and was in the process of pulling her jeans down, thus leaving her in just her bra and panties. Holly straightened back up and started to take her bra off. Catherine tried not the stare but that is what she did. Holly calmly reached back, unhooked her bra, and pulled it off putting it on top of her jeans. Catherine looked at Holly's small but shapely breasts. Holly was slim and her small B cup breasts were just right for her body. Catherine could see that her nipples were beginning to harden in the cool air of the bathroom. Catherine continued to watch as Holly put her hands at the waistband of her panties and pushed them over her hips and on down. Catherine took in Holly's full bush and could just make out the pink slit hidden beneath. Catherine's panties were soaked by now and it felt like her heart was beating 200 beats a minute. She knew she had to get out of there soon or she would attack this girl. Holly broke the silence that filled the room when she spoke.

"Would you like to join me? Your tub is big enough for four people and you said that you never get to soak in the tub as much as you would like."

Catherine tried to think of a reason not to join Holly but her brain was not working and she heard herself saying "Sure." Holly got on into the tub as it was about half full. For the first time in twenty years, Catherine felt shy getting undressed if front of someone. She slowly pulled her top off and then her jeans. Now she was standing in just her bra and panties. She stopped and wondered what Holly would think of her body. She wasn't as young as she use to be but she did keep in shape.

Catherine stopped there as she thought to herself "Holly is not interested in my body, I'm the only lesbian in the room. But then again why did Holly offer to have her join her in the bathtub?"

Catherine suddenly realized that she had stopped taking off her clothes and was just standing there as these thoughts went through her head. She looked over at Holly and saw her staring at her as she had stared at Holly. Her mind began to wonder, "Maybe I am not the only lesbian in this room." Finally, she told her mind to stop thinking and just get undressed. She unhooked her bra and took it off. She had a small C cup breasts and that had sagged a bit but still she could go without a bra if she wanted. She then peeled her panties off. She looked for Holly's reaction of her neatly trimmed bush. She kept it trimmed to about a half inch and had it cut into a "V" shape. Catherine saw that Holly was taking in all of her body. Catherine nervously stepped into the bathtub and sat facing Holly.

They sat there for a minute in silence and the tension was building inside Catherine. She was not sure what she should do next when she realized that the water was still running but the facet was on Holly's end of the bath.

"Ah, let me slip by you and I will turn off the water and turn on the jets." Catherine stuttered out.

Holly moved over and let Catherine slip by but Catherine's body still brushed against Holly's and that felt so good. Catherine got by, turned off the water, and then turned on the jets. She settled down on her end of the tub and lay back against the side of the tub. She had put her legs on each side of Holly's legs and the contact felt great. Catherine decided the best thing she could do was to close her eyes and try to relax and maybe she would get though this without doing something she would later regret. She was there only for a few moments when she felt Holly moving around. She thought that she was going to lie back against the other side of the tub when she felt Holly's butt moving between her legs. Her eyes popped open as she saw Holly lay back against her body. Catherine started to ask Holly "What the hell was she doing?" but then she thought, "Fuck it, Holly was a big girl and she should know what she was doing." Catherine opened her arms and as Holly laid her head on Catherine's shoulder, and then she wrapped her arms around Holly's chest. Catherine could feel the bottom of Holly's breasts brush against the top of her arms and it made her nipples grow hard and her pussy begin to itch. Catherine wanted to do more but she just held Holly close to her body and began to relax. It was so nice to be able to hold someone in her arms again. They laid there for about an hour with the water swirling around their bodies. They both fell asleep for a while and Catherine woke up when she felt Holly began to move in her arms. Once Catherine was awake, she realized that one of her arms had moved and it was now covered one of Holly's breast. She felt the hard nipple against the soft portion of the underside of her forearm. Catherine removed her arm feeing slightly embarrassed but Holly did not say anything. Holly went ahead and sat up in the tub facing Catherine.

Holly picked up a washcloth and some liquid soap and began to wash. Catherine sat there a moment wishing she were the one washing that body. She was so horny now she could not stand it. She watched Holly a few minutes as the washcloth went over her arms and then her chest and over those breasts and pink hard nipples. Finally, Catherine snapped from her trance and began to wash her own body. Once they had washed, Holly spoke up.

"You wouldn't happen to have a razor and shaving cream that I can use. My legs and armpits really need a shaving. I was going to do it last night but I did not know where you kept everything and I did not want to go through your stuff without asking."

Catherine wanted to say that she had noticed that her pits and legs were a little hairy but kept that thought to herself. She also realized that being on the road for a couple of months would leave you without a real way to keep your legs smooth.

"You can go through anything I have, don't worry about it. I keep my shaving stuff in the other bathroom but I keep a new razor and cream in the cabinet. Let me get it for you."

Catherine got up, tiptoed quickly to the cabinet, got the razor and stuff, and then she turned around. She saw that Holly had sat up on the back corner of the tub with her back against the wall and was watching her every move. Catherine readily recognized the look that was in Holly's eyes. Catherine decided that maybe she should make a discrete pass and see if Holly was receptive. She looked down at her hands and seeing the razor, she figured now was as good a time as any. Catherine got back into the tub.

"Would you like me to shave you?"

Holly hesitated for a second and then smiled. "No one has ever offered to do that for me. Sure go ahead, I think it would be nice."

"You might not think that once I am done as I have never shaved anyone's legs and armpits before."

"I trust you, go for it."

Catherine shook the can, put some cream on the palm of her hand, and had Holly lift her arms over her head. Catherine came in close to Holly's body and she took some of the cream. With a shaking hand, she spread it on Holly's left armpit, and then she did the same to the right. She rinsed her hands in the bathwater and tried to calm down. The last thing she wanted to do was to nick or cut Holly. Catherine took a deep breath and brought the razor up to Holly's right armpit. Catherine began to shave the pit. The hair was a little longer than would be normal, so it took her a couple of minutes to get it shaved clean. As she shaved Holly, her forearms would sometimes come into contact with Holly's side and thus come into contact with some part of Holly's breast. Each time this happened Catherine felt her pussy leak a little more juices. She was just thankful that that part of her body was still under the water. Once she got that pit shaved clean, she scooped up some water and rinsed it off. Catherine looked closely to make sure all the hair was gone and went back to make a couple of touch ups. As Catherine went to the left pit, she looked at Holly and she looked back with the same hunger that Catherine had seen before. Catherine smiled nervously and went to work on the left pit. Catherine put her left arm across Holly's chest to get a good angle and to steady herself. She felt Holly's chest rising and falling and she could tell that her breathing was a little faster and shallower than normal. Catherine was also getting a better view of Holly's breasts and she wanted to take one into her mouth so bad but she did not. Instead, she concentrated on the work at hand and shaved this pit clean.

Now came the real test, it was time to shave Holly's legs. Catherine had Holly move around so that instead of being in the corner, she had her back against one wall and her legs stretched across the tub to the other edge. Luckily, Holly had long legs and was able to do this easily with a slight bend in the leg. Catherine moved between Holly's legs and Holly had to move one leg out to give Catherine room. This also served to open up Holly's pussy and Catherine could see the outer labia open up and she could see the pink flesh inside. Holly had smaller inner lips that did not protrude from the outer lips as Catherine's did. Catherine could also see a small amount of moisture that was seeping out. Catherine now knew that Holly was as aroused as she was. This made Catherine even more nervous. She felt like this was her first time with a women and she did not have a clue as to what to do. So, she decided to just do what she had originally set about to do. She put some shaving cream in her hand and began to apply it to Holly's leg in a slow circular motion. She made this part of the shaving as sensual as possible taking her time as she caressed Holly's lower leg then thigh. She had to fill her palm with shaving cream a couple of times to get it covered and when she got close to Holly's pussy she could feel the heat and she inhaled the sweet aroma of Holly's pussy. Finally, she was ready, so she moved so that her back was to Holly. She started at the ankle and she shaved her way up to Holly's knee. She was as gentle and caring as she could be as she shaved. She took short strokes as she shaved. The hair was soft and fine and came off easily. Holly's calf was shapely and Catherine loved the feel of the razor and her hand going over it. Once the lower leg was done, it was time to move to Holly's thigh. She started at the knee and moved her way up. As she shaved, her back was soon pressed against Holly and she could feel the heat coming from Holly's pussy as it pressed against her back. She also noticed that Holly was beginning to rub her pussy against her back. Now for the upper thigh, she turned around so that she was facing Holly. She bent over the leg, shaved the outer portion, and then moved to the inner. Catherine sat back down in the tub and studied how to do the inner thigh. Holly opened her legs more giving Catherine room to work. Again, the pussy lips opened up more and more of her inner pussy was revealed and she could see the dark pink interior. Catherine decided to start at the top, shave there, and then move to the inner thigh. Catherine could not figure out a way to shave her without touching Holly so decided to just go ahead and see what happened. Catherine took her left hand, placed it across Holly's pussy, and pulled the skin back so that she could get to the area where Holly's inner thigh met her pussy. Holly's pussy felt warm and wet and Catherine could not help but to rub her palm against it. This caused Holly to moan slightly and Catherine looked up and saw that Holly's eyes were closed. Catherine saw that her hand was shaking again and she forced herself to calm down. She very carefully shaved the hair away getting Holly very smooth and clean. Once she was done, Catherine kept her hand in place a little longer than necessary then she reluctantly removed it. Catherine rinsed the leg clean then had Holly check out her work and was pleased that Holly was pleased.

Holly then changed positions, put her right leg up, and moved the left leg out wide, even wider than before and now Catherine had a clear view of Holly's treasure and what a treasure it was. Catherine stared a minute and unconsciously licked her lips before setting to work. She applied the shaving cream to Holly's leg with the same circular and sensual motion. Again, she shaved the lower leg and then did the outside of the upper leg. Now Catherine had to do some engineering to do the inner thigh since she was right handed. She moved her left hand across and cupped Holly's pussy to stretch the skin out a little. By doing this, she had her thumb against the outer labia and her fingers covering the pussy. As she began to shave, she could not resist the temptation, so she squeezed Holly's pussy. This caused Holly to moan again and Catherine could feel more moisture seep from the slit. Catherine's body was on fire now and she knew something would happen between them and that it would happen in the very new future. Catherine took her time shaving the inner thigh not wanting to release Holly's pussy but she eventually completed shaving Holly and she had to let go. She was able to resist the temptation to taste the juices on her hand. She rinsed the leg and again let Holly feel the results. Catherine also felt both legs to make sure that she did not miss any hair.

As they both checked out the shaving, Catherine hand came across Holly's and she stopped. She waited for Holly to move her hand but she didn't, so after a moment Catherine took Holly's hand in hers and squeezed it. Holly turned her hand over so that their hands were palm to palm. Catherine intertwined her fingers with Holly's and then looked up into Holly's eyes. Holly was biting her lower lip but she did not look away. Catherine slowly rose up on her knees so that Holly's head was just above her own. She took her hand, placed it behind Holly's neck, and brought her head down. Slowly she moved Holly's face towards hers and then their lips touched. It was a sweet loving kiss. Holly's lips were as soft as any woman's was that she had ever kissed and quickly became receptive to her lips. Catherine ended the kiss and moved back to see what reaction Holly would have. The reaction was better than she could have hoped for. Holly smiled then moved back in for another kiss and Catherine was more than happy to grant her wish. Their lips came together, Catherine opened her mouth, and Holly's did the same. After a second, Catherine moved her tongue into Holly's mouth and found Holly's tongue waiting. Catherine caressed Holly's tongue and slowly Holly's tongue moved forward to meet Catherine's. Their tongues played for a few seconds as they kissed. Catherine slowly removed her tongue from Holly's mouth and Holly's tongue followed it. Catherine caressed Holly's tongue that was now in her mouth. Catherine kissed her for another minute or two then withdrew. She sucked on Holly's tongue until it finally left her mouth.

Catherine looked at Holly who had a shy grin on her face. Catherine moved her hands from Holly's head and put them at her side. She pulled Holly down from the edge of the tub and Holly slipped back into the water. Holly slid down until she was sitting on Catherine's knees with her legs on each side of her. Catherine pulled Holly's body in tight as she planted sweet little kisses on Holly's face, neck, and shoulder. Catherine felt Holly's arms go around her body and begin to caress her back. It felt so good to have a woman back in her arms and being touched by another woman again. Catherine kissed her way back to Holly's mouth and they kissed again. This time Catherine pressed a little harder and Holly did the same. Their tongues met quickly and they took turn exploring the other's mouth. As they kissed, Catherine moved her hands from Holly's back to her front cupping Holly's small breasts in her hands. Catherine could feel Holly's hard nipples press against the palm of her hands. Catherine gently squeezed the soft flesh and she felt Holly moan into her mouth. Catherine kissed Holly a minute more then she pulled back. She kissed Holly's face then kissed her way towards Holly's breasts. Holly arched her back bringing her breasts out of the water and up to Catherine's mouth. Catherine kissed and gently bit each nipple then took the right nipple into her mouth. Catherine sucked until she had her mouth full of flesh. Slowly she pulled back until she had only the nipple in her mouth. Using her tongue, she teased the nipple and she could tell that Holly's breathing had changed. It was now slower and much deeper but slowly the breathing increased its speed. Catherine worked the nipple with care and years of experience and Holly was taking it all in. Every so often Catherine would move to the other breast or up to Holly's mouth to kiss her. When she felt Holly start to move her hips trying to get some friction against her pussy and clit, Catherine snaked her hand down Holly's belly. It went on past her belly button, past her pubic mound until she found Holly's clit, which was full of blood and peeking out from its hood. Catherine started with a light feathery touch and slowly increased the pressure of her fingers against the clit. Catherine used an up and down motion as she stroked the erect clit. Holly groaned and pushed her hips against Catherine's fingers. Catherine kept this motion going for a couple of minutes as Holly moaned and groaned. Catherine then changed to a circular motion allowing her fingers to caress the clit and putting a little more pressure down against the clit. It did not take long for Holly to approach then hit her climax. As the orgasm over came Holly, Catherine moved her mouth from Holly's breast to her mouth so that she could be even more of a part of Holly's orgasm. Holly cried, groaned, and moaned until the orgasm became too intense and she had to push Catherine's hand away.

Catherine held Holly tight as she came down from her orgasm. She then kissed Holly and the kiss became passionate as Holly kissed Catherine back with all the enthusiasm that she had. They kissed for a few minutes until Catherine leaned back breaking the kiss.

"I think that it is time we retire to the bedroom." Catherine told holly in a deep husky voice.

Holly just nodded her head, as her ability to speak seemed to have been taken away from her for the moment. Catherine allowed Holly to stand up then she joined her. They stepped out of the tub and Catherine hit the drain on the tub to let the water out. Holly had started drying herself and Catherine took the towel away from her and started to dry Holly's body. She worked Holly's body with the fluffy towel stimulating it with the motion of her hands. Catherine dried the upped body then moved down to her ass and legs. Catherine stepped behind Holly to do these parts. She cupped Holly's ass in her hands as she grasped them through the towel. She also slipped her hand between Holly's legs to sneak a few touches there. Holly opened her legs to allow Catherine to continue but Catherine only wanted to keep her aroused so she went on the dry Holly's legs. Once Holly's body was dry, she went to Holly's hair getting that dry then she brushed out the tangles. Holly wanted to return the favor but Catherine was dying for a taste of Holly's pussy so she gently pushed Holly's hand away and quickly dried her own body then she took Holly by the hand and led her into the bedroom.

When they got there, Catherine took Holly into her arms and drew her into her body. The feel of Holly's naked body against her own made her pussy weep with moisture. Holly's small hard nipples pressed against her own breasts setting her body on fire. Catherine kissed Holly and she felt Holly's hands move around her back and to her ass cupping her cheeks into her hands. Catherine pressed her pussy against Holly's and moved her hips to create a little friction between their pussies. This made them both hot and the need to do more over came them. Catherine broke the kiss and pushed Holly down on the bed. Catherine climbed on top of her with her legs between Holly's legs. Catherine propped herself up on her elbows and lowered her head to kiss Holly again. Catherine used her tongue to explore Holly's mouth an as she kissed her; she also began to grind her hips down against Holly's. It wasn't long before Catherine felt Holly pushing her hips back and she heard Holly moan in to her mouth. Catherine broke the kiss and slid down Holly's body until she got to her breasts. Catherine kissed each nipple and gently she bit down on the nipples with her teeth and she pulled back a little. Holly groaned but did not protest. Catherine then planted one last kiss on the nipples and continued on down Holly's body. When she got down to Holly's pussy, she took in the aroma of the juices flowing from Holly's pussy. Catherine parted the pubic hair to reveal the pink slit. Holly spread her legs more and her pussy lips parted slightly. Catherine could wait no longer, so she dipped her head down and starting at the junction between Holly's anus and her pussy, Catherine licked the length of the slit. She then raised her head and drank in the juices that she had collected with her tongue. Holly's juices were salty and had a sweet tangy taste. Catherine licked her lips and went back to work. She took her fingers, parted Holly's pussy lips, and started to lick in earnest. She explored every crevice of the pussy. She dipped her tongue in deep inside and swirled it around. Holly began to push her hips up to get more of Catherine's tongue inside her. Catherine decided to remove her tongue and insert a finger. She put her index finger in her mouth and got it wet then inserted it into Holly. Her finger slid right in and she felt how wet and warm Holly's pussy was. She started to move her finger in and out of the pussy and as she did this, she moved her mouth to Holly's clit and began to lick. She would lick a minute and then suck the clit into her mouth, sucking hard. She could feel the clit grow as she sucked on it. Holly was now getting closer to a climax so Catherine inserted a second finger into Holly and began to fuck Holly harder and faster. Holly started to moan and twist her body as she approached her orgasm. Catherine stopped sucking on the clit and using her tongue she licked on the clit and within a minute or so, she heard Holly cry out and her pussy clamped down on her fingers as the orgasm hit her. Catherine continued to lick Holly until the orgasm hit its peak then she backed off and allowed Holly to enjoy it. Once Holly began to calm down Catherine removed her fingers and licked them clean, then she licked up Holly's girlcum.

Catherine moved back up in the bed and took Holly into her arms. Holly smiled at Catherine with half closed eyes. They were eyes that showed that she was deeply contented and satisfied. Catherine stroked her arms and face and within a couple of minutes, Holly was fast asleep. Catherine had to smile to herself. Holly had not gotten all of her energy back and what she did have Catherine had just sucked out of her. Catherine knew that tonight she would have to finish herself off. She laid Holly back down where she could see her youthful body and she put her right hand down to her clit and began to masturbate. She first used a circular motion with her fingers and as she got excited, she changed to an up and down motion keeping an even pressure on her clit. With her left hand, she inserted two fingers and curled them upwards finding her G spot that she knew all so well. She kept looking at Holly's as her small breasts rose and fell and she could smell their sex mixing in the air. It was not until her own orgasm hit did she take her eyes off Holly's beautiful body.

After she had recovered her composure, she pulled the covers up and snuggled up against Holly. With their warm bodies pressed together, Catherine felt complete again. She took a deep breath breathing in the smell of Holly's freshly washed skin that had just a slight taste of salt soaked sweat that Catherine had caused. Catherine tried to fight off sleep not wanting this feeling to go away but sleep overcame her.

The next morning Catherine woke up to find Holly still lying beside her. She thanked the stars that last night was not a dream but had really happen. Catherine kissed Holly on the top of her head and she heard a sound come from Holly, who then rolled over and went back to sleep. Catherine went ahead and got up. She went to the bathroom to pee and then went to make a pot of coffee. Catherine piddled around the house for most of the morning going from time to time to look in on Holly. Each time she found her sleeping peacefully. At about eleven, Catherine began to worry and it was then she heard the toilet flushing and she knew that Holly had finally gotten up. A couple of minutes later Holly came into the den carrying a cup of coffee. Catherine was sitting in her recliner reading the Sunday paper. Without saying a word, Holly calmly took the paper from Catherine's hands and dropped it on the floor. She then put her coffee cup down on the table by Catherine and sat in Catherine's lap.

"Morning sweetheart. I was beginning to worry about you. Are you feeling better this morning?"

"I am feeling better than I have in a very long time."

With that statement, Catherine watched as Holly put her hand around her neck and brought Catherine's mouth down to her own. Catherine put her arms around Holly and pulled her in tight as their lips met for their first kiss of the morning. Holly's mouth tasted of toothpaste with a coffee tinge and she loved it. Their lips parted and came back together as they took turns kissing each other. Their tongues were soon into the act and Catherine first sucked Holly's into her mouth then Holly returned the favor. Catherine kept one arm around Holly and with the other, she opened Holly's robe to find that she was naked underneath. Catherine's hand quickly found Holly's nipple and she began to play with it. She took it between her index finger and thumb and pinched it gently then a little harder. She then used her index finger to caress lightly the nipple and this brought a moan from Holly's mouth. Catherine played with both nipples as they kissed. After a minute or two of kissing, Holly broke her mouth away and pulled one side of Catherine's gown down and exposed her breasts. Catherine watched as Holly's mouth latched onto her nipple. Catherine felt a moan of her own as Holly began to suck on her nipple. She sucked on it for a while then she used her tongue to trace her way around the areole then she went back to sucking and nibbling. Catherine moved her hand from Holly's breast and put it on Holly's pussy. She found Holly already wet. Catherine used her fingers to play with Holly's outer lips before going inside with a couple of her fingers. She used her fingers to fuck Holly's pussy as her palm pressed against Holly's clit. The more aroused Holly got the harder she sucked on Catherine's nipple. Catherine knew her nipple would be sore by the time she got Holly off but it was worth it just feeling how wet and excited Holly was. Catherine eventually moved her wet and slippery fingers from Holly's pussy to her clit. She began to stroke the clit and Holly released her nipple to moan from the intense pleasure she was receiving. Catherine started first using a circular motion then went to more of an up and down motion, as Holly got closer to her climax. Catherine increased the speed and pressure until Holly flipped her head back and screamed out "Oh God" and came hard. Catherine continued to rub Holly's clit until Holly could take no more and pushed her hand away.

Catherine gathered Holly into her arms and held her tight as she enjoyed the euphoria of her orgasm. It took Holly about five minutes to recover but when she did, she slipped from Catherine's arms after giving her a quick kiss. Catherine watched as Holly got down on her knees in front of her and she pushed up her gown. Catherine was wearing no panties and soon her sex was exposed to Holly wide eyes. Holly put a hand on each of her knees and spread them out wide. Then beginning at Catherine's right knee, she kissed her way toward Catherine's pussy. Catherine watched as Holly's mouth approached her pussy and she soon felt Holly warm breath on her outer lips. Catherine felt her juices flowing and she could not wait any longer for Holly's mouth to touch her pussy. She did not have to wait long as she felt Holly tentative lips kiss her clit. It was like an electric shock going from her pussy to her head and Catherine heard herself moan loudly. Catherine closed her eyes as she felt Holly's tongue begin to lick her pussy. Catherine could tell that Holly had never done this before but as Holly licked her outer lips and moved deeper, she could tell that Holly was learning fast. After a few minutes of licking, Catherine felt a couple of fingers enter her pussy. They went in slow then came out only to be returned. Catherine knew Holly was exploring her pussy finding out what it was like and what Catherine liked. This she told Holly by moaning when Holly hit a good spot. As Holly began to fuck her pussy with her fingers, Catherine felt Holly's mouth return to her clit. Catherine felt Holly's fingers go deeper and harder into her pussy. Catherine pushed her hips back against Holly's fingers showing her that she could take it faster and harder. Holly got the message and her fingers started going even deeper and faster. She felt Holly's mouth clamp down on her clit and it did not take long after that for Catherine to feel her orgasm coming. When it hit, it hit hard. Catherine cried out and her thighs clamped down on Holly's head trapping her in place. When it was over Catherine released Holly's head and she felt her lick up the juices she produced during her orgasm. Finally, Catherine pulled Holly back up onto her lap and they snuggled together.

Catherine always figured that Holly would eventually leave her for someone younger but she was pleasantly surprised that on the day she died at the ripe old age of 92, Holly was there holding her hand and kissing her goodbye.

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