Catherines Senior Year

By Your old friend Tappy

Published on Dec 23, 2016


Catherine's Senior Year Ð Chapter 01 By Tappy McWidestance

Author's Note: Like most of my stories, this one starts slowly and builds. If you want a quick stroke story, I am not the author for you. Chapter one follows the sexual education of a college co-ed who learns that public nudity, while risky, can be very exciting.

My name is Catherine, but most of my friends call me Cat for short. Only my mother calls me Catherine and usually only when I would be in trouble for something. I just started my senior year at a small liberal arts college along Lake Michigan in Kenosha, Wi. I am studying English and education. It is my goal to be a teacher. I am on the swim team on a partial scholarship. It's not a full ride but it covers my tuition. Unfortunately NCAA rules makes it nearly impossible to work if you are scholarship athlete so I had to bust my ass every summer working two jobs to earn enough to cover life in the dorm, food and a little, very little, spending cash. Between swim team, classes and studying, I had very little time for a social life. That's not to say I was a nun. I did go out with friends when I had free time and I did party to blow off steam after finals each quarter. Boyfriend wise I didn't have anyone serious (no time) but I did date occasionally and if he made it to a third date I was not so shy that I wouldn't blow him and occasionally, especially if I was seeing someone at the end of a quarter, I'd fuck him. But mostly, I was focused on my studies.

My junior year I was accepted to be a resident assistant (RA) for one of the dorms. Basically it meant I got a single room (bonus) at the end of the hall and I was supposed to impart life's wisdom onto underclassmen. It was an unpaid position, but it meant I got the room for free. I still had to pay for food, but there was no NCAA conflict to me getting the room and would save me thousands of dollars. That year I had mostly sophomore girls in the dorm (juniors and seniors usually had apartments by then) so really I was a glorified hall monitor. I had to make sure they followed the rules (no guys after 7, no booze, no loud music) and for the most part all my residents were cool. I let the rules slide a bit if they were not disturbing other people, especially about the guys. I let that slide to about 9. I understood their needs. I had them too and I wasn't above sneaking a guy up the back staircase, if I was feeling particularly needy, since the door was across from my room.

I wasn't a huge drinker, although I wasn't a teetotaler either, so as long as the girls kept it in their room and out of the hallways, I was pretty lenient. Of course sometimes things got out of hand and I would have to report someone. That usually made life on our corridor a bit awkward until things blew over, but that is part of college. I found myself being increasingly experimental (more frequent male guest and booze) as the year went on. I knew I wasn't setting the best example for the other girls, but they didn't seem to mind. I was the "cool" RA.

The first year, being an RA was a pretty good gig, so I signed up to continue during my senior year. All my friends had moved off campus, but I couldn't stand another year busting my ass working and then having no money for fun. Besides, I could always visit them. My senior year, as it turned out, was nothing like my junior. I guess because my wing had so few problems (mainly because I ignored a lot of them) I was given a wing in a freshman dorm. I wasn't thrilled because that meant I'd have to work more. For the most part the girls were good. There was more rule breaking and I did have to mentor them more than the sophomores. I started to feel like their mother more than a friend, but that was fine. I needed to focus on my capstone courses and the swim season so I was OK with not being friends. After my wild by my standards junior year, I also found a new appreciation for enforcing the rules in my senior. I became more rigid and found having more structure in my life was a good thing. Being three years older than most of the girls in my charge also helped.

But then there was Diana. Di for short. She was a freshman and a wild child. She wasn't looking for advice from me. She wanted to experience everything she could being away from home for the first time. Boys, booze and drugs were on her early agenda, but after the first month she seemed to calm down a bit. Against my better judgment, we became friends. I had two reasons for this, unfortunately they competed with each other. The reliable, mature, soon to be schoolteacher reason was I thought I could help her grow and succeed in her education. I had seen plenty of people, although usually guys, flunk out of school because of too much partying. The other reason, one I should not have been so proud of, was because I envied her freedom. I never got to act wild because I was always swimming or working. Yeah, I'd party for a weekend at the end of the quarter, but she was leading her whole life free. I didn't expect that I would change myself overnight, but I figured maybe her free spirit ways could rub off on me, at least a bit. As it turned out, they did and in ways I could not have predicted.

The first time I really let go, with her help, was on my 21st birthday. It was a Wednesday night in the beginning of October. I considered Di my friend by now, but other than hanging out in the dorm lounge a few times, we really had not done anything social. I wanted to go to a bar to celebrate my newfound legal status. I'd never had a fake ID and never gone to a bar unless there was an attached restaurant. Di suggested we go dancing. I told her I didn't want to go to a teen club but to a real bar. She insisted that she had a great fake ID and could get in anywhere. Besides, she said, we were "hotties" and any bar would be happy to have us. I didn't consider myself a hot, but I am attractive. Di fit the hot category better. My over 21 friends all had excuses why they couldn't take me drinking, so I accepted Di's invitation. I wore a short dress (not too short) and sensible heels. Di was dressed more to party. I suppose I should not have been surprised. At least she would be attracting all of the attention and I could fly under the radar. She told me she would drive so I could drink all I wanted. I got in her car not knowing where we were going. I didn't know of any close by dance clubs so I figured maybe we were heading to Milwaukee. We did go to the Interstate, but not much further. When we pulled into the parking lot I recognized the name of the place. I had heard rumors but had never been there.

"Isn't this a gay club?" I asked Di. In our conversations I had never caught a vibe that she preferred women. I'd seen way to many guys going in and out of her room to even consider that she was gay.

"Yes," she replied. "But they have the best house music and we won't be bothered by guys hitting on us."

"What about women hitting on us?" I said only somewhat joking.

"Probably, but don't worry," she told me. "I come here at least once a week. The gay guys are nice and the women leave you alone if you don't show interest."

"Are you a lesbian?" I asked her.

"No, I love cock too much," she said. "But if I find the right girlÉ" Her voice trailed off for a moment. "Let's just say it's on my college bucket list."

She was out of the car before I could respond. I hoped she didn't think I was the girl she was looking to bed. I didn't want to be a notch on her bedpost and besides, I'd never even considered being with a woman.

Now I know what you are thinking. Once I went inside, Di got me drunk and took advantage of me in the bathroom or in the car. Or that the lesbians got together and gave me a birthday spanking. Sorry to disappoint you, but that is not what happened. That's not to say I didn't get an education, but despite what you are thinking, I didn't even get my first girl-to-girl birthday kiss.

What I did get was an eye opener seeing people freely acting out their sexuality. Di bought us both two shots and then led me to the dance floor. She was right about this place having great house music. There was a mass of undulating bodies moving to the beat. It was strange to see guys with guys and women with women doing sensual bumps and grinds and making out on the dance floor. I was sure Di was going to put the moves on me, but apart from an occasional inadvertent bump, we didn't touch. I must admit, after seeing so many people engaged in foreplay with each other, two hours and four more shots later, I was almost a little disappointed that Di had not tried anything. I also was feeling no pain, but thankfully she had stopped after drinking the first two shots so she was fine to drive us back to the dorm.

Back on our floor, I thanked her for the wonderful evening (I meant it) and said my goodnights. She replied that I had to stay up a little while longer and drink with her since she had been responsible and stayed sober at the club. I'd never broken the no alcohol rule in the dorm, but in my tipsy state her argument made sense so I started walking toward her room. She stopped me and said we should drink in my room so we wouldn't disturb her roommate. That made sense too, so I unlocked my room and Di headed down the hallway to grab a bottle from hers.

I figured she would do some shots and we both would soon crash, but as it turns out, we drank and talked well into the night. During the week quiet hours start at 10pm and my midnight the dorm is basically dead. Here it was 2am and we were both laughing and saying stupid stuff in my room. We also were getting to know each other and of course the conversation had turned to sex about an hour ago. Di knew all my secrets and I think I knew hers. One of the things she told me about what that she loved to go streaking. She told me her old boyfriend turned her on to it by daring her to do it. She said she got so excited that she fucked him in the park where she had run naked just minutes before. I shook my head in disbelief.

"It's true," she told me. "I have not done it since getting here, but I used to do it at home all the time. I'd get to hot that I'd have to masturbate as soon as I was done."

I was very drunk by then or I probably wouldn't have said, "I dare you to streak in the hallway right now."

She probably would not have agreed had she not been drunk also. At least that is what I thought at the moment although now I know better.

"So how do you do this?" I asked.

"Do you have a robe I can borrow?" she replied. I told her I did. "OK," she said. "Keep your door open. You can watch if you want. The thrill of getting caught is the fun part."

She stood up, a bit wobbly, and walked to my door. I should have stopped this game, but I was confident she was just bullshitting me and I wanted to call her bluff. I watched from my door as she walked back to her room. I felt stupid standing in the hallway in the middle of the night. I was just about to give up on her when her door opened again and her head popped out. She gave a quick look in both directions of the hall and then stepped out. She had done it. She was naked.

I expected her to run to my room, but she walked. I suppose there wasn't much chance of getting caught at this hour, but still, she surprised me. I think my mouth was actually open as she squeezed past me and into my room. As I walked in she asked me for the robe. I'd seen plenty of naked girls in the locker room after swim practice, but having one standing in my room was a new experience. I got my robe out of my closet and handed it to her. She quickly put it on while saying, "What a rush." I wasn't sure what to say to her. There was a pregnant pause in our conversation. Then she said, "You have to try that."

I should have said no, but I wasn't thinking clearly due to both booze and the excitement of seeing her naked in the hallway. When she was in my room I also have to admit I imagined her victory masturbation after she walked the hall. "I can't go in your room though?" I told her.

"No problem," she said. Yeah right. No problem for her I remember thinking. "Go down to the bathroom. Leave your clothes in the shower stall (there were small private changing booths) and then come back here. In my alcohol induced haze that sounded entirely reasonable. I know I wasn't smiling when I agreed to her plan, but I also wanted to do it. I wanted to feel as free as she did. I knew I wasn't as sexy as her, but I had nothing to be ashamed of either. I had a cute face and my body was rock hard from a decade of competitive swimming. I told her, "OK. I'll do it."

The walk to the bathroom was the easy part. My ears were in tune to any sound coming from any of the rooms indicating people were still up, but the hallway was silent except for the pounding of my heart. Once in the safety of the bathroom, I went into the shower stall and quickly undressed. That was the easy part. It took me a few minutes to get up the courage to step out naked.

I pictured getting caught by one of the school administrators or a Dean making a surprise inspection and having to explain myself. I knew that wouldn't happen at this hour, but I now understood why Di found the threat of getting caught exciting. Like she had done, I stuck my head out of the door and looked both ways before beginning the dash for my room. Unlike Di, I didn't walk. I sprinted. I was surprised that she wasn't waiting for me in the hall. Maybe she had given up on me because I took too long. When I got to my door I grabbed the knob and twisted. Then I ran into the door because it didn't open. It was locked. I began to curse because of the shock just as quickly realized I had to be quiet if I didn't want to get caught. I leaned my ear against the door and softly knocked. "Di, open up," I said. She didn't respond. But I thought I heard a moan.

It took me a moment to realize she was in my room masturbating. I knocked a little louder, although it was still soft. "Di, I can hear you. Let me in."

I heard the sound of her slumping against the door. Then a moan. Then a breathless response, "I'm sorry Cat. I need to come. I need a few more minutes. Go back to the bathroom."

I wanted to stay and pound on my door. How dare she masturbate in my room? But I didn't want to get caught so heading back to the bathroom until she finished was the logical choice. I sprinted back down the hall. Thankfully all was still quiet and 30 seconds later I was back in the safety of the shower stall. My heart was pounding and I could hardly catch my breath. But I was also excited. And not just in an adrenaline kind of way. I was embarrassed, but when I touched my pussy I confirmed what I already knew. I was drenched. I also knew I wasn't going to wait until I got back to my room to pleasure myself. I didn't know if Di planned to leave my room so if I wanted satisfaction, I was going to have to take it right then.

There was a small bench seat in the stall so I sat down. I spread my right leg and put my left leg against the stall wall. Soon I was lost in a fog of pleasure as I imagined myself running naked in the situations Di had described and having a boyfriend ready to fuck me when I finished. I soon had an orgasm building and I could tell it was going to be intense. I was moaning way to loudly, especially since bathroom tile amplified every sound. But I didn't care. I didn't manage to stifle my auditory exclamations of pleasure when I heard the door open. I couldn't stop rubbing my clit, but I held my other hand over my mouth. I didn't hear the person go into a toilet stall. I found that weird. I heard the footsteps walk around to the shower side. I wanted to stop masturbating, but I couldn't. The thrill of getting caught was just too strong. When there was a knock on the shower stall door, I almost came. Then I heard Di's voice.

"Sorry about that Cat, but I had to finish."

A wave of relief washed over me that my intruder was someone safe. I guess I didn't realize quite how wound up I had become because as soon as she said that, I orgasmed. And I was loud. There was no hiding what I was doing and that was liberating. Shock waves flowed through my body as my fingers danced on my clit and my screams of passion echoed off the walls. When I was done, Di clapped. I'd forgotten she was listening. My body clenched again.

"I'm going back to my room Cat," she told me. "I'll probably have to use my dildo to get to sleep as I think about how that sounded. Next time I get to see you naked. I left your room unlocked and your robe is back in your closet."

I heard the bathroom door open and close as I sat back and tried to calm down. Di said there would be a next time and she wanted to see me naked. I may have been drunk, but that didn't sound right. Still my pulsating pussy told a different story. That story was that I needed to learn more about Di and her adventures.

I stayed in that stall for another ten minutes, give or take, before I put on my dress. It was then I realized if my robe was back in my closet, Di would have been still naked when she came into the bathroom. That thought excited me all over. So did her statement that she would need to fuck herself with a dildo after hearing me. I went back to my room and masturbated to two more orgasms before falling asleep. I knew I would be hung over in the morning and would pay for my birthday celebration, but it had been worth it. The genie was out of the bottle and I didn't want to put it back.

Thursday was rough. Not enough sleep, dehydrated from the alcohol and unsure of what to say to Di about the night before. Fortunately, although we said hi in the hallway as I returned to the dorm after swim practice, she didn't appear to want to engage in conversation. That suited me fine. I needed time to process our night together. As long as I was focused on swimming and classes, I figured, I would be fine. That was a good plan until I went to bed that night. As I was trying to fall asleep, my mind flashed back to the locker room shower after swim practice. That was weird. I never thought of that before. But now, I was suddenly remembering what my teammates looked like as we showered. I'd never considered the subtle differences between them. I mean, we're all competitive swimmers so we have the same basic body type. But suddenly I remembered who had a birthmark I never consciously noticed before. And who had calves just a little more toned than someone else. Weird stuff like that. Then I thought back to the lesbians at the club. Some were a bit butch. That didn't strike me as appealing. But some were very beautiful. They were the kind of women who could get any guy they wanted, or so I thought just 24 hours ago. Now I wondered if they could get any woman who struck their fancy.

I didn't give any thought to why I was thinking about women all of a sudden, but when my mind flashed back to a naked Di walking proudly down the hall, my fingers found their way inside my panties. When I remembered how I felt making my two fast trips running down the hallway, I felt my pussy juicing and not long after I had a small, completely unsatisfying orgasm. It was obvious I needed something more to bring me to last night's high. I thought about going down to Di's room, but I wasn't ready to confess to her that last night meant so much to me. Plus I knew she had more experience in these matters and I wasn't sure I was ready to expand my involvement. Fortunately the Internet knows all things and I quickly found a website with all manner of exhibitionism stories. I knew they were fiction, but just thinking about all the naughty things the characters did aroused me.

I sat at my computer and masturbated while I read the stories. Granted I still didn't reach the level of excitement I had last night, but my orgasms were a bit stronger and eventually I wore out my libido enough to go to sleep.

Friday was back to focusing in class and then our usual short pre-meet practice. We always had only half a practice the day before a meet. I was a little nervous about showering with my teammates because I was scared I would look more intently at them and might get caught. I stayed in the pool doing easy laps for about ten minutes after practice until the coach told me to "Hit the showers." Fortunately only a couple of the girls were left and I was able to stare at the wall in front of me while standing under the showerhead. None of the girls had given any indication they were gay or kinky, but I was perversely thinking about them. I had to figure out a way to get myself under control or risk putting my scholarship at risk. I didn't waste any time drying or combing my hair. I just got dressed and headed back to the dorm. I ran into Di again. This time she wanted to chat. I asked her to come into my room trying to sound like the RA and not her streaking buddy.

Di wanted to go dancing again tonight. I figured that meant drinking and wandering the campus naked. I admit, the idea intrigued me wondering if she would follow Wednesday night's agenda or if it varied depending on her moods. But there was no way I could go out. I explained that I had a swim meet in the morning so I needed to stay in and rest. "No 2am showers for me tonight," I told her. She laughed. "Oh well, your loss," she said.

"What about waiting until tomorrow?" I asked.

She told me she was looking for some adventure tonight and it may be her time to knock women off her bucket list. I reiterated that I couldn't, but added, "But I'll be thinking of you when I go to bed." Why did I just say that? I hope she thought I meant I was rooting for her at the club to find what she wanted, but as soon as the words left my mouth, I realized that wasn't how they sounded. I decided correcting myself was worse than letting the statement stand on its own so I just told her to have a good time, but to be safe.

The thing was, I did think of her when I went to bed. She was very distracting. I needed a good night's sleep and I wasn't getting one. I read a few more stories and hoped an orgasm would wear me out, but even though my fingers danced furiously on my clit, I couldn't quite reach the zenith I desired. I even thought about driving over to the club. But my rational side took over and I settled into my bed for a restless night of tossing and turning. I was in an out of REM sleep until a soft knock on my door woke me at 2:45. I'm sure you can guess who it was and probably are not surprised that she was naked. I should have left her outside my door like she had done to me, but that's not my style. Plus I wanted to dismiss her and go back to sleep.

I let her in and it was clear she was drunk again. I figured she had been doing shots in her room, but that wasn't the story. She plopped down on my bed making no attempt to cover herself. Then she started crying. The consoling side of me came out and I sat down next to her and put my arm around her. Then she told me her tale.

"So I am dancing and having a fine time. There were a few women I saw as potential partners to take my lesbian cherry. They were all very cute, mid twenties and one of them even bought me several drinks and was hitting on me pretty strongly. We danced and she put her arm around my waist during a slow song like a guy would and was leading. I just melted into her embrace. She was definitely the one or so I thought. I was waiting for her to take me home, when this hard butch walked in and right up to us. My new friend started to try to make excuses when this hard woman just slapped her across the face. It stunned her and everyone around us was looking. The butch then took her hand and marched her out of the club. I have no idea what happened to them."

"That's crazy," I replied. "But why are you naked?"

"I'm getting to that," she told me. "I needed to get out of there too. Lots of people were still looking at me and I felt embarrassed. As I was walking out the bartender waved me over and offered me a drink on the house. She told me that wasn't the first time that scene had played out. It was part of their thing. She apologized for them using me even though it was hardly her fault. That made me feel a little better. She poured me a whiskey on the rocks. It was a bit larger than a double. Having already drunk a bit, I probably should have refused. But I slammed it down pretty quickly. I thanked her for her hospitality and walked out."

"So you drove home drunk?" I asked incredulously.

"Yeah," she confessed. "I'm pretty drunk. It was a stupid move but I didn't want to call you for a ride."

"I wouldn't have been happy about it, but I would have picked you up," I told her. "Next time call me."

"Yes, dorm mom," she said with a sarcastic tone.

I wasn't pleased with her mocking tone, but I let it go since she was drunk and part of my job is to help my residents learn life's wisdom.

"But that still doesn't explain why you are naked knocking on my door?" I reiterated.

"That's my own dumb fault," she said. "Thankfully I made it back to campus without causing an accident or getting pulled over. I sat in my car for half an hour beating myself up emotionally for being so stupid."

I didn't tell her I'd been doing a fair amount of that myself. Di was anxious to be with a woman and I was still turned on by exposing myself. I also didn't want to tell her how much I was enjoying sneaking peeks at her naked body.

"So as frequently happens when I'm in that kind of mood, I decided to strip and walk to my room. I confirmed the side stairwell was unlocked and then went back to my car and took off my clothes. It didn't take long as I didn't wear much to the club. I then locked my car keys in my car so I couldn't chicken out. I have another set in my room so I figured I would get my clothes in the morning. Campus is quiet tonight so I really didn't risk being seen, but when I got to my door, I realized by room key is on the same ring as my car key. I had been proud of myself for walking in naked, but I guess I was too drunk to realize my mistake. So here I am. I know there is a master key in the office and I need you to let me in my room. Will you do that for me?"

I really felt close to her at that moment. Emotionally I mean not because my arm was around her and I had been staring at her nipples.

"Oh course, Di," I told her. Let me go get the keys. Do you want my robe?"

"No," she said with a wink. I interpreted that as she was going to fuck herself the moment I left the room. I put my robe on instead of getting dressed and left her alone in my room.

I don't know how much of her story was real and how much was bullshit. I did know the main office on the first floor was where the master key was kept. I took the stairs so I could waste some time. If she was jilling off I didn't want to get back until she was finished. As I walked back up the stairs, I thought about how she would have looked sneaking into the dorm and what would have happened if she had been caught. That got my own libido going. I even considered telling her the key was missing and that she would have to spend the night in my room until it could be found in the morning. But as I said, I wasn't ready for that just yet. I did pause at my door and tried to listen to determine if she was masturbating again. Since I had a key this time she couldn't lock me out of my own room. She would have known that. I didn't hear anything so I turned the knob and opened my door. Yup, she was at it again. This time she was lying on my bed with her right leg off the edge with her foot on the floor and her left leg bent at the knee. She had turned off my room lights, but her pussy glistened in the light from the hall. I would have been mortified if I had been caught in that kind of position. But not Di. She just said, "I'm almost there. Come in and shut the door."

I have to admit, I got a thrill standing in my room while she masturbated on the bed. I held my phone up so the glow from the screen illuminated her in a surreal light. I felt perverse being her voyeur, but at the same time, I knew she was getting off on having me there and I couldn't stop watching her. I wondered if my fingers looked the same as hers as they danced over her sex. Were my moans as arousing to hear as hers? What was it like to have someone watch your intimate acts? Did I dare touch myself? I wanted to, but I was scared. First, I wasn't sure if I could handle exposing myself emotionally like that. Two, would I break her mood? I didn't want her to lose out on her own experience that she was obviously enjoying. I opted to remain a watcher and not a participant. I'm not sure at this point that Di even noticed I was there anymore. She was lost in her private world thinking whatever nasty thoughts drove her after one of her naked walks. I moved a little closer to her so I could watch her face in more detail as she orgasmed. Is that how I looked when I came?

Watching her orgasm had my own need to cum in hyperdrive. I knew Di wanted to have sex with a woman, and although I didn't necessarily share that desire, I would have offered little resistance if she had offered to go down on me. Alas, after she calmed down for about a minute (there was a very awkward silence where I just stood there and her breathing slowly returned to normal) she stood up, took the key from me and walked out of my room. I followed her as far as the door, although I must confess I did watch her walk down the hall. I told myself I was just making sure she didn't have any trouble if someone happened to come out of their room right then, but if I am honest with myself, I was watching the wiggle of her ass. Its gentle sway was a bit hypnotic.

As soon as she was safely in her room, I quickly stripped and retreated to my own bed. I was confident that I could rub out a fast one and fall back asleep so I would be rested for the swim meet. But I couldn't quite cum. Oh, I was aroused plenty. Visions of Di first appearing at my door and of course later of her pleasuring herself on my bed danced in my head. But I couldn't get over the top. Then I thought back to how exciting it had been to streak from the bathroom. I thought about running naked to the shower again, but I also thought about how exciting I found Di's story about going naked through the parking lot. I wasn't ready for that, but I did think that maybe a nude trip down the stairwell was possible. I got up and put my robe on. I wasn't ready to do this with 100% commitment. I also made sure I had not only my room key but the building key and my car keys. I wasn't going to risk getting locked out and I figured if I had to throw my robe on if someone came along I could pretend I needed to go to my car to get a book. In retrospect it wasn't a great plan. But I wasn't exactly thinking straight. I felt guilty leaving my room. I should have just gone to bed without climaxing. I was risking a lot playing this game. But I was too excited to think rationally.

I quickly checked the hall and then took my robe off. Once again I was naked outside my room and once again I felt the strong pangs of arousal as my dirty plan began. We were on the fourth floor so my plan was to walk run the stairs, touch or maybe even open the outside door, and then run back to the room. If I heard anybody I would stop and put my robe on and pray they didn't ask too many questions. But as I reached the top of the stairs, I decided it was risky to run down the stairs so I had better walk. I knew Di would approve of my taking this journey slowly. She felt it was better to lengthen the time and lengthen the risk. With my robe slung over my left arm and my keys clutched tightly in my right hand, I began to descend the steps. I surprised myself at how quickly this seemed normal. I was starting to sense how Di found it easier and easier to do what I considered scandalous just days before. I even considered venturing outside to my car. I knew that was risky, but that was where my brain was at the time.

I reached the bottom of the staircase and touched the outside door as I had planned. Again I thought about heading to my car, but my conservative nature won out and I decided not to push my luck. But there is a funny thing about luck. Eventually it wears out.

I had made it to the middle landing of the stairs between the second and third floors when I heard the echo of the stairwell door opening. My first instinct was to run up the next two flights, but then I realized I wasn't sure from where the sound was coming. I wasn't sure if I was above or below me.

My heart was racing as I slowly crept up the next half flight of stairs while trying to figure out where the sound emanated. Unfortunately, it turned out it was a girl from my floor trying to sneak her boyfriend out of the dorm. That cut off my exit back to my room. Fortunately she was giving him a very passionate good night kiss (he was feeling up her breasts big time, by the way) so they didn't notice me peaking at them from below. That gave me a moment to think. I could go onto the third floor and put my robe on, but I really didn't have an excuse why I would be there if I got caught. Plus I didn't get along well with the RA on that floor so I didn't see that as an option. Instead I spun and quickly, but safely, began heading back down the stairs. I didn't know how long their goodnight kiss would last so I didn't waste any time. I heard footsteps on the stairs above me as I was on the last portion of my dash to privacy. I knew I had to head to my car. That was the only sensible thing I could come up with. I know, you are probably saying, "Why didn't you do É" but I wasn't really thinking straight and my car seemed like the best plan. I did decide I had enough time to put on my robe before I stepped outside. I didn't see anybody in the parking lot as I dashed to my car so that basic level of safety probably wasn't necessary, but it made me feel better. It did nothing to curb my arousal, however.

The risk of getting caught had been compounded by the fact that it was somebody from my own corridor. That really turned the excitement factor up. Once in my car, I unconsciously began to masturbate. I didn't realize I was even doing it until my first orgasm hit. Then I felt a wave of humiliation wash over me as I realized I'd just fingered myself in the parking lot. Of course that turned me on more and I had to rub myself to two more orgasms before I could focus enough on getting back to my room. You may be disappointed that I didn't leave my robe in the car. Di would have done that, but I still wasn't quite that daring. I did take it off two flights up the stairwell. I stopped and listened but I didn't hear anything so I decided it was safe. I slowly walked up the next two flight, holding my robe ready to put it on at the slightest sound. By the time I reached my floor, by pussy was pulsating again demanding attention. As I reached for the doorknob, a terrifying thought flashed through my brain. What if the girl who snuck out her boyfriend had seen me and was waiting on the other side of the door to bust me? Worse yet, what if she had woken up some of the other girls on the floor? Would Di defend me or join in their mockery in order to protect her own actions? Your mind thinks of strange things when you are running around naked in public. I took a deep breath and turned the knob.

Yes I was a chicken and peaked around the door as I opened it slowly instead of just opening it an owning what I was doing. And yes I was having paranoid thoughts about somebody waiting for me on the other side. I safely made it into my room without getting caught and jumped right into bed. It took me half an hour with my vibe (it would have been longer but the batteries died) before I even attempted to fall asleep.

I was pretty ragged the next morning and admittedly I didn't swim my best. I did OK and the team won the meet so I wasn't too upset. I hurried back to the dorm and took a well-deserved nap until my phone rang about 4pm. It was Di.

"You blew me off last night so you have to go to the club with me tonight," she announced. It wasn't phrased as a question and I didn't really have an excuse not to go, so I agreed. She then told me she had rented a hotel room at the business hotel near the Interstate and conveniently right by the club. That certainly would help mitigate the drunk driving, but I had a feeling she intended it more to have a place to bring back a woman. I have heard guys put their tie on their doorknob to warn their roommate to stay away. I suppose Di could use her stocking. Mentally I prepared myself for having to hang out in the lobby for a while if she got lucky.

We probably looked a little funny checking into the hotel. We were tarted up a bit with Di definitely adverting her charms and we had no luggage. Di had a small bag, but that was it. Once in the room I realized she had brought booze and shot glasses. She must have figured she needed a little liquid courage before we headed over. I appreciated that I wouldn't have to pay for as many drinks. We both did two shots and then we headed over to the club. It was still early but I think Di's plan was to get picked up quickly. Maybe if it was early enough, I could stay behind to dance while she got her freak on at the hotel.

There were not many women there that night even as the hours turned late. We danced, we drank, we flirted but Di didn't find the right woman to take her cherry. Dejected we headed back to the hotel. I assumed Di would want to do some shots and probably streak in the hallway before crashing. That's pretty much how it went down. At least for her. Once we were in the room she immediately stripped. I never got tired of this part of the game. She then announced we "needed some ice" and headed to the door. I noticed that she didn't bother checking to see if the coast was clear. She just walked into the hallway naked.

I took the opportunity to strip down to my bra and panties. I was pretty confident Di would end up masturbating in front of me again. I was also pretty confident that if she did, I might not be able to avoid doing the same in front of her. Again I wondered if I was her mark and she intended that I would be her first woman. Maybe the entire night, and last night for that matter, was an elaborate seduction. If it was, with a few more shots in me, it might just work. I was feeling randy already so if she made a move, I might just go along for the ride.

Upon her return, Di didn't jump into bed as I expected. Her nipples were like rocks, though, so I knew she was excited. She told me the ice and pop machines were around the corner and the couple in the room next to us left their room while she was getting ice. They walked by and Di told me the guy saw her, but the girl didn't. She also said the guy didn't make a typically rude guy comment because I don't think he wanted his partner to catch him looking. My nipples began to stiffen as she told me the tale. She filled two glasses with ice and began to pour two stiff drinks. I might pass out if she filled the glasses I mused, but she stopped at about half full. "Damn," she exclaimed. "I forgot the mixers. Your turn to hit the vending machine." She smiled and I realized that was her plan all the time. I didn't waste time. I just peeled off my bra and dropped my panties.

"You really have beautiful breasts, Cat," Di said. "I would love to suck on your nipples."

I was more convinced she had set up this entire weekend to get me to be her first. "I think I need a few more drinks first," I said jokingly, although I wasn't really joking. I watched as she put down her glass and then moved to the bed doing a fine catwoman impersonation and stretching out on the bed daring me not to look at her. She then moved her hand between her legs. If she had asked, I would have buried my face between her amazing thighs, but I think she was just using me to drive her arousal. Again.

I took a few dollar bills and headed toward the door to pick up a soda. I knew she didn't really need a mixer. We usually did shots so diluting the whiskey wasn't an issue. I knew her real plan was to excite me and of course, I was very willing. It wasn't too late yet and the odds of being caught were pretty good. I was getting squishy even before I turned the knob. I did peek out the door before leaving the safety of the room. I could hear Di moaning at this point and I wanted to hurry to get back to her. As it turned out, my journey 50 feet down the hall would take much longer than I anticipated. Why? You might ask. Simple. The inevitable happened and I got caught.

I made it to the vending cubbyhole just fine. I actually was feeling pretty good about myself as I had done this enough that it was starting to feel normal. Exciting, to be sure, but normal. Then I heard the elevator bing. I had a 50/50 chance the person would go down the other hallway. They didn't. I heard them coming and my heart started pounding. My stupid nipples didn't know they should be worried and not hard as rocks and my pussy didn't realize it shouldn't be flooding with juices. I tried to use the vending machine as a shield, but it was too close to the wall. My last hope was the person wouldn't look into the cubby and would be focused on finding their room. That almost worked. I held my breath as an older woman, impeccably dressed with stockings, heels and a short skirt walked past. I didn't want to exhale for fear of giving myself away.

Just when I thought I'd gotten away, she stopped. She didn't turn immediately as if she was thinking but then she turned toward me. She didn't seem shocked or surprised. I was the one in for a shock. I knew her. Her hair was different and her skirt was shorter. Her blouse also exposed a very large and deep cleavage. She must have been wearing a Wonderbra although I had to wonder why she wanted to make them seem bigger. They were clearly DDs already. I knew that from seeing her at school. The only difference was at school she wore conservative business attire, always had a buttoned up blouse and her hair was always up in a tight bun. Now it was down and framing her face with soft curls and hints of red highlights in her otherwise blonde hair. I'd never noticed the highlights either. She always looked stern at school, but now she looked decidedly sexy. I also noticed a large diamond engagement ring and a wedding band on her left hand.

"Hello Dean Beckett," I said softly. Visions of my place on the swim team and my scholarship disappearing flooded my consciousness. Why had I let Di talk me into playing this game in the first place?

Next: Chapter 2

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