Caught By Her Dad

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Apr 18, 2007




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



[Note: The original title of this story is "Caught in the Act" but that name has been used by other authors so much I had to change it for posting at Nifty]

Jeff was caught in the act! The door to Susie's bedroom went open with a bang! Jeff yelped from his place in her bed, started to get out of bed, realized he was completely naked, and got back under the covers, held the sheets up over his body like any frightened virgin.

Looked up at the angry face of Susie's father hovering over him. "What the hell do you think you're doing here?" Mr. Foreman snarled.

Susie picked that moment to finally come out of the bathroom. She was wearing a skimpy negligee and smelled so deliciously of perfume, her hair done up as carefully as if for a party.

The seductress disappeared instantly, turned into scared young daddy's girl. "Daddy!" she shrieked.

Susie's father turned his face to her, said coldly, "Susan, you go downstairs and wait with your mother until I and this...young gentleman...are finished with our discussion."

Jeff gulped. Susie's father was a big, gruff hulk of a man. He and his wife had been out to a party and he was wearing a suit and tie, but you could see under it the heavily muscled body that Jeff had seen when calling upon Susie, seeing her father wearing only a thin-strapped t-shirt and those muscled arms like so many melons linked together under his skin. And so Jeff lay there quivering with fear despite the body he had built up for the football team by working out hour upon hour at the weights in the gym. He knew he was outclassed as well as being in the wrong, he had no doubt that Susie's dad could beat the shit out of him. And being caught naked in Susie's bed when they had gone out to a party...he had the right to beat the shit out of him, too!

Susie fled like a pink flamingo, thin white legs under the flaring bell of her negligee, out the door. Leaving Jeff alone with her father.

"All right now, young man, first, what the fuck is your name?"

"Jeff, sir." Jeff whimpered out.

"Jeff. You that football player who's been sniffing around my little girl these last couple of months?"

"Yes, sir."

"God damn." the words weren't spoken in anger, more in wonderment. "And you finally got into her bed tonight, did you? What is this, the first time or more than that?"

"First time." Jeff admitted. "Or was going to be. We didn't do nothing tonight, sir, honest, we were going to, but you come home before she came out of the bathroom...."

"Shut up." that face was right in his. "You little snot-nosed ass-wipe punk, you think you're going to bang my little baby's cunt in her own bed in my own fucking house!"

"Uh, no, sir."

"So why the fuck are you naked in her bed, huh?" And that burly arm grabbed the sheet Jeff was holding up to his chest, and he yanked. The sheet flew out of Jeff's hands and off the entire bed. He was left on the bed, exposed from head to toe, totally, completely buck naked!

"See, you're fucking waiting for her, weren't you? To come out of the bathroom and you were going to fuck her, weren't you?"

"Yes, sir." Jeff's voice was a squeak.

The next thing that happened was that work-calloused hand reached up and grabbed Jeff's cock.

"Is this what you intended to stick into my little darling girl?" He demanded.

Jeff's mouth worked like a fish out of water. Only a little whinny-like sound exuded from his lips.

Mr. Foreman's hand began to pump on Jeff's dong. Jeff gulped again. Shit, he was getting hard from this! But what was he going to do? One wrong word and this huge man would beat him up!

"Look at this pitiful little piece of meat you got here." Mr. Foreman sneered at Jeff's dick. "You were really thinking that my daughter would want this inside of her, did you?"

"Yes, sir." Jeff squeaked. God, that hand was turning him on so damned much! Not just the hand, the whole situation. He was at this man's mercy, he was naked and in the wrong. Lying in Susie's bed, her father confronting him, he was just waiting to see what her dad wanted to do with him. Right now, that was pumping his pud, out of scorn and derision, but pumping it.

Jeff could only lie there and whimper in fear and in an oddly growing pleasure. He was at this man's mercy, but he was being manipulated, his pud being pumped while the man doing it sneered at him.

"You really think that my daughter would want any part of this, do you?" Mr. Foreman pressed him.

"I guess so, sir." Jeff ventured. "I mean, she said okay and we went upstairs and...."

"Shut the fuck up." Mr. Foreman snarled into his face.

"Yes, sir."

"I want you to talk, I'll tell you." Mr. Foreman said. "Now, I just have to figure out what the hell I should do with you."

That was driving Jeff insane! God, his breath was hissing out of his frozen face, not daring to even groan at the delight racing through his body.

"So my daughter thinks you're pretty, does she?" Mr. Foreman said as he pumped on Jeff's raging, roaring dong. "You managed to convince her that you thought she was special, did you?"

Jeff knew better than to answer, now. Mr. Foreman wasn't talking to him, he was thinking to himself.

"You were going to stick this into my daughter and pump it back and forth like I'm doing right now. What an arrogant pile of shit you are, you little turd!"

Jeff gulped again. Not in fear this time. In passion. He was about to come! He didn't dare to speak up. What would this man do if he was to squirt now? He didn't know...but he didn't really have much choice, either!

"You were going to do it, weren't you?" Mr. Foreman demanded. "You were going to squirt your wad into my little girl, weren't you? Weren't you?"

At that point, at that "Weren't you?" from Mr. Foreman, Jeff lost it! He let out a howl and he came, and he came hard! His come flew out of his cock, sprayed out over his legs and his stomach, flew out over Mr. Foreman's rapidly pumping arm.

"You were going to come in my baby, weren't you?" Mr. Foreman screamed at him as Jeff came, as his body ejaculated heavily over himself, and on Mr. Foreman's arm. "You rotten bastard, seducing my little baby girl!"

"Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God!" Jeff whimpered as he shot his load, oh, God, oh, God, oh, God! He thought as his body drenched him. The guy's gonna kill him now! Just fucking kill him!

Mr. Foreman let go of Jeff's dong and with a flicking motion, shook the jizz on his hand off onto Jeff's face.

"I'm sorry, sir, I'm sorry!" Jeff said. "Please, sir, I'm sorry!"

"You thought you were going to fuck my little baby." Mr. Foreman said as he stood up and Jeff watched him, wide-eyed. Was it going to happen now? Was he about to get beat up? Jeff closed his eyes, unable to watch. He couldn't see it happen, that fist going to slam into his face! Felt the bed shift and he sneaked a peek out of one eye. Mr. Foreman was getting onto the bed. He was over Jeff, right on top of him.

"You were going to fuck my little baby, were you?" Mr. Foreman said. "We need to teach you a lesson about trying to seduce my baby you won't forget."

Here it comes! Jeff thought. His legs were lifted up and he let it happen, limply, unable to resist this. He'd been so wrong to seduce Susie in her own home, party or not! He should have taken her elsewhere, and now he was going to pay for it.

"Yeah, a lesson is what you need, all right." Mr. Foreman grunted.

That's when Jeff felt it. Felt the hard cock pushing up against his ass! "Uhh?" he said in surprise.

"You little bastard, I'm going to let you off easy." Mr. Foreman said as his cockhead pushed into Jeff's anus. "You came to this house to fuck, and you get fucked. Maybe that'll teach you not to come sniffing about my little girl!"

"Sir?" Jeff gasped as the cockhead popped into his butthole with a shriek of pain racing into Jeff's brain. "Oh, sir, I...I'm sorry, sir, I'm sorry!"

"Yeah, you did wrong and now you're going to pay for it!" Mr. Foreman said. "I'll fuck your butt like you were going to fuck my daughter, and then maybe you'll remember your place around here. Yeah!" that cock pushed deeper into Jeff's butt.

"Oh, God!" Jeff groaned. What the fuck was he going to do? He'd been wrong to try to sleep with Susie, he'd been so wrong! He had to pay for what he'd done! Been going to do!

And he was paying as Susie's father's schlong buried itself inside of him. That big, hulking raging brute of offended father was heavy on top of him, his legs were pressed against his stomach and chest by those huge arms holding him down. Mr. Foreman had merely lowered his pants and shorts, Jeff could feel them halfway down Mr. Foreman's thighs. He was naked in this big man's rough embrace, the hard dong was deep within him. Jeff felt it like a chastisement instead of a ravishment, he felt that massive pud throbbing inside him, and when Mr. Foreman began to move back and forth upon him...Jeff moaned!

"Oh, God, sir!" He gasped as the stiff prod slid out and back into him. "Oh, God, sir, oh, God!" His arms had been holding onto Mr. Foreman's arms, now he reached them up to grasp the strong back, to embrace the heavy body atop him and Jeff looked into Mr. Foreman's eyes. There was rage in them, still, but Jeff met the glare this time, for the first time, head on.

"You little shit, you planned to fuck in this bed, didn't you?" Mr. Foreman grunted as he plied his cock in and out of Jeff's butt. "You planned to be the one doing this to my daughter, didn't you?'

"Yes, sir." Jeff said and his voice didn't squeak any more. It was more like...a sigh.

"You wanted to fuck my baby girl, didn't you, just like I'm doing right now to you, didn't you?"

"Yes, sir." Jeff agreed again. "Just like this, sir, oh, God, just like this!"

"You thought it'd be a lot of fun, didn't you, fucking her in her own bed, here in my house?"

"Oh, yes, sir, yes!" Jeff said. "His hips began to move with Mr. Foreman, helping the burly, buffed body to fuck his butt.

"You plan to fuck her slower at first, like I'm doing now, and then speed up like this?" Mr. Foreman inquired as his hips began to pump faster.

"Yes, sir, just like this, oh, God, sir, just like this, only....only I was going to fuck her even faster!" Jeff said.

"What, like this?" Mr. Foreman demanded as his hips rammed his butt even faster.

"Oh, God, yeah, like this, just like this!" Jeff groaned. "I was going to fuck her like this, and I was going to keep it up until she screamed for me to fuck her harder, even harder!"

"You wanted to fuck her even harder?"

"Yeah, harder, harder, yeah, oh, God, yeah!"

"Is this how you were going to treat my baby?"

"Oh, yes, sir, yes, oh, God, yeah, oh, oh, oh!"

"You little shit!" Mr. Foreman growled. "You nasty, filthy, rotten, stinking little piece of trash. Fucking my this...and were...going to...shoot your...come...into...her!"

"Yeah, shoot it in her, yeah, come on, shoot it, shoot it like I was going to shoot it in her, think of me fucking your baby girl and fuck me, yeah, yeah!" Jeff groaned. "Come on, Susie's daddy, show me how it's done!"

"Ah-AH-AH-GAH-HARRGGHHH!" Mr. Foreman roared like a lion when he came. Jeff felt the hot seed pouring into him and his passion ravaged body managed a small second climax of its own, it had been building in him without him recognizing it, the feel of Susie's dad pumping his jizz into his butt had been all he'd needed.

So Jeff grunted and his small spunk smeared itself on Mr. Foreman's stomach, wetting the shirt, and then the big man fell on top of him, panting hard and Jeff felt the huge organ slide out of him with a wash of hot sperm following it and he patted the heaving back above him and he squirmed his legs out to lie out straight on either side of the big man.

Then with a roar of anger, Mr. Foreman got back to his feet, and he yelled at Jeff, "So now you remember this the next time you think about having your way with my little girl, God damn you!" He said as he fastened his pants again. "Now get your butt dressed and get the fuck out of this house, you hear me!"

Jeff grabbed his clothes and darted into the bathroom. He had to wash himself off before he could dress, and then he went back outside. Nobody was there, and he went downstairs. Susie and her mother were downstairs, Susie now wrapped in a bathrobe that looked like it belonged to her father, the arms way too long for her.

Mrs. Foreman looked daggers at Jeff and he said quickly, "Mrs. Foreman, I am really very sorry for what I tried to do tonight with Susie. Nothing happened, really, and I won't try anything like this again."

Mrs. Foreman turned away and Susie came over. "Let me walk you to the door." she said.

They got there, a trip of less than twenty feet, and Susie said, "What did you and Dad talk about?"

"About how I was scum and shouldn't have tried to get you into bed." Jeff said. He wasn't going to go into detail as to just HOW her father had talked to him. "I just lay there and agreed with everything he said, and he finally let me get up and get dressed."

"Well, whatever you did, you impressed Dad." Susie said. "Dad said that you could come by whenever you wanted to, so long as he was here to keep an eye on you."

"Yeah." Jeff said. "I guess he felt our little, uh, man-to-man talk really got through to me."

"See you Saturday, then." Susie said and kissed him good-night.

Jeff looked up to see Mr. Foreman looking at him from the stairs. He received and gave a quick nod. "Saturday it is." Jeff said. "I think I'd better spend a bit of alone time with your dad, just him and me, get to know him better."

"Well." Susie's hands went up to brush Jeff's chest. "As long as you keep Daddy happy, you and I can keep on seeing each other as much as we want."

"Don't worry." Jeff said. "I'll keep your Daddy as happy with me as any father could possibly be with the guy who was caught in the act of seducing his daughter."


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



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