Cave Paintings

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on May 16, 2006




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



He had to get a painting for himself! It was just galling to look at the sleeping areas of the other families, at the paintings above them, so that their dreams could make them real. His own walls were bare, bare and blank!

Lorek could not sleep, for the envy of his fellow cavemen. His furs were comfortable enough, and his stomach was full if not with the best of the meat of the day's hunt. The best meat, of course, went to the men who had killed the stag, he had not been one of those men (though he had tried, two of his best spears had broken in his tries!) and so he had to wait until the successful hunters had taken what they wanted, leaving him to cut what he could from the lesser portions, the shoulder, the brain, the liver. It had cooked up, it had filled his belly and those of his mother and sister...but he wanted more!

He wanted the paintings for himself! The hunters would pay Morze to paint for them, to paint them killing the wild animals, trap the spirits of the animals in the paintings, so that they would not run from the hunter's spear, the spear's spirit was in their spirit in the painting, and so life followed the spirits and the animal would leap toward the arrow rather than flee from it.

He cast his eyes longingly over his meager possessions. Was there anything he had that Morze would want enough to work his magic of paints and chants for him? No, nothing, not with the successful hunters giving of their bounty, Morze would only laugh at him if he was to bring his old, worn furs or his spearheads to pay for a spell.

He could not sleep! Oh, for a spell from Morze's talented hands, to paint for him a strong bull pierced by his arrow, and he beside it, dancing with his joy! He knew just what Morze would paint for him if he could but get the wherewithal.

He tossed, and his foot hit his sister, who groaned and hissed at him, "Lie still, brother! I must gather roots tomorrow and I cannot if I fall asleep while I dig! Why can't you sleep?"

"Because I must have Morze do a painting for me, as he has for the other hunters." Lorek burst out. "But I cannot pay him! How can I get him to work magic for me? How?"

His sister yawned and said, "Why don't you ask him what he wants? Then you can figure out a way to get it for him."

The simplicity of women! Lorek snorted. How could a hunter approach one who held the powers of magic in his hands and simply say, "I want you to draw me a magic painting, one that will make me a powerful hunter? What would you want from me to draw it for me?"

Morze would laugh at him if he was to try such a thing! He had all he needed already, from the other hunters. He would laugh at Lorek for asking him that! He would laugh....

Well, what was a laugh? The other hunters laughed at Lorek already, as it was, him having to scrape bits of meat from the bones of their kills to feed his family. Could anything Morze say or do be any worse?

He would do it, then. He would ask Morze, at the next opportunity. Ask what Morze wanted in exchange for drawing him the magical painting that would guide his spears on the hunt. Then, as his sister pointed out, he would at least know what he had to work toward.

As it did sometimes at night, he heard it, the soft chanting. Back in the deeper parts of the cavern, the place where Morze went to mine the powders for his paintings, Morze was awake and working. In those areas, where torchlight was all that could let a man see, nighttime was as good as daytime for him to work if he so chose.

Well then, no better time than the present! Lorek gulped and got up, wrapped his loins with his fox-fur, tied it and went toward the back of the cave. His eyes adapted as he went back. He wondered if he would have to return, to fetch a burning brand from the fire, but as he got away from the lights of the fires of the mouth of the cave, but just before he had to stop moving, he saw the light ahead, light which grew as he moved. Morze would be there, working at mixing his paints, making his magic. Lorek wondered what he would see, more than water and scrapings from the multi-colored walls of the back caverns, surely.

Lorek walked into Morze's area and encountered...magic! Morze had been working on these walls for a very long time! Many, many things here!

Morze was looking at the paintings, at the men working to slay the bulls and the deer and the wild pigs, men with their bodies in motion, their arms and legs large and strong, Morze looking at the images he had drawn, chanting softly. As if in a trance, Morze's hand went down and under the loincloth he wore, one of hide instead of furs, for the depths of the caverns were warmer than the entrance, lifted up the flap of soft deerskin and fondled himself. Lorek watched with curiosity. Would a magical man have a magical penis? Morze seemed a man as any other would be, but was that truly so?

Morze's hand began to move upon his organ, in the very familiar way of a man by himself in his search for pleasure. Lorek knew that way very well.

Morze stopped for a time, and reached for one of the images with his hand. Lorek knew that he must let himself be known now, or who knew what beast of terror he would draw, and Lorek the beast's hapless victim. The man who could bring the beasts to docile death could no doubt bring them to raging fury and bloody fangs biting the necks of the human hunters.

So he deliberately made a noise by moving upon the rock. He had learned how to move silently for so long, he had to choose to make sound. But he did, and Morze jumped, startled, stood completely upright. "Who comes to Morze?" he demanded. "Speak or suffer my anger in the paints!"

"It is I, Lorek." Lorek said hastily. "I did not mean to interrupt you at your prayers."

"Then why are you here?" Morze demanded to know.

"I..." Lorek couldn't bring himself to say it, not with Morze in this mood. "I heard your chanting and was curious. You make such powerful magic, I thought to see a bit of it for myself."

"You would like to watch?" Morze asked him.

"Yes, yes, I would like that very much." Lorek said, though he hadn't considered such a thing.

"Then, please, sit and watch me." Morze said. He seemed the opposite of angry now, he seemed...happy! "There is roasted meat near the fire if you are hungry. I roasted deer, but I have some wild pig as well, if you would prefer that. Would you like that?"

Lorek accepted the offered piece of deer meat (a good part of the deer, no less) with a sense of growing bemusement. Morze was lonesome! He had company now, the company of Lorek, and would do what he had to in order to keep it.

So Lorek became as amiable as he could, talking to Morze about the paintings and about when and how the paintings were and were not like real life. He was flattered as Morze reached up and rubbed away the painting of one bull's leg, to paint over it again a new leg in a different position, in accord with Lorek's suggestion.

It was now or never, Lorek judged. Morze was as compliant as he could be. "You draw such wonderful things." He started. And did a sigh as well as he could. "I would love to have such a painting as yours for my own dreams, as well as their power."

Morze spotted the ploy, for Lorek knew he had little art in deception. "I paint for others, that is true." He said. "But I always get what I need from it in return. You have nothing to offer me."

He had nothing left to lose, Lorek decided. "But there must be something I can give you, in return for your art. If you will but tell me what you want, I can try to get it for you." He was begging, he knew that. "I know you are lonely here. Can I not become your companion in exchange for some of your art, so that I may feed myself and my family?"

"You would not want to be my companion." Morze said, turning away.

Lorek looked at the art. Remembering Morze's hand upon the images of those hunters, with their exaggerated muscles, the other hand on his organ. Remembered the power in those hands when they chose to paint. "Yes, I would." He said as gently as he could. "I would make a very good companion for you."

Morze was turned away from Lorek and Lorek moved up behind him. He knew what to do now. Just step up next to that warm brown body and place his arms around him, with one hand reaching down to fondle the deerskin-covered place between his legs. And when Morze sighed and rested the back of his head on Lorek's shoulder, Lorek knew he had won.

"Have you never wondered why I have not taken a mate?" he asked Morze. "Did you think you were alone among our tribe in this?"

Morze moaned again, for Lorek's hand had gone around and into the flap between the folds of the deerskin and thus inside, and the throbbing pole waiting there.

"You are wise in things I know nothing of." Lorek said. "But in this, I am the master. Now I shall teach you a bit of my own magic."

Lorek was being less than honest in this. He had his own desires, true, he did not lie this much, but his one prior time had been during a meeting of the Tribes, which occurred only once in a great while. He had that one night of glory, and then the next day, his tribe left the gathering and he was back to being alone. His mother had moaned that he should have found a wife while there. But after that night, how could he have thought such a thing? But he was not the master of sex he had proclaimed himself.

Morze was not complaining, though, Lorek's hand was getting wet from the sloppy fluid his cock was exuding, and Lorek's hand slid and slipped as his grip became uncertain.

"Here, turn around." He said to Morze. "Let me show you what a good companion I can be for you."

Morze turned, trembling. Lorek's hands, one still sticky from the fluid that had oozed out of Morze's dong, moved over Morze's chest. The fluid was warm, so warm, under Lorek's palm, it made his hand glide upon the smooth, shiny chest.

And Morze groaned and he nearly lunged at Lorek and grasped him hard, hard enough to hurt, even. Lorek threw his head back as Morze kissed at his neck, as he bit at the tender flesh, not hard enough to draw blood, but enough to pinch the skin in a small arc of pain with each motion, as Morze's beard tickled his upper breast. To his surprise, this pain translated as it traveled down his body, combining with the subtle stimulation of the soft beard hair until, when it impacted his groin, it was raw pleasure, and his cock surged, to pressed out against his fur. He pressed it against the deerskin covered erection of Morze, his back arched sharply so that he had to bend at his knees to hold himself steady, but it was worth it, he could and did rub his hard dong against Morze's and add to the joy of his body.

Morze lowered him to the cavern floor, and Lorek was gratified to find that there was a length of fur there to catch him. It wasn't aligned to his body, but only his head and one shoulder ended up on bare rock. And Morze was kneeling over him, and he kissed Lorek in a hungry open-mouthed kiss that stole Lorek's breath away.

Lorek reached and removed Morze's loin-wrap and his hand again caught that turgid dong, this time unencumbered by the skin, and again his hand was coated with the slimy exudation of Morze's pud. And Morze found the tie of Lorek's fur and undid it, and pulled the fur aside so that it lay under Lorek entirely, a length of fur atop fur, and Lorek was bare to Morze's attentions.

Morze's hand was hot and eager on Lorek's prick, and the two cavemen pummeled each other's cocks for a time, until their breaths were both loud gusts of wind in the soft silence of the deep cave, the sighs echoed and refurbished each other, countered each other, until the very walls spoke of male lust.

"More." Morze gasped to him. "Show me yet more."

"I shall." Lorek agreed and he squirmed beneath Morze. Morze at first did not understand and Lorek had to bodily move his erstwhile lover so that he could move, but when his head reached for the precome-slicked pud, Morze's groan was like the roar of the cave bear itself! Lorek sucked down the cock and the salty layer upon it was like a salve that eased the way, he could and did take Morze down deeply as Morze moaned helplessly above him. Lorek's lips caught and pulled on Morze's shaft as he pulled back up and the tribe's shaman growled with the joy of flesh excited into pleasure, as his body so long caught only in monastic self-manipulation found for the first time the multi-textured delights of a lover, it was as it had been for Lorek, to discover that the body awakens in that moment of the first touch, to scream into flight like a raptor bird, to soar among the heavens and dance around the stars!

"Me, now, me." Morze gasped, and Lorek at first did not understand, but Morze arose and turned around, and Lorek understood, scooted to position himself on the furs more centrally, so that when Morze lowered himself again, he was resting hands and knees over Lorek upon the furs, and as Lorek took Morze's cock once more, Lorek's prick was taken into Morze's eager but untrained mouth.

Lorek winced as Morze plied himself with a will upon the young hunter's dong, he was grunting and not entirely with joy, for Morze was not at all adept at this, his mouth was dry and the teeth scraped now and then, and the speed was all wrong. The body is not too fussy when the joining is so long withheld, but even the long solitude has its limits.

"Stop, no more, please." Lorek gasped, and not with desire. "I cannot bear the more. Let me show the rest of it now, and we shall return to this pleasure at another time."

His eyes glazed, his face blank and uncomprehending, Morze let Lorek move again, and Lorek slid out and got himself behind Morze. He judged his dong to not be at all well-lubricated, and he added his own saliva to his manhood with spit-and-rub and managed to regain his full erection once more.

"Now, this is a time of some pain." He warned Morze. "But the pleasure waits behind that gate if you will but permit it to open fully."

"I am your student in this." Morze replied. "Take me as you will, for I shall do as you require."

"Then let your body relax and accept." Lorek spoke the words the other man had used to him, and he knew that the words had little aid in them, but it was all he could offer, and he pressed his hard man-speak into the softness between Morze's ass-cheeks.

Morze moaned as his body first resisted, and then the pressure made it give way, and Lorek felt the body beneath him stiffen in agony. "It is but for a moment." he said quickly, "and it is to be borne if the joy beyond is to be." Morze didn't relax, but he didn't move either, and Lorek settled for that, pushed again, harder. If he could but gain the entrance, the greater part of the ordeal would be done!

And Morze keened and his body failed and Lorek was in! Imbedded fully within Morze's anal region, Lorek's prong felt the tight wrapping of hot male flesh about him. He had never felt it like this before, never! Now he understood why that other man had lost all control at that point, and began to hunch into the young Lorek's ravaged bowels.

Lorek forced himself to be kinder. He felt the way Morze's body hadn't given up the fight yet, and he moved very gently to try to coax the stubborn flesh to surrender. Little by little, it acquiesced, and finally, there was only a soft, unconstricted pleasure enveloping him.

"Now, you are mine." He said to Morze as that other man had said to Lorek. And Lorek, like his teacher before him, began to move his hips and send his prod deep into Morze's bowels, and Morze groaned, and that groan held more than pain now. And after a few score of Lorek's thrusts, Morze began to thrust back against him as well!

Lorek was lost in his joy, he had taken Morze now, the magic of this powerful artist was now his own! He would gain so many things with Morze by his side, he would gain power, he would gain the luck of the hunt so long denied him, he would.... His pleasure came first and to the fore, now he would gain the delights of the body as he wrung it from the motions, and the ecstasy washed over him. His joy filled him full and overflowed, and he burst into his orgasm, his body sprayed heavily into Morze's body below him, and he was like a rabbit mating in his frenzy, short, rapid thrusts and it was still not fast enough for his body, he wanted more, more, faster, faster, give it, give it, oh, yes, yes, yes! A timeless moment of raw rapture and he was done, his strength fled from him and he was only a sweaty frail human once again, not the god of creation after all, just a pale reflection and very, very small, and he sagged back onto the furs to catch his breath and recover once more.

Morze was lying upon his face, Lorek noted with bewilderment, his buttocks were his highest point, and the heavy stench of male come was all around them. Lorek realized that while he had been pumping his life's liquid into Morze, Morze had joined him in the climax and squirted his own love-juices onto the furs beneath them. Good, he realized, better that than to leave a frustrated lover unfinished before him.

When Morze recovered, he rose to his knees and faced Lorek once again. "So you want me to draw you a painting of power?" He asked.

"Yes, please." Lorek said. "I cannot provide for my family without your help. The animals flee from me. Can you help me?" And while he was entreating Morze, he did not do so as a raw supplicant, but the way in which a partner can ask aid of a partner.

"I shall paint for you, indeed." Morze agreed. "Go upon your hunt tomorrow, and do not worry if the hunt is poor. When you return, you will have all that you want."

Lorek did, and he managed to snag a couple of rabbits, he would not have to go to the other hunters as supplicant this time. He doubted if Morze would draw him as a mighty killer of rabbits, and he chuckled at that image.

The other tribesmen were standing around, looking at his sleeping space. His heart burning, Lorek went up to see what they beheld, and he saw for the first time the work of Morze's art above his sleeping space.... . * * * * * .

Uncounted ages later, the archeologist took his students into the cave. "You can see how they managed their walls in discrete units of demarcation." He told his students. "They must have lived here in smaller family groups, and each family had their own markings, perhaps to protect them, perhaps to simply mark out their own space among the living areas of the cavern."

"What about this one?" a student pointed to an area the archeologist had appeared to avoid. "Looks more like someone's idea of a hell of a good time."

"You must remember that art is always symbolic." the professor chided his chuckling students. "Fertility symbols are always appreciated, when your fortunes depend upon the creatures of the field being potent and multiplying for you. Or perhaps it means something else entirely. We shall never know for certain. Now, if you'll look over here...."

And he guided the group away from the area from where Lorek's family had once slept. For the images did show the hunters successfully killing and overcoming the beasts, of all kinds. But those hunters and beasts both must have been stumbling over their huge, visibly ejaculating erections they had brought along with them on the hunt!

Potent magic indeed!


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