Celebrity-Boybands-Greatest Man of Your Life

By moc.loa@0030gnikG

Published on Apr 5, 2001



Alright, I haven't seen a really good JC - Justin story out there for awhile, so I decided to stir up the dust and submit one. Okay, they are the classic couple, but they make such a great match I've got to get this out.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send all comments and suggestions (good or bad) I take fire and brimstone just as well as praise, or at least I like to think I do.

Gking0300@aol.com Boygod85@hotmail.com

Dislcaimer: This story is complete fiction, and the references to the members of NSYNC's sexual orientation should not be mistaken for actualy fact.

Greatest Man of Your Life (1)

Tatoos curled around his neck and forearms, some invisible on the insides of his legs and down his back. His leather pants fit perfectly, complimenting his perfect body, backing up his outward show of self-confidence.

But his face was a familiar one, that of innocence and purity, framed by short cropped black hair, tinted a dark blue. A closer look revealed his muscles weren't toned from years on the street, but by dedicated laps in the pool and nights in the gym. His skin was pale and white, and the features on his face showed that of a young and handsome boy.

A boy that someone introduced to the rough real world much too early in their life, someone who was shown the streets and the harsh ways before they even hit puberty.

His green eyes shown with an intensity of a fire within, complimenting his black hair perfectly, turning the heads of passing strangers. But he always looked down, the heavy metal chains and beads that hung from his neck seemed to almost pull him into the earth like the guilt he carried around with him.

The guilt of his childhood, the guilt of his way of life, the guilt of his beauty upon which he was bestowed, and the beauty that he had ruined and spoiled irreverantly. He looked down at his wrist, cursing the harsh black ink embedded in his pale skin. The God given purity that had been harshly stolen from him. The intangible things that had been robbed so early on. He cried for himself, for the beautiful boy transformed into an apparition, ugly and cruel.

Ugly and cruel just like the world he had come to know. Standing on the street corner, he rubbed his hands together slowly, letting out a breath. Slowly, he watched the breath slowly wind into the sky, combined with the smoke from the cigarette he dropped to the street beside him.

Grinding it into the pavement with the heel of his boot, he bit his lip and stared out into the darkness, his green eyes sparkled inhumanly in the black night. Across the street, a streetlight pooled a faint ellipse of orange to tint the nearby buildings in its sickly glow.

He licked his dry lips, feeling the saliva seeping into the skin, a metallic shine from the inside of his mouth announced the presence of a tounge stud. Clicking softly against his upper teeth, he leaned against the stoplight looking down the abandoned street.

Shivering again, he wrapped his worn coat closer to his body, feeling the freezing air permeate its thin cover. Running a hand through his hair, he felt the silky locks fall back into place as he pulled another cigarette from his pocket and lit it. The tip burned a faint orange quickly before he pulled it from his lips letting the smoke once again escape his lungs and plunge out into the night.

Closing his eyes, he relaxed and momentarily brought down his guard. Tonight would be slow, real slow. Like a cat, he dozed lightly as the night hours wound away.

JC squinted as a pounding headache plunged his troubled mind into a painful beat. Shaking his aching body from the clutches of slumber, he rolled over and squinted as the bright morning sun promptly blinded him. Rubbing a hand over his face, he yawned and winced as the headache returned again with a vengance. Falling back into bed, he sighed and closed his eyes again, willing the stabbing pain to recede.

The knock at the door brought him back to reality and he steadied himself, holding his hands out to the sides trying to see straight through the pounding pain taking over his senses. Finally attaining what he thought was reasonable motor control, he stumbled over to the door and opened it, stepping back several steps as the figure who had been leaning against the door frame pushed through roughly.

"Goddamn you Josh, what the fuck is wrong with you?" the voice said angrily as the blond pushed past him angrily, his spiked blond hair caught the morning sunlight attratively. "Another long night huh? Another long night with another random guy from the streets. Is that it, huh?"

JC once again lost his control and started to sway, grapping onto the metal door frame of the bathroom, flinching at the harsh, loud tones thrown at him.

"What the hell is this shit JC? Whenever we let you out on your own, you always come back with, with," Lance gestured violently to the sleeping form in bed. "With some fucking street whore."

"Please Lance, stop," he said weakly bending over slightly as the pain became more than he could take.

Lance instantly felt the anger recede and lost his will to yell. "Why Josh, why do you do this? Is it some sadistic pleasure inside of you, to break people's hearts?"

Crouching next to JC, he spoke softly. "Come on bud, let's get you down on a bed where you belong." Lance helped JC rise and threw and arm around his shoulders, steadying his friend carefully. Lance helped JC back under the covers and slowly walked over to the window, pulling the heavy curtains shut over the sliding glass doors, the room instantly plunged into a comforting darkness.

Lance walked carefully back to the bed, avoiding the broken glass bottles and debris on the floor, strewn about haphazardly. Lance watched as JC slipped back into his sleep, moaning slightly as one hand subconciously grabbed hold of the sweat soaked sheets. Biting his lip, Lance confronted the covered shape lying next to JC in bed. Holding his breath, he pulled back the covers.

Lance's eyes widened as he saw the man underneath the covers, his pale skin instantly exposed to the sudden cold making his sleeping body shiver slightly. His eyes were closed and his long eyelashes framed the creamy white of his skin. His nose was perfect slightly turned up and his almost curling black hair hung down to tease the skin on his forehead.

A large tatoo curled its way down his spine ending in its entrancing tendrils, winding their way around the small of his back. The branches arched out to mar the smooth beauty of his youthful skin, its black, harsh lines wound their way aimlessly across his body. A heavy string of metal beads hung on his neck and clinked gently against another chain as he moved in his sleep.

Lance shook his head and pulled the covers back over the half naked form lying in bed. Looking over at JC, he watched as his friend turned over in his sleep, his body wrapped in the wrinkled bedclothes. He quietly made his way to the doorway, carefully depositing some shards of broken glass into the garbage with a soft clatter. He turned his head back to the darkened room and shook his head once again.

The door closed silently and Lance slipped out into the hall.

Listening to the door finally shut, JC lay staring at the ceiling, the splitting headache had finally dissipated from his head and his vision had cleared. Moving slowly under the covers, his leg brushed against bare skin. Moving over some, his hand encountered the warm, smooth flesh of the body lying unmoving next to him in bed. JC propped himself up on one elbow and pulled down the covers to reveal the most beautiful face he had ever seen.

Thoughts and memories from the previous night before flooded his troubled and weary mind like a whirlwind; cruising the darkened streets, the money, the sweaty bodies moving in the moonlight, the empty liquor bottles falling to the floor.

Yet here in the bright light that slipped from inbetween the drawn curtains an angel lay on the bed, his gorgeous features hilighted. JC finally let out his breath in a slow hiss, moving his hand slowly out to caress the hair. The silky locks felt warm and smooth under his touch, his heart rate slowed as he moved closer to the body. Pulling the covers over them, JC curled up close to the man, feeling sleep tugging at him again.

It felt natural. Natural to be in bed, to hold and touch this stranger. Just a street slut, a cheap whore he had picked up for the night, just for his pleasure. But what did he want? JC reviewed his thoughts carefully in his mind, his lips gently caressing the skin on the side of his neck, sweet and salty with the tang of dried sweat. JC ran a sweaty hand through his hair and sighed.

Too many thoughts for one time.

He pulled the man close to him, feeling an overwhelming sense of belonging for the first time in his life. Was it love? Definitely not. It was only human to want a body next to you.

Again, too many thoughts.

He smiled for no reason as he slipped back to sleep again.

Justin ran his head under the water, a few rivulets of the warm liquid ran down his face and into his eyes. Squinting, he turned off the faucet and reached for the towel hanging next to the sink. Drying his hair, he glanced in the mirror, giving a sigh of exasperation as his unruly hair formed its ever present tiny ringlet curls. Running a hand through the platinum locks, he let the strands fall back into place slowly, drying his hand on the damp towel before throwing it back onto the rack.

Justin padded softly back into the bedroom, the sun just beginning to dip beneath the horizon, throwing a moody blue light into the room, early evening shadows danced across the walls and ceiling. Falling back onto the bed, Justin felt his damp hair on the pillow, rolling over slowly, feeling the wet spot on the thin material. Closing his eyes, he sighed and pulled the covers over his thin body, feeling the warmth of the heavy comforter sooth his body.

But something was missing.

That feeling deep inside of longing and want, something that was intangible, yet ever present. The feeling of want, the feeling of something missing deep inside of you. Justin took in a breath slowly, trying desperately to piece together what was going wrong in his life, what he was looking for. Looking over at the rumpled sheets on the bed next to his, a pang started deep in his chest.

That was what was missing.

The beautiful man in his life, the man who had comforted him when he cried, smiled and laughed with him when he did, and held him tight when he needed it the most. Justin closed his eyes once more and a vision of his beautiful face hung in his memory, dominating the blackness of his vision.

His face was beautiful, smooth features covered by a flawless cream complexion, Justin could almost see the emerald blue eyes sparkling out at him, laughter and life behind their glow. And his hair, always messy and sticking up, but beautiful none the less. And his body. Justin smiled faintly to himself as his mind wandered back to the day, the day he caught JC coming out of the shower.

Justin remembered opening the door slightly, the blast of warm, humid air coming from the bathroom stunned him, and his lungs worked overtime to feed oxygen to his body. The thick humidity in the enclosed space took its toll on Justin, his breathing quickly becoming frequent and shallow. Dropping his shirt and shorts to the floor next to the sink, he leaned back against the cold marble of the countertop, brushing his teeth.

The shower curtain had opened, painfully slowly, Justin recalled. JC stepped out of the shower like a hero stepped from his boat to be welcomed back to his mother country. And a hero he was. His upper body was perfectly toned and defined, every contour of his smooth torso oozed masculinity and shimmerin drops of water reflected the harsh lights. His legs were smooth, only dusted with a small amount of dark hair. Seeing Justin, JC grabbed the towel from the shelf above the sink and quickly wrapped it around himself.

Justin couldn't tell if he was red from blushing, or from the heat of the shower. Justin spit the foam from the toothpaste into the sink and turned around, moving back so JC could pass. In the small quarters, JC edged past Justin carefully. Justin turned to enter the shower when he felt his crotch brush JC's lightly, their hardons coming together so lightly, but hard enough to notice. Justin inhaled. inevitably moaning as he felt JC's hardness through the towel.

JC quickly left the room, closing the door quietly behind him.

Justin lay back on the tiles, the slight coating of vapor mixing with the sweat running down his back,

What a memory.

Bringing himself back to reality, Justin turned over in the bed, the cold spot where his wet hair had been sending a chill through his body.


Justin froze in the bed, his body stiffening, and his baby blue eyes narrowed to mere slits. "Jace?"

The lock in the door clicked and opened slightly. "You in there Just?"

JC pushed the door the rest of the way open, his eyes slowly becoming accustomed to the pale light streaking through the window. He softly approached the bed and sat down on the edge, pulling the cover back so he could see Justin's face. "Hey there, I thought you might be asleep."

Justin shook his head and sat up slightly.

"Nope, you lie still, you're sick," JC said, his parental instincts taking over as he pushed Justin slowly back down to the bed. Putting the back of his hand gently to Justin's forehead, he could feel the heat radiating from the skin, slightly damp from sweat. "You're still pretty hot," JC started.

Justin rolled over and buried his face in the pillow, his voice coming out slightly muffled. "I'm fine."

JC shook his head and pulled his jacket from his shoulders, his body slightly warm from the intense heat in the room. "Man it's hot in here."

Justin shrugged and looked up. "I turned up the heat, I'm freezing."

JC wiped a drop of sweat from Justin's forehead. "You're cold because you've got a temperature," he said softly. "Stay here, let me call room service and order some soup or something. You think you can handle something to eat now?"


"So, do you want me to stay here with you or what?"


"Why don't I go call then, okay?"


JC got up from the bed and moved over to the phone, watching Justin as he slept. The blond's skin shone bright white, almost glowing. His recently cut hair showed tiny curls, his baby blue eyes bright and piercing as usual. JC marveled at the change that had come over Justin recently, his boyish looks morphed quickly into the startlingly handsome features of a young man. JC's hormones got the better of him as he watched Justin moan in his half-sleep. JC watched as Justin's eyes slightly close, the fever and fatique finally getting the better of him. Thinking back, JC remembered the usual Justin, the one who couldn't sit still, the one who was constantly bouncing off the walls. But JC realized that part of Justin's taming was due to him. He grimaced as he remembered the one and only time he had lost control with Justin.

The room had been dark, the lamps turned on and the curtains drawn tightly over the windows. JC sat in a circle, Justin on his right, Joey on his left, and Lance and Chris across from him. Chris had insisted they play truth or dare, and despite JC and Lance's attempts to crawl of quietly to bed, Joey and Chris had dragged them back to the hotel room.

Justin sat quietly, his normally light blue eyes turned a steely gray. He had barely said a word all day, and JC kept his eyes on the blond, watching him.

The game had gone on and on, far to much for JC's comfort. The questions had gotten more and more personal, and so far, he had managed to avoid a dare.

"Alright Joshypoo, truth or dare?" Joey asked.


"Come on Jace, you haven't done one dare all night, give it a shot."

JC was tired and he felt his eyelids sag. Energy drained from his weary body, he shrugged indifferently. "Fine, dare."

JC watched Chris lean over to Joey and whisper something in his ear breifly. Joey laughed and nodded, smiling. "Okay, we've got one. Since you and Justin are so close, we want you to kiss him, and not just a peck on the cheek. On the lips and I want to see some tonsil hockey."

JC sat stunned for a few moments, and then shook his head. "No, I can't do that."

"A dare is a dare." Joey stated firmly. "Now get up off your lazy ass and do it."

JC made eye contact with Justin, and saw the fear behind the eyes. "It's just a dare," Justin whispered softly as JC got up off his feet. JC moved over to Justin and their lips moved slowly together. JC remembered the bright flash in Justin's eyes, and the powerful feeling of love and lust coming over him as Justin's boyish scent surrounded his senses, the faint aroma of shampoo and soap mixed with his sweat assaulted his brain. Unprepared for the intense feelings he was experiencing, JC pulled back. In the space of a moment, he registered the strong pain and rejection in Justin's heart.

Looking around, he felt three pairs of questioning eyes on him. Immediately becoming defensive, JC lashed out viciously, his pent up anger and the awkwardness of the situation funneling to Justin.

"Goddamnit, I'm not a fucking fag, I don't go for this shit."


"What the hell do you think you're doing?"


"I'm not kissing anyone, not even for a game. At least not Justin."


"Don't even play with me like that."

JC stood awkwardly, noticing the bright streaks of tears flowing down Justin's face. Realizing he had yelled at the wrong person for the wrong reason, no, for no reason, JC bent down slowly. "I'm sorry Just, I didn't mean-," he started, but Justin was on his feet, his beautiful eyes flashing in the dark room.

Whispering so that only JC could hear, his voice trembled as he held back his tears. "Don't you even fucking play with me like that."

Justin's teeth were clenched, but his front broke and sobs racked his body. JC's mind spun with the pain Justin was experiencing, suddenly atuned to what the blond was feeling. "I, I," JC stuttered, unable to make the words come out.

Justin ran from the room, slamming the door behind him. JC sat down slowly and put his head in his hands, the room and the people in it fading from his mind. Burned into his vision forever was the sight of Justin, already in emotional hell, hurt by the one man he loved the most. Confusion and anger diffused into his vision and he almost passed out.

JC jerked back to reality as he heard Justin whimper in his sleep and turn over. Picking up the phone he dialed room service and ordered chicken noodle soup with a diet coke. Putting his elbows on the table, JC stared off into the never ending wallpaper pattern on the wall in front of the desk, trying to decipher the powerful feelings he had for the man lying in the bed only feet away.

I know you're hurting, I want to reach out and touch you, heal you. I want to feel your body move beneath mine as you cum, feel your shallow breaths against my skin, to hold you and feel your smooth skin beneath my fingers. I want to run my hands through your hair, feeling you shiver as my we kiss. I want to feel you deep inside of me, I want your hands raking down my back, your voice crying out desperately, my name over and over.

JC shocked himself with some of the thoughts running through his mind. Damn it, get your mind out of the gutter Chasez, he scolded himself. The knock at the door brought him quickly from his thoughts and he opened the door, pulling the cart into the room. Looking over at the bed again, JC watched as Justin rolled over and curled up tightly in a ball.

His fever must be up again, JC thought absently to himself as he dragged the coffee table from the small lounge next to Justin's bed, setting down the soup and coke down quietly. Pulling up a chair, he sat down and crossed his arms, his sapphire blue eyes glued to the sleeping angel in front of him.

"Look into my eyes James. Look right at me and tell me you don't feel anything for me. Tell me that you don't love me; that what we've had is wrong," Jaron said, his voice wavering slightly. His eyes were red and bloodshot, his hair rough and matted. "Tell me that and I'll leave."

"Just get out of my fucking house Jaron, I'm tired of your fag bullshit."

Jaron stood up and moved in front of the man, his sapphire blue eyes shone brightly. "Tell me James, tell me honestly that you don't love me."

The man stared Jaron right in his eyes, looking at the beautiful face, the sad glint in the eyes.

This is what I live for, he thought smiling inwardly.

"No Jaron," he said coldly, his voice cool and calm, emphasizing the initials with a steely metallic edge. "I don't love you, I've never loved you. Loved your body, yes. Loved you? No."

Jaron jolted from his sleep violently, sweat beading down his forehead, shining in the blue glow from the alarm clock. The luminous numbers projected the soft gleam into the room.


Lying back, Jaron let the cool sheets soothe his flushed body. Shivering, he put a hand to his forehead and immediately felt the head radiating from the tattoed skin.


He pulled the heavy blankets from the base of the bed up to his chin and buried his head in the pillow.

A noise, so quiet a normal human being wouldn't hear, sounded and Jaron's eyes shown brightly, sparkling and twinkling.

Closing his eyelids slowly, he concentrated, feeling the comforting and familiar tingling heat wrapp itself around him slowly in its tendrils coaxing the life, draining him of his energy.

The dark ugly lines of the tatooes that crisscrossed his pale skin receded, his hair slowly changed from a dark raven black to platinum. The strands warped themselves into small curls.

His eyes underneath his closed lids changed from an emerald green to a baby blue. His features remained the same, perfect and innocent; boyish yet mature.

Lying on the bed motionless and breathless, he was once again gripped with terror.

The terror of being different, the terror of being discovered, but most of all, the terror of himself, his life and his past.

Tears sprang at the corners of his eyes. He curled himself into a ball, questioning what had happened. Racking his mind, he delved deep back into his haunting past, pulling up thoughts and memories that he had once strived to put behind him.

JC walked into the dark room, taking the tray with the empty bowl and coke glass from the bedside table. Lying on the bed, lay Justin, curled up in a ball. His breathing was fast and shallow; beads of sweat stood out on his forehead and a drop ran down the side of his head to disappear into a curly sideburn.

JC turned on a light beside the bed and watched Justin as he slept. Gazing on the bare skin of Justin's back, JC's eyes traced the flawless skin, watching as the muscles moved slightly.

JC blinked several times, his sleep fogged brain suddenly playing games with him.

For a moment, he could have sworn he'd seen patterns on Justin's back.

Great swirling black patterns embedded beneath the skin.

Shaking his head, he turned off the light and left the room, pausing to kiss Justin's curly locks one more time.

As the door closed, Justin's eyes glowed orange in the pitch darkness.

TBC. . . .

My first attempt at anything not completely "normal" PLEASE!!! tell me how I'm doing, I love to hear comments.

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