
By Proteus

Published on Jul 19, 2003



Chad was 16 and was just getting ready to end his Sophomore year. He had been waiting for summer all year, but now that it was here, he wished it was not. It wasn't that he liked to go to class, or do homework, or anything like that. It was because of her.

Brianna. Chad had been drueling over here since he had first met her in his freshman year. She was about 5'6, about 110, beautiful brown hair, great eyes and smile, and a fantastic body. She was a cheerleader, and always hung out with the most popular guys in their grade. While Chad hung out with these guys a lot too, he wasn't really good friends with them, and therefor with her neither, but that had changed the last few days of this year.

Chad had spanish with Brianna. He also had the class with his friend Michael, and another friend Tyler. Tyler was good friend with Brianna and hung out with her a lot. He also hung out a lot with Brianna's best friend, Erica Granite. Erica was about the same height as Brianna, but weighed a little more, maybe 115-120. However, she made up for it with her model-like looks. While Brianna looked more like the girl you'de like to lay down on a couch and fuck until the world ended, Erica looked more like the girl you would watch on TV and imagine what she'd be like in bed.

It was about a week before the end of school, and Chad and Michael were in Spanish class. They sat on one side of the room, and Tyler, Ashly, and Brianna sat on the other end. The bell had just rung and everyone was sitting down to class.

"Okay guys," Mrs. Keener began to say, "Today we are going to go to the local Mexican Restaraunt to practice our spanish skills as an 'end of the year' field trip."

Everyone acted pretty excited. Most of us hadn't gone on a field trip since the fourth grade.

"I'm passing around a sheet. Anyone who is able to drive other people with them please sign up and choose a few people to carpool with you."

Michael and I could both drive. "Lets just go in my car huh?" I said as I turned to Michael.

"Ya that sounds good," he said, "and then we can get back to school early so I can drive home early! It'll be awsome!"

"Ya whatever," I told him. Michael and I had been friends since sixth or seventh grade.

He was pretty cool, but a little on the dork side. I tried to ignore him when he started talking about computer stuff and such when we were around other people. I always had cared a lot about my image and didn't want to look like a retard.

The list came around to Tyler, Brianna and Ashly first. Tyler and I had started to become good friends in the last few months, and I hung out with him a lot. He could be called one of the "cool kids" in our school. He pointed over at me, "Hey dude, do you and Michael want to ride with us? It'll be badass."

I eagerly said, "Ya that'll be awsome!." without looking over to Michael for approval.

I might have been dreaming but I swore I cought a smile out of the corner of Brianna's mouth. She looked over at Ashly and started talking to her.

Ashly spoke up, "I call shotgun! You, Michael and Brianna will have to sit in the back, Chad!"

Brianna then spoke up, "Ya but I'm not riding in the middle. You'll have to ride bitch, Chad!"

It seemed almost like she was trying to sit next to me, but I blew it off as just whatever. I knew better than to think she was interested in me. Afterall, she was one of the hottest girls in school? Her great rack, tight ass, and lips just made for sucking...I'm sure she had other guys interested in her that she liked more than me.

We left the classroom and got in Tyler's car. he had an older Honda Civic, '88 or so.

It was a two door so Michael, Brianna and I had to cram into the back seat. When I got in I scooted up next to Brianna, then was crammed against her as Michael jumped into the car behind me, trying to be funny. My hand brushed against her right breast before going against her shoulder, and I quickly pushed myself off of her back onto my side of the car.

"Michael, what are you doing?" She said laughing. Michael buckled up and told Tyler to turn up the Radio. Thrice was playing, a band that both Tyler and I were really into.

Brianna spoke out, "Oh I love this band!" and started singing softly along with the song that was on.

We got to the restaraunt and ordered. The rest of the class was all ordering in Spanish like they were supposed to, except for us. Michael, Tyler and I had set down at a booth, with Brianna and Erica in a booth over just a little ways away. We made sure the teacher wasn't looking in our direction and placed our orders. None of us really knew a bit of Spanish, we had mostly goofed off and cheated on most of the tests over the trimester. Hell, we had even gotten the answer sheet for the final.

We were goofing off the whole time, throwing food and napkinds/spoons between our two tables when the teacher wasn't looking in our direction. Brianna and Ashely seemed to have broken out into a laughing fit. Tyler looked over at me and smiled, "I'v seen the way you look at Brianna. Do you like her or something?"

I tried to hide my feelings, " I dont! Why did you think that?"

"Well you are always looking at her ass and chest. She's pretty hot. I think she likes you too dude. I see her checking you out a lot."

I smiled and leaned back in the booth. That was music to my ears, that Brianna could possibly like me as much as I liked her. Michael was pretty much ignoring our conversation, just goofing off over at the other end of the booth. There was a bowl of chips and salsa there. The salsa at this Mexican place was famous for being the hottest around. Earlier in the year I had chugged a bottle of imported hotsauce that made blood vessels in my eyes burst, making me look like I had red eyes for a few weeks. I had earned a reputation of doing stupid things like that.

"Chad, you should chug this man! It'd be hardcore!," Michael said, as he pushed the bowl of salsa over at me.

"Ya dude do it! Do it!" Tyler began to chant.

Brianna looked over at me and said, "Ya dude totally do it! Dont be a pussy!," I wasn't going to do it until I heard that. How could I say now to that peer pressure.

I picked up the small bowl of salsa and tipped it into my mouth, drinking every last bit of it. Brianna and Ashely started cracking up, and Tyler and Michael were impressed, saying "you're the man!" and "way to go dude!" and such.

The teacher looked over and said, "What are you guys doing? Are you goofing off? This is supposed to be a serious lesson to teach you more Spanish. Just because we aren't in the class room doesn't mean I'll allow you to goof off."

Michael and Tyler were both holding back their laughs, while Brianna and Erica were laughing like they were dieing over in their booth. The teacher looked over at them and said, "You girls think this is funny? Thats it. All of you, out of here now. I expect you to drive back to school and be in my classroom when I get back, or it'll be F's for all of you."

Brianna and Erica both got up and went into the girl's bathroom. Tyler and Michael and I got up from the booth and started to head back to the car.

"Awsome dude! We have so much time before the class is over, lets drive around! I know this awsome road where you can get air off all the hills and stuff, its badass!"

Tyler said as we walked out the hallway of the restaraunt.

"No man, we have to get back to class. I dont want an F for the trimester!" Michael said.

I looked around, Brianna and Erica were just walking out of the girl's bathroom. I wanted to show some confidence, so I started running out the door, yelling "shotgun!"

Brianna ran down the hall after me shouting, 'No fair, its mine!' I reached the door and went to open it, but it was locked. Brianna ran up and tried to push me out of the door, laughing. I sort of pushed her back, and she continued to laugh, saying "You wont make it! It's mine!"

Tyler opened the door on his side and unlocked it. I pushed myself through the doorway and sat down just before Brianna did. "Well I'm not cramming in the back again! You'll just have to ride like this, now!" and she pushed her way into the car and sat on my lap. I was so surprised I almost jumped. She closed the door and Michael and Erica got in the back seat. Tyler then pushed the driver's seat back and got in, and we were off.

"We better buckle up, I dont want to get thrown out the window if we crash!" Brianna said, smiling. She reached around and grabbed the seatbelt, the motion stretching her tiny shirt, revealing the full outline of her chest. She then pulled it around and snapped the stretched seatbelt in.

I had already been pushed tight against her hot, sweet ass, but now it was uncanny. I could feel every outline of her perfect butt with my cock. I felt myself almost instantly get hard, the whole while thinking, "Oh shit, she's going to think I'm a pervert now. This is it, I thought I had a chance but its gone now."

I was almost fully hard now, she had to have been feeling it, but she didn't say anything. She looked back at me and I thought she was going to yell at me, but she simply smiled. She scooted back a little further, pushing herself back on my cock a little. I could feel the outline of her vaginal lips through the tight jeens she was wearing. She then leaned back and put the back of her head on my shoulder. I felt like I was going to cum in my pants.

"Okay dude, I know this AWSOME road, lets go hit it." Tyler said as we came to the intersection. Straight ahead was the direction to the school, to the right was where Tyler wanted to go.

"Man lets go back. I dont want to get in trouble. I'm serious." Michael said. Erica looked over to him and frowned a little, as did Brianna and I. Tyler finally agreed and drove forward back towards school.

Meanwhile, I knew Brianna was starting to give me some serious sexual attention. She had been grinding her hips slowly into my cock, very slowly so that Tyler wouldn't notice. Every once in a while she would reach around with her right hand and rub it against my side, under the pretense of straightening her seat belt.

I think Tyler must have saw, because he looked over at me and winked at me right before we got to the school parking lot. I sighed. It looked like it was over, my little piece of heaven in the form of Brianna grinding that sweet tight ass of her's against my cock.

Michael got out of the car as we pulled into a parking spot. "Okay guys, later."

"Later" we all said. Tyler began to say, "Okay lets go hit this road. its so awsome."

I didn't want to just come for the ride along, so I decided to take some initiative.

"I'll grab my car and race you on it. Lets see who gets ahead, huh?"

Tyler grinned at me and said, "Okay dude, your funeral!"

As Brianna lifted herself off me, I felt my cock spring up into the air. I quickly shifted and adjusted it so it wouldn't draw attention, then got out after Brianna. As I got up, I whispered into her ear, "Come with me, babe."

I started to walk over towards my car. I had a 1998 Chevy S-10, lowered with 18 inch wheels and a V8 engine. It could beat Tyler's car any day of the week, but the back end was really light so it slid really easily around corners. Brianna stuck her head through the window as she shut Tyler's door, and said, "I'm going to ride with Chad.

I think he's going to kick your ass!."

"Bring it on, little girl!" Tyler said as Brianna turned and followed after me. I stepped into my car and unlocked the passenger door, and Brianna climbed in after me.

Tyler spun his tired and drove out of the parking lot, with me right behind him.

We pulled out and went back to the intersection, and turned to take the smaller, older road to the left. It started out intense, a 25 mile per hour road and we were going about 50. I slid around every corner, and Brianna was having the time of her life. She was laughing and giggling every time I heard the squeal of my tires as they slid around another turn. Tyler was ahead, and I was staying right on his bumper. I could see Ashly had moved up to the front seat, and was laughing just as much as Brianna. We hit a straightaway and I looked ahead to see a huge hill cresting before us. Tyler was gaining speed, so I picked it up too. Brianna reached up and grabbed the handle above the door. I say Tyler's car hit the hill and get about 3 feet of air as it cleared the summit and landed on the downslope. I felt my car lift up beneath me as we did the same, and then landed shortly behind Tyler. Brianna put both of her hands in the air and screamed, "YA! We showed him!"

Brianna turned to me, "I always knew you had a wild side, Chad. Tyler told me about you getting in that fight with Norm a few months ago. That kid was huge! I cant believe you took him down!"

"Ya, that was pretty intense. He just wore out faster than me or he might have beat me. I kept going though, I wasn't going to get my ass kicked by that fag. I took that bitch down."

Brianna looked down and then back up at me and spoke in the most sexy voice I had ever heard her say, "I wish you would put me down like that."

Was I hearing right? She couldn't have just said that. My heart jumped in my chest and I looked back at the road. I saw her reach into her bag and grab her cell phone. She dialed in a number then put it up to her ear. Ahead of us I could see Erica in the back seat pickup her phone and answer it.

"Erica, tell Tyler to turn right up here. My house is just down this road. My parents are gone for the week and theres some beer and weed there. Okay I'll see ya there! Its the big white one with grey trim."

She put away her cell phone and then spoke to me, "My house is just up ahead. Lets have a little fun, huh?"

"Sounds good to me," I said as I turned right, following behind Tyler and Erica. We drove along for a little way, and then I saw Tyler turn into a driveway. It was a big white house sitting right on the lake. The yard was prefectly groomed and there were rocks placed artisticly throughout the whole area. It was one of the most beautiful houses I'v ever seen in my life.

Brianna opened her door and exited the car. I got out and locked my doors and followed right behind her. I couldn't help but stare at her ass as she walked. Tyler came up beside me and said, "Dude that was intense! Your car was sliding around every corner! Dude Her house is nice, huh? Her dad is like a millionaire or something."

"Ya man, its huge. Did she say theres some beer here?"

"Ya!" Brianna chimed in ahead of us, as she fiddled in her bag to find the right key.

"I also have some weed we can lightup that I got today. It'll be fun!," said Erica, as she pulled a small baggy of marijuana out of her bag.

We entered the house. I couldn't believe at what I was seeing, the place was so huge.

It was 3 stories tall and about the size of a mansion. There were two staircases leading up to the second floor.

"C'mon, lets go up to my room," Brianna said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs. Tyler and Erica came up shortly behind us. I could hear Erica giggling behind me, and Tyler making little comments about the size of her breasts.

We got up to Brianna's room. It was like the size of a living room. There was a couch and a 30 inch TV in the middle of the room, with another larger couch a little ways away. Then there was a king sized bed on the other end of the room, with stuffed animals scattered on the floor around it. Brianna jumped on her bed and reached under her bed. I guess there was a mini fridge under there because she pulled out four ice-cold coronas and gave one to each of us. I popped mine open and took a swig, watching her as she did the same. I watched as she parted her lips to insert the neck of the bottle into her mouth. I would have given anything at that moment to be that bottle of beer. She looked up at me, noticing me watching her. I looked away, pretending I hadn't been looking at her.

Meanwhile, Tyler had set down his beer and was rolling a joint with the weed Erica had brought. Erica was fiddling with Brianna's CDs, finally selecting one and putting it into Brianna's CD player. Some light raegae music came in through the speakers which were scattered over the entire room. Tyler put the joint in his mouth and lit it up, taking a small puff before passing it to Erica. Ashely proceeded to take a hit and then passed it to Brianna.

Brianna popped the joint into her mouth, and closed her eyes as she inhaled a bit. She then blew a puff of smoke by my face. "Yo, hook me up with some of that." I said as she finished her second hit.

"You'll have to come get it, boy!" She said as she laid back on her bed. By now I had about half-finished by beer and was getting a little more loosened up, otherwise normally I probably wouldn't have done what I did.

I moved over on her bed and positioned myself on top of her, then lowered my head and grasped the side of the joint with my lips, pulling it away from her. I took a big puff and then exhaled it. Brianna continued to lay there, looking up at me with those beautiful green eyes. She then lifted her head up and repeated the same procedure on me, grasping the side of the joint with her lips, then flipping it around and taking a puff. She then grasped it with her fingers and placed it on the dresser next to her bed.

"Hey, I was going to have some of..." I began to say, before my words were cutoff as Brianna lifted her head up and embraced me in the deepest tongue kiss I had ever had.

I shifted slightly on top of her and placed one arm behind her neck, and the other under her arched back. I leaned down so she could put her head back on the bed, as our tongues began another wave of dancing.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Tyler and Erica making out on the couch next to us, Tyler with his hand up Erica's shirt, and her with her hand down his pants.

I turned my attention back to Brianna, just as our lips seperated. "I didn't know you liked me..." I began to say.

"Just take me, boy..." I heard her say as she closed her eyes for another kiss, but instead I moved my focus down to her neck and kissed her there. My last girlfriend had been a very communicative lover, and had helped me learn exactly what will turn a girl on. I felt Brianna inhale sharply as I breathed lightly into her ear, then moved farther down her neck and kissed her again. I continued doing this for a few minutes until I got to her cleavage. I kissed the exposed portion of her right breast softly.

I could feel the heat emminating from her, and I could see the pleasurable expression on her face. I pull my hands out from other her and slid them around to her sides, under her shirt. I then lifted up the small camisole off her, exposing everything but what her small bra covered. I kissed farther down, then between her breasts. I then moved my tongue over her bra, as if her nipples were exposed. I heard her breathing hasten a little bit, and she arched her back slightly to force me to put more pressure on her nipples. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Erica was on her knees, with her face buried in Tyler's crotch. She was bobbing her head over his cock, licked it like a lollypop. His head was held back in extasy.

I moved my head down Brianna's stomach, finaly arriving at her belly button area. I kissed around it, then moved down to her jeans. She moaned a little as I began to unbutton them, then pull them off of her. They slid rougly down her legs, as they were so tight and form fitting to her. They revealed her white thong that barely covered up the lips of her vagina. I got back to business and moved my tongue over her thong, directly over her tight pussy.

" you mind...eating pussy? I know...ahh...some guys dont like to...oohh" she moaned as I played my tongue over her panties. I looked up at her and smiled, then pulled her thong off by the strings. I pulled it down and let it hang over one leg. I moved my tongue over the entrance to her tight cunt, then and flicked it over the rest of her mound. Slowly I began to increase in pressure as I slid my tongue over her labia, until finally I penetrated through, the lips of her vagina parting aside to let my tongue enter. I moved it around her hot cunt, in and out. God it was so was I going to fit my dick in? She continued to moan and arch her back as I moved my tongue over her most private area. I moved my finger up, and began to gently massage her clit while I moved my tongue in and out of her cunt. I then reversed roles, sucking lightly on her clit while moving my finger in and out of her.

I moved my two fingers in and out in a rhythmatic faction, very gently so as to not make it uncomfortable for her. Every time I plunged them back into her, I would increase the pressure of my tongue and suck a little harder on her swollen clit. She moaned every time I did this, and I could sense she was getting close.

I began to increase the pase, moving my fingers faster and faster in and out of her as I played my tongue over her clit. Finally she started letting out gasps, and then arched her back as she let out a huge moan. As soon as I felt her juices, I bit lightly on her clit, sending her into another shattering orgasm. This time she squeezed the back of my head with her hand as she pushed my head closer to her crotch, bucking her knees around me. Again I bit on her clit, and she once again was sent into an orgasm, wrapping her legs around my back, pushing my tongue more into her crotch.

She then pulled my head away with her hands, bringing me back up to her and giving her a deep tongue kiss. I felt her breasts rub against my chest. Sometime during our session she must have taken off her bra. Her breasts were just as I imagined them, the perfect size and very perky.

She was panting, trying to recover from the multiple orgasms that had just ripped through her body. "Thats all I can take, lover." she said, as she moved her face up to give me another deep tongue kiss, tasing her own juices in my mouth. As we seperated, we looked over to see Erica stradling Tyler. She had just lifted one of her legs and was sitting over him, the tip of his cock just barely touching her vaginal lips. He then reached up and put his hands on her hips, and lowered her down onto his hard 8 inch cock. Her lips seperated to allow his cock to penetrate deep inside of her. She closed her eyes and moaned a little as he entered her, and she began to buck her hips forward, pushing him deep into her, then out again.

"Lets go somewhere a little more private, okay?" Brianna said as she turned back to me. I agreed and she got up and grabbed me by the hand, leading me down the hall towards her parent's room. I watched as the afternoon sun shone through the windows, lighting her perfect naked ass as she walked ahead of me, guiding me towards her parents room. We entered the room and she turned around and pressed herself against me, embracing me in a deep kiss. She then broke away and lifted my shirt over my head, revealing my physique. I was decently muscular, I had been working out with Tyler and his friend Jacob lately. She rubbed her hands over my chest and down to my pants as she unbuttoned them, pulling them down on my legs, leaving me only in my boxer shorts.

She then walked over and sat on the bed. I followed her and layed down there. She knelt down in front of me and slid my boxer shorts down my legs, revealing my hard 7 inch erection. She came up and embraced me deeply, then said, "just relax, let me do everything."

She moved back down and started licking around the base of my shaft. Her tongue played accross me as she moved it over my balls, back up the base of my shaft, then lightly flicking it over the head of my cock. Each time she did this it sent chills through my body and I felt like I would come, but I held out for a better time. She began to put her lips over the head of my cock, drawing just the head into her mouth, licking her tongue around it, then pulling it out once again and licking around my shaft. I went to put my hand behind her head to push her down to take my entire cock into her mouth, but she grabbed it and guided it back to cup her right breast. She continued to take just the head into her warm mouth, lick around it, and then focus her attention back on my shaft and balls.

The next time she went to do this, I bucked my hips up slightly, forcing a little more of my cock into her mouth. She then went down a little farther on her own and played her tongue around my cock, moving her head up and down on my hard dick. She kept doing this, looking up at me, giving me the sexiest look I have ever seen, then back down at my cock. She then came up and took almost the whole thing into her mouth. I felt the head of my cock hitting the back of her throat as she took me deep into her mouth and throat. She held herself there for a moment and then came back up for air. She then started doing this more and more, bobbing her head completely up so just the head was in her mouth, then back down and taking in my entire cock into her throat, swirling her tongue around it the entire time, giving me the most amazing feeling.

I soon began to feel the semen swelling in my balls as she went down again. This time she pressed her lips tightly around my shaft and pulled back up, then down again, back up, then moving back down, swirling her tongue around my shaft as she did, then once again slightly puling up, pressing her lips tightly around my shaft. I couldn't resist any longer, and I bucked my hips up as a powerful orgasm ripped through my body. I could feel every spurt of my hot juices shooting into her mouth. She swallowed the first few spurts, then came up for air, the semen leeking down my shaft from the corners of her mouth. After she had finished licking all my cum up from my cock, she came back up and laid beside me. We laid there for a few minutes, her stroking my cock until she worked me back up to semi-hard.

She moved close to me and whispered in my ear, "Chad...I've never been fucked before...I'm a virgin. I want you to fuck me...please, you've gotten me hot and..."

I turned to her and gave her a look that said "its okay..." and then gave her a deep kiss. I rolled her over on her back and positioned herself near the edge of the bed. I got up and spread her legs around me. She looked up at me with a look that said she trusted and wanted me. By now my cock was as hard as it had been at first, and it was positioned there in front of the entrance to her tight cunt. This is what I had wanted since I first saw her, and now it was was now.

I moved a little closer, and positioned the head of my cock at her vaginal lips. She closed her eyes, expecting me to penetrate her. instead, I took the head of my cock and rubbed it against her swollen clit. She moaned a bit, and then settled back down.

This time, I eased my cock right up to her waiting pussy, dripping with her juices. I pushed it very lightly into her, just the head. It went in very slowly. She was so tight, I hadn't believed her at first when she said she was a virgin, but now I did.

If I hadn't have came just moments before in her mouth, I probably would have came right then. But I held back, and continued. I then pulled the head of my cock back out of her, and rubbed it against her clit. I continued this for a few minutes, pressing just the head of my cock inside of her, then pulling it out and rubbing it against her clit.

The next time I inserted the head in, she arched her back a little, picking herself a bit off the bed and forcing my cock in a little deeper. I put one hand gently but firmly on her belly and pushed her back onto the bed. She moaned a bit in faint protest, then swooned as I slid my hard cock halfway into her. I then reached down with my other hand and started to massage her clit with my thumb. I started to half-fuck her, pushing my hardon in and out of her deep, tight cunt. Each time she moaned a little more, and finally I said, "Okay...I think you're ready.".

I began to push my cock a little farther in each time, each stroke inperceptively deeper than the last. She began to moan and buck against me. As I was about 3/4 of the way inside her, I felt her body erupt with an orgasm. She wrapped her legs around my back and arched her back as she was rocked by a powerful orgasm. I then pinched her clit, and shoved my cock fully into her, sending her into a second orgasm. The pleasure overwhelemed the pain of her hymen breaking, and she hissed through her teeth as she began to settle down from her multiple orgasms.

I was ready now. She, on her back, letting me take her for my pleasure. Looking up at me with those big green eyes, trusting me, loving me. I continued to fuck her, sliding my long, hard cock deep inside her fully, then back so that just the tip was left inside her, then fully back in. Her cunt was so tight, and so deep. I could get almost my entire cock inside her. I felt the inside of her vagina against my cock as I slid in and out of her, the feeling was unimaginable. I had never been inside someone this tight before. Below her I could see her tightass, which I had always wanted, now rocking back and forth as I plunged my cock deep in and out of her. I could hear Erica screaming as powerful orgasms rippled through her in the next room. Brianna sort of smiled as she heard them, then closed her eyes again as I continued to fuck her tight cunt. I could feel our session start to come to an end, as the powerful feeling of orgasm began to boil up inside of me.

I opened my mouth and said, "I am going to come, I better pull out..." But she had other plans. Holding onto me, she used one of her legs to turn us over so that she was on top. She steadied herself with one hand, and wrapped the other around the base of my shaft. She was so light, her form balanced perfectly above me. A look of deep concentration came over her face as she began to fuck my cock. She would lift herself completely up so that just the very tip of my cock was still penetrating her tight, tight entrance...then lower herself back down so that my entire cock was deep inside of her pussy. She was smiling now, knowing that she was giving me such pleasure.

Giving me the thrill of fucking her, the girl I had desired for so long. I was the victor, and she was my prize. She was mine to do with whatever I wanted, and I was fucking her with my hard cock, it sliding in and out of her vagina. She continued to raise and lower herself on my cock, fucking me intently. The feeling was so great, but I began to feel the cum boil up inside of me. She was moaning now, beginning to pick up the pace as she fucked herself on me over and over again. I could feel the lightning start to buildup inside of my body, and then release as I came in waves of powerful orgasm. She came at the same moment, and her juices on my cock inside her made me come even harder. She moved her hips forward, plunging my cock as deep as it could go inside of her, then pulling back, milking the cum out deep into her, filling her insides with the warmth from me. I came in 7 powerful spurts, feeling each one bury itself deep inside of her. Her screaming finally subsidee, and she collapsed on top of me, a tear falling from her eye, down to her cheek. After a moment I pulled out of her, the cum dripping out from her still tight cunt, despite all the fucking she had done today. She turned to me and gave me a deep tongue kiss. We then pulled away, and fell to sleep together for hours.

When I wokeup, Brianna was still asleep, cuddled up to me. I could feel her pussy pressed against my leg, and her tits pressed against my chest. I moved out from under her arms and got up, walking back to her room to see what Ashely and Tyler were up to. Tyler was reading through a dirtbike magazine, and Erica was watching TV, drinking a corona. I sat down beside her. She looked over at me and smiled, and then turned back to the TV. Wrestling was on, some match between two really hot girls.

Brianna must have woken, because she came into the room and sat down beside me on her bed, leaning next to me and holding my arm. She looked at the screen as one of the girls threw the other down onto the mat.

"Wow, she sure took that bitch down, didn't she!" Erica said, as she took another drink of beer.

Brianna got up and moved over me so she was between me and Erica. She reached her hand over and touched Erica's cheek, making them face each other, their faces just inches away from each other, Brianna's naked body pressed up against Erica's, which was barely covered with Tyler's shirt. Her lips were now almost pressed up against Erica's, and she spoke, very softly..."I wish you would put me down like that."

To be continued?

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