Chance and Brian

By moc.loa@56brenT

Published on Sep 27, 2001


This story is truly fiction made up from my own little mind.. I have no clue if anyone from the BSB is gay nor do I care. If you are to young to be reading homosexual material then I suggest you leave.. if this kind of material is not legal in your state I suggest you leave.. if all the above is not a problem then i hope you enjoy my little story.

thank you to everyone that has responded to my little story it is greatly appreciated...

Chapter 18

I felt someone come up behind me and wrap there arms around me.. I turned to look into Marys eyes... I hugged her tight and choked out "Mary, I don't know what I will do if I loose him. I love him so much."

"I know you do Brian.. and he knows that too.. be strong for him Brian., he will make it through this, hes a strong willed and stubborn guy."

I sobbed onto her shoulder and said " I hope so."

"He will Brian I can feel it.. There's always been something around Chance protecting and guiding him. I choose to think its his grandfather, but its really strong tonight.. trust me on this.. he will be fine."

I pulled back and looked into her eyes and noticed how much Chance resembled his mom.. It has to be the eyes.. Chance has the same eyes as his mom, they are Green with light brown in them.. you look at them and they calm you down.. its like looking at someone that has been around forever, someone that has full knowledge of what is really going to happen. Her eyes told me that she was completely honest and I took that as a sign that everything might just be ok. I hugged her and asked "Mary what happens if hes not ok.. I cant leave in a week and not have him be ok.."

"Sweetie he will be I swear.. I can feel it."

"God Mary I hope your correct, I will quit BSB before I leave and have him not be ok."

"Brian, Sit down and listen to me." she said

I just stared at her not knowing what to do, she gave me the same look that Chance gives me.. which means sit down and listen.. dont talk but listen. I sat down and waited for whatever she had to say.

"Brian... Chance is a very strong soul.. he has been through a lot as I have told you.. and I cannot see him giving up and leaving us.. youve got to remember that he has Nate which he would and will fight for, and now he has you and he loves you both so much that he isnt going to leave. Hes found something in you that he has looked for forever, hell lifetimes, someone that he looks to for advice and love, someone that he can tell his most intimate secrets and fears to... Brian believe me when I say that he will not give up, he has found something in you that he will not walk away from."

"Mary... I just love him so much." I said breaking down and crying more.

"I know you do Brian, and he knows that, he feels the same way. Can I tell you something that he told me today when I talked with him?"

"Of course you can Mary."

"Well, it was more of a question than anything, which pretty much says everything. he asked me "How does Chance Littrell sound, or should it be Chance Archer-Littrell?" Brian I couldnt help but smile at this because Chance hasnt thought of the future for the last couple of years hes only thought about day to day survival. I hope your getting what im trying to tell you Brian?"

"I sure do Mary and thank you for telling me this."

"Your welcome Brian, However I do have one other thing to tell you."

I looked at her confused not sure what I was going to hear next, I wasnt sure I wanted to hear more.. the only thing I wanted to do was wait and find out what was happening to Chance. Mary shook me and said "Brian are you ok?"

"Yes Mary im fine thanks.. I was just thinking that I would love any information on Chance.. im really scared for him."

"I understand that Brian and they will come let us know as soon as they know something, however in the mean time I need to tell you the other thing that Chance asked of me."

"Ok Mary im listening."

"He told me if anything was to happen to him that he.. well.... he wants you to adopt Nate, he wants you to take care of him, he knows that he will be taken care of and will have a good life. Plus Nate loves you."

"Mary I couldnt do that. Nate should stay with you.. your his family, he belongs with you."

"Brian... I love Nate with all my heart.. but, Nate belongs with someone that will take good care of him for a long time.. hes only five and has a long life ahead of him, Im in my sixties and getting older every day.. he needs to be with someone that can take him and do things with him.. such as baseball, basketball etc.. he needs an active life and he wouldnt get that with me, but he would get that with you."

"I dont know Mary... I just dont know.." I said crying. I couldnt believe that Chance would want me to take Nate.. Why would he want that.. his mother is the best choice for the job not me.. I cant take care of a five year old.. I wouldnt have the slightest clue of what to do with him.. or how to take care of him, what the hell was he thinking.

"Brian im just telling you what Chance asked of me, Plus we do not have to worry about that at this point in time because nothings going to happen to Chance, so really this is a mute point."

"That is true nothing is going to happen to Chance.. It cant and it wont." I said trying to reassure myself." Mary leaned over and hugged me and kissed me on the cheek as Angel walked over to us.

I stood up and asked "Hows he doing?? is everything ok?"

"Hes holding his own Brian.. somehow. We revived him and he is ok right now.. but they are taking him to the operating room. Hes lost a lot of blood and the bullet did hit his liver. They are going to go in and do surgery to repair the liver.. once the bleeding is stopped then they will give him more blood to replenish what he has lost.. so for now he is fine.. once we get out of surgery I will come back out with the doctor and let you know how hes doing. He walked over to me and placed his hand on my shoulder and said "Brian he will be fine, I can feel it." With that I looked up and stared into his eyes and said "Thank you Angel" He leaned over and said "Brian thats what we are here for."

As he walked away I could have sworn that he has this glow about him, and to tell you the truth it looked like he was kinda floating instead of walking. I blinked a few times to try and clear my eyes.. thinking im just really tired and all the crying isnt helping. When I looked back at Angel the glow was still there, the aura was a bright calming yellow. It made me realize that Chance was in excellent hands, I instantly knew he would be fine, as Mary said "he will be fine I can feel it." this was so true because I felt the same thing.

Mary and I went back over and sat down on the waiting room couch, I took her hand and said "Thank you Mary." she looked at me confused and said "For what Brian?"

"For telling me what Chance told you.. It tells me that he truly loves and trusts me, I cant tell you how much that means to me." With that I leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

Mary and I sat there and talked for at least 45 minutes before I heard Nick yell "Nate get over here now.. Nate I said NOW" I got up off of the couch and walked over to Nick and said "Nick stop yelling, after all your in a Hospital" He turned and smiled and gave me a huge hug and Said "Well if you can get that son of yours and Chances under control then you go for it."

I walked away from Nick and went in the direction that I watched Nate go.. I walked about 15 feet down the hall when Nate came out of the vending area, he stopped when he saw me and started the other way.. I said "I was thinking about getting me a Coke, would you like one Nate?" he stopped dead in his tracks and turned back towards me.. I turned into the vending area and stepped up to the Coke machine and deposited the buck fifty it required and pressed the button.. I looked down and watched Nate pull the Coke from the machine and start to walk away I reached down and grabbed his arm and said "I dont think so Pooh, you will go sit down by your grandma and behave like a good little boy and not run the halls, do you hear me?"

He looked up at me and said "Yes poppa" I stood there not knowing what to say .. he had never called me poppa before.

I looked down at him and fought back the tears.. and choked out "Ok then lets go sit by your grandma" I took his hand and walked him over and I sat down on the couch, Nate handed me the coke and then crawled up and on the couch and onto my lap. Mary looked over and chuckled and said "see, I dont think theres anything else that needs to be said" I smiled at her and said "Ok I get the point"

She leaned over and said "This is my personal opinion but I think you would make a great father." I blushed and said "I can only hope so, am I ready to be a father? I guess I am.. after all I did ask Chance to marry me and Nate does come with the package. so I guess it would be yes.. I am ready to be a father."

Nate looked up at me and Said "Poppa you can have the Coke, I dont want anymore."

"Thanks pooh, I will just put it right over here." I leaned over and placed it on the end table "so if you want anymore you just let me know ok and I will get it for you." he leaned into my chest and closed his eyes and said "Thank you Poppa, I love you."

I looked down and kissed him on the top of the head and choked out "I love you too Pooh."

Nick, Kevin, AJ and Howie came walking into the room and sat down across from us.. I advised them of the information that we knew and that Chance was having surgery.. and we should know more within the next few hours. I sat back with Nate in my arms and closed my eyes.. and drifted off to sleep. I woke up about two hours later to a gentle nudge from Angel.

I sat up with a start afraid that something was terribly wrong.. Angel whispered "he's doing good Brian, hes out of surgery, they had no problems fixing the liver and getting the bleeding to stop. He woke up about 5 minutes ago and asked for you. They will move him to his room and then you guys can go see him.. but, hes going to be very tired from the loss of blood and the pain killers we have him on so most of the time he will sleep, its probably best for you, that once you see him you go get some rest."

"Thank you Angel, but I am not leaving him. I will stay with him."

"Its up to you Brian, I will clear everything with the nurses letting them know that you may be here with him, so that they wont give you any problems."

"Thank you for everything Angel.. I cant tell you how much I appreciate all that you have done for him."

"Brian your a religious person and so am I, It wasnt me that fixed him.. it was gods will.. its not Chances time. This is the time for you and Chance to be happy, and Ive been told that you will be for many many years.. Brian you should consider yourself lucky.. some people never find true love.. you guys should consider yourselves blessed.. its a very special thing that you have, and God does realize that. So on that note the only thing that I can really say Brian is.. Love each other.. thats the most important thing.. nothing else really matters." With that he stood up and walked off..

I woke everyone up and told them that Chance was fine and that he would be in his room within the hour.. "Why dont you guys just head on back to the hotel we will be fine.. im going to stay with Chance.. "

Kevin spoke up and said "Brian we are not leaving until we see Chance and let him know we were here."

"OK, I just didnt want you guys to stay if your really tired"

"As Kevin said, we are not leaving until we see him Brian" Nick said.

"Ok ok " Nate turned in my arms and laid on me.. resting his head on my shoulder.. he whispered "I wanna see daddy.. please poppa can I see daddy?"

"Of course you can pooh, as soon as they get him in his room I will take you up, but in the mean time.. are you going to go home with grandma or are you going to go back to the hotel with Nick, Kevin and the guys?"

"Poppa.. I wanna stay with you and Daddy,"

"Sweetie I wish you could... but they wont let us do that, but why dont we do this.. tomorrow morning I will come and get you and we can come back up and see your dad ok." the look on his face just about crushed me.. he looked so sad.. I hugged him close and told him everything would be fine.. and that his dad would get out soon, and how much I loved him.

Ok thats the end for now.. please let me know what you think of this chapter.. good bad or otherwise.. all responses are greatly appreciated. my email addy is

Thanks to everyone thats reading..


The author is the sole owner of this story.

Next: Chapter 19

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