Chance and Brian

By moc.loa@56brenT

Published on Apr 16, 2001


Disclaimer: This story is purely fiction, I do not know any boy band members and probably never will, or do I claim to know there sexual orientation, or do I care.. If homosexuality offends you in anyway then please do not read any further and leave. If you are to young to read this then leave now.

I hope you enjoy the story

Chapter 2 of Chance and Brian...........

Brian and Nate did sing together. Brian has a beautiful voice, the words just seems to flow from his mouth. I have been to plays and musicals and such, and at times it can bring tears to my eyes, this was one of those moments. I was teary because of Brian's kind heartedness to sit and sing with my son. He is truly a caring and loving man, you could tell it by his actions with Nate.

At this time mom walked into the room and said "ok I'm ready to go home."

"so are we, arn't we Nate" I said...

"Yep" was all he said

"well, then it's unanimous, let's go."

Mom asked "what did you do to your leg" so I told her the whole story.

"Well good going grace" she said and started laughing.

Brian was good enough to help me out. He stood and smiled and walked over to my mom, and I said "mom this is Brian, Brian this is my mom, Mary"

He said "it's very good to meet you ma'am."

She said "ok... please don't call me ma'am, my name is Mary.. It makes me feel really old when someone calls me ma'am."

I started laughing and with that I got an evil look from her basically saying... don't even go there....i held up my hands and said "I didn't say a word." "and you better not" is what she told me.

She smiled and said "Brian its very good to meet you.. You seem like a very POLITE young man" glaring at me.

I smiled at Brian and he smiled back.

I said "oh mom, Brian's coming over for dinner on Saturday at 6 so I'm hoping you can be on your best behavior" I stepped away from her knowing I was probably going to get smacked, and as I thought, her hand came flinging by my arm. We were all laughing at this point.

"Well I think it's time we get going", I said "Brian do you have a way back to your hotel?"

"yes, I will just call a cab" he said

I said "no you will not, we will take you back, why don't you go say goodbye to your friend and then we can drop you off".

He started to object and I held my hand up to him to tell him to stop and simply said "Go, then we can head out" he turned and walked out of the room and was gone.

Mom turned and looked at me with a smile on her face... I looked at her and said "what"

Her smile got bigger and said "dang Chance he's a cutie".

all I said was "Yep, he sure is".

Brian came back about ten minutes later with a big smile on his face. Saying he was ready to go. We headed out to my car. As we approached the car I said " ok Nate you ready to drive?"

he said "YEP".

we walked up to the car and I heard "Oh my god you have a beetle, I love these cars, they look like a lot of fun"

"They are, maybe someday I will let you drive it".

"Oh really, and what will I have to do to be able to drive it" he said giving me this shit eating grin...

I smiled and said "well I'm sure that we can work something out" and winked at him.

Mom cleared her throat and said " ok boys... you think we can go now." And started laughing..

We all got in and buckled up and I turned to Brian and said "yea, I'm sure we can make a deal "... he smiled at me and was about to say something when I said.. "well yea, I can always use a babysitter". And busted out laughing..

He said "geez thanks"

I said "well, or I could just use you as a pop star sex toy" With that I got a slap in the back of the head from mom..

Who said " I think I have heard enough". Which caused me to laugh even more.

"Brian, where are you staying? "

He said "the Westin downtown Seattle".

I said "ok the Westin it is".

We headed into Seattle talking about anything and everything. Mom was asking about traveling, how they did it adding it must be very tiring to do something like that day after day..

Brian replied by saying "yes it is tiring but, i am sure its what I was meant to do with my life, so I am following it for now.. Someday it will be over, but I figure if I ride it out for now then it should and will make me very stable financially".

With that we arrived at the Westin and pulled up to the front doors, I put the car in park and said "Brian It was great meeting you this morning, you seem like a really good guy, and very down to earth.. I'm glad we had a chance to sit and talk"

"I'm glad we did to Chance, it was a pleasure talking to a fan, and not ones that wants to rip your clothes off".

I started laughing and said "Damn, I knew I was forgetting something". and started reaching for him, I was trying to keep a straight face but I couldn't I busted out laughing because of the look on Brian's face.. He looked like he wanted to bolt from the car.. Once I started laughing he knew I was just giving him a hard time.. And started laughing also..

Mom said "Brian isn't there a concert tonight?"

"yes, its at the key arena at 8 pm.. He looked at me and said "are you coming to the show."

I said "no.. I couldn't get tickets its sold out."

He said "well did you want to come, I can get some tickets for you guys if you want to come tonight."

Mom said "not me."

But I said "I would love to and I'm sure Nate would love it to"

he said "great then I will leave the tickets at the ticket stand, just give them your name and they will give you the tickets."

I said "Brian are you sure."

He said "yes, very sure." and added "ok, I'm going to go, If I don't see you tonight I will see you tomorrow night at dinner".

"Great, thanks again Brian and see you then"

Since it was so early in the morning there were no fans around besides the ones in the car.. So he walked right up and in the front doors of the hotel.. I was watching him go when I heard mom say.. "Nice ass."

"god mom.".

She said "What,he has a nice ass Chance."

I smiled and said "yes he does".

I heard from the back seat "Home James" And laughed at Nate.. I said "mom, you need to stop teaching him this stuff."

She said "what, now that was funny... good job Nate."

We rushed home from Seattle with just enough time to get Nate cleaned up and ready for day care and mom and I enough time to get ready for work.

The day went as planned busy long and stressful. I rushed home so that we could get ready to go to the concert.. I made it home by 5.30 and was ready by 7.00 which would give us enough time to get to the key before the concert started.. We actually made it with plenty of time to spare. When we arrived we walked up to the ticket booth, I gave them my name and they presented me with a manila envelope. I opened it to find two front row center tickets plus back stage passes.. A note fell to the ground which I picked up and read.. It said:


well, if your reading this that means you decided to come to the show, I added two backstage passes hoping that if you got here early enough you could come back stage and meet the rest of the guys.

Thanks for coming to the show, and for being a friend.


How could you not smile with how sweet this guy is.. Yep, I could easily fall for someone like this..

We went in the key and found our seats, that's when Nate started saying over and over again "daddy I want to see Brian I want to see Brian".. I said "ok pooh, we are going to, so calm down, ok.." We found the side entrance and preceded to the door and opened it and walked in to find a big and I do mean big man sitting at a table..

I said "hi, I am Chance Archer this is Nate and we are here to see the guys."

He smiled and said "can I see your pass".

I said "sure" and handed him our passes."

"ok, you can go on back, but, let me call Aida who will show you how to get to the dressing room and then back to your seats."

"great, thank you very much.."

He said "your more than welcome."

Aida showed up and took us through the backstage area and showed us the best way out to find our seats again.. I thanked her and then asked if we could get going before the show started ..

she said of course "I'm sorry sir".

I said "please, no sir, my name is Chance."

She said "ok, I'm sorry, Chance please follow me." We followed her to a door that didn't look like a dressing room, it resembled a door to a janitors closet, she knocked on the door and waited, we heard someone say "come on in"

She opened the door and stuck her head in and said "I have a Chance and Nate Archer here to see you". I heard a deep southern voice say "well send them in".

Please go on in" Aida said.

"Thank you very much for the tour Aida" she said "it was my pleasure Chance". and turned and walked off..

Nate and i walked into the room and saw complete and utter chaos. The room was a mess, there were clothes all over the room, straight ahead of me sat three couches.. to the left was a huge table filled with food for the guys, and to the right was a rack of clothes that looked to be the wardrobe, also to the right was a door that I'm sure lead to a shower room since I could hear a shower going..

I looked around the room to find four sets of eyes staring at me.. So I smiled and said "HI I'm Chance and this is Nate, we just wanted to say hi, and wish you guys luck with the show tonight."

They all stood and came over to me.. Kevin was the first to reach me, he extended his hand and said "Hi, I'm Kevin its nice to meet you Chance, and then bent down to Nate and shook his hand and said "hey, I bet I could find you something to eat over there would you like something." Nate looked up at me and I said.. "Yea pooh go ahead, but no candy." I smiled at Kevin.. Kevin smiled back and said "ok Nate lets go find you something." and they walked off..

I smiled as Nick came up to me, I extended my hand and said "its nice to meet you nick"

He smiled and said "its nice to meet you too Chance."

The next was Howie and then AJ.. We shook hands and then sat down on the couch..

Howie said " he's a really cute kid"

"Thanks" I said

"ok, I see one Bsb is missing." They replied "sorry, he's in the shower he should be out anytime now."

I thought HMMMM free show maybe.. Heheheeh... :o)

Just then the bathroom door opened and out walked Brian in nothing but a towel. Talk about drooling.

Brian didn't realize that we were there, as he walked out of the bathroom he was drying his hair, he walked straight to the wardrobe rack and picked out his outfit and dropped the towel and pulled on some boxers.

I spoke up and said ... "Damn Brian, nothing like a free show.. You know you should be more modest when you have company." Everyone started laughing.. I could see Brian's face start to turn beet red.

He said "oh my god, you scared the shit outta me, I didn't realize anyone was here."

I said "that's ok really, I didn't mind." We were all still laughing.

He then turned to me and said "I'm glad you could make it Chance, and added "oh cool, you did bring Nate." Brian bent down as Nate went running over to him.

He said "HI Brian, can we sing again?"

Brian laughed and said "maybe in a bit if your good."

Nate said "ok." and came and sat down next to me.

Nick spoke up and said "hey Nate do you wanna play some N64 with me?"

Nates face lit up and said "YEA , Can I please daddy?"

I said "sure go on."

AJ looked at us and said "and how do you guys know each other."

Brian said "we met in the hospital last night, when I was waiting for Tony and he was waiting for his mom."

Everyone was like "oh my god is your mom ok.. She's not sick is she?"

I said "no, It was my grandma. She fell and hurt her shoulder.. We were there for her" and of course Brian had go and tell them all how I fell and hurt myself at the hospital..

They all laughed and A.J. said "well Brian is kind of a klutz too so don't feel to bad."

I laughed and said "well, he didn't inform me of this last night".

they all laughed and said "well of course he wouldn't".

About that time a crew member came in and said they had about fifteen minutes to get ready for the show, once he left I said "ok Nate, that's our queue to get out of the way.. You don't want any boy band members running you over. So we better head out to our seats." I turned to Brian again and said "thanks for the seats they are awesome." He just smiled back and went to get changed..

"ok Nate lets go."

He said "oh dad, do we have to"

I said "yes.. Lets go"

"But dad."

I said "Nate, Now."

He got up and said "ok, sorry" and walked over to me.

I thanked the guys again for having us in and talking to us.. And thanked them for being so nice to us.

They all thanked us for coming.

we turned to leave and Brian came up to me and said "Chance can you guys stick around after the show?"

I said "yea, I guess so."

He said "ok, great just give us like a half hour then come on back after the show"

"ok, that sounds good.. I will see you then." I told everyone bye again and said that I would see them after the show and turned and walked out the door shutting it behind me. As we got further down the hall Nate was complaining about being cold, I didn't realize that he left his coat in the dressing room so, we walked back to the dressing room door. I could hear the guys talking.. I heard Kevin say.. "Brian, Chance seems like a really nice guy."

Brian said.. "He is and its really easy talking to him and he's funny, he will make a great friend." They all chuckled and said "yea and maybe more."

Howie spoke up and said "Brian I think Chance likes you"

Brian said "yea Howie, I could only wish, but then again, I am his favorite Bsb member" and laughed..

Nick spoke up and said "NO WAY" I am everyone's favorite member."

Brian laughed and said " ask Nate if you don't believe me." In unison they all said "fine we will."

At that point i knocked on the door and opened it to see all of them sitting on the couch.

I said "Sorry to bother you guys again, but Nate forgot his coat and he's getting cold."

Brian jumped up and went and got it and brought it to me.

I said "thanks Brian I appreciate it"

He smiled and said "no problem at all Chance"

I smiled back and said "ok I will leave you guys alone now. Everyone have a great show and break a leg."

they all smiled and said "thanks."

As I was about to shut the door I opened it back up and said, "Oh nick, I just wanted to tell you that Brian Is right, he is my favorite BSB member." I shut the door and walked away heading for our seats.. I could hear everyone laughing at nick.

"Damn, so much for my ego tonight" Nick said.

well I guess that's a good enough ending for now..

PLEASE.. let me know what you guys think.. if you want me to continue or not.. if I don't hear anything from anyone within the next few chapters I will take it as a sign I need not continue.. any advice, support or comments are welcomed. please email me at

everyone take care

tnerb65 Tnerb

Next: Chapter 3

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