Chance and Brian

By moc.loa@56brenT

Published on Feb 23, 2002


Ok.. here is the 24th chap of C&B.. I'm sure that you can guess that I have decided that I would continue to write this story and continue to post it on Nifty..

I want to thank everyone that sent me the many many emails.. I guess that I didnt realize how many people are still reading the story, even If I do not get emails... and I want to Thank you all for taking the time out of your day to tell me how much you enjoy the story.. it was very much appreciated..

Disclaimer.. UGHGHHHH This story is complete fiction.. I do not know any of the BSB.. or what there preference is.. nor do I care.. that is none of my business... if you are to young to read this or it is not legal in your state or if your offended by gay material then I suggest that you head to another section.. cause this one isnt for you...

I know this chap is a little short.. however, I need to figure out where I am going to go with the next few chaps.....

Ok with that said on with the story..

C&B Chapter 24

Mary pulled back from me and said "Brian.. Chance is very strong.. He will be fine."

"I hope so.. I really do."

"Brian you need to think positive, you cant give up.. And you cannot let this depress you.. You do have someone that still needs you. Nate needs to know that he still has someone besides me until his father wakes up."

I wiped away a tear "Ok.. Mary I'm sorry.. The only thing I think about is not having him here with me.. Or not ever seeing his smile."

"Brian.. Stop it.. He's laying here.. He's still alive.. Stop acting like he's dead.. He's not. Go over and talk to him.. Tell him how you feel and how much you need him.. He can hear you."

Chances point of view*****

I knew that I had passed out.. I could feel it happening.. But I wasn't sure of anything else.. I could hear mom and Brian talking.. But couldn't open my eyes to look at them.. I tried to move my arms and legs with no success.. I started to panic.. I tried to scream out but nothing came from my mouth.. I then heard a voice.. A voice that was calming, serene and familiar that said "Chance stay calm.. You are fine.. Your body will not do you any good here.. Just relax and everything will be fine." I saw a white light float above me and then the darkness started to shift into white. An imagine started to appear at the side of the bed.. The image switched rapidly from my grandpa to grandma then to Nates mom.. Then back again. Then one image began to form and stuck.. It was the image of Angel.. He smiled down on me and said, "I cannot believe that we meet again so soon Chance, you are not suppose to be here.. You are supposed to be healing and going home to Brian and Nate. So why are you here?"

I tried to speak again but nothing would come out of my mouth. Angel started laughing, and without saying anything I heard "You don't have to use your mouth to talk here Chance, whatever you want to be heard, you just think it, we have no need for words here."

"Why am I here.. I don't want to be here Angel.. I want to be with my family.'

"You are with your family.. Chance.. You always have been.. Did you catch the images that were shown to you earlier? before I arrived?"


"You truly need to decide what you want in your life Chance.. Your indecision has allowed you to come here."

"I don't want to be here Angel, I want to go home. I want to kiss Brian and hug my son.. And tell my mom how much I love her and what a great role model she has been, I don't want to be here."

"Then why are you here Chance?"

"I don't know.. I really don't have a clue.. I know I was running a fever and was really sick, but that's all I know, where am I Angel.. What is this place?"

"Well that is truly hard to answer Chance.. Its like a holding area for souls that are on the edge."

What do you mean?"

"Souls that are undecided.. souls that are on the brink of crossing over.. But that are still tied to the real world.. that's why I cannot understand why you are here.. You are not even close to crossing over."

"Then why am I here? I don't understand this."

"Only you can answer why you are here Chance.. You need to figure that out.. Once you do then they will send you back. But they wont until then."

"I swear I don't know why I'm here.. I don't."

"Chance I truly believe that you don't.. so let me give you some help.. You can ask anything in here, any thing at all. The faces that were shown to you are souls that you are allowed to talk to.. Souls that meant something In your life.." with that Susan .. Nate's mom appeared at the end of the bed.. "Chance.. God how I have missed you.. Every once in a while I get to come by and see Nate.. he's getting so big."

"Yes he is .. He's so much like you Susan.. He has your fire and your brains.. which scares the hell out of me." She started laughing.. Her smiled was clear and beautiful.. I realized how much I truly did miss her.. I didn't realize it until I saw her again. She spoke and said "Nate.. Is doing wonderful with you.. And now you and Brian.. I couldn't have asked for anything better Chance, he is truly loved by everyone in his life.. And will turn into a wonderful man."

"Susan.. I.. Ummm... I'm so glad that you know about Brian.. I love him so much.. He's the part of me that I have always missed in my life.. He makes me so happy."

"I know he does Chance.. I have watched you two.. I see how you both look at each other.. I see the love in his eyes for you and I see it in your eyes also.. what makes me even happier is that I get to watch that be given to Nate also. Chance we know why you are here.. You know why you are here.. you need to face the issue that has you so unsettled." as she said that she started to disapate... I yelled "No!!!!!!!! Susan.. Please don't go.. I need to talk to you.. Please!!!!!! I need to know that you think I'm doing ok with Nate... that he's doing ok, and that your ok with me marrying Brian."

"Chance you have my blessing.. Better fathers than you and Brian couldn't raise Nate.. Chance you have my blessing.. Now go rest and get better.. .. You have my blessing.. you have always had my blessing" and then her voice Got lower and lower until it was gone.. Angel appeared at the side of the bed and asked "So I guess you know why you are here.. Is there anything else that you would like to ask?"

"I guess there is... can I go back to my family now?"

"Of course Chance... Just Shut your eyes and when you open them again you will be back in the hospital, but before you go.. I need to give you one piece of advice.."

"Ok I'm listening."

"Be happy Chance .. that's the only thing I can tell you.. Is be happy"

"Thank you.. I love all of you." I said as I shut my eyes..

I then heard Brian yelling.. "Please.. Do something.. He's been in the coma now for twenty four hours.. You have to do something, you cant tell me with today's miracle drugs and miracle procedures that you cant do anything" I could tell he was holding my hand.. I squeezed his hand trying to get his attention.. He ignored it continuing on with his temper tantrum.. So I squeezed harder.. And said "You know there are people that are sick and trying to get better in this hospital.. And I'm sure all the yelling isn't going to help them.. Sweetie." I thought I sounded pretty good.. Except for the hoarseness of my voice. There was complete silence now.. No one said anything.. I think they thought they were hearing things.. So I said.. " Well ok, keep yelling then." I still hadn't opened my eyes but I could feel Brian lean closer, I heard him say "Oh my god.. I love you so much." I could tell by the crack his voice made that he was starting to cry. I rubbed my thumb along the side of his hand and said "Brian.. Sweetie I am fine really.. I feel a lot better now.. Everything is going to be fine."

"I missed you so much Chance.. I can't even tell you how much I have missed you."

"Actually sweetie I can .. Because I missed you just as much." I felt his lips brush along mine.. I reached up and pushed him away and added "Brian I truly need to brush my teeth.. It feels like something has died in my mouth.. And I don't want that to be your first memory of me waking up."

Laughing he said, "I don't care.. I love you and don't care what your breath smells like.. The only thing that matters is that you're back with me."

"Fine then." I pulled him back down to me and planted a long and passionate kiss on his lips.. Allowing his tongue to slightly enter my mouth.. I ran my tongue along the inside edge of his lip and with that he moaned slightly. He pulled back.. And sighed. I slightly opened my eyes.. Squinting to see Brian.. "Brian could you turn down the lights please.. They are hurting my eyes.." Brian walked over and turned the overhead lights off which just left the one above the bed on.. He walked back over to me as I opened my eyes, he leaned down again and kissed me, "God Chance im so glad your ok." He looked me in the eyes and gasped.. And then added.. "Oh my god Chance.. Your eyes." Through this whole thing the nurse was still standing at the side of the bed.. I looked over at her and asked.. "Could you please get me something to brush my teeth?"

"Of course sir.. I will also page the doctor and let him know your awake."

"Thank you.." was my response as she walked out the door. I leaned back over and looked at Brian again.. And asked "Ok what's up with my eyes?? And why did you gasp like that."

"Babe.. They are not as dark as they use to be.. Its like they changed color."

"Brian stop joking around.. could you please get me something cold to drink... please" I begged

"Chance I am not joking.. Your eyes are not the same color.. I swear on everything.. They are not the same color." he then walked over to the sink and got me a cup of cold water.. I raised the bed so that I was sitting more than lying down and took the glass that Brian offered me.. I took a little sip and asked, "Ok.. so if they are not the same color what color are they?" Just then the nurse returned with the doctor in tow.. She walked up to the bed and handed me toothbrush toothpaste and a little basin to spit into, she then turned back to the doctor and said "See I told you.. Look at his eyes."

The doctor walked over and looked at me.. And pulled back slightly and continued to stare at me.. He then said "I'm going to check you over Chance to make sure that your doing ok.. We need to take your temp and make sure its ok.. Then I'm going to take a look at your eyes. "

"Will someone tell me what the hell is going on?" I practically screamed.. As the doctor was leaning over listening to my chest.. The nurse stuck the thermometer in my ear.. Once it beeped she pulled it out and said. "Its perfectly normal.. No sign of a temp." the doctor finished listening to my chest and then said "Ok.. I'm going to take a look at your eyes now Chance.. But I do have a few questions... ok?"

"Do you wear contacts?"


"What color are your eyes?"

"They are hazel.. More brown than green though, what the hell is going on!!!."

"Well the only thing I can tell you is.. They were hazel.. They are no longer hazel."

"What color are they then?"

Brian took a hold of my hand and said "The most beautiful light green that I have ever seen." He then leaned over and kissed me.. And added "They are beautiful.. just like you.. Beautiful"

The doctor walked over to a drawer and slid it open and pulled out a mirror, he walked back over and handed it to me.. I slowly raised it to my face and stared back at eyes that were not familiar to me.. It was me.. But wasn't.. "Holy shit.." was the only thing I could say.. They were the lightest shade of green that I have ever seen.. It reminded me of a light light emerald green. I turned and looked from all directions thinking that they would change back to my normal color.. But of course they weren't going to.. I set the mirror down and looked at the doctor and asked, "What would do this.. What would cause my eyes to change color?"

"Chance truly, I have no idea.. The fever maybe.. The trauma.. I'm not sure. I have never seen this happen."

"Well this is just freaky." I said out loud not caring who was around.. don't get me wrong the color was awesome.. But these were not the eyes that I had looked at for so many years. I looked over at Brian and said, "Well I guess it was time for a change.. maybe lose a little weight.. Clean up a little. But I never thought it would be my eye color"

"Sweetie there is nothing about you that you need to change."

Laughing I replied "Brian.. You are too sweet.. But there is no need to lie."

"I'm not lying.. I love you as you are.. And now with your eyes the color that they are.. Makes you even sexier. "

I grabbed his hand "I love you too Brian.. Even with all my faults." he reached over and smacked me "You have no faults." then hesitated and added "Ok a few but nothing big."

"Well thanks I think." he leaned over and kissed me and whispered in my ear that he loved me very much.. I smiled up at him and winked.

I looked over at the doctor who was still in the room and asked, "so is everything ok with me know? The fevers gone for now.. And I do feel better a little tired but nothing big."

"Chance we will watch you for the next few days to make sure the fever and the infection stay down.. And then we should be able to release you in a few days, if everything stays as it is now."

"Great.. I can't tell you how happy that would make me."

I heard "Me too." I turned to see mom standing in the doorway.. She walked over to the bed and hugged me long and hard.. I choked out." MOM.. I cant breath.. Are you trying to kill me?" she released me and then leaned over and kissed me on the cheek, "Thank god your ok.. You had me so worried." We both heard Brian clear his throat. I looked over at Brian.. He stood there staring at mom.. She started laughing.. And said "Brian I couldn't show you how scared I truly was.. One of us had to be the strong one, and you weren't in any condition to be that person, so I had to."

"But you said..."

"I know what I said.. But you needed to hold it together and that's the only way that I could get you to do it."

"Ok I can see where you are coming from.. I was kind of a basket case.. Wasn't I."

Laughing mom said.. "Yes you were, but there is nothing wrong with that.. It just shows how much you truly care about the brat."

"Hey!!! No need to attack the wounded." I said chuckling.. Everyone in the room was laughing.. The doctor came over and stuck the thermometer in my ear again and read it "Its still 98.1 so you're right where we want you.. I have rounds to do so I will talk to you guys later.. And Chance you take it easy today."

Thanks Doc I will." I then had a thought.. "Hey doc is it ok if I get up and take a shower in a little while?"

"I can't see any problem with that.. Just take it easy.. And make sure to have someone help you.. Just incase."

"Great.. Thanks Doc." he just turned and waived as he and the nurse walked out of the room. Brian leaned over and asked "Are you sure you want to do that.. I mean.. well you havent been well.. Maybe you should wait on the shower. "

"Brian.. I smell.. I feel dirty.. I want and need a shower.. And I was hoping that you could help me." I looked at mom as my cheeks were turning red and added.. "Or should I say be in the room to help me.. if I need help."

"You know I will help you.. that's nothing you have to ask.. Of course I will do it." he sat down on the bed with me.. And added " Yeah your right you do need a shower." I reached over and smacked him.. And muttered "Thanks.. You sure know who to make a guy feel good."

"I was only kidding babe.. You smell fine." he said laughing.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever, you've said your peace." I said looking at him sideways.. With a slight smile on my face..

Mom spoke saying, "Well honey its time for me to go, I need to pick Nate up from daycare.. So I better go now so I wont be late.. I'm glad you're better and finally awake.. Maybe I will bring Nate by later tonight."

"I would love that mom.. I can't wait to see him."

"He can't wait to see you either.. Hes been asking when he can come back to see you, I just told him you were really sick, but once you were feeling better he could see you then." she then walked over and kissed me on the cheek and walked around the other side of the bed and gave Brian a hug.. And whispered something in his ear that I didn't hear.. He said "I will Mary I promise." she then waived and walked out the door. I looked over and asked, "So what was that all about?"

He smiled from ear to ear "Nothing.. She just told me that I better take care of you.." I smiled hearing that.. That was my mom.. Always watching out for me. "she likes you a lot.. Did you know that?"

"What makes you say that?"

"I can tell by the way that she talks to you.. Plus I can also tell because she gave you a hug.. She doesn't hug just anyone Brian.. She is not that kind of person.. She has to really know someone.. She's Scared of getting to know other people, for fear that they will hurt her.. She's a tough woman.. but she's been through a lot in her life."

"Sounds like you both have.."

"We have.. And most of it we went through together.. We had some really hard.. Bad times, but we made it.. We survived, and that's the only thing that matters." He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek as he wiped away a tear, I didn't even realize that I was crying until he wiped the tear away.. Brian kissed me again and said "Its ok Baby.. Everythings fine now.. You guys are fine."

"I wish that were true Brian I really do.. Nothings fine.. Everythings not fine." Brian had this scared look on his face.. And asked "What? What do you mean? whats not fine.."

"Moms not.. Brian.. I shouldn't be telling you this.. She didn't want anyone to know.. Until she was ready to tell them. But I think you should know.. She .. Ummm.. She's dying.. She has Cancer." Brain sat there in shock.. He turned and asked, "What do you mean she has cancer.. When?. What?.. What the hell? When did she tell you? Chance how long have you known?"

"Well I didn't.. until she came in the room.. She hasn't told me, Shit Brian this is really hard to even talk about.. Or for me to even understand.. From what I could get.. Shes known about it for over a month now.." he sat there not saying a word.. His mouth was hanging open and his lips were moving but nothing was coming out.. I could tell he had so many questions.. I shook my head to stop the thoughts..

Brian sat staring at me.. I could get the following conversation that he was having with himself.. "What kind of cancer is it.? we will get her the best doctors.. We will fly her to wherever the best doctors are.. And what did he mean by from what you could get.. I'm confused.. if she didn't tell him then how did he know?"

"Brian.. that's just it, she didn't tell me.. I could hear it.. I could hear her thinking it.. She's scared.. She's scared for me, for you and Nate. She's afraid of what could happen.. And how I'm going to take knowing that she's dying.. She doesn't want to tell me until she knows for sure what's going to happen.. She's afraid that I'm going to lose it." Brian again reached over and wiped away a tear.. He looked into my eyes then leaned in and kissed me saying "So you can read peoples minds now?" As he pulled away I said, "I don't know if you would call it that.. I could hear what she was thinking.. Well I guess you would call it that" He looked at me like I was crazy and asked " Ok.. If that is true.. Then what am I thinking right now." he closed his eyes and really just looked like he was constipated.. I couldn't help but laugh.. He opened one eye and looked at me.. I started laughing even harder..

"What???" he asked

"Nothing sweetie." I said as I looked down.. And added.. "I'm sorry your stiff." I winked at him and then added . "I wish there was something I could do to help you.. And... NO I will not do that Brian Littrell.. Good god we are in a hospital."

Ok thats the end of this chap.. please let me know what you think.. and maybe give me a few suggestions of where you think this story should go.. or if I should keep going with what I have.. all the feedback is greatly appreciated..

My email addy is

Take care


Next: Chapter 25

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