Chance and Brian

By moc.loa@56brenT

Published on Apr 24, 2001


Disclaimer: This story is purely fiction, I do not know any boy band members and probably never will, or do I claim to know there sexual orientation, or do I care..

If homosexuality offends you in anyway then please do not read any further and leave. If you are to young to read this then leave now.

Chance and Brian Chapter 5

"Brian since this is a dating thing now, we need to set up our first official date, I turned to Brian and said " Mr. Littrell would you go out with me on Sunday night at say 6 pm?"

"Mr. Archer I would like nothing more."

"Well Mr. Littrell that sounds wonderful, I will set up the reservations for say 6:oo and you Mr. Littrell can decide what form of entertainment we will be doing."

He got this shit eating grin on his face and tilted his head a little to the right and said " I'm sure I can think of something very entertaining."

"You stop right there Mister, none of that is going to happen for a while, now a little make out session can be arranged, but, it will not go any further than that, its not that I wouldn't love to Brian, but I just don't think it's a good idea. Plus I want to get to know you before we actually sleep together, if it comes to that. You never know Tig you may decide you don't like me and drop me after tonight, after all we little people know how you famous people like to party and stay out all night, I am not like that at all, I don't mind going out every once and a while but that's about it.. Hell, I don't even drink that often anymore, with taking care of Nate I have to consider him first and then think about me after" I paused and looked over to him thinking I was getting a little deep when I noticed this expression on his face..

I said "Brian are you ok?? What's wrong??

He said "Tig???? where did that come from"

I smiled and said "sorry Brian I give all my friends that I am very close to nick names, I hope you don't mind"

"I don't mind but at least tell me what it means"

I chuckled and shyly said "well, it's Tig or Tigger from Winnie the pooh, he's so full of life and energy, I can see that in you too, really Brian if you don't like it I wont call you it"

"No I love it, its very cute and to be in the same category as Nate is a compliment."

As we pulled into the driveway of the house I hit the garage door opener and smiled at Brian thinking how the hell did this happen, how did the one man that I have admired for so long end up sitting in the car next to me, but besides that saying that he wants to go out with me or get to know me better, I'm not sure what I did to deserve this but I will get down on my knees and thank god tonight.

Brian was waving his hand in front of my face... I said "sorry I zoned for a minute."

He was laughing and said "yea I thought I lost you"

"You did, I was just thinking how strange it is that I am sitting in my car with a member of the biggest boy band in the world."

He got really serious and said "Chance, I'm just Brian when I'm with you and your family and the guys, the boy band thing doesn't rear its ugly head until I have to do shows or promo's" but when I'm with all of you I'm just Brian ok?"

"Ok, I'm sorry Brian, I guess it all the sudden hit me, I promise it wont happen again and if it does you can smack me ok?"

He laughed and said "well I don't think that will be necessary but I will keep it in mind"

We chatted about what they were going to do with there time off. He thought that they would probably just rest and relax, but wasn't sure exactly what any of the other guys had planned. I told him I could come up with a few things if they wanted, and could either take them or give them information on how to get to where they were going.

"But I was hoping that we could hang out some of the time.

"yea, I think I could handle that" I said giving him a slanted smile and arching my eyebrows.

"I was hoping you would say that, but I would prefer just you and I and Nate go some of the places by ourselves that way we can get to know each other without all the other guys around."

"Brian that's fine with me, I could get mom to watch Nate so that the two of us could have some time alone." He thought that was a wonderful idea.

As we pulled into the garage I put the car into park, and turned off the engine. I hit the garage door opener again to close it, once the door was closed I looked at Brian and said "Well I do have to give you something Tig, so come here for a second." he leaned over to me and I gave him a sweet little kiss on the lips, I pulled back to see his eyes closed again and his lips puckered so I went in for another, this time I made it a little longer and a lot more passionate, once I broke for air and opened my eyes I did not like what I saw. Which was Nick and Nate standing outside Brian's side of the car making kissing faces at me..

I smiled and said "Tig, I think we should probably stop."

His comment was "oh come on Chance do we have to"

I said "well it may be a good Idea, since we do have visitors"

He looked at me confused and said "what"

"turn and look out your window "

He turned and busted out laughing as Nick and Nate where still there and still making faces..

He looked over at me again with a very serious look on his face and said "ok, but can we try again later".

I said "hey, who am I to say no."

We then got out of the car and grabbed the groceries and headed into the house.

The cake took longer to make than usual since I did have a distraction in the kitchen with me, but we got it made and in the oven to bake within an hour.

We set the timer and went in the sun room and sat and talked until the timer went off.

Nick came in the room and asked me if it was ok if I he used my computer to check his email and to email some friends he hadn't talked to in a while.

"Of course you can, do you have AOL? "

"Of course I do"

"Ok cool then you should know what to do, if you cant get it up then let me know and I will come up and help you with it ok?"

"ok, thanks Chance"

I turned back to Brian to find him laughing his ass off.

Ok what gives Mr. Littrell, what's so funny?"

In between fits of laughter he said " well you told him if he couldn't get it up you would come up and help him." With that he laughed even harder.

I smacked him on the arm and said "Brian Littrell, you little perv!"

He kept laughing and said "Yea and that's a bad thing?"

"Well, I umm well I didn't say it was a bad thing now did I" with that I started laughing too.

Thank god the buzzer for the cake went off, that at least gave me an excuse to get away from the conversation we were in, I went and pulled the cake out of the oven and put the roast in, I started making the frosting and only had the walnuts left to put in, there were none left in the cupboard so I walked to the pantry to get another bag, when I came back into the kitchen Brian was standing at the counter facing the sun room, as I chopped the walnuts into smaller pieces Brian came up to me and said "Chance do you mind if I go up and see how Nicks doing"

I said "no go ahead and looked up at him and smiled and said "Umm Brian. so how is the frosting?"

He said "I don't know, why?"

I said "well isn't that frosting on your face?"

He shyly said " No"

I couldn't help but laugh at the poor guy, he was busted and he knew it but couldn't even think of a good excuse of why he had chocolate on his face.. So I walked over to him and leaned in like I was going to kiss him and licked the chocolate off of his face. After I tasted it I said " damn, tig it sure tastes like chocolate to me, you want a taste? I then leaned in and kissed him.. We were really getting into the kiss when I found his tongue trying to force its way into my mouth, I slightly opened my mouth and allowed his tongue very little entrance which then allowed him to taste the chocolate, I needed air so I pulled back and smiled at him and said "it sure tasted like chocolate to me. "

He smiled and said "tasted good to me to babe."

I smacked him on the arm and said "ok you can go now".

He came up and kissed me on the check and said "thanks for the sugar"

"god you can be so corny." I hit him on the ass and pushed him out the door.

I finished the cake and got everything else ready for dinner.. We were just waiting on the roast.. So I set the table and then went upstairs to check on the guys, they were all in my room playing N64, so I sat and watched them for about a half hour.. I was bored so i went on line to see if Paula was on. Paula wasn't on so I went through my email and then logged off.

I was getting ready to leave the room when Brian grabbed my hand and said "why don't you sit with us and play a game?"

I said "that's ok I have to go check on dinner, is anyone hungry?? I heard three yes's and said "ok great it will be ready in about a half hour.. I will bellow for you when its ready, ok??

I heard ok three times..

I went downstairs and sat in the sun room looking out the window, I was thinking about how much my life had changed in the last year, with me having Nate full time now and mom and I sharing a place and now meeting Brian. The changes have been extreme to say the least, but we were doing ok.. Sharing a place with mom helped both of us financially, but it just seems weird to be living with your mom, at times I feel like a freak. if anyone asks me where I live or who I live with I tell them I have a roommate and it usually doesn't go any further than that.. There's something strange about living or sharing a place with your mom.

As I sighed I felt someone rest their hands on my shoulders. I jumped but kept down a scream, I turned and said "damn you scared the shit outta me,"

Brian chuckled and said "sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

I smiled and said " its ok don't worry about" I got up and started taking everything out of the oven.

He said "are you sure.. I really am sorry"

I said "Brian come here for a second ok"

I hugged him and said "Tig, I know you didn't mean to do it on purpose, I was deep in thought and didn't realize anyone was in the room besides me, really its not a big deal, Ok?"

He smiled and said "ok".

I kissed him on the check and said "ok go get everyone, dinners ready."

I brought everything to the table and asked what everyone wanted to drink , Nick... Coke... Brian... coke... Mom ... Milk... Nate no choice you will have milk.. But you can have some coke later ok.. He smiled.. And I will have milk also..

I told everyone to start dishing up there plates.. Mom helped Nate while I got the drinks.. I came back and passed out the drinks. sat down and dished up some for myself and we started eating.

Everyone told me how good everything was. I thanked them and said "well there is plenty so eat." we chatted throughout the meal, we talked about Nick, and his family and the problems they were having right now, especially with his mom wanting a lot of control over his life, he told us that there are times even months that he doesn't talk to her.

it really bothered him, you could see it on his face and in his eyes.

"Nick one day she will come around and understand that you're a man now and she needs to have faith and trust in you, but sometimes it hard for mothers to let there kids go, especially awesome ones like you Nick Carter".

He laughed and said "thanks Chance"

We finished dinner about an hour later, they cleaned off the table for me while I put everything in the dishwasher. I made some coffee and got the plates out for the cake. I went and found them all in the living room watching T.V., Actually they were looking for a movie to watch, I told them coffee would be done in about 10 minutes if anyone wanted some.. Mom, Nick and Brian all said "I do".

I sat down next to Brian and he said " dinner was awesome, thanks again Chance"

"Your more than welcome Tig".

They decided on watching Never been kissed on HBO, which was fine, I had seen it before, and liked it. After about 15 minutes into the show I got up and got coffee and cake for all of us and milk and cake for Nate.

I finished my cake and sat my coffee cup on the table and got comfy, within about a half hour I was sleeping. I woke up to find nick gently shaking me and quietly saying my name, I opened my eyes and looked up at nick and said "ok I'm up."

He smiled and said "everyone's sleeping but me."

I looked around the room to find mom gone and Nate was sleeping on the floor.. I looked at Brian or should I say looked up at Brian and he was also sleeping, somehow I had managed to lay down with my head in Brian's lap. I'm not complaining. :o)

I looked at Nick and smiled and said "well I'm kinda comfy nick.. Cant you entertain yourself?"

He laughed "well I can, but its 12:30 and I think its time we head back to the hotel".

"Ok." I swung my legs over the side of the couch and Sat up.. Or should I say partially sat up, I was leaning against Brian, but he didn't seem to mind since he was softly snoring.

"Nick how long was I sleeping on Brian's lap."

He started laughing and said "about 15 minutes after you fell asleep, you were leaning on Brian so he just moved over and laid you down with your head resting on his lap."

I smiled at Nick and then turned and looked at Brian and said " he sure is a sweet gentle guy isn't he nick"

"He's the sweetest guy I know Chance , and he sure seems to like you, but why I don't know."

I chuckled and said "hey little man you will get yours" he just laughed

I figured we needed to get Brian up so that they could get going.. So I leaned over and whispered in Brian's ear " hey Tig its time to get up." And lightly blew in his ear.. You could see a slight smile creeping onto his face "Come on sweetie, its time to get up and gently kissed his ear over and over again." I pulled back and saw a bigger smile now.. I thought ok now or never.. I bent over and sucked on his ear lobe.. He moaned slightly and slowly opened his eyes..

He turned and looked at me and said .. "Wow I was having the best dream."

I said "oh really and what was it about."

He smiled and said "you".

"well of course it would be the best then."

He leaned up and kissed me on the cheek..

"Ok tig, Nick is ready to go back to the hotel.. So I figured I better wake you up."

"I don't want to go its nice and warm and comfy here."

" you don't have to.. You guys can stay here if you want.. I can put Nate in with mom and nick you can have Nate's room, Brian you can either sleep with nick or me.. You can decide.. That is if you want to stay" ."

Brian looked at Nick and Nick looked at Brian and at the same time they said "We will stay".

"Ok, let me get Nate in with mom and then we can get settled also."

I got up and went over and picked Nate up and carried him upstairs I changed his clothes, and then carried him in and put him to bed with mom.. I went back downstairs and said "ok Nate's taken care of.. I'm really tired guys so I am going to go to bed.. But first do you guys need anything."

They both said "no"..

"ok but if you do wake me up ok.. If you need to call Kevin or someone the phones in the sun room." With that I turned and started for the stairs as I was going up them I said. "You guys stay up as late as you want, theirs plenty of food and drinks in the fridge."

I got to my room and stripped down to my boxers and put a t-shirt on and got into bed.. About five minutes later I saw my door open slightly, and someone's head poke through the crack.. I sat up slightly and said "is everything ok Brian"

"yes I just wanted to know if you were serious about it being ok if I slept in here with you?

I smiled and said "of course I meant it. I wouldn't have said it if hadn't meant it.. Are you ready for bed now?"

he yawned and said "yes I'm tired too"

I held back the covers and said "well come on, what are you waiting for"

He came over and sat on the side of the bed and took off his shirt and then slipped off his shorts. then crawled into bed.

After a few minutes I said "Brian, we both understand nothings going to happen tonight right"

" yes we do"

I leaned over and kissed him and said "Ok then I will see you in the morning tig" and laid back down.

He leaned over and kissed me and said.. "That sounds good babe."

I rolled onto my side and fell asleep, I woke once during the night to find myself being spooned with his arm over my stomach, It was nice to have someone sleeping next to me again. I didn't realize until that moment how much I missed a warm body next to me.

I awoke again at 7:03 to find that I had very little of the bed left. I was on the edge with Brian practically laying on top of me, well really he actually was laying on top of me, his left leg was draped over my legs and his head was resting on my shoulder.. believe me I did not mind it at all.. the only thing that I did mind was the fact that I had to go to the bathroom really bad.. or I would never have moved.. I started rubbing Brian's back and said "Tig, move over please." I bent down and kissed him on the forehead, saying "come on Tig, please I really need to get up.".

His eyes fluttered open and he half smiled and said "babe from what I can feel your already up"

"yeah well from what I can feel your already up too"

He smiled and "yes I am" and started to grind into my leg..

"ok Tig, if you keep that up your going to have a problem".

"Chance, I think we are going to have a problem"

"Tig, no your going to have the problem, as you can see I live here I have a change of clothes, you do not.. if you continue to do what your doing.. your going to make a mess and you will not have anything to change into."

"but babe I could borrow a pair of boxers from you"

I started laughing I couldn't help it, I said "Brian your what 5' 8" and what 175 wet.. I'm 6' and about 245 on a good day.. nothing I have would fit you."

he smiled and said "well then if I do make a mess I will being going free today."

"well you wont need to do that.. because your not going to have a problem.". I looked at him and noticed his face go from happy to a little sad..

"but maybe I wanted to have a problem, maybe I really need this.."

"well if that is the case.. you can do it by yourself either in the bathroom or in here. but, you will be alone." he stuck his lower lip stuck out and started to pout,, I laughed and bent down and kissed his forehead and then leaned a little further and kissed him as I kissed him I started to suck on his lower lip.. he moaned and in between the kiss said "and you think this I going to help how?? "

I laughed and said "ok.. I do understand.. I will be right back." and started to get up.. he pulled me back down and said "where are you going??

"To the bathroom.. I really have got to go.". I stood up again.. " I will be right back.. and when I get back could you please have that thing under control" and pointed to the bulge in his boxers .

"Well, I'm not the only one with a problem I can see." as he pointed to the tent in my shorts.

"having a hot sexy boy band member in my bed does this to me."

"Thanks" Brian responded

"why are you saying thanks."

"because of what you just said."

"oh Tig.. I'm sorry.. I was talking about nick. he just got out of the bed right before you woke up." and I started laughing..

He started laughing and said "you are so gonna get it for that one."

"bring it on little man was my reply." and boy did he, he was out of that bed so fast and hitting me with a pillow I had very little time to think .. I flung him back on the bed with me landing on him... we both were laughing, he was trying to get the upper hand when I pinned him to the bed.. ...

he laughed and said "that's not fair.. your bigger than me.,"

"yep.. and don't you forget that." smiling at him I bent down and kissed him on the check and then on the lips.. I rolled off of him and laid on my back.. he leaned over me and started to tickle me.. I was laughing but not at him tickling me but at him.. he was so happy with himself.

"ummm tig.. I'm not ticklish."

He stopped and said "no way.. everyone is."

"Well I'm not."

He sat back and said "well then maybe I will have to try this." he leaned down and tried to kiss me.. I moved my head away. "oh your gonna play like that huh." I smiled and said.. "I'm sorry but this chance has just passed you by." he started laughing and said "oh is that so."

"yep, you got it Mr."

his reply was "well ok then."

I smacked him on the arm and said "HEY, that's my line."

"I know, I like it and I'm going to use it." and then leaned down and started to kiss my neck..

I said "ummm Tig.. what are you doing?"

"duh I'm kissing you."

I laughed and said "no shit really."

he smiled and said "no shit". he then kissed me on the cheek and headed for my ear.. once he reached my ear I knew it would be over.

"we need to get up and you need to stop doing that."

"but babe I like doing that."

"I know you do Brian and I like you doing that, but we need to stop."

he kissed me on the cheek and said "are you sure.?? "

"yes very ... before we go to far."

he groaned and said "well maybe I want it to go further." and rolled onto his back.. I rolled onto my side and said "well maybe I do to Brian.. but not yet ok.. I need a little time.. I don't want to rush into anything.. just give it some time ok.."

he said "ok." but you could tell he was not happy about it, he wanted more..

"Brian I like to take my time.. I don't like to rush anything.. I would love nothing more to rip your clothes off right now and make love to you, I just want to make sure its love and not lust.. I need to know the person that I sleep with is in it for love and not just a one night stand, I have never ever had a one night stand. I don't want that.. I have to much respect for myself to do that."

"Chance we slept together last night."

"Brian there is a big difference between sleeping together and having sex we did not have sex we slept in the same bed.. nothing more."

I could tell he was getting upset.

"can I ask you a question?" I said sure.. "is that what you really think I want is a one night stand, that's not what I am looking for at all.. I feel this huge attraction to you Chance.. it just feels like everything is coming together.. and everything's fitting together like it should.. I don't want a one night stand or just sex I want more just like you do."

"ok, I'm sorry, I'm glad we both feel the same way.. but I need a little more time. please just give me a little more time.. if this is suppose to be right then do it for me.. what's a little more time."

he looked up at me and said "ok for you.. but I really like you chance."

I smiled and then leaned down and kissed him on the lips and said "I know Brian I really like you too.. just give me a little more time, please."

he said "ok."

I kissed him on the nose " can I go to the bathroom now?"

"if you must."

"believe me I must." I got up and started for the door and turned around and said "are you going to be ok."

"yes I will be fine.. why."

"no, I mean are you going to be ok alone with that" and pointed to his crotch."

laughing he said "go to the bathroom already."

I opened the door and walked into the hall only to bump into nick.

"good morning Mr. carter and how did you sleep here at the hotel Archer"

he grumbled something that sounded like fine.. and then asked what time it was..

"Its about 7:45, why are you up anyway nick."

"because the suite next door was making a lot of noise."

"Wow really....hmmmmmmm I wonder who that could have been."

He grumbled "yea I wonder."

"Its early nick why don't you go back to bed."

He didn't say a word just turned around and went and laid back down.

I went in and did my business and returned to my room, to find Brian still laying in bed.. I crawled across the bed and laid on my side and put my arm across him and said "are you staying in bed or are you getting up."

"What are you going to do."

"I have to go check on Nate and make him some breakfast which usually consists of captain crunch, and then I could start breakfast for everyone else..

"really, what are you going to make,?"

"I don't know what did you want?" I put my hand up to stop him and said. "ok how about this, I will make french toast, pancakes, eggs, hash brown's and sausage... and you can just eat whatever you like.. does that sound ok."

"That sounds more than just ok, that sounds great."

"Ok consider it done then."

He ran his hand along my jaw line and said "I knew there was a reason I liked you."

"Oh really now.. so you only want me for my cooking ability.. you don't want me for my mind or my lovely big body," and I started laughing..

"Babe.. I want you for all of you.. I love your body."

I laughed harder and said "Well I'm glad you do because I sure don't."

He smacked me on the arm and said "I don't care if your a little overweight."

I busted and said "Tig babe.. wake up and smell the fat.. I'm overweight"

He kissed me and said.. "The point is I don't care.. I like you as you are."

I have to say that got me a little misty eyed I smiled and said "I like everything about you too.. but,.................... I stopped talking.. he looked at me like I had just ran him over in my car.. he had a completely scared look on his face and started to say "But wha... I cut him off and said.. "but............. you really need to get that thing poking me in the side under control!"

"Oh my god I thought my heart was going to stop when you said "But" "I was waiting for something really bad"

I kissed him on the check and said "I have nothing bad to say at all.. I like you just like you are."

He kissed me back... and said. "babe.. I like you just the way you are too."

Ok here's the next chapter.. I hope everyone likes it..

let me know what you think good bad or address is

take care


Next: Chapter 6

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