Chance and Brian

By moc.loa@56brenT

Published on Apr 27, 2001


Disclaimer: This story is purely fiction, I do not know any boy band members and probably never will, or do I claim to know there sexual orientation, or do I care.. If homosexuality offends you in anyway then please do not read any further and leave. If you are to young to read this then leave now.

Again thank you to everyone who has written me.. it is very much appreciated.

Chance and Brian Chapter 7

As we were kissing Nate came into the kitchen and wedged himself betweeen Brian and I and pushed us apart, I looked into Brians eyes and said "What did you need Pooh"

"Daddy can we go to the arcade, Please"

"Do you think that you have behaved yourself this week to deserve to go?"

"Daddy you know I have"

"Ok, then maybe you should ask Brian and Nick if they want to go"

Just then Nick walked into the kitchen, Nate ran over to him and said "Daddy said we can go if I ask you and Brian."

"Nick Carter did you put him up to this?"

Nick got this shocked look on his face and said "me ?? Not me"

"Yeah right Nick, your a bad liar." I looked over to Brian and said "Well Tig did you want to go to the arcade?"

"Sure, as long as I can shower first"

Holding my nose I said "Please, I was wondering what was stinking, I thought maybe it was nick.."

"HEY" both of them said at the same time..

I started laughing.. "Im kidding go take your shower, the towels are in the hall closet and you already know where the bathroom is, so have at it" and then I added "Nick your after Brian, and then Nate and I will take our turn, and then we can go, but I do need to make one stop before we go to the arcade. I need to stop and see grandma at the hospital, I hope thats ok?"

"Of course it is" Brian said as he walked over and kissed me and then headed out the kitchen door going upstairs.

I looked over at Nick, he had a shocked look on his face. He smiled at me and said "woooo Chance he really likes you"

"What makes you say that nick?"

"Because, Brian is not at all that affectionate. I have known him a long time and I have never seen him look at someone like he does you, So whatever your doing just keep doing it. This is the happiest that I have ever seen him with someone."

"Nick I really like him too" I couldnt help but have a smile on my face. It made me feel awesome to have Nick telling me this.

"Nick did he tell you that we are going on a date tonight?"

"Yes chance he did tell me that, Why."

"Do you have idea where we are going?"

"Yes, But if you think im going to tell you, your wrong!"

"Come on Nick not even a little hint"

"NO!, I was told not to tell you. so thats what I am going to do, not tell you. So you might as well just drop it"

"Ok.. ok dang, you cant blame a guy for trying"

Nick and Nate went in and watched T.V. while Brian was in the shower. I on the other hand finished cleaning the kitchen and then went upstairs and made Nates bed and picked out some clothes for him to wear.

I went to my room made the bed and picked out shorts and was in the middle of choosing a shirt when brian walked into the room dressed only in a towel. He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me . I put my head on his shoulder and said "Ummm Tig you smell good" and kissed him on the cheek.

"Thanks sweetie, I borrowed some cologne from this really nice, sweet, adorable man I know."

"Wow really, I didnt think Nick brought anything with him" and for that I received a smack on the ass..

"I meant you sweetie" he said with mock hurt on his face.

I jumped and commented "Dont start something you cant finish Tig"

"And what makes you think I cant finish it Mr. Archer"

I smiled and wiggled my eyebrows up and down and said " well someday we will have to find out, now wont we."

"You bet" he said happily

I turned and kissed him and looked down "Tig if your planning on going dressed like that then I am sure to loose every game"

"Well we dont want that, so let me change" with that he dropped the towel. Talk about drooling... he knew what he was doing to me.. I looked down and then back up and said " You are an evil little man"

"I know I am, especailly when there is something that I want"

"And that would be?, Tig it couldnt be money, because I sure dont have any, and if your looking for someone with awesome looks then you have come to the wrong place, But.. if you want someone that has a lot of love to offer and a sense of humor and a huge heart, well then maybe you have come to the right place..

He pulled me close and whispered in my ear " Money...... who needs it. Looks....... you need to stop cutting yourself down, your beautiful, and the rest is what I love about you Chance, you have so much to offer and thats why I want you and only you."

I put my hand over his mouth and said "Tig, I feel the same way, but you need to stop because your going to make me cry if you keep going"

I removed my hand and kissed him passionetly.

He pulled away from me and said "Sweetie I am only telling you how I feel, if I didnt feel this way I wouldnt keep throwing myself at you."

"Tig I love it that your throwing yourself at me, I love the fact that you feel this way about me, it makes me the happiest guy in Seattle."

He looked at me confused and said " isnt that suppose to be the world?"

"well yea, but if they are having sex then they are a lot happier than I am.. when we do finally have sex errr.. make love then I will be the happiest man in the world.. but for now Seattle is a very big city.."

"Ok Tig baby, you get dressed" with that I then walked to the bedroom door and yelled "Nick your up."

"Ok I will be right there" he yelled back

I went back into my bedroom and found brian in his boxers and sitting on the bed. I went over and stood in front of him and said " Your deep in thought tig, whats on your mind?"

he rested his head against my chest and stomach and said "I was just thinking about how lucky I was to meet you, and that these last few days have been great no actually awesome. I was just wondering whats going to happen in a couple of weeks when the tour starts again and I have to go back on the road. Chance I dont want what we have right now to end. I want to continue to see you. I want us, you, Nate and I to see if we couldnt make this work."

I pulled him up and hugged him tight and said " Tig, we still have a few weeks to figure this out, lets not worry about that now ok. I realize that we will have to talk about this, but for now lets get to know each other with the time we have, and I promise you within the next week or so we will sit down and talk, just the two of us. But for now lets go have some fun. Please sweetie dont sit and worry yourself about this."

I pulled away a little and looked into him watery eyes and said " Brian you will make a wonderful father and husband. Whomever ends up with you will be a very very lucky person."

He spoke softly and said "But maybe I alreay know who that person is."

I hugged him tight and said "Whoever it is tig has to be an amazingly lucky person."

He looked into my eyes, kissed me then pulled away and said "I can only hope that he feels the same way that I do."

"Of course he does Tig"

"Really, your serious" he said excitedly

"Tig can I ask you a question?"

"Sure anything"

"Were talking about you and I right?"

He got a confused look on his face and said "of course we are"

"Ok, I just wanted to make sure you didnt have a thing for Nick or something."

"Ewwww Chance thats just sick, hes like a brother to me. God thats just nasty thinking about it." and he started laughing

I chuckled and said "well I had to make sure because if you did have a thing for Nick then I was gonna have to go after Kevin hes a hotty..."

He smacked me on the arm and said "I dont think so, your all mine."

"Ouch that hurt, and im all yours huh?"

His smile waiverd and said "Well that is if you want to be?"

"Why Mr. Littrell are you asking me a question?"

"Well, I know we havent known each other that long chance but I do feel this connection with you. I have never believed in love at first sight and i dont think thats what this is... I think it could be that we are meant to be together, so with that I was wondering if .....ummm.... could we..... if you want..... he together?"

I stopped him "Brian you mean as in us, you and I, not seeing anyone else, as in together? you mean as in boyfriends ?"

He shyly said "Yes."

I looked at the floor "Brian I cant answer that right now, its not just you and I that this involves." I looked up and saw hurt in his eyes and he was getting teary.

"Brian please dont be upset ok?"

"Chance what the hell do you mean dont be upset" he was now crying. "I poured out my heart and soul to you and you tell me you cant answer right now.. what kind of shit is that" I hugged him tight and told him to sit down for a minute and then he would understand.

I walked to the bedroom door and yelled for Nate, he came to the bottom of the stairs and said "yea Dad"

"could you come up here please" he ran up the stairs and took my hand.

I yelled back downstairs and said "Nick get your ass in the shower now!"

"OK... OK... im coming"

With that Nate and I walked back into my bedroom, "Nate why dont you get on the bed and sit next to Brian" He jumped on the bed and sat down in Brians lap, Brian smiled slightly.

I spoke to both of them "Nate, Brian has asked me a serious question and since you are my son and this involves you. I.. we... Brian and I wanted to talk to you about it." I looked at Brian and you could tell that he was starting to understand why I couldnt answer right away.

Nate smiled and said "ok"

"Brian wants he and I to go together, which means we would be a couple. Is that going to be ok with you?"

His face lit up and said "way cool, YES "

I smiled and sat down next to Brian and said "well I guess the decision is unanimous, so Mr. Littrell I would love nothing more than to be your boyfriend, that is of course if you still want me."

He leaned down and kissed Nate on top of the head and then leaned over and kissed me on the lips and said " I have no doubt whatsoever that its exactly what I want Mr. Archer, and im sorry I doubted you"

"dont worry about it tig"

I heard a noise from the door and looked to see Nick standing there with a huge smile on his face . "Thats beautiful" he then made sniffling sounds and added "I think im gonna cry"

I laughed and said "Get your butt in the shower already smart ass!"


"OH, sorry Nate"

I changed it too, " Nick could you please get your skanky little butt in the shower?"

Nick and Brian started laughing. " Ok chance I will but I want to tell you guys that I am really happy that you are a couple, you two belong together." and with that he walked to the bathroom and shut the door.

I leaned over and kissed Nate on the cheek and kissed Brian on the lips and said "Ok Nate lets go shower"

"Oh dad do I have to?"

"Yes you do, hit grannys bathroom get undressed and I will be there in a few seconds."

I heard "Shit" as he got off of brians lap and jumped off the bed.

"Excuse me Nate, Come back here now!"

"But I was gon..." I cut him off and said "Now nate" he walked back and stood in front of me.

"we have talked about using that kind of language, have we not?"


"well then I suggest you dont do it again, you need to aplogize and that will be 50 cents from your allowance."

"Ok, Im sorry, Im sorry Brian"

"Now you hightail it to granys bathroom, get undressed and I will be right there." he walked out of the room without saying a word.

I turned and looked at Brian and Said " Kids, uggghh ... are you sure you want to get involved with me and my foul mouthed 5 year old?"

"Yes I sure do"

"Ok Mr. littrell but dont say I didnt warn you."

"Consider me warned then" he said smiling

I walked over to him and gave him a kiss and told him that Nate and I were hitting the showers, and as soon as we were done we could leave.

I walked into moms bathroom to find nate standing in the middle of the floor completly naked and waiting for his shower. I turned on the water and adjusted the temprature. I stripped and told nate to go ahead and go in and that I would be just a few seconds. he got in and I followed.. I gave him his pooh bath mit and his pooh bath soap and let him clean himself up.. I scrubbed myself down and then shampoed my hair. I then scrubbed nate down and then washed his hair, I shut the water off and grabbed a towel and dried Nate off and told him to wait right outside the shower door..

I dried my self off somewhat and stepped out and onto the rug.. Nate was shivering... so I opened the bathroom door and yelled for Brian.. I wrapped a towel around him just as Brian was coming in the door..

"yea sweetie, im here."

I turned and looked at him and said " could you please get him dressed for me while I finish drying off?"

"Sure babe, can I then come back and help you.. woooo hooooo?"

I said "Sure, but getting Nate dressed will take a while and by that time I will be dryed off and dressed."

"Well see about that"

"ok Tig go already, your embarassing me"

"why would you be embarassed"

"Because, I just realized im standing here naked talking to you"

He walked over to me and kissed me on the cheek and said "I dont mind at all sweetie"

"Well I do, So go already"

laughing he walked over and picked up nate and walked out of the bathroom. I finished drying off and walked out of the bathroom and headed for my bedroom. Just then Nick came out of the other bathroom.

"Hey Nick how ya doing," I sniffed the air and said "damn you smell a lot better."

"Chance clothes are a wonderful thing" he said laughing

I flipped him the bird and said "consider us even, ive seen you and now youve seen me, we now have nothing to hide."

he laughed and walked down stairs.

I went into my bedroom where Brian was with Nate. Nate was competly dressed which surprised me. I smiled saying "Good job tig, how did you manage that, pointing to nate".

he got up and walked over to me saying "I told him if he didnt cooperate that we would not be going to the arcade."

"Yep Tig, you will be a great dad."

"Nate why dont you go downstairs with nicky, your dad and I will be down in about 5 minuntes and then we can go."

He didnt say a word, he got off the bed and walked out of the room and went down the stairs.

As soon as Brian knew Nate was out of the area he was on me . He was kissing me so passionetly that I thought I would pass out.

I pulled back a little and said "Tig we cant do this"

he was kissing my neck "I..... kiss, Know.......kiss, we......kiss, need.......kiss, to.......kiss, stop.........kiss. I rubbed his back and then went lower and squeezed his ass. He moaned and said " Chance weve got to stop"

I agreed and then leaned down and said "Ok Mr. Littrell no more distractions,"I need to get dressed so that we can go." he released me as I moved away he smacked me on the bare ass and said " I will be downstairs sweetie, I will see you in a few minutes"

"Ok tig see ya then"

He smiled and said "But, you may want to do something about that" and pointed to my crotch.

"Oh...Like your one to talk tent boy"

ok thats the end for now

I hope people are still reading... let me know if you like it good bad or otherwise. email me at

thanks for reading..


Next: Chapter 8

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