Chance Encounter

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Jun 13, 2011



Kerry was a small town southern boy from a very poor family. His dad died in a construction accident when he was two years old, leaving his mother alone to support him and his four year old sister. If Penny Garrity did not have the support of Kerry's grandmother, she would never have made it. She worked all day in a small textile plant, the likes of which were scattered throughout the southeast. After work, she ran to The Main Street Diner where she waited tables for five more hours until the place closed at eleven. Penny's mother, Sarah, was also a widow and she lived with Penny and the children. Fortunately for Penny and her kids, it was Sarah's pleasure to care for the children, keep the house clean, and make the meals. Between the four of them, they managed to eke by.

In his eighteenth year, Kerry was a senior in high school. There was no hope of his getting a college education without some sort of scholarship. His grades were mediocre, but Kerry had a good chance of snaring a wrestling scholarship to the State University. He was a solidly built, muscular lad who stood only five feet, seven inches tall. He had a wrestler's body for sure, and he had worked his way to the state finals in Raleigh. It was there that he hoped to be spotted by some college scouts who held his future in their hands.

A few days before he was scheduled to take a bus to Raleigh, his coach developed pneumonia. Kerry was devastated, but Coach Burns urged him to go on without him. On the following Friday morning, with his small suitcase in his hand, and his ticket to an education in his pocket, Kerry boarded the bus during a light snowfall. As the bus climbed higher into the mountains of North Carolina, the snow got thicker and the bus fell more and more behind schedule. It finally arrived five hours late. Even if Kerry had a cell phone it would not have occurred to him to call ahead to the hotel to confirm his late arrival and to hold his room. He was delayed even further trying to get a cab to take him to the hotel.

Because of the snow storm, many local business men could not get out of the city, and were attempting to book rooms at the city's hotels. When Kerry failed to show up six hours after check in time, his hotel finally booked his room to one of a line up of men and women trying to secure a room for the night. One of the lucky ones was 28 year old Clayton Reilly, a very successful young attorney. There was no way he could maneuver his tiny sports car through this terrible storm, so he left his car in the parking garage and headed straight for the hotel, which was walking distance from his office. Clay lived only twenty miles outside of town on an estate he had recently inherited from his parents. They were killed a year earlier in a tragic bus accident while touring Spain. Clay was only 27 at the time.

Clay was a handsome, blond, blue eyed, six footer. He often got lucky during the day, and would then enjoy a tryst in his office during the evening hours. For that reason he always kept a razor, shaving cream, toothbrush and toothpaste in his office, as well as fresh underwear. He stuffed these into his attaché case, and trudged to the hotel. Coincidently he was given the room which had been intended for Kerry and Coach Burns.

Clay headed straight for his room, which contained two queen size beds. He undressed, showered, changed underwear, shaved, and brushed his teeth. Now freshened up, he went down stairs to the hotel dining room. He wanted to get there while they still had a good menu selection. On the way to the dining room he had to pass through the lobby and something caught his attention.

There was a very handsome, stocky young man pleading with the hotel clerk to find him a room, but the clerk was explaining that there were no more rooms available. He had arrived too late and had lost his reservation, but he could spend the night in the lobby if he wanted to.

"Look man, I'm in a wrestling competition tomorrow. I've got to get some rest," Kerry was pleading. The clerk raised his shoulders and turned away. Kerry just stood there, looking forlorn, not knowing what to do.

For the rest of his life, Clay could not explain to himself why he did, what he did, next. It was an act completely contrary to his nature. Generally he was shy and mistrustful of strangers, but there was something about this boy that he found appealing and pathetic at the same time. So, almost without conscious thought, he approached the solemn looking stranger. He was drawn to the boy's good looks, curly black hair and blue eyes, which now mirrored his despair.

"Hello," he said, "I don't mean to be nosy, but I couldn't help overhear your conversation with the desk clerk."

"I don't know what to do now," Kerry answered. "I need to be rested and fresh for the competition tomorrow and Sunday. It's my only shot at a college scholarship."

"Look," Clay explained. "There are two queen size beds in my room and I can only use one at a time. Why don't you bunk with me tonight? Depending on the weather, you'll probably have a private room tomorrow."

"Gee, that's really nice of you," Kerry grinned his winning smile at Clay, "but it wouldn't be right and I couldn't share the cost. My room was going to be paid for by my coach."

"That's no problem," Clay answered. "I won't be paying a penny more if you join me. Anyway, I think it would be nice to have company when one is snowbound, don't you agree?"

"I don't know about two guys sharing a room, especially strangers," Kerry went on making excuses. Clay began to laugh.

"Relax buddy," he said. "I prefer women." Actually this was a lie. Clay did not care who he fucked, male or female. All he needed was a warm body with a willing, welcoming receptacle, and he was more than satisfied. The truth was that he did find this young man attractive, but he had no idea if he was jail bait or not, and he had no intention of finding out.

He held out his hand to Kerry. "Look kid," he said, "it's really cool with me if you stay in my room, so why don't you just say yes. My name is Clay Reilly. What's yours?"

"Kerry Garrity. I think we're both Irish."

"Well, Irish descent, at least," Clay grinned back at Kerry. "Have you had dinner yet?"

Kerry shook his head.

"I'm headed to the dining room. I'd love some company. It's my treat, and while we are eating you can tell me all about the competition. You said that it was really important to you."

After dinner, they entered their room and closed the door behind them. "I need to use the bathroom," Kerry said, but before using it, he began to undress. He stripped to his jockey shorts, and hung up his clothes carefully. Then he placed the contents of his suitcase carefully in a dresser drawer, making sure that his wrestling attire was carefully laid out. Finally he went to the bathroom.

As soon as Kerry was out of sight, Clay stripped to his boxers and hung up his clothes just as carefully as Kerry had. Then he hesitated. He always slept nude and was debating what to do. Finally he made his decision and stripped off his underwear. He slithered quickly under the blankets of the bed he had chosen for himself. When Kerry came out of the bathroom, Clay laughed to himself. Kerry tossed his shorts on the dresser and was as naked as Clay.

"I hope it's OK with you, but I always sleep naked," Kerry explained.

"It's fine with me," Clay said as he pulled off the covers to reveal his own nudity. Now it was Kerry's turn to laugh.

Two healthy young men will never waste an opportunity to check each other out. They gave each other the once over before Kerry slipped under his covers. Neither man was circumcised. Kerry was only about three and a half inches flaccid, but he was as thick as his body was stubby. Clay had a fleeting thought that Kerry's cock up someone's vagina or ass would be hurtful. Clay was longer by an inch and much thinner. Both men wondered what the other measured when hard. They didn't think about it much, but they would get the opportunity to find out in the morning.

When Clay first entered the room before dinner, he found it to be quite chilly so he turned up the heat. Before retiring he neglected to turn down the thermostat, and during the night, the room got very warm. In their sleep they both kicked off their covers.

Clay awakened about 2 AM. He needed to pee badly, but he didn't want to disturb Kerry. He tried to hold it in but he couldn't. He had to creep by Kerry's bed to go to the bathroom. As he did so he glanced at the sleeping wrestler. It was too dark to see anything, but when Clay turned on the bathroom light, he glanced back at Kerry. Now there was enough light for him to see the entire room dimly. The boy was lying flat on his back. Both his arms were over his head and his legs were spread eagled. His cock was at full mast. Kerry's cock had doubled in size, both in length and girth. His manhood reflected his stocky, muscular torso. It was a perfect fit. Clay could only liken it to a ramrod, and he shuddered. He had felt a few cocks up his ass in his time, but the thought of this one penetrating him was frightening. As frightened as he was, he noted that his already hard cock grew harder and longer. Peeing was difficult, but he finally started to squirt and little by little he began to soften. He returned to bed and retreated under the bedspread, but moments after he fell asleep, he kicked the covers off again.

Kerry awoke about 5:30. The first thing he did was glance out the window at the relentless coming of the dawn. He was pleased to see that it had stopped snowing and that there were big gaps in the clouds. Soon the sky would be blue. He got out of bed and took a quick glance at Clay to see if he had disturbed his benefactor. Of course his eyes went directly to Clay's cock which was fully erect. Kerry smiled. Clay was at least eight inches long, but not very wide around, maybe half as much as he himself. That made Clay about average girth. The boy went into the bathroom and peed. When he got out, Clay was up and smiling at him.

"Good morning," Clay said. "What time do you have to be at the arena?"

"I have to get there by ten and my first match is at eleven. The matches are open to the public. Would you like to come along and be my cheering section?" Kerry asked hopefully.

"I sure would," Clay answered enthusiastically. "It's Saturday and I haven't got a damn thing to do all weekend."

Encouraged, Kerry reached into his suitcase and drew out a bottle of baby oil. He held it out to Clay. I usually shower before a match, and before I shower my coach gives me a rubdown. That and the shower help me to relax my body. Could I ask you to give me a rubdown?"

"No problem," Clay answered and his cock began to rise. He made no attempt to hide it.

"Of course," Kerry said, "I usually wear a pair of gym shorts when Coach massages me, but since we're both naked anyway and have both seen each other, I'll just stay naked if you don't mind."

"I don't mind at all," Clay said. "Roll on your stomach. I'll start with your back."

Clay did not massage Kerry like a pro, but he rubbed the oil all over his body and kneaded the same muscles that his masseur always did after one of his frequent workouts. These workouts had given Clay a hard, muscular, no nonsense body. He rubbed the oil on Kerry's butt and occasionally he lightly let a finger trace through the boy's crack, but he made no attempt to enter and contact was brief. Kerry was purring like a kitten.

After one time when Clay ran his finger across Kerry's ass hole, the boy mumbled something like, "That feels so damn good. Do it again."

Clay was enjoying his job and getting aroused, but he knew he had to control himself. "How old are you?" he finally ventured to ask.

"I was eighteen last month," Kerry replied. Clay smiled to himself and finally told Kerry to roll over so that he could do his front. Kerry did as he was asked and as he flattened himself out on the bed, both men began to laugh.

"I thought you weren't into guys," Kerry said, pointing at Clay's enormous boner.

"How about you, dude?" Clay countered, pointing at Kerry's overwhelming hardon. "Don't get the wrong idea about me," Clay continued, "it's just a morning woodie. I haven't peed yet."

"Don't let me stop you then," the boy said.

"It can wait until we are done here," Clay said. He began to rub baby oil over Kerry's chest, arms and legs, occasionally kneading his shoulders, abs and pecs. He hesitated for a moment then he rubbed oil high up on Kerry's inner thighs, making sure that he occasionally brushed Kerry's balls. Kerry did not seem to mind at all. When there was no part of Kerry that wasn't covered in oil, Clay capped the bottle and put it on the dresser.

"I think you'd better use the shower first and get all that gook off you," Clay advised. Kerry smiled, jumped out of bed and headed for the shower. He didn't bother to close the bathroom door. As soon as Clay heard the water running he realized that he still had to pee. Without intending to disturb Kerry, he went into the bathroom. The shower door was partially steamed up, but Clay could clearly see Kerry masturbating under the cascading water. His face was turned up and the water was running down his head.

Clay peed and was about to leave when he heard Kerry begin to make animal like noises. It sounded like his climax was near. Clay lost all reason. He jumped into the shower, fell to his knees and finished Kerry off with his tongue and his lips. Kerry did not attempt to stop him. Instead he put his hands on Clay's head and pushed his cock deeper inside the man's mouth. Clay's jaw ached from Kerry's oversized cock, and he was glad the youth came so quickly. Nearly gagging, he managed to swallow most of Kerry's cum. When Kerry began to soften, he finally released his hold and stood up. He didn't know what to expect and he suddenly grew frightened at what Kerry might say or do.

Kerry wrapped his wrestler's arms around Clay. Then he put his right hand behind Clay's head and pulled him down for a long passionate kiss. When he released him, he suddenly fell to his knees and took Clay's raging member into his mouth, and he returned the favor which Clay had so recently granted to him. Clay came screaming loudly and thrusting like a mad man, but Kerry held firm. Afterward they washed each other in silence. Once dried, they began to dress. Not a word had been said between them since Clay had his orgasm.

Finally Clay broke the silence. "I want to apologize. I lied to you," he said. "I like women a lot and I have fucked plenty of them, but I have probably been with more men than women in my life. I have to admit, I prefer sex with men."

Kerry smiled. "I forgot to mention before that in addition to the shower and the rub down, I whack off before every match. It's my trinity for relaxation and that helps me win matches."

"But you aren't addressing the incident that occurred between us in the shower," Clay said. "I've admitted that I prefer men and that you are really attractive to me. Please tell me about yourself. After all you did go down on me, and I think it was more than mere gratitude."

Kerry smiled and kissed Clay on the cheek. "I have a girl friend," he said, "and she has jerked me off a couple of times and I have fingered her, but we haven't ever had real sex. I have a buddy who I have known since kindergarten. Tim and I have sex all the time together. It's fantastic, satisfying sex. I even prefer it when Tim whacks me off than when Edie does. Also he sucks me off to perfection, or I thought he did, until you did it to me. I know I'm gay, but I don't think Tim is. I'm just handy for him to have around when he needs relief. In fact, I think he has been seeing a girl, and we have slowed down a lot. You are a fantastic lover, Clay. How can I ever thank you?"

"By letting me spend the weekend with you and by you winning all your matches, and going to college. If you ever want to study law, you can always come to work for me." He wanted to say, be my lover. I'm rich. I can pay your way through college. Please don't ever leave me. But he didn't say it. He didn't want to scare the lad away.

Clay took Kerry's hand and Kerry asked, "Do you have any lube? I don't. Could we buy some condoms and lube before we go to bed tonight? I would like to stay over with you even if I lose today."

Kerry had three matches scheduled for the first day of competition. The first was at 11 AM, the second at 2 PM and the third at 5 PM. If he won them all, he would return the next day for three more matches at the same hours. The first match of day two was the quarter finals, the second was the semis, and the last match would be for the State championship.

Clay was at mat side for all three matches. He cheered and yelled louder than anyone else there. Kerry heard every roar of encouragement from his new lover. He was inspired to new heights of perfection, and he won every match easily. Between the first two matches, Clay left the arena and bought the condoms and lube Kerry had requested. Even as his cock throbbed with anticipation, he worried if he could take Kerry into him. He vowed to try as hard as he could, and endure any pain he might suffer. He wanted Kerry inside of him, and that was that.

At the end of the third match, Kerry ran over to Clay and the two men hugged in a manly fashion, but Kerry whispered to Clay, "I need to call Coach Burns and I have to shower here or it wouldn't seem right, but when we get back to the hotel, let's shower together."

Clay smiled at Kerry and whispered back, "I bought what you requested. Hurry, love. I'll meet you in the lobby of the arena's main entrance."

They had dinner in a four star restaurant near the hotel. Clay ordered champagne for himself to toast Kerry's victories. He ordered a coke for Kerry. Kerry would only eat a light chicken dinner, but Clay dined on a tasty filet mignon steak. They both had ice cream for dessert. Clay usually liked to linger awhile after a big dinner, but this evening, he rushed them back to the hotel. "If I don't fuck you soon, I'll go crazy," he whispered to Kerry as they exited the restaurant.

Clay had no trouble entering Kerry's greased up asshole. After he came he expressed surprise, so Kerry explained. "When Tim and I started to have sex, we both had little boy weenies. As we grew, and our cocks swelled, our assholes adapted slowly. Sorry to say love, but Tim is much wider around than you, but you are longer. I just hope we can stretch you enough to take me in."

Clay kissed Kerry and said, "Fuck me as hard as you want to. I don't care how much it hurts, I want you inside of me. Lie on your back and let me sit down on you. That should be the easiest way."

"OK," Kerry said, "but let me prepare you." He had Clay lie on his stomach and he greased his fingers. He entered Clay a finger at a time, stretching him and reaming him with each entry. Clay had been fucked by some pretty big cocks and he took three fingers well. It was the fourth that gave him pain, but Kerry kept gently kneading him.

"Now!" Clay said simply. Kerry turned on his back and had trouble putting on the condom. It was too small. He looked at Clay in dismay.

"Forget about it," Clay said. Kerry had softened a bit so Clay began to suck him and instantly he was hard again. Clay straddled him, and slowly started his descent. Kerry guided his cock to Clay's anal opening. Clay had no trouble until Kerry's monster reached his sphincter. Clay hesitated for a moment and then plunged his body downward. The pain and burning were nearly unbearable and Clay screamed out his anguish.

"Pull off," Kerry commanded.

"Never," Clay said. He sat still on his lover and little by little the pain began to ease. Clay moved his hips slightly to see if the pain was really going. When he did, Kerry's cock rubbed against Clay's prostate. He moved again. The pain was turning to pleasure. Little by little he began to pump harder and Kerry began to pump with him.

Clay had believed that he would want Kerry to come quickly, but now he hoped the boy would last forever. Unfortunately an eighteen year old youth cannot last long at all. When it was over, they wrapped up in each other's arms and fell fast asleep.

When they awakened the following morning they repeated the ritual of the morning before. Having been relaxed by a rubdown, a shower and an orgasm Kerry was now ready for the quarter finals. He had more difficulty with the quarter and semi finals than he had with his earlier matches, but he prevailed. Since he had no coach, Clay went into the locker room with him and massaged his aching muscles before the championship round.

Kerry called his coach before the final match. Coach Burns gave him words of encouragement and said that even if he lost the match, surely he would be scouted for a scholarship. When Kerry told Clay what his coach had said, Clay's face got red.

"Utter nonsense," he raved. "You are not going to lose this one. You are going to be our state champion and make your family and me as proud as peacocks." Kerry could only smile at Clay's optimism.

Clay had every reason to be optimistic. His parents had endowed a scholarship fund at State to be awarded annually to a needy, worthy high school senior. On the first anniversary of their deaths two weeks ago, Clay had added another $10,000.00 to the scholarship fund, and another $10,000.00 to the school's operating fund. He promised to contribute something once a year on the anniversary of his parents' deaths. If Kerry didn't get the wrestling scholarship, he would call the President of the University and insist that Kerry be this year's recipient of the Margaret and Joseph Reilly Scholarship Fund award.

Kerry won a long, tough and grueling match. At the end, he sat on a stool and sobbed. Clay called Coach Burns for him, and told the coach that he was a friend of Kerry's. The champ was too overcome to talk to anyone. He asked the coach to please convey the good news to Kerry's family. He also told him that Kerry would return home the next evening because he was too worked up to take tonight's bus. The coach thanked Clay for looking after his protégé and he hung up.

When finally Kerry had recovered his composure, Clay told him to get his stuff from the locker room. "I've checked out of the hotel," he said. "All our stuff is in my car. You are spending the night with me in my home. Is that OK with you?"

Kerry just smiled. When the two men entered Clay's house, Kerry was speechless. The magnificence of the front hall overwhelmed him. The entrance was larger by far than Kerry's whole house. They were greeted by Lucille, a rather portly, middle aged, pleasant looking woman. Clay introduced her to Kerry as his "chief cook and bottle washer." Lucille had worked for the Reilly family even before Clay was born, and she was like a second mother to him, especially after his own mom died.

Clay gave his lover a tour of the house. On the main level there was a kitchen the size of the kitchen at the hotel they had just stayed at. There was a fairly large living room, a library, two powder rooms, and a dining room on the first level. The dining room contained a table that sat twenty.

"There's a wine cellar in the basement," Clay said. "I'll show that to you in the morning, but let's go upstairs now." He led Kerry up a long winding staircase that started in the front entrance hall. Kerry was too awe stricken to say anything. He just followed Clay like a sheep to slaughter.

When they reached the top of the stairs, Clay said, "There are five bedrooms on this level including the master suite. Each bedroom has its own bathroom. There are four bedrooms on the next level up. Each of two bedrooms shares a bathroom so there are only two bathrooms up there."

Kerry finally found his tongue. "Why didn't you tell me you were so rich? I've never seen anything like this."

"I wanted you to like me for me, not for my money," Clay joked. He grabbed Kerry, kissed him and led him to the master bath.

"You stink," he said. "That's my fault. I didn't give you a chance to bathe until we got home." They entered the master bathroom and Kerry could only gawk. The back wall was one long window, and under the window was a sunken bath tub that six people could use at one time. On each side of the room there was a stall shower and a vanity. The entire room, floor, walls and ceilings, were tiled in a light sky blue color.

"What's your pleasure?" Clay asked. "Shower or bath?"

"Bath," Kerry answered. "If you'll join me."

They cavorted for hours in the tub, which Clay filled to capacity with hot soapy water. They both fucked each other twice under water, using soap as lubricant. Both forgot that they hadn't eaten dinner, and neither man was hungry. While they were drying themselves, they fell to their knees alternately and sucked each other off for yet another orgasm. It was nearly midnight when they finally fell asleep in Clay's large king size bed. They slept until noon when the telephone awakened them. It was Lucille who had become alarmed, and was checking on her boy.

"Your secretary has been calling all morning wondering where you were. I just told her you wouldn't be in today. You better call her," she told Clay.

They showered quickly, dressed and went downstairs. Since there was just the two of them, they ate in the kitchen. Lucille had prepared a delicious brunch, which included mimosas. Since the competition was over, Clay allowed Kerry to indulge himself. After breakfast, Clay showed Kerry around his estate. Kerry thought that he had died and gone to heaven.

"My bus leaves at 3:30," he reminded Clay.

"I know. I don't want you to leave me. Please don't leave me," Clay sobbed. "I love you so much."

"I love you more," Kerry protested, "but we have to be practical. I have three more months to graduation and then hopefully, I'll be off to college."

"If you go to State, you can live at home with me," Clay expressed his optimism again. "I'll even pay you to work in my office part time."

Kerry laughed. "Nobody has offered me a scholarship yet."

"I'm not worried. You'll get your scholarship," Clay smiled at Kerry. "Don't take the bus," he said suddenly. "I'll drive you home. I want to meet your family."

"My sister got married six months ago, and lives in Georgia, and my mom won't be home from work until after 11 PM, so the only one you can meet is my grandmother. I haven't told anyone yet that I'm gay so it's just not a good idea."

"We'll tell them together then, and we'll tell them we're in love. I'll move your mother and grandmother, here. This place is way too big for one man. Let's fill it up, and let's put my money to good use. Your mother and grandmother will never have to work again."

Kerry laughed, "You're crazy, you know," he said.

"Yes, crazy in love. Come, let's throw your stuff in my car and I'll pack an overnight bag."

Driving out of Raleigh, Clay observed, "The snow's all gone."

"Yes, I see," Kerry said. The snow storm was freakish, but if it hadn't happened, we would not have met."

"I have always believed in fate. I believe in it now even more strongly," Clay said. He laid his hand on Kerry's knee and they smiled at each other.

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