Chances Are

By Red

Published on Jul 16, 2000


Title: Chances Are. Part 1 Author: Red ( Disclaimer: This is just fiction and there isn't an ounce of truth about the sexuality of the Nsync boys in here. At least not as far as I know. If you're below 18 or if you don't want to read fiction about homosexuality, do not go further than this line.

Justin just laid there and watched JC sleep. As usual, JC was off to slumberland the moment they got some time off. Chris, Lance and Joey had taken the chance to go clubbing with the girls they had met during the concert. However, JC and Justin had passed it. JC's reason was that he wanted to sleep and Justin's unspoken reason was to be with JC, although the reason he had given was that he was tired too. Unknown to the rest, Justin had begun to have a crush on JC. He didn't know when and where it started, but he would catch himself just staring at JC whenever he could. Among the guys he had always been closest the most to JC but that was because they had known each other longer than the rest. It started with the MMC gigs. Then their group, N'Sync, brought them even closer together. However, Justin began to realize that his interest in JC was more than friendship. At first it had freaked him out. He feared that he was gay. He began to make an effort to date more. That was when he had been caught making out with Britney Spears. Britney had always had a thing for him and when he finally reciprocated, they had started going at it hot and heavy in his hotel room as both had been staying in the same hotel. However, they had been `discovered' when one of Britney's dancers walked in. Somehow, word got out that he and Britney were dating and it did more damage to her than to him. But he had come out of it knowing that he was not gay. He liked girls. However he also liked JC. Justin smiled as he watched JC curl into a fetal position. He loved watching JC and tended to do it without being aware of his actions. He wondered if anyone else had noticed but if they did they didn't mention it. Sometimes he wished that JC would notice it and then sometimes he hoped that he could just get over it. If he were to try to act on his crush so as to get over it, he could very well destroy their friendship and the group's career. Besides even if there was a chance in hell that JC reciprocated his feelings, what could they do? Having a bi-sexual singer wasn't exactly the best lifestyle for a boy band with millions of teenage girls as fans. Justin sighed and turned to lie on his back. The bed was a double and big enough for the two of them but it was difficult. This time they were given a room with just one double bed instead of two singles. This was not the first time that they had had to share a room. Most hotels overbooked and usually they ended up sharing the rooms. But it was difficult when all he could do was just stare at JC while he slept. The urge to touch him, to run his fingers over his incredible cheekbones, was tenfold whenever he had that innocent look of sleep. Just then, JC moved and rolled to sleep on his stomach, inadvertently placing his arm on Justin's stomach. Justin froze. He was now too close for comfort. JC's face was just an inch away from his and he could even feel the sleeping guy's breath on his face and neck. That only served to send shivers of pleasure down Justin's spine. Justin turned his head until his lips were close to JC's. All he had to do was lean forward just a bit and his lips would touch JC's. Justin licked his lips and decided to hell with it. He leaned forward, placing his warm lips on JC's own cooler ones. Then, unconsciously, his tongue reached out to run over his lips. Justin decided that was enough and was about to draw back when he felt JC's mouth press harder against him. Justin looked to see if JC had woken up but the brunette was still asleep. Justin enjoyed the sensation and opened his lips just a bit to allow JC's lower lips to rest in between his. Soon, his tongue followed to slip in between JC's parted lips. Justin knew that he was taking this too far but he couldn't stop. This was what he had been fantasizing about for weeks now. He just kissed JC and to his surprise found JC kissing back. Justin eyes flew up to meet JC's own open blue eyes. <Shit! This is it!> Justin started to draw back, expecting JC's anger and disgust. Instead he found a hand at the back of his head holding him down. Justin heart pounded as he watched the desire in JC's own eyes. "JC, I." "I know," was all he said before pressing his lips to Justin's again. Justin moaned and grasped JC's head in his own hands as they plundered each other's mouth. Justin, tentatively let his tongue sweep into JC's mouth only to have it sucked in deeper. Their teeth gnashed as they tried to probe deeper. JC rolled on his back, pulling Justin atop him. Justin, knowing that he would be too heavy, straddled the older guy. Both froze when their arousal brushed against each other. JC stared into Justin's blue eyes and smiled as he raised his hips to brush against Justin's arousal again. Justin closed his eyes, enjoying the sensation as he rubbed against JC. Both guys groaned in pleasure. Then there came the knock on the door. They froze, staring into each other's eyes. Dear caught in headlights had nothing on them. Justin was the first to recover. He hurriedly got off of JC. JC placed his arm over his eyes and tried to compose himself. Justin stood up and took deep breaths. He then opened the door slightly to see who it was. "Hey Justin." Lance greeted with a smile. Justin held his index finger to his lips and gestured Lance to be quiet. The door was still only slightly open as Justin slowly felt his arousal subside. "JC still asleep?" Lance asked, waiting for Justin to open the door fully. "Yeah." "I take it I can't come in then." Lance asked wryly. "Er. I think you better not. He's.he's.he's not feeling well." Justin tried to come up with an explanation. Lance gave Justin a weird look. "Why is your face so red? Are you sick too?" Justin felt his face was still hot. /Great! What a time to start blushing!/ "Maybe I caught it from JC." Justin said. "Ok. Then get some rest. I just wanted to ask if you wanted to come clubbing with me? I was help up with some business and I'm meeting Chris and Joey at the club." "It's ok. You go ahead." "Fine. Later." Lance saluted and walked off with one of the group's bodyguards in tow. Justin closed the door. And rested his forehead against the door. Now he had to face JC and do what he was so damn scared to do. Terrified in fact. Talk. Justin turned to face JC. "So, JC. What do we." he trailed off as he saw the sight before him. Justin sighed and smiled despite the frustration he felt inside. JC was asleep and even snoring a little.

Next: Chapter 2

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