Chances Are

By Red

Published on Mar 11, 2001


Title: Chances Are 17/?

Author: Red (

Disclaimer: None of this has happened.

Dedication: To Wen, Joie, Rick, Mary and Jaxx. People whom I don't get to talk to nearly as much as I want to.


They were at another hotel where the only familiar thing was the sound of young girls, screaming. The five of them stepped out of the bus and spent a few minutes signing autographs. Lance and Joey stood close to JC in case he freaked out but JC seemed more in control than before. They then headed into hotel.

Joey, Chris and Justin held back slightly while JC and Lance walked ahead.

"So what happened? You two seemed pretty quiet the whole trip after your talk. Did you sort everything out?" Joey asked.


"So is he going to get help?" Chris asked.


"He isn't mad at you anymore?" Joey asked.


"So you guys fixed everything between you two?" Chris asked.


"Good." Joey said.

"Yeah. We fixed everything. We are breaking up."

With that Justin stepped into the waiting elevator with JC and Lance. Chris and Joey stared at each other in shock before quickly stepping into the elevator.

"WHAT!? You're breaking up!?" Joey exclaimed.

JC looked up from his conversation with Lance about the sound check. He glanced at Justin. "You told them."

Justin shrugged. "Yeah."

"Told them what? Who's breaking up? What?" Lance asked, looking confused.

"Justin and..." Chris began to explain.

"Can we talk about this later?" JC interrupted.

The bodyguards tried to look disinterested but it was kind of difficult when they were all in the small space of the elevator.

Chris nodded. "Sorry."

They reached their floor and JC stepped out heading for the suite allotted to the group. The five of them entered the shared living room area and threw their bags down in the corner for the time being.

Joey threw his hands up. "Ok, what's this about you two breaking up?"

"Justin...JC, you're breaking up? But you just got together!" Lance said.

"So was it all just a fling or something?" Chris asked.

"JC thinks we rushed into this. He wants to take things slow." Justin said.

"And what do you want?" Joey asked.

Justin shrugged. "What does it matter."

JC frowned. "Justin, I didn't..."

"No, Josh...JC, it doesn't matter what I want. Because you don't trust me and that's that. Can't do anything about it."

"You don't trust Justin?" Chris asked.

"He thinks that I'm pretending to be gay because I'm pissed of with the Justin/Britney fairy tale. He thinks I'm going through a gay phase. He thinks that as soon as I'm sick of being gay, I'll go back to being straight." Justin said. "Did I miss anything out, JC?"

JC shook his head and silently left for his room. Justin watched him leave and then sat down heavily on the couch. "I guess not."

"This must be because of the assault." Lance said.

"No. This is because a piece of shit called Julian!" Justin yelled.

"Julian? What does he have to do with you and JC?"

"He did a number on JC after our fight. The bastard was pretending to be ok with us and then the first chance he gets, he messes with JC's head."

"What exactly did Julian tell JC?" Chris asked.

"I don't know but that is what's making JC think that I'm not serious!"

"You don't have proof that Julian said..."

"You want proof? Get Julian here and I'll get you your proof. I'll knock loose a few of his teeth first, then I'll get you your proof!"

"Justin, there's no point in getting angry. It's not going to help you." Lance said.

Justin seemed to visibly deflate. "I can't help it, Lance. This isn't fair. I'm in love with him and he doesn't even think of me enough to trust me."

"Woah. You're in love with JC? Wow." Joey said in awe.

"Why is that so hard to believe, Joe?" Justin asked, defensively.

"'s just..."

"Just what!? You thought this was about sex? That I and JC couldn't possibly be serious? What?!"

"Ok, maybe I did. But can you blame me? I mean, you of all people Justin! You love girls! You lap up the attention they give you! You were almost as bad as me! And then suddenly you are into guys?" Joey exclaimed.

"I'm into JC! There is a difference! I'm not lusting after you guys, am I?"

Chris nodded. "But that's just it, Justin. Look I don't know for sure what is going on in JC's mind but I can guess. You tell him that you love him and that you want be with him. You sound so sure but this is your first gay experience. Can you blame him for wondering if you are really in this for real? If even Joey has doubts, then why not JC?"

Justin didn't have anything to say to that because what Chris said made sense.

"The more you try to rush into a relationship with JC, the more you make it seem like this is a phase. I know this is unfair to you but getting pissed off and complaining is only going to damage your case. Show JC that you know what you want by acting calmly and thinking stuff through. Give yourself time because if this really is love, it's not going away any time soon."

Chris couldn't see Justin's face as it was downcast so he had no idea what he was thinking.

"When did you get so smart, Chris?" Justin asked, finally.

Chris grinned. "I was always smart. I just dimmed after I hooked up you losers."

Justin looked up with a tired smile. He stood up and hugged Chris. "Thanks man. I think I get it."

"For what it's worth, I think you and JC will make it in the long run, Curly," said Chris.

Justin looked towards the closed door of JC's room. "Think it's too soon to talk to him?"

"Go ahead."

Justin knocked and waited. He heard the sound of the bed creaking and shuffling feet. Then the door opened.

"Can we talk?"

JC nodded and moved back, letting Justin in. Justin closed the door and went over to sit on the bed. JC stood leaning against the door.

"I'm sorry."

"About what?"

"For blaming you."

JC watched Justin watch him apologetically.

"I know that you have to deal with enough stuff without me trying to make you feel worse. It's just that..." Justin stood up and came over to stand in front of JC. "...I love you so much. I'm in love with you."

JC blinked once. Twice. "You're in love with me?"

"I know this too soon to tell you and I know you don't believe me but I want you to know that I'm willing to wait for as long as you need me to. We can take things slow. Anything as long as you still give me a chance to prove to you that I am serious. And I am serious, Josh. No matter what you think, I am serious."


"You don't have to say anything. We can be the way we used to be. Best friends and just that. I'm going to keep telling you I'm in love with. For years if that's how long it will tale till you believe me. I'm going to show you that I'm not just a confused kid. I don't have anything to prove to anyone...except you. I'm going to show you that you can trust me."


"If you're going to tell me to give up or something, then don't because I'm not going to listen to you. I'm not going to stop loving you so don't even try to tell me that."

JC remained silent.

"Aren't you going to say something?" Justin asked.

"Are you going to let me?" JC asked with a slight smile playing on his lips.

Justin smiled back and nodded.

JC took a step forward and wrapped his arms around Justin, pulling him into a hug. Justin returned the embrace, holding on tightly. He closed his eyes and let himself absorb JC into him. He felt tears prick his eyes as he heard and felt JC's whisper against his ears.

"Thank you, Justin."


Part 18 coming right up...

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