Chances Are

By Red

Published on Jul 18, 2000


Disclaimer: This is just fiction and there isn't an ounce of truth about the sexuality of the Nsync boys in here. At least not as far as I know. If you're below 18 or if you don't want to read fiction about homosexuality, do not go further than this line.

JC put his hand on the handle of the bathroom door then took it off. He turned around and again surveyed the bathroom in which he had locked himself in. He turned back and tried to force himself to open the door again. Again he chickened out and turned away from the door. "Great! I can't even get myself out of this bathroom! How am I going to face Justin?" he muttered to himself. In the morning, along with the light of day came the panic of realization of what had transpired between him and Justin. He had tried to convince himself that it was all a dream or fantasy but the more he thought about it, JC knew it had been real. He had turned to his side to look at the curly-haired boy sleeping soundly beside him with his arms around JC's waist and his cheeks resting on his shoulders. Desire, love, guilt all converged to make him feel nauseous. Slowly extracting himself from Justin's grasp, JC rushed into the bathroom and locked himself in. That had been an hour ago. He had brushed, showered, preened and done everything possible to do in a bathroom. Things that normally took him only half an hour at most. He had spent the rest of the hour trying to step out into the room. But his hands weren't cooperating. JC sat atop the sink counter and buried his face in his hands. He still couldn't believe what had happened. It was not that he didn't like the kiss he had shared with Justin or that he felt disgusted with himself. Sure he was confused about his sexuality. He had thought himself straight until he began to feel a certain way around and about Justin. Feelings that didn't occur around any other guy. But he wasn't close-minded or hypocritical. JC had accepted homosexuality in his friends and wasn't about to balk at it just because he was feeling similar emotions. He was scared but he was also strong. "Yeah right! Strong! So strong you can't even face him!" Justin. That was what.who making this hard. For a long time he had had strong feelings for Justin. At first it had been a brotherly love. But soon he began to notice the way Justin smiled, sang, danced, ate, touched him arm, laughed, played basketball, sneezed.the list was endless. And he didn't just notice it all in a detached way. JC basically stared at his friend, with a sappy grin on his face, lost in thought until the other guys would have to physically bring him out of his reverie. It didn't take him long to figure out what was going on. He had it bad. For a guy. A guy who was one of his closest friend. JC leaned back and rested his back against the wall. Somehow his feelings wasn't what was keeping him a bathroom prisoner. What was running repeatedly through his head was that Justin kissed him. * Justin * kissed * him *! For weeks he was wondering if he was reading too much into every little smile Justin gave him, every little look, every little touch. Sure, if a girl did the similar actions that Justin did to him, JC would be 100% sure that she was interested in him. He had never been wrong about that with regards to a girl. But this was not a girl and this was not a strange guy either. This was his best friend. Someone who has been around him for so long that he kind of had a right to fond looks, smiles and touches. But then why didn't Lance, Joey and Chris act the same way? They were just as good friends even if he hadn't known them for as long as he had known Justin. They didn't act flirty with him. Or maybe he just didn't notice it with them as much as he did with Justin. Was he just reading too much into Justin's action? For weeks these questions would take up his quiet time, with him ending up with a massive headache. He didn't want to do anything and find out that it had all been a big mistake on his part. JC decided that he rather keep his feelings to himself. For all he knew, maybe he was just going through a phase! Late as the 'phase' may have come. Then last night had happened. JC unconsciously ran his tongue over his lips. He could still feel the way Justin's lips had felt on his. Soft and insistent. It belied the way the blond's hips had ground against him. JC could feel himself getting aroused and stifled those thoughts. At first it had seemed like a dream. He was kissing Justin and Justin was responding. Then the warmth and feeling of human skin penetrated the fog of sleep and made him open his eyes. Meeting Justin's blue gaze had sent him into a momentary pause. All logic had stopped. His head got confirmation of what his heart had always known. Justin * did * have feelings for him. With that, his mind stopped functioning and his body took over, doing what he had, until then, only fantasized about doing. He had been lost in Justin. His lips, hands, skin, body. Suddenly there was a knock on the bathroom door, causing JC to jump up and stand behind it nervously. In a little corner of his mind, JC noted that last night a similar knock had interrupted them. Perhaps it was a omen. Perhaps it was a sign of some sort. Or perhaps he was an idiot. "JC? You gonna be in there for long?" Justin's voice sounded a little stressed. "I-I'll be out soon." JC answered, wincing as he heard his unnatural, fake, cheery voice. "Ok. Can soon be like in five seconds? I really need to pee." Ah! That was the explanation for the stressed voice. JC closed his eyes and shook his head. Then taking a deep breath, he reached for the door. "Ok. I can do this. Just grab handle, twist, pull door and face ::gulp:: him." With that said, JC swung the door open so abruptly that Justin stepped back in reaction. The two of them faced each other. "Erm.Hi." JC greeted nervously. "Hi." Justin replied, smiling. More like grinning. Justin! Smiling! Before his cereals! Oh lord! "So." JC said. "So." Justin repeated. "The bathroom's free." JC remarked. "Yeah, I can see that." Justin responded, trying unsuccessfully to hide his grin. JC felt his face flush and stepped away. Or at least tried to. Justin grabbed his arm. "Josh, about last night." "Don't you have to pee?' "Desperately, but." "I have a feeling this is going to be a long talk so maybe we should talk later." JC explained. He kept telling himself that he was not avoiding 'the talk'. Nope. Not at all. He saw a flash of worry in Justin's eyes as his grin faltered and knew that the other boy was thinking that he had changed his mind about them. Wait a minute. There wasn't even a 'them'! Was there? "JC, are you regretting." Justin started. "Justin. Can we just talk about this later?" JC interrupted quickly, not wanting to hear Justin complete that question. Hearing the events put into words would just make him even more edgy than he was. And JC knew that he needed to calm down first. 'The Talk' was going to change a lot of thing between Justin and himself and he wanted to be ready for it. Ready as in, dressed, sitting opposite each other, calm and collected. He looked up to see that Justin's smile had by now completely disappeared and was replaced by a frown. JC knew that he should say something reassuring. Something to say that things were ok. Anything to let Justin know that the kiss had not been a mistake. But he didn't. JC just shakily turned to the dresser and proceeded to pull out his clothes from the cupboard where he had hung them up. He felt Justin gaze on his back for a long time. All the while, JC's mind was screaming had him to say something! Unfortunately his mouth was in a rebellious mood. JC winced as he heard the bathroom door slam shut. This was not good. Ok. Understatement. This was a damn disaster. He may just had gone and screwed up something wonderful before it had even began. Why couldn't he just talk to Justin? Why did he have to be a jerk? Why was his head aching so much? Pulling on a black t-shirt and changing out of his sweat pants into khaki pants, JC quickly headed for the door. He had to fix things quick. He didn't know how but talking suddenly seemed like a good idea. And before he could talk he needed to get some aspirin for his headache. He looked towards the bathroom and knew that he wasn't going to get the aspirin from in there. That just left one of the other guys' rooms. JC closed the room door behind him and walked to the room that Joey, Lance and Chris shared. Not that, on hindsight, he would complain about. But at the time when they had been assigned the room, he hadn't liked the idea of sharing a bed with the guy who was constantly occupying his thoughts. However, now he was glad for that. Only he had screwed it up. He felt terrible and not just because of his throbbing head. The look on Justin's face still remained on his mind. Justin had been smiling but because of him, he wasn't happy now. Somehow the thought that he had hurt Justin made JC feel like scum. It was scary to think that he had the power to make or break Justin's day. "He smiled for you before his cereal and yet you treated him like shit!" JC muttered to himself as he leaned forward against the wall beside the guys' room door and knocked his forehead on it repeatedly. "Idiot! Idiot! Idi." A hand touched his shoulders causing JC to yelp and whirl around. Lance and Joey and Chris yelled too as they jumped back. "Woah! What's the matter, C?" Joey asked. JC sighed in relief and shook his head. "Nothing. I just have an headache." "I don't think that helps." Lance remarked, arching an eyebrow. "Justin said you were sick last night? How are you feeling today?" "Fine. were the one Justin said I was sick last night uh?" "Is there an echo in here?" Chris quiped with a grin. "Where's Justin? He didn't look too good either? You passed it to him?" Lance asked. "Huh? He's fine." JC knew Justin had * felt * fine. Man did he feel fine! "He just woke up." JC replied, rubbing his forehead. "Aww! He'll take forever to get dressed and style that mop of his! I'm hungry!" Joey complained. "Where did you guys come from?" JC asked, looking at the closed door of their room. "We were at the Pack's room. They said to ring them once everyone's ready to go for breakfast." Lance answered. JC saw an opportunity to talk to Justin without the interruptions from the other guys. "Why don't you three go ahead first. I'm just going to get some aspirin from your room and I'll get Justin and meet you guys later." "That won't be necessary." JC whirled around to see Justin standing behind him. He hadn't expected the blond to have gotten ready so quickly. Justin was dressed in jeans, a blue turtle neck and had his hair covered in a bandana. He had obviously not taken his standard half an hour fixing his hair. Usually this would send JC whooping for joy along with the other guys. However, now, this threw a wrench in his plans. Also the cold blue gaze that met his eyes, didn't exactly give JC cause for whooping. Justin was angry. "Woah! Man the ark, Noah! The end of the world is coming!" Chris exclaimed, referring to Justin's prompt appearance. "JC said you just woke up!" Joey added, surprised that Justin was ready that fast. After all he had shared a room with Justin before and he knew all about cursing and swearing while the younger boy hogged the bathroom for an hour. "Yeah. And he knows everything, doesn't he?" was Justin's only reply as he walked past the guys towards the room of their bodyguards. Joey, Lance and Chris immediately knew something was wrong. And it had to do with JC. However, the group's code was to not get involved until 24 hours had passed. If they still hadn't solved their problems with each other, the rest would mediate. However, their fights had never gotten to that point. The three of them doubted that JC and Justin would last for even 1 hour. "There he goes. Mr. Hyde until we get some cereal into him." Chris replied as he walked after Justin. Joey shrugged and followed along with Lance. JC just watched Justin go and sighed. Obviously he had to pick another time to talk to Justin. One thought ran through his mind as he walked behind the other guys. 'Justin had smiled for me before his cereal.' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tbc

Next: Chapter 3

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