Chances Are

By Red

Published on Jul 31, 2000


Title: Chances Are (Part 5)

Author: Red (

Rating: R

Disclaimer: This is just fiction and there isn't an ounce of truth about the sexuality of the Nsync boys in here. At least not as far as I know. If you're below 18 or if you don't want to read fiction about homosexuality, do not go further than this line.

Note: You might remember Michelle and Julian from the previous parts. She's the make-up artist and he's assistant manager of the band. Made-up of course.

Dedication: To all the wonderful writers of JC/Justin stories! You feed my addiction so well! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Previously on Chances Are:

"Josssshhh!" Justin moaned, his breathing by now coming in short pants. "D-don't...s-stop." Justin managed to say as he roughly pulled JC's mouth to his again. Thrusting his tongue into JC's mouth in mimic of his hips, he knew he was close. He could feel his balls tighten. Anytime now...anytime...

The door opened as someone stepped into the room.


Justin and JC heard the exclamation and looked up.

The tiny frame of Christina Aquilera stood by the doorway, transfixed upon the scene before her eyes.

Folding her arms in front of her, Christina arched a eyebrow. "So. JC, Justin. Anything you guys want to tell me?"

Part 5 Justin and JC blushed painfully as they stared at Christina. Neither could speak or look the girl in the eye. JC tried to compose himself and not panic. He knew that Christina wouldn't rat on them. But that wasn't the problem How did she feel about bisexuality? Would she be disgusted with them? Would she not want to have anything to do with them anymore? All the questions ran through JC's mind as he stared at the girl whom he had known since she was just a little kid. Hell, it was as bad as being caught by his own sister! Justin decided on his own way for dealing with being caught. "How did you get in here? I locked the door," he demanded. Christina arched an eyebrow. "The best defense is a good offense, eh Justin? Relax guys, I was just...... taken my surprise. I mean, I was just looking for Michelle and....... Let's just say that the last thing I expected was a NC-17 show," she said with a grin. "So, when did you two get together or was this just a casual grope session?" JC and Justin looked at each other and couldn't help but smile. "We are together." JC replied softly. "Wow. This is heavy. I mean I never thought of you two as...and with Britney and Bobbi and...unless of course you are..." Christina trailed off. "Chrissy, pick a sentence and run with it." Justin teased, forgetting his discomfort and falling into his old habits with regards to Christina. "Shut up, Moppet. In case you've forgotten, you're the one standing there sporting a happy. Not me! So the way I see it, I get to make the jokes." Christina said, using her old nickname for Justin. She grinned as Justin blushed even more. "Aw shut up, Scream." Justin shot back, ducking his head. JC laughed but tried to stifle his laughter as Justin elbowed him. Suddenly it was like being back on MMC with the name-calling. Justin's name was Moppet because it came the closest to Mop Head. Christina's powerful voice earned her the title, Scream. "So, are you ok" JC asked carefully. "It shouldn't matter but I am. Of course it would take a while to get really used to the idea but you guys look good together. Always had and I guess now I know the reason why." Christina said, smiling happily. "Thanks, Chrissy," JC said and hugged her. "So what are you doing here? Why are the MTV cameras following you?" Christina shrugged. "Same thing as you guys. Er...well not * you * guys!" she amended with an impish grin. "Promotional pictures. The MTV crew is for All Access. They are driving me nuts! But it was a close call just now." "Thanks for reacting so fast, Scream. I can't imagine what would have happened if they had seen us." Justin said, frowning slightly. "No problem. I would have felt terrible if that had happened. Of course now, I'm going to be labeled as 'Miss Bitchy Diva' just because I slammed the door in their faces!" Christina sighed and shrugged. Then she frowned and looked at Justin," Hey, what are you doing in here anyway? Julian and Rob were looking for you outside a while ago. Something about it being your turn to take the picture." "Damn! The photo and my clothes are a mess." Justin exclaimed and looked down at his crumbled clothes. "That's not all, boy. JC couldn't have picked a worse place to give you a hickey! Look at that!" Christina pointed out. Justin's hand flew to his neck as he checked the mirror in the room. JC looked on guiltily. "Aw shit! What am I going to do? They know I didn't have this just now!" Justin yelled. "I'm sorry, Just. I got carried away." JC said, looking worried. Justin cupped JC's face with his free hand and ran his thumb over his lips. "You and me both!" he said with a smile. JC returned the smile and kissed Justin's thumb. "As sweet as all this is, what are you going to do about that?" Christina asked. "I'm open to ideas." Justin stated. "If Britney was here, we won't need an explanation." Christina teased, then sent an apologetic look to JC. "Sorry." JC grinned then turned contemplative. "Well, you are a girl too and you are here, so that may still work." "Huh?" Both Christina and Justin looked confused. JC hated to suggest what he was about to suggest but given the situation he had no choice. "Lie that you were making out with Christina, Justin." "WHAT!" Two yells sounded in the room. "We won't even have to say it. They can just see the two of you together and jump to the natural conclusion." "No way! Britney will kill me!" Christina protested. "Britney and Justin aren't even dating anymore." JC replied. "That doesn't matter! It's the girl code! You never mess with a girlfriend's ex-boyfriend!" she stated resolutely. "And even if Chrissy agreed to it, I won't! How can you even suggest that?!" Justin asked, more than a little pissed off at JC. JC felt relieved that his suggestion was turned down. But he also felt bad and stupid now for making the suggestion as he saw the angry look on Justin's face. "I'm sorry Just. I'm just panicking and you already know from this morning that I tend to say idiotic stuff when I panic." Justin couldn't stay angry with JC when he looked at him with those puppy dog eyes. Grinning he pulled JC into his arms. "You've got a point there. Ok, forgiven but don't make a habit of it." Their lips met in a sweet kiss which quickly turned passionate. But they were interrupted by the loud clearing a throat. Sheepishly both turned to look at Christina. "Do we really want to add on more problems to what we already have?" Christina asked, arching her eyebrow and placing her hands on her hips. "She's got a point. But damn! I feel like a horny teenager around you, JC." Justin explained. "You * are * a horny teenager, Justin." JC laughed as he replied. "Well you make me feel it even more!" Justin said, with a grin. "WOAH! That just gave me an idea! Just hold on for while." Christina said and hurriedly left the room. Before she stepped out, she turned to them and motioned at the door. "This lock is trashed so behave yourself!" After she left, Justin tried to pull the collar of his shirt up to hide the red mark but it didn't help. He met JC's sad gaze in the mirror. "Hey, Josh! What's with the sad face?" Justin asked turning to JC. "It's nothing." JC replied as he sat down on the couch. Justin crouched down in front of JC, resting his forearms on the other man's knees. "Are you sorry that Christina found out about us?" JC shook his head. "Believe it or not, being caught actually felt good. Well, not the embarrassment factor but being able to tell someone and not keeping this whole thing a secret make all this feel almost...... normal. But that' not going to happen with anyone else. Have you thought a what Joey, Lance and Chris would think if they ever find out?" "Yeah. I did. But we don't have to tell them yet." Justin said softly. "I know. But we are going on the tour soon and I can't imagine having to sneak around them. I mean this is what it is always going to be like. Sneaking around, worrying about being caught, not being able to give each other hickeys!" JC exclaimed. "And you, at the very least, want us to be able to relax around the guys and be together." Justin guessed. "Yeah." "I feel the same way, Josh. How about we try to tell one of them first? I thought about telling Chris first. He's the least likely to freak out." JC stared at Justin. "Are you sure?" "I can't imagine spending all that time on the tour, with you within close proximity and not even be able to do this." Justin said and laid a soft kiss on JC's lips. "Yeah, that would suck." JC agreed as he frowned at the thought. "No actually you suck." Justin quipped, pointing to his neck. That got the smile he wanted from JC. The door flew open and closed just as quickly. But by then Justin had landed on his ass from trying to move away from JC abruptly. "TA DA!" Christina announced her triumphantly, as she brandished a small tube in her hand. JC exhaled in relief. "Chrissy! You really need to learn about the concept of knocking!" "Sorry, but I warned you! Besides, never mind that! I've got what it takes to save your collective asses!" Christina said as she waved the tube around. "What's that?" Justin asked as he stood up and peered at the tube. "Oh wait. I know. Michelle usually attacks me with it." "Yep. I got it from her. Concealer. Hickey eraser. The ultimate high-school necessity for all teenagers. One dab covers all sins. Well almost all sins." Christina said as she began to dab the cream like substance on the red mark on Justin's neck. Within moments the mark was invisible. "There you go!" "Wow! Nice work!" JC exclaimed. "I think I've a whole new respect for Michelle's armory of weapons." Justin added, as he took a final look at the mirror. His hair was not exactly perfect but he wasn't in the mood to mess with it just then. "Ok, I better head out before they send out a search party. Wish me luck!" JC kissed Justin quickly and opened the door. All three stepped out and headed towards the main studio. Lance, Joey and Chris were talking to Rob the photographer and Julian their assistant manager, when they saw them. "There you are! We were about to send The Pack to search for you two." Julian said. "I told you I would find them." Christina said, discreetly making a face when the MTV crew swooped down on her once again. "Ok, I better report to Michelle for make-up. Catch you guys later at the recording." She and her entourage left the studio. "Thanks Chrissy." JC said softly, as she passed him. The girl just winked and walked away. Justin stepped in front of the setting to get his shots done. Lisa, the stylist clucked her tongue as she looked at the crumbled state of Justin's clothes. "What have you been doing in that? It's a mess!" Lisa exclaimed. "Er...I wasn't feeling so hot so I laid down for a while. Sorry." Justin covered quickly. "Laid down or rolled around?" Lisa asked as she motioned for her assistant to bring another set of clothes. "Honestly, Justin! You're as bad as my 10 year old. "And just as cute, I bet." Justin replied with grin. "Nice try. Here, change into this quick." Lisa ordered him. After a few minutes of fussing over Justin, the studio team had him ready for his shots. The sexy blonde flirted his way through the various poses until the photographer announced they were done. Justin stepped away from the set and came to stand beside JC. For an instant, he was about to take JC's hand in his but managed to catch himself in time. Instead he casually put his arm around the brunet's shoulders. JC turned his head and met Justin's eyes, caution written on his face. But with the reassuring look that Justin gave him, he relaxed and turned back to the rest of the group. "I guess now we head for lunch? I'm starved!" Joey announced. "Joey, you were practically staking out the refreshment table!" Lance teased. "That was just finger sandwiches! I need my pasta!" Joey replied. "All right! All right! We've got reservations at a nearby restaurant and the reporters from Seventeen will be joining you. So change quickly and you will be leaving by the back because thanks to Miss Aquilera, the front is packed with fans. Ok, move it." The five guys went to the dressing area and began to change out of their 'shoot' clothes and back into their own clothes. Justin and JC discreetly checked each other out. Justin caught JC's eye and winked, earning a smile from older man. JC watched as Justin stood there shirtless and reached for his own shirt. He was trying hard not to droll but at that moment something caught his eyes. The hickey! JC's eyes widened as he saw that as Justin removed his shirt, he had accidentally rubbed off some of the concealer. The red mark stood out vividly now against Justin's skin. Anyone had to just look at Justin and they would see it. JC mentally prayed that Justin would put on his shirt before anyone looked at him. 'God, please don't let anyone see it. Please don't let anyone...' "Justin? Why do you have a hickey on your neck?" Joey asked loudly. There was a sudden silence in the room as all eyes fixed on Justin's neck. 'Damn!' .............................. tbc. So should they just tell everyone or should they wait!?

Next: Chapter 6

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