Chances Are

By Red

Published on Sep 8, 2000


Title: Chances Are (Part 7)

Author: Red (

Disclaimer: Refer to previous parts.

Rave: NSync rocked the house at the VMAs! Joey was hilarious! Lance was delicious! Justin was damn cute! Chris he even there? JC's coat must be killed, buried and never be spoken of again! Christina proved what she's made of! You go girl! Britney showed what she's made of too but in a very very different sense! ;p I hate Eminem but I must admit I liked his performance entrance.

Previously on Chances Are: "What's going on?" Joey asked, mirroring the look on Lance's and Chris' faces. JC knew it was time for a decision. He was done with the doubts. He saw the arrogant smirk on Justin's face and wanted to wipe it off. And he knew just how. JC smiled. Justin had asked him if he wanted to call the whole thing off. He was going to give Justin his answer. Right now! "You want to know what's going on, Joey?!! This is what's going !!!" JC yelled and with that he grabbed Justin and kissed him right on lips. Justin's hands automatically came to rest on JC's hips as he responded passionately. All logical thought flew out of their minds, including their awareness of an audience. There was a collective intake of breath followed by a loud, "OH. MY. GOD!" from Joey. Part 7. Christina didn't know whether to laugh at the looks on Joey's, Lance's and Chris' faces or whether to worry about what was going to happen. She wanted to leave the room knowing that this was none of her business and more of inter-Nsync business. But at the same time, she wanted to be there just in case everyone turned against Justin and JC because of this. Then she caught the look on Lance's face. He was smiling and more importantly understanding. This made her realize that at least JC and Justin had one possible defender. "JC." Christina called out. The two guys were still in a passionate lip-lock. "Justin." No response. "HEY KISSING GUYS!" Christina yelled. Justin and JC finally separated, breathing heavily and staring at each other. The kiss had been amazing and had left them wanting more. However that had to wait because of the four people staring at them, three of whom were awaiting explanations. JC and Justin turned to face them. "I think you better explain. I'm wanted on stage so I'll talk to you later." Christina said and left the room, leaving the five guys in a deafening silence. Chris was the first to break the silence. "Ok, so who moved April Fool's day to February without telling me first!" Chris demanded to know. Joey looked at Chris and back at Justin and JC. "This is a joke? This is a joke, right? Is it a joke?" JC felt annoyed and shook his head. "No, it's not a joke. Justin and I are...we're...involved." "In...involved? Since when?" Joey asked. "Since this morning." "This morning? No wonder you two didn't complain about sharing a bed! Urgh! I didn't need that image in my head!" Chris exclaimed. "Ok, let address the main issue, shall we? You're gay! The two main heart-throbs of the group are gay!" Joey exclaimed. "Irony of ironies." Lance added with a smile. "You don't say! So that hickey was from...urgh!" Chris remarked. Justin felt disturbed by Chris' words. "Look guys, if you have a problem with us then I'm sorry. We can't change the way we feel. If you hate us then..." "Oh man! Justin! I don't hate you! This is just a shock. I mean come on! You've got to admit that! So I'm sorry if I came across as a jerk!" Chris explained. "It doesn't matter if you like girls or guys or whatever category JC falls, you'll always be Curly to me." JC lightly punched Chris' arms for the insult while Justin smiled. "Thanks Chris." "The same goes for me." Lance added softly. "Really Lance? I mean, I would understand if this is hard for you to deal with because of how religious you are." JC said, cautiously. "God is not what a book says, JC. God is what's in your heart. And I know your hearts are in the right place." Lance said with a smile. "Woah! Profound words! Is someone writing that down?" Chris teased. "Shut up! Like 'you'll always be Curly to me' isn't cheesy!" Lance laughed as he shoved at Chris. JC and Justin smiled, relieved that both Lance and Chris were taking their news well. That just left... "Joey? You're very quiet." JC said, looking cautiously at his friend, trying to gauge Joey's reaction. Joey looked up and met the four pairs of eyes. "I...this is just a shock you know? I mean I know about gays and all. I even have a hot lesbian friend but just needs a little getting used to, you know?" Justin looked a little hurt. "But is it going to be problem?" "I don't know, Justin. I don't think so. But if I ever say anything to hurt your feelings, you HAVE TO forgive me on the account of this being new to me. Ok?" Joey asked, looking a little nervous. JC and Justin realized that Joey was just afraid of the new boundaries of the group because things have changed. Not only were two of the group's members were gay but they were also dating each other. This was sure to change the group dynamics in some way or another but they all had to learn to adjust. And Joey always was the one who took the longest to adjust to changes so that was what he was worried about. "I understand, Joey." JC said. "Yeah, we all do! You just want a 'get your foot out of your mouth free' card." Chris said. Joey shrugged and grinned. "I would need it, don't you think?" Before Chris could reply, Lance spoke up. "Chris? Think? Try rephrasing that, Joey." Chris just flipped Lance the finger, while everyone broke into laughter. JC watched his friends and couldn't help but feel like he was the luckiest guy on the face of the earth. He looked at the laughing Justin and amended his thoughts. More like the luckiest guy in the universe. He grabbed Justin's hand and pulled him to the side. "Justin, are we ok? I didn't mean to tell them like that but I had to do something." Justin smiled. "Very dramatic but yeah. I'm glad you told them...or rather showed them." "Am I forgiven?" "You were forgiven back at the restaurant. I just wanted to make you sweat." Justin replied with a grin. "What?! That was mean! I thought you were going to break it off! I was so worried I couldn't even eat!" "I'm not gong to let you go that easily, Josh. I've got plans for you." Justin said with a grin which JC returned along with a gentle kiss on his lips. "AWWWW!" Lance cooed "AWWWW!" Chris echoed. "EWWWW!" Joey tried. Everyone looked at Joey. "What? Oh. OH! Sorry! Still getting used to it, remember?" Joey said, looking apologetically at JC and Justin. "Fine, but get used to it fast. Or the next time you get hot and heavy with a girl, I'm going to be there spoiling the mood for you." Justin threatened jokingly. "I'm just glad that..." Joey was interrupted by the sound of someone banging on the door. Chris opened the door and let a harried looking Julian into the room. "What is it with you guys and disappearing on me!? You're wanted on stage. If you don't get a move on, we're going to be rushed for time later. Move it." Julian ordered. "Geesh! Keep your panties on, Jules." Joey said as the group started to head out to the stage. "Aw Joey! You've been peeping." Julian threw back. "Did anyone tell you that you behave like the White Rabbit?" Chris asked, following his usual disjointed train of thought. "The what?" Julian asked as he steered them hurriedly through the door. JC and Justin let Julian pass them and shared a quick kiss before heading out to the stage. ** It had been a tiring performance as they had to shoot several sequences for the hour long show. When it was finally over, all five members tiredly headed for their waiting cars. Justin saw Christina talking to some reporters and waved to catch her eyes. She waved back and told him to wait for few minutes. After wrapping up the interview she made her way over to where JC and Justin were standing. "So? How did it go?" she asked eagerly. Before Justin could say anything, JC spoke up. "Horrible. Chris wouldn't even talk to us. Lance kept quoting the bible and calling us sinners. Joey wants us to go to one of those places that make people straight." Justin fought against the grin that was threatening and kept his face solemn. Christina gaped at them in shock. "They really said and did that?" she asked. Then growing angry, she placed her hands on her hips. "Where are they?! I'm going to talk some sense into those idiots!" Just then Chris, Joey and Lance walked up to them. "Hey! What's the hold-up?" Joey asked. Christina whirled around in a fury. "How dare you turn on them like that?! They are your friends and you treat them this way! How do you think they feel when their closest friends tell them to get themselves treated like this was some kind of disease!? They are still the same wonderful guys! Now we know what you idiots are really like!" Joey, Chris and Lance looked at the furious girl, wide-eyed. "Huh? What are you talking about?" Joey asked. "Oh shut up! They don't have to go those brain-washing places. You should go to a brain-getting place!" Christina yelled. Chris laughed at that. Big mistake. "And you! You're not going to talk to them? That's doing them a favor. Please extend that favor to me too!" she said, sarcastically. "As for you," Christina looked at Lance, "I can't believe you, Lance! I always thought you were a sweet guy and you use the bible to hate someone!" By now the three guys were REALLY confused, until they saw JC and Justin laughing uncontrollably. And they knew. "Gee, thanks for the lecture, Chrissy but if you look behind you at Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, you'll see that you've just been taken for a ride." Lance said wryly. Christina whirled around and saw the laughing duo. If looks could kill, millions of teenage girls would be mourning the deaths of JC and Justin. "Why you assholes!" Christina yelled and reached up to grab JC's ear in her right hand and Justin's ear in her left hand. "OW!" they yelled collectively. "Say you're sorry!" Christina ordered while, Lance, Chris and Joey laughed. "Sorry." JC and Justin complied. "Say, 'I'm sorry, Joey'." Joey added. They remained silent, earning another ear twist from the petite girl. "OW!" Justin cried out. "OK, OK!" JC agreed. "I'm sorry Joey!" they both said together. "Say, 'I'm sorry, Lance'." Lance put in. "I'm sorry Lance!" "Say, 'Chris is the coolest guy on the face of the earth'." Chris said. Silence. Another twist. "Chris is the coolest guy on the face of the earth!!" JC and Justin yelled. "Say you'll never do this again!" Christina ordered. "We'll never do this again." She finally let go of their ears. Both their hands went up to rub their red ears. "Brutal, Scream!" Justin complained. "Yeah! My ears feels like they are going to fall off!" JC said.. "Serves you right! See if I defend you jerks the next time!" Christina huffed. She then looked at the other three. "Sorry about what I said. I was angry." "That's ok. Now we know never to piss you off." Chris teased. "So you guys are ok with these two jerks who soooo deserves each other?" Christina asked. "Yeah. Just takes a little getting used to." Joey said. "Yeah well, at least you didn't get the news by seeing them going at it, hot and heavy." Christina said, causing JC and Justin to blush. "You mean..."Lance trailed off. "Yep. How else did you think I found out about them? Of course, I was treated to a nice, unclothed view of Justin's butt." "Hey! No one can look at his butt except me!" JC scolded. "Then tell him to stop shaking that booty all the time!" Christina laughed. "Would you two stop talking about my butt!" Justin complained. "Aww. But it is just a cute butt." JC teased. "Yep." Christina agreed. "Yeah." Lance nodded, immediately earning a weird look from the rest. "What? I speaking from an aesthetic point of view!" "Ok, I've got to go." Christina said, as she caught sight of her manager waving at her. "Where are you heading?" JC asked. "Toronto. How about you guys?" "New York. By the way, how's your apartment hunting coming along?" Justin asked. "I've already got one. In fact I'll be having a little party over there next week. Can you guys come?" "We'll be on tour then but we'll definitely try." Joey replied. "Ok, but ask Dani too, Chris. I haven't seen her in ages. Oh Justin, are you planning on telling Britney about you and JC anytime soon?" Justin looked at JC and sighed. "I guess I have to." "Don't worry. If Brit has a problem with this, it will only be because she's losing you, Justin, and not because you're gay. You know, she loves you guys no matter what." Christina stated. "Yeah, I do. But this will still be difficult." Justin replied. "All right, take you time and tell her when you guys are ready but I have to warn you. She'll definitely be coming to the party next week so just keep that in mind. I better go before Steve screams at me." Christina said as she hugged each of them goodbye. When she came to JC, he held her a little longer. "Thanks for everything, Chrissy. You're a wonderful friend." he whispered. Christina smiled and then went to hug Justin. "Thanks for everything, Scream. You're a wonderful friend." Justin whispered. Christina laughed as she pulled away. "You guys really do belong together. You even think alike!" With that she waved and hurried over to where her entourage were waiting for her. "All right we better move it, or Jules is going to freak." They headed out the exit, stopping only to sign a few autographs and take pictures with the studio crew. As soon as they were in the limo and the doors were closed, Justin pulled JC into a deep, passionate kiss. When they finally pulled apart, JC stared at Justin. "What was that for?" he laughed. "Well, now that these goons know about us, we don't have to hide...much. And I want to show you off as mine." Justin replied. JC laughed while the rest groaned. "You don't have to show him off to us, Curly! We're not impressed. We pity you more than envy you." Chris stated. "HEY!" JC protested. "Well say what you want, but you're going to be seeing a lot more of that so get used to it!" Justin said and snuggled under JC's arm. "You know, you two do look kind of cute." Joey said. " Maybe I won't need that 'get my foot out of my mouth free' card." "Good. Then I won't have to tell the next girl you pick up, that you suck your thumb." Justin said, cheekily. Joey's face went red. "I wasn't sucking my thumb that time! I was just biting my thumb nail! "Sure, Joey. Whatever you say. But I have the photo anyway." Joey made to grab Justin but JC fended him off. "Hey! No one hurts my boyfriend!" Chris started to laugh. "Boyfriend! Ooooo. JC and Justin have boyfriends," he sing-songed. Both Justin and JC looked at each other and blushed. "Well, I guess that's what we are." Justin agreed. "Awww! Actually I'm kind of jealous of you two." Lance said. "I mean you are best friends and you already know each other so well. It's like you've been together for years. You understand what the other is going through. Plus you will always have each other on the road and never be lonely. Man! You're so lucky." "Don't worry Lancy-poo. We'll find someone for you. How about Joey here?" Chris offered. Lance blushed slightly and shoved at Chris. "Shut up! You know what I mean. Admit it. They've got something fantastic going for them." Chris and Joey nodded in agreement. Justin and JC didn't say anything but both were thinking the same thing. Lance was right. They had something fantastic all right. They had each other. ** ===== You don't know me well enough to label me, sick, or even disturbed When you break it down I'm just two girls Trying to blend, trying to vibe Trying to live just one life Everybody's got insanities...I got a split personality ---Pink 'Split Personality'

Next: Chapter 8: Chances Are 8 9

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