Chances Are

By Red

Published on Oct 30, 2000


Title: Chances Are

Author: Red (

Disclaimer: Don't know Nsync. This is fiction.

Note: Thanks David.

Justin awoke with an uncomfortable crick in his neck. However, as he tried to sit up, he realized that something heavy was resting on his shoulders. He turned to see JC sleeping on his shoulder peacefully. Despite the pain in his neck, he couldn't help but smile at the sight. JC could make sleep look attractive to even a coma-survivor. The group was travelling by plane, heading for New York where after an interview and the final preparations, they were about to start their tour. They were all excited about the tour but at the same time, Justin couldn't help but feel the added pressure. Especially since now that he and JC were a couple, more sacrifices and allowances would have to be made both by each other as well as my the rest of the guys. Though they had not talked about it yet, it would only be a matter of time before something rocked the boat. "Any drinks for you, sir?" Justin looked up to see the flight attendant waiting by the push-tray. "I'll have milk." She smiled and poured him a glass of milk. "Thank you." Justin said as he took the glass from her. "You're welcome. And I was wondering if..." "Yes?" Justin asked, knowing what was coming. "Could I have your autograph, Mr. Timberlake? My sister is a huge fan," she said hurriedly as if expecting him to refuse. Justin smiled. "Sure. And call me Justin. Do you have paper?" The stewardess smiled and handed him an airline note pad. "What's her name?" Justin asked. "Misha." Justin signed his name with a note that said, 'Thanks for being a fan, Misha. P.S. You've a very pretty name.' "So what's your name?" he asked as he handed her back the notepad. "Ziana." "Zi-ana. Your parents really knew how to pick names." Justin complimented. Ziana laughed and said thanks. "Do you want the others' autographs too?" Justin offered. "Oh, Joey got Lance's and Chris' autographs for me." Ziana said, blushing a little as she looked to the back where Joey was sitting. Justin grinned. It figured that Joey would have made a move on the stewardesses by now. After all it was a few hours long flight. "So you just need JC's, huh?" "It's ok. He looks too comfortable" Ziana said, smiling at the sight of JC sleeping peacefully on Justin's shoulder. Justin for a moment wondered if the stewardess was implying something but told himself he was just being paranoid. "Yeah, but with JC. He could be lying on a bed of needles and yet make it look comfortable." Ziana laughed. "Thanks for the autographs. Misha will flip. She just can't wait to see you guys on tour." "Sure. No problem." As the stewardess moved on to serve the other passengers, Justin turned his attention back to JC. For a while, he admired the brunet's beauty as he slept. However the crick in his neck was getting bad so he tried to gently move JC's head to lie on the small pillow, on which JC had first started sleeping on. However, in trying to move him, Justin ended up waking JC. "Hmm...what...where...oh. Are we landing?" JC asked as he sat up from his slouching position and blinked sleepily. Justin had to resist the urge to kiss JC's cute, sleepy face. "No, we've got half an hour more to go at least. Sorry I woke you up. You were becoming a pain in my neck." Justin replied with a grin. "Ha ha." JC deadpanned and stretched slightly in his seat. He then turned slightly in his seat and looked at Justin. "So are you nervous?" "About what?" Justin asked casually though he knew what JC was referring to. "About the growing inflation rate." JC deadpanned. "You KNOW about what!" Justin sighed and shrugged. "I guess. I mean how do you tell your ex-girlfriend that you're gay?" "I don't know. I don't have to. Bobbi doesn't have to know." JC replied. "And Brit does?" Justin asked. "Yeah, she does Justin. She's our close friend. It'll be like a slap in the face for her if we don't tell her and she finds out on her own." "You're right. But why do I have to do this now? What's the rush?" Justin asked with the expression of a kid trying to get out of doing something. JC was quiet for a while. "I guess there is no rush. I just thought that if this thing between us is serious, then Britney should know from the start. But if it isn't, then..." JC trailed off with a guarded expression. Justin sat forward immediately and faced JC. "Oh no you don't! Don't even go there! Any doubts, about what's going on between us, was all you right from the start. You KNOW I'm not having doubts." JC seemed to relax in relief. "Then you have to tell Brit as soon as you can. Which means today when we meet her for dinner." "Yeah yeah." Justin agreed and slumped in his seat, pouting. "Whose grand idea was it to meet her for dinner anyway?" "Johnny's. He wants us to have that press meet before we all go on tour." JC explained. "Right. More like so they can take more pictures of Brit and me together and concoct a new story. 'Justin Timberlake of Nsync and hush hush beau Britney Spears have romantic dinner before respective tours.' Idiots! Hush hush beau and yet we pose to have our pictures taken in public! And a romantic dinner... with a dozen other people! Morons!" Justin ranted on causing JC to laugh. JC ruffled Justin's blond curls and leaned towards him. "Stop pouting. Or I might have to kiss you." Justin fought against a grin and met JC's eyes seriously. "Is that supposed to be a threat?" "More like a warning because I can't resist." "Ok, why resist? Do it!" Justin challenged. "Unless of course you're chicken." "Hey! Who are you calling chicken!?" JC asked, with mock indignation. Justin just clucked in response. Then before he knew it, JC had planted a quick kiss right on his lips. Though Justin looked around furtively to see if any one saw that, which no one did as most of the passengers were asleep, he couldn't help but tease JC some more. "You call that a kiss! Busta kisses better than that." "Excuse me?! Wait till we get somewhere private and then I'll show you!" JC threatened. "If you say so, Chicken...I mean, Josh." Justin corrected himself slyly. "Oh, you're so going down!" JC replied, his eyes crinkling with laughter. "On you?" Justin drawled sexily. JC blushed and was about to respond when the pilot's voice was heard announcing their arrival at the airport in a few minutes. Everyone began to fasten their seatbelts. "We'll see." JC said as he turned his attention to his own seatbelt. Justin just smirked and began to fasten his seatbelt. He looked up and saw Ziana helping a little boy with his seatbelt and reminded himself to get JC's autograph for her. Within an hour they were heading down the aisle, joined by Joey, Chris and Lance as well as Julian and their bodyguards. Julian headed out the exit first. As they rest passed Ziana, Joey stopped to talk to her. "So did I behave?" Joey asked, looking as innocent as he could. Ziana laughed and nodded. "Well, I guess you did." "So where's the reward you promised me?" Joey asked, looking on in anticipation. "Hey Joey! Stop bothering the nice lady!" Chris shouted and pushed Joey from behind. "I'm not bothering her! She promised me that she would give me her number if I behaved!" "She was just kidding, Joey! Now move it before the airline bans us." "A broken promise and a broken heart." Joey said, sighing dramatically. Ziana laughed. "I'm sorry, Joey. But it against policy to give out our numbers to passengers. I tell you what. The next time you travel with us, I'll bring you to visit the cockpit and you can even wear the pilot's hat." "OOO!! Can I go too?" Chris asked, jumping like a small kid. "No way! It's a private show!" Joey replied smugly. "Fine. Just move your big butt! You're blocking the exit!" Chris grumbled and pushed past Joey. Joey said bye to Ziana and followed Chris. Justin, JC, Lance came up to the exit of the plane. Seeing Ziana, Justin pulled JC towards her. "Hey Ziana." Justin greeted. "Hey Justin. I hope you had a nice flight." Ziana said. "It was good. Except for a certain dead weight on my shoulders." Justin teased, looking side-ways at JC. "Hey!" JC protested. "Well, at least you look like you had a good rest." Ziana laughed. "I did. Thanks." JC replied. "You owe her an autograph, JC." Justin stated. "She's getting them for her sister Misha and has everyone's except yours." "Oh ok. Do you have a paper and a pen?" JC asked, obliging. Ziana handed them to him. "Wow. Misha will probably build an altar for me after I show her these. Thanks so much, guys." "No problem." JC said and handed the paper and pen back to her with a sweet note and his signature. "Guys! I'm about ready to fall asleep on my feet! Could you move it?" Lance complained from behind them. "Ok, keep your pants on, Scoop!" Justin said. "Bye Ziana. Catch the concert if you can, ok?" "Wouldn't miss it. Bye!" Ziana said as JC, Justin and Lance walked out the exit. Within minutes, they were all in steered into the waiting cars and taken to their hotel. As it was about one in the morning, they didn't have to deal with fans or traffic and arrived at hotel quickly. Something they were all were thankful for especially since they were exhausted. Julian checked them in quickly and distributed the keys. They then trudged tiredly to the elevator and headed for their rooms. "We're heading for the MTV studios at 11 so be ready by 10:45." Julian gave his last instruction before heading for his room. "ya ya ya." Joey muttered as he leaned against Lance, almost causing the younger man to topple over. "Hey Jo. You're not exactly tiny, you know." Lance complained. "I'm too tired. Bring me to my room, man! Pleaseeee?!" Joey begged as he put both his arms around Lance's neck. "Urgh!" Lance grunted under the weight. "I'm going to be pancake by the time you make it to your room." "Then you better move it," was all the reply he got as Joey slumped on him even more. Sighing and staggering slightly under the weight of both his travel bag and his friend, Lance began to drag Joey in the direction of his room. The other guys laughed at the sight and made their own way to their rooms. Chris muttered goodnight and closed his room door behind him. Justin tried to slip his key-card through the slot but only received an error sound. "Aw! I always have shitty luck with these things." "Here. Let me." JC said as he slid the key-card in again. The door opened. "Thanks, Josh." Justin said with a smile. He then leaned close to JC and whispered. "So. My place or yours?" JC stared at Justin and started laughing. "Always wanted to say that, haven't you?" Justin grinned. "Yep." They heard a door slam and looked up to see as Lance left Joey's room and headed for his own room. "He's such a big baby!" the young man muttered and slid his own key-card through the slot to open the door to his room. "Goodnight." The door closed leaving JC and Justin the only one still standing in the corridor. "Come on." JC said as pushed Justin through the open door. As JC closed the door behind them, Justin took both their travel bags and placed them near the wardrobe. Turning back, he immediately pulled JC to him and began to kiss him. After a few long minutes of wet, open-mouthed kissed, JC pulled back. "Wow. Hey wait a minute. I thought I was the one who was supposed to ravage you." JC said, panting slightly. "Yeah well. I beat you to it. Now shut up." Justin said and started kissing JC again. He got in about thirty seconds worth of kissing before JC pulled back again. "We should turn in early. Tomorrow's a long day." JC said in labored breaths. "Not sleepy." Justin mumbled as he kissed along JC's cheeks and down to his neck. JC pulled away. "This is the longest rest we are going to be getting in a long time. Don't waste it, J." "I don't intend to waste it." Justin said as he once again pulled JC to him and began working on the fastening of his pants. "Justin!" JC laughed and caught the blond's questing hands in his own. "I meant sleep." "But I want to make out!" Justin protested. "We can make out when we are well rested. We can do more than make out when we are well rested." JC whispered the last bit. Justin groaned as his mind conjured up vivid images. "Now I KNOW I can't sleep!" JC laughed and gave Justin a quick kiss on the cheeks. He then headed into the bathroom to brush his teeth. Justin started to get undressed and pulled back the covers of the bed. He stretched and headed for the balcony, viewing the bright city lights. He heard JC coming out of the bathroom and went back into the room. As he passed JC to use the bathroom himself, he stole a quick kiss. "Minty fresh! Nice! That means no morning breath and I get kisses in the morning." Justin said, as he headed into the bathroom. "Just be sure to return the favor." JC yelled after him as the bathroom door closed. By the time Justin was out of the bathroom, JC was already under the covers, looking very comfortable and tempting. Switching off the lights, Justin climbed into bed himself and snuggled into the warmth of JC's body. He felt the older man's arms encircle his shoulders and rested his head against JC's shoulders. Justin then slowly ran his hands down the smooth expanse of his boyfriend's lean and muscled body. He smiled as JC's abs tightened in response to his touch. However before Justin could move his hand a few more inches south, JC stopped him. "Sleep, Curly." JC whispered, his blue eyes almost seeing to glitter in the dark as he stared into Justin's eyes. "Spoilsport." Justin whispered before hugging JC to himself and closing his eyes. He felt JC press a kiss to the top of his head and sighed contentedly. Within seconds they were both asleep. ********* Chapter 9 ********* Justin was brought back to the land of the awake, by the sensation of something wet trailing down his chest. He felt warm breath following the trail as well, sending his sensitive nerves into disarray. He kept his eyes closed, feigning sleep and wanting to see just what JC will do if he didn't wake-up. JC didn't seem to mind as he continued his exploration down Justin's torso. There wasn't any pattern to it as he moved freely over the smooth, hard body that was laid out like a feast for him. He placed soft kisses between the blond's pecs and trailed upwards to suck at his collarbone. Then he moved lower to nip lightly at his abs before moving back up to lick the indentation near Justin's throat. Justin fought against the moan of frustration that threatened to issue from his lips. JC was driving him crazy. "I guess he must be really tired. I better leave him alone." JC said softly and began to move away. Justin's eyes flew open as he grabbed JC's arm. "I'm awake!" JC grinned. "I know. Just wanted to see how long you were going to pretend." Realizing the he had fallen for the bluff, Justin just smiled and pulled JC towards him. "How did you know? I thought I was quite convincing." "You were but I know you too well. Even the way you sleep." "Huh?" Justin looked at his quizzically. JC smiled and turned to his side, propping himself on his elbow. "Do you know how many times I watched you sleep? Sometimes, I would watch you for hours before going to sleep myself. Other times, when I wake up before you, I will just lie in bed and look at you until you wake up. I can tell when you are just lying there with your eyes closed and when you really are asleep." Justin looked at JC in amazement. "How long has that been going?" Justin asked, as he caressed JC's cheek with the back of his fingers. JC shrugged and ducked his head shyly. "As long as we've been rooming together." Justin's eyes widened. "You mean back when we were in MMC?" Justin asked touched by that simple act that expressed just how much and how long JC had loved him. 'Wait a minute. Does he love me? Are we truly in love?' Justin pushed aside those questions in his mind. They were only just beginning. They had all the time in the world to find out where they were heading. JC nodded, then rushed to clarify himself. "But back then I didn't think of you in this way." Justin grinned and decided to tease JC. "In what way?" "You know." JC said, blushing slightly. "No, I don't. In what way?" Justin asked, innocently, enjoying JC's reaction. JC smirked. "Well if you don't know, then I won't corrupt you. Bye." JC said and made to get up. In a quick movement, Justin grabbed JC's shoulder and pushed him back on the bed. Lying atop him, he buried his fingers in JC's hair and held his head still. He brought his face to within half an inch of JC's. "Oh no you don't! You owe me a make-out session, Chasez." Justin swallowed the beginnings of JC's laughter with his mouth as he plunged his tongue in search of JC's. Finding his target, he licked hungrily at it. Justin tilted his head trying get closer to the man underneath him. JC ran his hands down Justin's back and over his ass, giving a quick squeeze and let it rest on the upper back of the blond's thighs. Using his grip, he pulled Justin's legs apart until he was straddling him. Justin moaned as he felt his erection rub into JC's. He voraciously sucked on JC's tongue, unable to get enough of his taste. JC felt giddy with pleasure. He always knew that Justin was a sensual creature. He just seemed to turn a person on with just a glance or a smile. However, what he was doing to him was driving him crazy with desire for the young man. Justin dragged his hands from JC's hair, to run his fingers down the front of the older man's muscular chest, finding and pinching the flat, male nipples until they hardened. He then broke away from the JC's lips, leaving the older man panting for breath as he slid his mouth down to one of the dark areolas, laving the area with his tongue before sucking the taut bud into his mouth, earning him a suppressed groan of pleasure. JC threw back his head, revelling in the sensation that Justin's mouth was creating. He pulled Justin closer to his body with one hand buried in the golden curls while the other clutched at the smooth cheeks of Justin ass. He bucked upwards, grinding his still clothed erection into Justin's groin. Justin moved from one hard peak to the other, the unrelenting heat building stronger within him at a rapid pace. His cock was pulsing and straining against the zipper of his pants. His need for JC made him almost mindless with want. His mouth traveled downwards to JC's navel, as he pulled the brunet's knees apart and lay between them, feeling the throbbing, hard bulge in JC's boxers press against his chest. He flicked his tongue suggestively at the indentation, causing JC to inhale sharply. "Justin, please." JC begged breathlessly. Justin sat up abruptly and moved his hands to the waistband of JC's boxers. JC raised his hips to allow Justin to tug the restricting cloth off his body. Then before Justin could lay back down on him, JC quickly reversed their position, pushing Justin back on the bed and holding the younger man's both wrists in his hands, above the blond curls. JC leaned down to whisper in his ears, "My turn," before he started kissing and nipping his way down Justin's hard, smooth body. "You already had your turn!" Justin moaned as he thrust his hips upwards in an effort for much needed friction.. "Josh! I need you now!" JC just smiled against his body and continued his progress downwards. He just couldn't get enough of the taste of his angel's body. He practically wanted to devour Justin. Realizing that he could do that, JC grabbed the waistband of Justin's boxers and pulled then down until the blond's pulsing, hard cock sprung out. Justin sighed in relief because the pressure had been driving him crazy. His sigh was followed immediately by his scream of pleasure as he felt JC's hot, wet mouth take him in. "JOSH! UH....Oh god!" JC didn't know what he was doing because giving head to a guy was new to him but the sound of Justin's ecstasy guided him on. JC experimentally sucked on the head, earning himself a loud moan and the taste of pre-cum. He felt himself getting harder at the taste of Justin. JC continued to lave the hard length with his tongue, sucking the velvety flesh into his mouth. Justin was mindless with pleasure. He buried his fingers in JC's hair and ran his fingers through the soft locks as JC's head bobbed over him. He began to make short, shallow thrusts, groaning as the wet suction became hotter. He watched under heavy lids as JC's cheeks ballooned slightly with each thrust, his hard length painting an erotic picture as he slid in and out between the older man's wet lips. JC tried to take Justin deeper into his mouth but his inexperience made him gag. He pulled back and continued the suction, enjoying the constant music of Justin's moans and gasps of pleasure. He felt the taste, the feel, the sound, the smell and sight of Justin increase his passion for the angel beneath him. Suddenly he heard a shout and his mouth was filled with hot cum as Justin climaxed. JC instinctively swallowed each volley from the cock in his mouth. He watched as Justin's entire body shuddered over and over for what seemed like an eternity, his cock pulsating again and again as he spilled his semen into JC's mouth. Finally, Justin fell still. JC placed a final kiss on his now-limp cock and moved upwards, until he was facing Justin. Justin managed to open his eyes despite the languidness he felt and was immediately caught up in the amazed blue gaze of JC's eyes. He didn't know what to say after the pleasure he had received. "Was that ok?" JC asked. Justin opened his mouth but no words came. So he just nodded. Seeing this JC smiled. "You look so beautiful when you cum." Justin blushed slightly. "Are you ever going to talk again?" JC asked with a laugh. Justin grinned and instead of answering, he pulled JC's mouth to his. He swept his tongue inside the brunet's mouth, tasting himself, but not caring. Drawing JC's tongue into his mouth, he suckled on it and gently scraped his teeth along the moist, velvet length. He felt JC's hips press into him and bucked upwards to increase the pressure he needed. Then pushing JC back on the bed, Justin reached for his cock. JC moaned at the feeling of Justin's comparatively cooler hands on his hot cock. Justin grasped JC's hard shaft and began stroking lightly while he continued to plunder JC's mouth. He dropped his other hand lower to fondle JC's testicles and swallowed the resulting moan in his mouth. Moving his mouth lower, while JC regained his stolen breath, he kissed the older man's neck. Then getting an idea for payback, Justin began to suck on JC's neck. He wrapped his hand around JC's throbbing cock and began stroking it at a firm, even pace in time to the suction. He pulled way from JC's neck and smiled with self-satisfaction at the hickey that was starting to form. JC was too lost in the sensation his hand were creating to notice. Justin turned his full attention to JC's pleasure. He brushed the top of his left thumb up under his boyfriend's heavy sac and was rewarded with a hiss. Turning his hand, he cupped the other man, lifting and rolling JC's balls in between his palm and fingers. With his right hand, he began a gentle rhythm, watching as the soft skin slid over the steel hidden underneath. He could see JC's abdomen muscles tighten, the brunet's legs moving upward slightly as he pressed his heels into the mattress. Justin heard a choked moan and looked up at JC's face. His eyes were clenched shut and his mouth slight open, as he tried to remember to breathe. It was the most beautiful sight that Justin had seen. He leaned forward to place a gentle kiss on the brunet's lips before speeding up slightly, increasing the tightness of his grip on the older man's shaft. "Look at me, Josh." Justin whispered. As JC met his heated gaze, Justin swept his thumb over the tip of his penis, wiping at the pre-cum that repeatedly formed over the slit. He then brought his thumb to his mouth and licked of the pearly liquid. JC opened his mouth with a small whimper of pleasure, and Justin immediately plunged his tongue deep inside. He swept along the moist recess, tickling JC's palate with the tip of his tongue before brushing it hard against JC's own. Justin growled slightly when JC began to kiss him back. Justin's hand never stopped sliding up and down JC's turgid length. He noted when the beautiful man beneath him, began to thrust up into his grip in opposite of his strokes. He knew that JC was going to orgasm any moment by the sudden, frantic, uncontrolled bucking of JC's hips. Justin pulled his mouth away from JC's and opened his eyes to stare down into his boyfriend's face. He saw JC's eyelids flutter as the brunet forcefully opened his own eyes to meet Justin's dark blue ones. And then JC climaxed with a loud cry, his face scrunching up as the orgasm hit. Justin felt the pulsing beneath his palm an instant before JC shot his sticky seed up onto his abdomen and chest. Justin continued to pump, milking every last drop of semen until JC stopped moving altogether. Justin used his boxers to clean them both up and threw it on the floor. He then propped himself on his elbows and looked down at the still recovering JC. This time it was JC turn to become speechless. "So...feel like talking?" Justin asked with a smirk. JC opened his eyes and met Justin impish blue eyes. Shaking his head, he closed his eyes again, while pulling Justin head down to rest on his chest. The two young men snuggled together and fell asleep, tired after their morning exertions. They only woke up 5 minutes before the time Julian wanted them to be down at the lobby. ~~ Julian was furiously looking at his watch when JC and Justin ran into the lobby from the elevator. Smiling sheepishly, they apologized to the harried assistant manager. They escaped with a mini-lecture on punctuality but when it came to the teasing from the rest of the guys, it wasn't so easy. Chris started with JC. "You have a nice fresh glow about you, JC." Chris said, as sincerely as he could. "Makes you look so pretty." JC blushed slightly and just ignored Chris as he looked out the limo window. His hand was clasped in Justin's, who sat beside him. Joey, and Chris sat opposite them, while Lance was on Justin's left. Joey grinned and took Chris' cue. "Yeah, I've seen that look before. Usually on the faces of my dates the morning after." Justin had enough of them picking on JC. "Well, that's strange." He turned to JC. "Have you been puking like Joey's dates too, Josh?" Lance and Chris burst into laughter, while Joey tried to look offended but ended up chuckling as well. Justin smiled and looked at JC, whose eyes were bright with laughter. Justin couldn't help but lean forward and kiss him, forgetting three minor details. " there something you guys have to tell me?" Julian asked from the other end of the limo, as he looked at the couple in amazement. Lonnie and Mike, their bodyguards, had a similar look of surprise on their faces. "Oops! Busted!" Joey yelled. JC and Justin looked at each other and then back at Julian. "Justin and I are dating." JC announced. Julian blinked once and then twice. "OK. Since when?" "Since yesterday." Justin replied, looking at his friends for support. "Is that going to be a problem to anyone?" Lance asked, his expression serious, as if to say that if they did have a problem, he was going to have a problem with them. Julian shook his head. "No. I'm just surprised. I have to know just in case. You all know the implications this could have if it got out to the media so I'm not going to tell you." "I think they are more aware of that than any one of us." Chris said. Julian nodded and then turned to look out the window again. Justin and JC looked at each other. They didn't know what to expect from Julian but that whole conversation had felt weird. Julian was a friend despite the fact that he was always harping on them about one thing or another. But that was his job and they understood. They just wondered if he homophobic and what that would mean to their working relationship with him. The limousine pulled to a stop as they arrived at the MTV studios. There was a huge crowd of fans waiting outside. The guys spent a few minutes sighing autographs and were then ushered into the building by Lonnie and Mike as well as the security provided by MTV. They made their way to the studio where they were filming a special segment for the MTV. They spent about 2 hours filming the segment and were done by one. "So, are we on our own time for lunch?" Lance asked Julian. "Yeah. There's nothing for the rest of the day until we meet Johnny for the press conference. It's being held at the hotel conference room anyway so make sure you make it back to the hotel by 6." Julian answered. The guys started whooping. They didn't get much free time and any time they did get was much appreciated. Justin leaned towards JC and whispered in his ears. "How about a lunch date? Just me and you?" JC looked at him. "You mean ditch the guys?" "Yep." "Deal!" JC said with a grin. "But let's go back to the hotel first." Just smiled lasciviously causing JC to laugh and amend his suggestion. "To shower. If you recall, we didn't exactly have time to clean up!" "Shower sounds good. We should probably conserve water and shower together." Justin said with as serious an expression as he could. "Since when did you get so environment friendly?" JC asked, grinning. "Since it is a way for me to get nookie." Justin replied shamelessly. "Did someone say nookie?" Chris asked, pushing his head in between JC and Justin. Justin pushed him away. "Could you stop butting in?" "Oooo. Butting in? Is that an invitation, Curly?" Chris asked. "I would invite Busta before I would invite you, Chris." Justin answered, while Chris clutched his hands over his heart. "Let's make a move. I've got as hot date and I've got to..." Justin felt someone cover his eyes before he could finish his sentence. "Guess who?" Justin almost groaned as he recognised the voice. "Britney?" tbc... ===== ************************************** I'm so tired that I can't sleep standing on the edge of something much too deep it's funny how I feel so much yet cannot say a word we are screaming inside oh we can't be heard ************************************** I'll Remember You by Sarah McLachlan

Next: Chapter 9: Chances Are 10 12

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