Change Is Good

By Xavier Anthony

Published on Nov 15, 2012


Disclaimer: The story will include descriptions of sexual activity between teen boys. If material of this kind offends you or if you are not of legal age, then stop reading. Don't forget to donate if you can. This is a new story that I am trying out so let me know what you guys think and if you want me to continue on any feedback is appreciated well enjoy guys and hope to here from you all drop me a line at

Chapter 13: The Curtain Has Fallen


Waking up the following morning I go over the previous nights events in my head and the thing that troubles me most is what happened to Austin. Rolling over I prop myself up on one elbow and just watch Shawn sleep there peacefully, this whole thing involves two people who were once very close to him so I know this has to be getting to him more than he is letting on. Slipping out of bed I make my way down the hall to the guest room to check in to see how Austin is doing.

"Hey there how are you feeling this morning?"

"Like I got hit by a bus, I wanted to say thank you for taking care of me, I know I haven't been the best person to you and I you are the last person I would expect to help me out"

"Regardless of some of the things you may have done in the past I don't believe anyone deserves to be hurt the way you have, speaking of which do you have any idea who might have done this to you"

I could see from the look on his face that perhaps there is more to all of this than I am currently aware of.

"I'm not entirely sure it was dark and everything happened so fast I don't really remember much of the night to be completely honest with you"

"I see well hopefully we can find out more about what happened when you are feeling better, but for now just get some rest, of course we can take you home if you would feel more comfortable in your own space"

"If it's no trouble by you guys I would like to stay here a little longer"

Before heading downstairs I poke my head back into Shawn's room to see if he has gotten up, surprised to find the room empty I assume he is either in the bathroom or has made his way downstairs already. Not seeing him anywhere in the kitchen I busy myself with the task of making breakfast for everyone, I enjoy cooking and it tends to give me the time to not think about everything gong on in my head.

"Shame what happened to Austin, don't you think?"

Startled I look up to see Mark leaning against the wall in just his boxers. Looking at him I can see where his cocky exterior comes from, Mark is definitely a jock with a well built body, being about the same height as Shawn it is easy to see how those two used to be such good friends. Give him a better attitude and he would make a nice boyfriend for any guy or girl.

"I may not be best friends with Austin but I don't wish that upon anyone" Turning my attention back to the task I hand I nearly drop everything when I feel Mark against my back with an obvious erection pressed against my butt. "I think you should go and put some clothes on I don't appreciate you this close in my personal space" Nervously I push my way past Mark hoping that he wouldn't make this a difficult day.

"Are you sure that what you really want?"

"Positive, now if you would excuse yourself from the kitchen you are just in my way"

Surprisingly he left without another word, though I still trust him about as far as I can throw him. Moments later Shawn appears around the corner, walking up behind me and kissing me on the cheek, now this is something I could get use to every morning.

"Well something smells good, and I don't mean the bacon" Kissing his way down my neck a moan escapes as he works his hands down the back of my sweat pants.

"Stop that before you start something that you know we can't finish"

"And why exactly would we not be able to finish?"

"Because in case you have forgotten we have guest and I would rather not put on a show for either of them" Kissing him on the nose I get back to once again trying to get breakfast out for everyone.


As Alex begins setting the table I take the plate he made for Austin up to the guest room so that he doesn't have to make his way downstairs to eat with us. "Knock Knock, hey there Alex made you something to eat."

"He really is amazing isn't he?"

"Yes he is I couldn't ask for anything more"

Austin looks down at the plate of food that I placed before him, no longer looking up at me "I' am sorry for what happened, back then and here. I know we can never have anything like that but I would like it if we could be friends"

"I'll be honest with you that wont be the easy thing for me to do especially after everything that has transpired, but Alex seems willing to look past your faults so for him I'll make my best effort but I promise you nothing, I just want you to know that from the start."

"Thank you Shawn there really isn't much more that I could ask for, but can I ask you something?"

"Sure go ahead"

"Why is Mark here?"

"Honestly I don't really know and I am not to happy about it, he will even be going to school with us during the upcoming school year"

I could see Austin visibly cringe at the thought of being in the same school as Mark, which left me wondering what really happened between the two of them after I left. "Austin has something happened between you and Mark?"

"Why would you ask that?" he looks up at me with a panic stricken look in his face and that was all I needed to know that something did indeed happen, even if he isn't willing to tell me himself.

"Just a feeling I had, but if I am mistaken I am sorry for making assumptions. Well enjoy your breakfast I need to get back down to Shawn"

For the next few weeks things actually settled down, Austin went back home shortly after he recovered and Mark left with his parents as well after they had returned from their outings with my folks. Things actually seemed like they were going back to normal, I was with Alex whenever we could get away and though he constantly put up a fight about me spending money on him it always ended with me winning as he is worth every cent. However things came to a head a week before the school year was set to start.

"Alex I don't want to worry you or anything but every time we come to this beach I notice this guy that seems to watch your every move"

Alex quickly looks over in the direction I am looking, only to let out a sigh when he notices the person that I am talking about.

"That would be Jason, I am not sure why he has come here but he was the first guy that I ever had feelings for and things were actually pretty good between us until the we were caught together by his jock friends"

"Has he threatened to hurt you?" I could feel my blood begin to boil at the thought of anyone coming to bother my Alex.

"No nothing like that, we have run into each other more than I care for and every time it is the same thing with him apologizing for things that had taken place back then and asking me for another chance to be together, I'm sorry I didn't mention anything sooner I was just hoping that he would get the message and leave things be."

"Its ok babe I'm not mad at you or anything but I think we should go over and talk to him"

"Why would you want to do that?" I could see the question in his eyes trying to figure me out.

"Well we are doing our best to give Austin a second chance, so maybe its just forgiveness that he seeks. I am not saying you will be best friends but maybe in time you can find a way to make peace with him as I have done Austin"

"You know sometimes I hate it when you are right, though I am not prepared to completely forgive him for the wrongs he has done to me I think it only fair to at least be the better person and at least let go of the grudge"

"And that is why I love you" sharing a quick kiss I grab his hand and we make our way over to Jason. Walking over to Jason I could see him visibly tense as we got nearer.

"Hey you must be Jason, I'm Shawn and I believe that you already know my boyfriend Alex" Looking at the guy in front of me, his face was a mixture of disappointment and hope an odd pairing in my opinion but non the less at least it was better than hostility.

"Hey, and yes I am already acquainted with Alex here. I've seen you guys here pretty often over the summer and was hoping to get the chance to have a real conversation with the both of you one day soon."

"Well there is no time like the present, don't you agree babe?"

"Agreed, Jason I wanted to be the one to say that while I cant promise that we will become instant friends I am willing to let the past stay in the past and see what the future will bring; however don't get your hopes up that we will be anymore than friends and even that right now as I have said is a stretch"

"Thank you Lex I am glad that you are willing to try and move on, I hope that in time we do end up as friends, and though I wish that there was a chance for more I understand where you are coming from"

I can't say I was to happy with the pet name biting my tongue and keeping my thoughts to myself I did however pull Alex to me rather possessively while giving Jason a slight glare. I think Alex caught on to what I was doing, but if he was bothered by it he didn't say a thing and let me be, leaning closer into me.

"Well now that the air is a bit clearer around here I hope this won't be the last time that we run into each other on good terms"

"I sure hope not, especially since we will be going to the same school I'd rather us all not be enemies going into senior year"

And there was the bombshell, making peace with this guy was one thing but now finding out that he will be around constantly had me a bit worried and although Alex didn't say much, he didn't have to I could tell just by the way he tensed up that this was something he was not ok with as well.


Senior year is supposedly one of the best years of your life; well let me be the first to let you know that is a lie. Not only do I have to deal with Mark on a daily basis, as he is in two of my classes I also having swimming period with Jason, someone just make it end.

"I'm sure everything will be just fine and if either tries anything just let me know"

"That makes me feel better but I wish we had more classes together"

"Maybe its better we don't I already cant focus in Science and English as it is now"

The bell rings signaling the start of class, parting with a quick kiss I can't help but smile as I take my seat next to Tiff.

"Well aren't you all smiles this morning, you must be enjoying your sleepovers oh so much these days"

"Actually I am if you must know, but I am dong well aside from those other two that are around"

No sooner had I made mention of those two, were they walking through the door "I thought you had Math first period, what are you doing here?" I asked Jason, stunned to see him hanging around with Mark.

"Well Cutie if you must know coach had both of our classes moved around starting tomorrow to set up a free period for extra conditioning after swim class"

I could feel my face drop, I didn't even know either of them had joined any sports teams and it got worse with both of them now being in swim class with me, I groaned and resumed my conversation with Tiff.

"Whom have I pissed off to end up in these situations?"

"Don't let worry about it too much, besides lover boy won't let anything happen to you."

The remainder of the day was indeed uneventful, with the exception of English and Science where Shawn found it amusing to discreetly run his fingers down my pants. We were nearing the end of the period and I leaned forward a stretch a bit, Shawn took that time to reach in and actually make contact with my hole, my first reaction was to let out a soft groan, which unfortunately wasn't soft enough as Mr. Harris looked up from his desk.

"Alex? Is everything ok?"

"Yes sir just needed that stretch more than I realized" My face was hot from embarrassment as Shawn sat behind me suppressing his laughter. Sitting back in my seat I turned to Shawn glaring at him before slapping his hand away as he once again began to inch it closer to me. "Keep it up Mr. and I will cut you off for a week"

"Aww babe you wouldn't do that" he pouted.

"Try me and find out" I responded with a sly grin, knowing full well I would not be able to keep my hands off of him for very long.

"Ok class you have your assignments and our chapter 4 test is next week so with that being said class is dismissed, I will see you guys tomorrow"

"Why the gloom and doom looks Alex?"

"I didn't mention it before but now both Jason and Mark are in my swim period starting tomorrow so I'll have to see them both." I sighed letting out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"What! Why didn't you say something sooner"

"Because there is nothing my knight in shining armor can do and I didn't want you to get all worked up like you are now. Changing the topic have you seen Austin around yet?"

"Now that you mention it I haven't really seen him since the school year started, I know he is still here I see his car in the parking lot every so often."

"That's weird I actually hope the he is ok, we haven't really spoken to him much after the incident during the summer."

"Oh don't forget we did promise to help Tiffany get things setup for her start of the school year bash tonight"

"Urrgh, did we really promise to setup and go to this thing, how does she manage to get me to agree to this stuff?"

"I think she just has a way with words, plus she plays the best friend card quite often with you two"

This year Tiffany has designated herself the party queen, so any excuse she can find to throw a party she will and this year her parents gave her access to the beach house so she has been taking her newfound assets with such grace. Tossing my things in the backseat of my car we drove back to his place to have some alone time before we had to be at the beach house.


Getting things set up for the party was a lot easier than originally anticipated, seeing as Justin had done a great deal of work himself, likely trying to earn points with Tiffany and that appeared to sit with Alex quite well. It was just after eight when people started arriving, with drinks flowing freely and the music playing through the speakers the larger rooms soon became dance spots. I had just gotten a drink for Alex and myself when I bumped into Mark coming in with Jason.

"Didn't expect to see you here, I did not even know you were invited"

"And why shouldn't I be, I go to school with all you just like everyone else, and I'm sure it is no big deal bringing Jason along"

"I sure its all fine but remember we all came here to have a good time, don't start any shit tonight because I have no tolerance for any of it."

Walking away I found Justin seated on the couch near the back wall.

"Do I even need to ask where I better halves have gone" Justin laughed as I placed the drinks down and took a seat next to him.

"You know those two, get them in a place with music and we cease to exist, good thing Alex is gay and I'm not the jealous type"

Justin and I continued to chat while keeping an eye on Alex and Tiffany who were having the time of their lives and seemed to be the center of attention, when Jason came over to us.

"Mind if I have a seat?"

"No not at all, this is Justin, Tiffany's boyfriend and quarterback of the team"

"I believe we met briefly while I was talking to coach"

"Yea it was an in and out type deal, but I heard you held your own out there on the field in your old school why did you stop playing?"

"I couldn't stand there person I had become and the people I had hurt along the way," I notice him stare off where Alex was as he said that. "He looks happy, I didn't think I would get the chance to see him smile like that again"

"I think you can thank Tiffany and Shawn for that, before those two he was quiet and just seemed to fade into the background"

"Alex was always like that, he was tried very hard to flow through without creating any ripples and for the most part he was very good at it, but the times when he would let someone in it was like being with a whole different person. I had the chance to see it but it wasn't for very long"

For most of the conversation I just remained quiet, partly because I was learning about Alex and partly because I couldn't quite figure out what Jason's angle was. It was quite clear that he is still hung up on him, but would he respect what Alex and I had or did he have other intentions.

Okay Guys that is Chapter 13 I hope you guys all enjoy it, Love it, Hate it, maybe even a few suggestions here and there, or food for thought you know I love hearing from you guys. Also some of you may know but there is a yahoo group that has all of the chapters and will more than likely be updated faster so feel free to go over and join that group as well at

Next: Chapter 14

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