Change Is Good

By Xavier Anthony

Published on Nov 25, 2012


Disclaimer: The story will include descriptions of sexual activity between teen boys. If material of this kind offends you or if you are not of legal age, then stop reading. Don't forget to donate if you can. This is a new story that I am trying out so let me know what you guys think and if you want me to continue on any feedback is appreciated well enjoy guys and hope to here from you all drop me a line at

Chapter 14: Look in Front of Your Eyes


I found myself really enjoying my time at Tiff's, the music was good the crowd was ok and I just felt like I could let go, be myself for once not being overly concerned about everyone else around me. Being around Tiffany, Shawn, and now Justin has really changed my outlook on things and shown me what things are worth worrying over. After dancing around with Tiff for what seemed like ages I made my way over to where we had left Justin. Making my approach I noticed Shawn and Jason were sitting around as well, the three of them seemingly engaged in conversation. Jason was the first to notice me walk up and made room for me to sit with them.

"Hey babe what are you boys up to over here?" Leaning in to kiss Shawn I sit down in his lap with my legs across his and lean in against his chest.

"Just guy talk and getting to know Jason here a little bit and I got you this" he hands me a cup of what appears to be punch, but when I drink it there is definitely something a little extra in my drink.

"As long as you boys are all getting along I'm content with just sitting here for a bit" Shawn pulled me tighter kissing me on my forehead.

"Your welcome to sit here as long as you want."

During the whole exchange I couldn't help but notice the weird look on Jason's face, when our eyes did meet he quickly turned away and looked down at the floor.

"Now isn't that cute" I didn't have to look up to know who just walked over, instantly my good mood was gone and I tensed up against Shawn.

"What do you want" both Shawn and Justin replied with an obvious agitated tone.

"Hey I'm not over here to make trouble, just came over to check up on my friend here. You should lose the attitude dude it is not becoming of the captain on the team, though with me around you may not hold on to that title for long."

Faster than I thought possible Justin was on his feet holding Mark against the wall by his collar.

"I suggest you watch your mouth and remember where you are, I am tolerating your presence only at the request of another so don't push your luck" letting him go you could see Mark was a bit shaken up as Justin sat back down next to us.

"Whatever this place is getting lame as it is, Jason I am out of here in a few if you want a ride back be at my car in fifteen" Mark sauntered away fixing his collar.

"I really can't stand that guy, if this party wasn't important to Tiffany I would have removed him myself"

"It's hard to believe we were actually good friends once"

Jason remained quiet presumably taking in everything that had just transpired.

"Are you sure you want to hang out with someone like that" Justin asked as he took another sip of whatever was in his cup.

"Outside of what I just saw he has been nothing but nice to me since we met, I didn't think he was like that"

"I think it's time you reconsider who your friends are" I said, though from the looks I got from the rest of the group I could tell everyone was a bit surprised.

"Ok enough of the gloomy talk, this is my party and I say everyone just have fun, and Jason don't worry about a ride home I'm sure someone here will offer you a ride, worse case I'll take you home myselfÉin the morning" putting her cup down Tiffany grabbed Justin and the two disappeared almost instantly amongst the crowd.

Following Tiffany's example the three of us got up and headed to the dance floor, we were all enjoying ourselves when I noticed Austin off on the balcony by himself with a drink in hand.

"Excuse me for a second guys, I'll be right back" pushing my way through the crowd I reached Austin who appeared to be startled by my arrival. "Why are you out here alone?"

"I came to this party because all were welcome but I just don't feel like I fit in here, not after the damaged I've caused and worse what I thinking about doing" looking down at the ocean below even in the dim light I can see tears beginning to form.

"Look that is all ancient history, its senior year and although things could be a little better why let go of the past and start some what fresh" he gives me a small smile as I pull him into a hug.

"Thank you Alex you don't know how much that means to me, I really do like you, as a friend I mean"

"And I like you too, now lets go in there and enjoy ourselves"


Getting to know Jason better wasn't all that bad, I was beginning to see why Alex was attracted to him in the past. Part of me wanted to hate the guy for the things he did to Alex, but on the other hand I may never have met Alex if he hadn't missed out.

"I'm actually glad that we are able to get along, I was worried for a bit that you would just hate me because of my past with Alex"

"I'll be honest I sort of wanted too, but with the way Alex handled things with Austin it was only fair I at least give you a shot as long as you understand and respect what Alex and I have"

"I do, I know I'll never get the chance to have that place in his heart again, but I do want him in my life even if it is just as friends" I gave him a small smile before turning towards the direction Alex had disappeared, noticing that he was on his way back over to us with Austin in tow.

"Hey babe, I found Austin by himself so I invited him to join us here."

"That's cool, hey Austin we haven't really seen much of you lately at school"

"Yea I've started taking some extra advanced classes so my schedule is a bit crazy, I'm in school earlier and later than everyone else for the most part"

"Wow that sounds intense I had no idea, oh I apologize for being rude this is an old acquaintance of mine from my old town Jason"

"Hey I'm Austin it's nice to meet you, I haven't seen you around before"

"Yea I moved here during the summer and just started attending school here this school year" as the two went through the basic introductions I couldn't help but notice Austin had the same type of expression on his face when he first met me.

"So Austin how are things on the personal front, are you seeing anyone right now?" I immediately regretted asking that question as Austin turn a shade of red and looked down at the floor.

"I haven't really allowed myself to open up to very many people since the incident so to answer your question I haven't found a new guy yet"

"Wait your gay?" Jason asked. While Austin isn't the most effeminate guy out there, to me its kind of obvious which team he plays for but maybe that's just me.

"Yes I am is that a problem?" Austin stepped back behind Alex a bit creating distance between himself and Jason.

"UhÉno not at all, I meanÉummÉI should probably get going" with that Jason wondered off through the crowd leaving the rest of us confused.

"That was weird do you think he is alright?" Justin asked looking in the direction Jason had run off in.

"I am not sure, given his history I wouldn't think anything like that would be a problem" we were all deep in thought when Austin broke the silence.

"Would you mind filling me in on that guy?"

"What? Oh yea he and I actually used to date if you can call it that, before his jock friends found out about us and from there things just went bad, at least for me they did."

"So why did he take me being gay so badly?"

"That's what we can't seem to figure out it just doesn't make sense, well for now lets just forget about all that and enjoy what is left of the night"

From the buzz around school the following days it was clear that Tiffany's party was quite the success and our main group now consist of Alex, Tiffany, Justin, Austin, Jason, myself and unfortunately occasionally Mark. Although it is clear to everyone except Mark himself that his presence is only tolerated, not desired but the strangest thing of all amongst the group would have to be the awkward tension that seems to arise when Jason and Austin are around at the same time.

Walking to class I manage to catch up with Austin. "Hey Austin you got a sec?"

"Oh hey Shawn yeah I have a minute before I need to get to class, what's up?"

"Well I wanted to ask you about Jason, did something happen between you two, I mean outside of the party?"

"Not really, nothing that comes to mind." Austin said while avoiding my gaze.

"Hey remember even though we aren't together, we have worked things out between us so don't be afraid to tell me what is on your mind"

Austin let out a sigh as his shoulders slumped before he turned his attention back to me.

"I think I may have feelings for Jason, I mean real genuine feelings like the ones I had for you before the whole thing with Mark went down, but I am afraid that he doesn't see me the same way. He barely talks to me and it seems like he always has a reason to leave shortly after I show up."

My original hunch had been right that night at the party, Austin indeed was falling fast for Jason, my biggest worry is that Jason is still caught up on Alex and is completely oblivious to the way Austin feels about him.

Maybe you are readying more into things than you should be, I would say just let things fall into place on their own if they are meant to" giving him a reassuring smile.

"You may be right, well thanks for taking the time out to chat with me"

"Hey it was my pleasure don't mention it, now we both need to get a move on before we are late" leaving Austin behind I pulled out my phone and sent a quick message to Alex, normally I don't like getting to involved in these things, but it seems like in the case a little push might do some good.


Once again I'd like to say whoever said senior year is your best year was a liar, with one of the most difficult days in a while behind me I set out to track down Jason to see if I could get what Shawn requested earlier.

"Hey Jay what are you up to right now?"

"Hey Alex I haven't had anyone call me by that name in quite some time, I don't really have much going on coach cancelled practice and Mark is off somewhere chasing some boy or another."

"Cool drop your stuff in your truck and meet me back over by my car"

"Um sure ok I'll be back" true to his word Jason was back relatively quickly with a nervous expression on his face. "So where are we going?" he asked while getting settled in my car still looking uneasy.

"Just for a drive and to have a little chat" ending the conversation I pulled out of the school lot and drove us about twenty minutes away to the same beach that we ran into Jason last time we were here.

"Jason are you still hung up on old feelings for me?" I asked after parking the car, looking down at the beach below.

"What would make you ask that?" he replied while looking out the window.

"You know that nothing can ever happen between us right, I mean between everything that happened with us in the past I could never see you that way again and even if I could I am very happy with Shawn and won't do anything to compromise that"

Jason didn't reply immediately, we sat there in silence while he looked down at his hands.

"So what happens now?"

"That all depends on you, like I've already laid it out to you there is nothing else here aside from friendship so you have to let go of whatever hope you have for there being anything between you and me."

Jason let out a sigh as he leaned against the window.

"Do you think I will find someone like you?"

"No, I truly believe that once you let go of the past you may find someone better right under your nose"

"Thanks for all of this Alex, I know this is a lot harder for you than you are letting on"

"Don't mention it, now lets you get you back before my boyfriend thinks I've left you in a ditch somewhere" finally cracking a smile, the trip back to school was much more enjoyable. I learned that after I left Jason eventually cut himself off from hanging around the jocks ultimately keeping to himself. It was at his parents that suggested the change of scenery.

We arrived back at school to an almost empty parking lot, when we noticed Shawn waiting on the side of Jason's truck.

"It's about time you came back, I was five minutes away to alerting the coast guard of my missing boyfriend," he said with a smile as he made his way over to us.

"I'm sure the only thing that you were missing was sliding your hands down my pants"

"Oh you know me to well," he answered with a smile before pulling me for a kiss and of course slipping his hands into the back of my pants.

"Stop that before they come put you away for indecent exposure" turning back to Jason I was about to bid my farewells when I spotted Austin approaching from the rear. "Hey what are you still doing here I know you stay late for your extra classes but I didn't think you'd still be around this late"

"Well actually I was kind of wondering if Shawn could give me a ride home, my parents had to come by early and switch out cars until the other one is out of the shop"

"Oh well I wouldn't see a problem with that except we rode in my car today, but I'd be more than..." before I could finish the offer Shawn poked me from behind and continued.

"Jason why don't you give Austin a ride home, Alex and I have a few things to get into before we head back home and I wouldn't want to drag Austin around with us when he would rather be home"

"Yea that sounds like a great idea" I chimed in catching on the Shawn's plan

"I don't see why not as long as you don't have a problem with that Austin"

"UhÉof course not as long as it wouldn't be to much trouble" Austin was blushing terribly at this point and it seemed that Shawn was right about him having a thing for Jason.

"It's not a problem at all you are just going to have to show me how to get there after all I am still not to familiar with this place."

As we watched them drive off I couldn't help but lean over and place my lips on Shawn's. "Smooth move cupid, it seems you can be quite the match maker" "I think I deserve a bit of a reward for my good deeds don't you think?"

Feeling a bit spontaneous I pulled into an old service road away from the main street. Pushing Shawn into the back seat I climbed in after him, straddling his waist as he sat up straight in the car. We began to kiss as his hands roamed all around my back; I let out a small moan when he slipping his hand down the back of my pants, giving him the opening to snake is tongue into my mouth. The added excitement had me grinding my put against his hardening tool as we groaned into each other's mouths. Lifting me slightly the best he could in the space we had, I undid my pants and underwear pulling one leg out. Always being prepared I pulled out a small tube of lube from under the driver seat coating my bottom before I slowly eased myself down on his cock.

"Oh fuck Alex your still as tight as ever" he then attacks my neck and I let out a loud cry as I slid the rest of him up inside of me.

"I need you, fuck me" he grabbed my hips and bounced me with little effort on his cock; leaning forward he lifted my shirt and sucked my nipple into his mouth.

"UhÉyes baby harder I need to feel your hot dick deep inside me" he responded my sucking harder my nipple while increasing the pace of his thrust. I'm not sure how much time went by, but we were working up quite a sweat and fogging up all my windows when Shawn pushed in deep thrusting against my prostate

"Fuck I can't hold it any longer oh baby fill me up"

He continued to thrust in and out setting my impending orgasm off

"I'mÉuhÉI'm cumming ahhh" I could feel the muscles in my ass clamped down tight around his cock as it began to swell.

"Alex, fuck I love you" as he pumped shot after shot of hot cum deep into my ass. "That was amazing love I could stay just like this"

"I love you too Shawn, however staying like this is quite as comfortable for me" letting out a small laugh we both cleaned ourselves up before jumping back into the front, our hands locked over the gear shift as I drove us back to his place. Hopefully Austin and Jason were making at least a little progress, and I also wondered about Mark who has been far to quiet lately and that has me more than just a little bit concerned.

Okay Guys that is Chapter 14 I hope you guys all enjoy it, Love it, Hate it, maybe even a few suggestions here and there, or food for thought you know I love hearing from you guys. Also some of you may know but there is a yahoo group that has all of the chapters and will more than likely be updated faster so feel free to go over and join that group as well at

Next: Chapter 15

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