Change Is Good

By Xavier Anthony

Published on Nov 27, 2012


Disclaimer: The story will include descriptions of sexual activity between teen boys. As this is a work of fiction the characters may not always practice the safest sex, but I implore you to please always be careful there are a lot of nasty things out there and it's not worth it. If material of this kind offends you or if you are not of legal age, then stop reading. Don't forget to donate if you can. I will be trying something a little different with this chapter so feedback is important so I know how you all feel about it. This is my first story that I am trying out so let me know what you guys think and if you want me to continue on any feedback is appreciated well enjoy guys and hope to here from you all drop me a line at

Chapter 15: Darkness on the Horizon


Laying still on my bed I subconsciously stroke my hands through Alex's hair as he sleeps lightly on my chest, it is our times together like this that I truly appreciate something that was not really present with Austin. It was at that moment that Alex's phone rang; reaching over I noticed that it was in fact Austin who was calling.

"Alex I really need to talk to you about something do you have a minute?"

"Hey Austin it's Shawn I picked up Alex's phone hold on a second while I wake him up"

"Oh hey, umm you don't have to do that"

"No it's okay it sounds pretty important, besides I am actually happy that you two seem like you are getting along, hang on"

Shifting my weight to wake Alex, I couldn't help but think how cute he looks as he is just waking up, so innocent and sweet. "Hey sleepy head you have a caller that needs you"

"Who could be calling me now?"

"It's Austin, sounds like it is pretty important"

"Cool just put it on speaker phone I'm sure that he won't mind"

"Hey Austin can you hear ok, Alex had me put you on speaker"

"I can hear you fine and that is ok with me I can get input from both you"

"Cool so what's up is everything ok?" we asked in unison.

"Yeah I just wanted to tell you about what happened when Jason took me home"

"Ok spill, sounds like an interesting turn of events" Alex said with a smile stretching across his face

"Ok well after we left you guys the car ride to my house was relatively subdued, so when we got to my place I had to break the awkward tension so I invited him in and he actually accepted. Well once we got talking it turns out that you he is actually a really cool guy and even opened up to me about what happened in the past. Well one thing lead to another and I found myself lip locked with him, but it seemed like we realized what happened at the same time and I pulled away embarrassed and he left shortly thereafter. Guys what do you think I should do?"

"I'd say go after him if that is what you want to do, however make sure you are doing it for the right reasons" Alex said

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not one happy about bringing up the past but you need to ask yourself are you honestly over Shawn, I think if the answer is anything but yes, I would suggest you don't pursue another relationship as a means to get over him as you would be doing it for the wrong reasons, but that is just my take"

"In a way I agree with Alex too,, my only difference would be that maybe this could also help you too move on and let go of whatever remnant feelings you may have, but if you don't think you could give Jason one hundred percent of your affection I too would suggest you guys not get into anything to serious"

We waited in silence for a few moments as Austin presumably processed everything that we were laying out to him, personally I hope he has grown and had a chance to move on from what we were but only time would tell.

"I understand everything that you guys are saying to me, so I think I am going to take a chance and see how things will turn out between Jason and I."

"Good glad to hear it," we said in unison.

"Thanks guys so much for everything" Austin said before ending the call.

"That was an unexpected phone call, since when have you two gotten so chumming lately?"

"I think it's mostly because of the incident over the summer coupled with me bringing him into the group at Tiff's party" he said resting his head back down against my chest.

"If you feel it's the right thing to than it is cool with me, I trust your judgment" leaning forward I kissed him on his forehead, settling in enjoying the feeling of closeness.


I've never been nervous before like this, usually I see what I want and have no trouble getting it, but this time is different I'm unsure and feel vulnerable. I waiting by my car patiently when I finally see Jason `s truck pull into the school lot, it's been a few days since I talked to Alex and Shawn about him, now I am ready to make some kind of move.

"Hey Jason mind if I climb in for a bit before classes?"

"Sure no problem but don't you usually have early morning classes or something?"

"Yeah I do but Ms. Williams is out today so it's just a free period of sorts"

"Cool come on up" he says with a gorgeous smile, causing the butterflies in my stomach to rattle around. "So I think we need to talk" he says not really looking at me.

"What about, is everything ok?"

"No not really I feel like I took advantage of you that day, I think your really cute and just kind of acted on impulse and I am sorry for that" he says while still not looking at me.

"There is no need for you to apologize, truth be told I think you are really handsome and I didn't mind the kiss at all, in fact I would say it was a bit impulsive on my end as well" I can feel myself blush as I think about my next move.

"Really, I just figured you kind of had a thing for Shawn, just with the way you look at him sometimes"

"To be honest I think it's probably the same way you look at Alex when you think no one else is watching. Truth is Shawn and I did have a thing some time ago but I messed all that up and I am ready to start fresh, can you say the same?" looking him in the face for the first time since I got into his truck.

"I can and I am willing to see where this all goes if you are up for"

Not answering his question with words, I leaned over and placed my lips on his, nothing heavy just a simple sweet kiss to let him know I was all for it.

"Is that a good enough answer for you?"

"I think it is" again flashing me that amazing smile, I think this could really work.

Getting out of the truck Jason walked me to my locker, after getting the books I needed for my upcoming class he pushed me up against my locker his lips on mine and then I heard a voice that made my blood run cold.

"Well if this isn't the cutest little thing I have ever seen, so you moving on around out here aren't you?" Mark said with a sinister grin on his face.

"What do you want?" I asked harshly

"Hey there no need for the attitude I just wanted to check on my little buddy and make sure he was ok, we don't want a repeat of what happened over the summer do we" again that sinister smile on his face.

I was frozen with fear at the point I felt like I couldn't breath thoughts of that night spinning through my head and finally I couldn't take it anymore and bolted off.

"Dude what the hell was that about what did you do to him?"

"Nothing really you just make sure to keep that slut in his place he has the tendency to wander"


"No you can't come to the bathroom with me I'm going to be late for class as it is so you go on before I hurt you" I said trying to give Shawn a serious look and failing miserably.

"Fine, but remember we have special arrangements for off campus lunch today so don't be late" he pressed me against the wall in-between the lockers hidden from view, his lips on mine. I instantly responded letting his tongue work it's way into my mouth as he held us close grinding our crotches together.

"Hmm I could get used to this, now get a move on before we start something we can't finish" slapping him on his butt as he ran down the hall.

Walking into the bathroom I could hear someone crying, looking on the floor I recognized Austin's school bag.

"Austin is that you, is everything ok?" at that moment the cubicle door swung open and he came rushing into my arms. "Hey buddy calm down, talk me what's wrong"

"It was him Alex, he was the one that hurt me that night" my blood ran cold as I had an idea of what he was talking about.

"Who did what do you Austin?"

"It was Mark, the night you found me outside that club, it was Mark I couldn't stop him I tried" he began to sob uncontrollably and I just pulled him tighter to me.

"Shh, its ok now" I stroked his back until his sobs calm down and he appeared to have fallen asleep in my arms on the bathroom floor of all places. Reaching around in my pocket I found my phone and sent a quick text to Shawn, moments later he rushed into the bathroom with a bewildered look on his face. "Help me get him to the nurse and then I will explain everything"

"Mark did what! Are you serious?" Shawn asked as we made our way to his car for off campus lunch. We ended up sticking around with Austin a bit longer to make sure he was ok and to give the nurse a vague story of what happened, no need to stir up trouble just yet until Austin had somewhat recovered from his shock.

"I admit I kind of had a feeling something like this had happened, but with no actual proof there wasn't much that I could say or do. Speaking of which I need to text Jason and let him know what is going on" I pulled out my phone as we got into his car and sent off a quick message.

"Jason? Why would he be anymore concerned than the rest of us?"

"You must not have heard yet but sometime this morning those two made it official"

"Oh wow, well its about time and good for them I hope this whole thing doesn't set them to far back now, by the way you have been excused from the rest of your classes for the afternoon just to give you a heads up"

"And how may I ask did you manage to do that?" I asked surprised he did something like that.

"Well I had my mom call your folks and everything has been okayed for us to spend the weekend at the same resort I took you to over the summer and the whole gang is supposed to join us tomorrow, hopefully Austin will be feeling up to it."

"I must say Mr. Brunswick you never cease to amaze me" Shawn's face immediately scrunched up into a scowl

"You are the one that never ceases to amaze me, you always trying to help people and find the good in everyone, it's the person you are that I love so much, never once has this been about my money or status your with me for being me and that's why your are amazing" I was taken aback by is sudden seriousness and also full of love for the guy sitting next to me. "Now we are going to enjoy some authentic Italian cuisine before heading to the resort for the weekend and before you ask yes I already have a bag packed with clothes, your parents are more resourceful than you give them credit for"

Dinner was great but I couldn't help but take notice that Shawn seemed to be slightly distracted and I am sure it had to do with Mark.

"Hey big guy what are you thinking about"

"UhÉnothing just ready to enjoy the weekend" he responded seemingly coming back to the present. The weekend seems like something to look forward to but for some reason I got the strange feeling that something was wrong I just couldn't place my finger on it.

Bringing me to the room we barely had the door clothes before our hands were all over each other.

"I love you so much I hope you know that"

"I love you too, now make love to me like only you can" Shawn kissed me hard as he laid me down on the bed removing the last of my clothing, he let out a deep primal growl as he penetrated deep inside me.

"Fuck I'll love being inside you" I wrapped my legs around his waist as he thrust deep inside me, his balls slapping against my ass with each thrust. Leaning forward he took my nipple into his mouth as he continued to pound my ass.

"Yes baby fuck me harder fill me up with you big dick" in quick move Shawn flipped positions with my now on top. Grabbing my waist he bounced me up and down on his cock, while taking my dick in his other hand he began to stroke me in time with his thrust.

"Alex your ass feels so good, I'm going to cum"

"Yes baby fill me up, cum deep inside" I felt my balls begin to churn and I couldn't hold back any longer as I released stream after stream of hot cum across his chest. The result of my asshole muscles contracting due to my orgasm were to much for Shawn and with one last thrust and a loud groan he emptied himself deep inside me.

"I love you" was the last thing we said to each other as we rolled to the side wrapped in Shawn's arms with is cock still embedded deep in my ass, as I drifted off into a blissful sleep.

Waking the next morning I find that I am not alone in bed, however I am also not in bed with Shawn.

"Should I really ask why you are in bed with me and do I even want to think about where Shawn and Justin are" I asked

"Of course not, I am here because I want to be and besides that I am very upset with you that I am the last one to hear about Jason and Austin being a couple" Tiffany pouted as she sat up straight and threw a pillow at my face.

"And who exactly let you in on that little bit of information?"

"UmmÉthat would be me," Austin said as he approached us with a cart of food.

"Is everyone just allowed in my room without my say?"

"I have always been immune from needing permission to enter your rooms and besides all our boys are out on the beach doing the jock thing with those morning runs, so it was a perfect chance for some girl talk"

"Girl talk?" Austin and I responded in unison while looking oddly at Tiff

"Exactly and the first order of business is for sleeping beauty to put some clothes on, don't you agree Austin" I felt my face go hot as I realized I was sitting up in bed barley covering my naked body, looking over at Tiff and Austin I noticed his face red with his gaze directed at the floor while Tiff was trying her best to suppress her laughter.

"You do realize that I am going to kill you for this"

"Your ideal threat falls on deaf ears we both know you won't do anything with Austin in clear view of you boy secrets reserved for Shawn's eyes" she said with a gleam in her eyes

"Try it and I swear I will disown you forever" I warned her.

"Aw your no fun" she pouted before throwing a pair of shorts my way "Now cover up already"


"Seriously dude it was Mark who did that to Austin over the summer?" Justin asked while we continued to jog on the beach

"The more I learn about him the more I feel like an idiot for thinking he was a good person, seems like he knows things he shouldn't and was trying to use me to stir things up between you and Alex"

"I think it's about time we did something about that asshole, I don't think I can stomach his presence anymore, hell half the guys on the team can't stand his cocky attitude, so what do you say Shawn think we should give him something about it?"

"I am not exactly sure yet, on the one hand is a complete douche for more than just the crap he has pulled recently, but on the other hand his family is really close to mine and I am not sure how this would effect things in the long run. If we are going to pin something so serious on him we need undeniable proof I am just having a difficult time figuring out just exactly how to do that." The three boys continued to bounce ideas off of each other on different ways to deal with Mark, unaware that things were coming to a head sooner than anyone anticipated.

Walking back up to their rooms each guy felt something strange in the air making the hairs on the back of their necks stand up.

"Tiffany, Austin where is Alex?" Shawn asked looking around the room for any sign of his partner.

"You mean he isn't with you guys" they both responded in unison.

"Why would he be with us we haven't seen him since I left him in the room this morning" The group of teens looked at one another puzzled.

"Alex said he was ready to start the day, so he went to go bring you three back in so that we could all check out the resort together" Austin said, with everyone now growing increasingly more worried.

"Why don't we all split up and ask around maybe some of the staff has seen him" I suggested

The group asked around the resort for almost a solid hour before they all began to get desperate and I began to feel sick to my stomach that something awful had happened to him. I was making one last sweep of the parking lot when I noticed the red mustang in the corner that wasn't here earlier and my blood began to boil. Why was Mark here?

"Excuse me sir could you tell me if any of the Tanners have checked in recently?"

"Ah Mr. Brunswick always a pleasure, in fact the young Mr. Tanner checked in late last night alone and as usual when you gentlemen visit he has booked the large suite located on the opposite side of the compound."

"Thank you sir"

"It is always a pleasure"

Sending out a quick mass message to everyone letting them know what was going on and where I was headed, with the gut wrenching feeling still deep in the pit of my stomach I rushed as fast as I could across the compound. Bursting through the door nothing could have prepared me for what I walked in to, at that moment something inside of me snapped and everything went black.

Okay Guys so that is Chapter 15. I am not usually one for cliffhangers but I thought I try it and see how it worked out. I hope you guys all enjoy it, Love it, Hate it, maybe even a few suggestions here and there, or food for thought you know I love hearing from you guys. What has Shawn stumbled into and what could Mark's involvement in all of this be? Well for that I guess you guess will have to stick around. Also some of you may know but there is a yahoo group that has all of the chapters and will more than likely be updated faster so feel free to go over and join that group as well at

Next: Chapter 16

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