Change Is Good

By Xavier Anthony

Published on Dec 11, 2012


Disclaimer: The story will include descriptions of sexual activity between teen boys. As this is a work of fiction the characters may not always practice the safest sex, but I implore you to please always be careful there are a lot of nasty things out there and it's not worth it. If material of this kind offends you or if you are not of legal age, then stop reading. Don't forget to donate if you can. I will be trying something a little different with this chapter so feedback is important so I know how you all feel about it. This is my first story that I am trying out so let me know what you guys think and if you want me to continue on any feedback is appreciated well enjoy guys and hope to here from you all drop me a line at

Chapter 17: Those Who Seek Justice


With winter break a few weeks off I have been doing a lot of running around getting things all in order so this trip can go off with out a hitch. I was on my way to meet Jason and Justin when I received an unexpected call from officer Sheldon.

"Officer Sheldon this is surprise, is there something I can help you with?" I was a bit nervous thinking that maybe I was going to get into trouble after all

"Shawn what we discuss does not go beyond this phone call, understand?" now I was definitely nervous about what was to come "I wanted you to know that I am not letting this whole thing go without a fight just because this kid can wave a few dollar bills around, although there is nothing I can do directly I would like you to cooperate with detective Kerry, she is a real go getter and one of the best I know"

"Wow that sounds great, what can I do to help out?"

"Glad to hear you are up for this, to start I have already given her everything we have regarding the assailant Mark and to our benefit he was just ticketed for excessive speeding, which according to Kerry is enough grounds for her to open up recent charges, dropped or otherwise that have been brought up against him"

"Again officer what do I need to do to help out?"

"I know this may be rough but I need you to convince Alex to come in and talk with her, we figured this may work better in our favor that he comes of his own accord and also if there are any other misdeeds that your friend may have committed and you have proof that would be most beneficial to everything"

Almost immediately I thought about what happened to Austin and really appreciated all the security we had in the house, which recorded Austin's condition when we brought him home that night.

"I may have something that will defiantly help I just need to make a couple phone calls and we should be good to go. How do I get in contact with the detective?"

"Everything sounds good so far, if you need to get a hold of her just give me a call and leave me whatever message you need passed on, that way less people are involved."

Hanging up with officer Sheldon I felt my mood for the day lifted just a little bit more as I walked into the diner taking a seat with the guys.

"What's up with you, you seem like something is on your mind" Justin asked as I sat down wrapping my thoughts around everything that just transpired.

"Actually I just got off the phone with the officer that was involved with Alex's case and it seems that the investigation is going to be silently reopened" the looks of realization coming across both of their faces as they took my words.

"Really, that would be great if Mark got what he deserves after what he did to Alex" Jason said, as he looked down into his drink.

"Not just Alex, there are others he has hurt and got away with, I am sure they would be more than happy to see him get his just desserts as well" I said my mind on Austin.

No sooner had that thought crossed my mind than he, along with Tiffany and Alex strolled in.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked surprised to see them.

"Actually I told them where we were going to be" I nodded at Justin glad he had done just that.

Walking over to them I pulled Alex into pressing our lips together in a passionate kiss, exploring the inside of his mouth with my tongue I backed away looking him in the eyes "I love you"

"I love you too, but what did I do to deserve that kind of greeting?"

"Just being who you are, now excuse me for a moment I need to borrow Austin" Alex looked at me with a raised eyebrow as Austin turned around from Jason to look at me oddly as well. "Oh don't give me that look you two, but it is important so come with me for a bit"

They both nodded and I gave Alex a quick kiss before walking out with Austin following me.

"Shawn is everything ok?" he asked nervously.

I took a deep breath before looking up to face him.

"Would you help out against Mark by telling your story about what happened and letting me use the proof I have to back up your claim?"

"What do you mean, how could bringing any of that up now help anything, especially since he was just left off the hook?"

"I received a call today from the officer attached to the case and he informed me that it was possibly to silently reopen it."

"Shawn that would be great, but aside from my story that I haven't told anyone until now how could we prove it had anything to do with Mark?"

"My parents insistence on home security does come in handy and I also still have the clothes we took you out of after that night, you were in pretty rough shape and hopefully Mark left his mark somewhere on it that can tie it back to him"

"If this will help Alex and send that scum away for good I will be more than happen to help you anyway I can"


Something is off about everyone but I can't quite put my finger on it, they all are being nicer than usual even Shawn is going more over the top about things than I am accustomed too. Sitting across from him at the dinner table I have finally had enough.

"Ok spill it, what is going on and why does it seem like everyone else is in on it except me"

Shawn looked down at his plate and in that instant I knew I wasn't going to like what came next.

"I want you to come with me down to the police station this week and speak with detective Kerry about everything that happened" I could feel my blood run cold and the anger well up inside.

"Why would I want to put myself through all of that again just to have it thrown back in my face because Mark can pay someone off to drop the case?" I said fuming

"Babe please listen we are all on your side, we all want to see him get what he deserves"

"You can only say that looking from the outside in, you don't know how it feels to know the truth and have to see his face not only in my dreams but everyday he gets to walk the halls of the same school we all attend" not waiting for him to reply I abruptly leave the table and head for my room slamming the door behind me, not caring at all if he follows or not.

I woke up sometime later turning my head to the side I could see it was already dark outside. He didn't have to say anything to announce he presence I already knew he was there watching over me protectively as he has been almost every night that he stays with me. Making his way over slowly he sits beside me and lightly strokes my back.

"You know I only want you to be happy and to be able to smile freely again, I can't stand to see you hurting like this"

I knew he was right he always had my best interest at heart there are just some things that are easier to face than others.

"I'm scared Shawn, after everything that's happened to open up that can of worms again almost seems like a lost cause. He gets what he wants no matter who he hurts and at the end of the day flashes a couple bills and he is off the hook."

"Things will be different this time I promise you that," he said leaning down and kissing the top of my head "we will all be there right beside you every step of the way, Austin is even going to take a stand with what happened over the summer"

"Sounds like you guys have already made the decision for me" I chuckled.

"Absolutely not, the choice always rested with you we support you no matter what and we always will especially me, you couldn't get rid of me if you tried at this point"

"Do you really think it will work?"

"I think it will, with everything that we have and with people on our side who won't be so easily swayed by cash the odds the are definitely in our favor this time and I have a little assistance on my own in the legal front when and if we need to utilize that particular assets."

Snuggling into Shawn I was kept awake by the jumble of thoughts bouncing around in my head, finally getting tired of it all I carefully extracted myself from Shawn's embrace and quietly slipped out of the house to get some fresh air and clear my head. While the days were still warm the nights had become noticeable cooler, I fond myself at the lake not far from home and was surprised to find that I was not alone.

"What are you doing out here?"

"Probably the same reason your out here and not in bed with Shawn" Austin said, in the faint glow of the moonlight I could see him give me a sort of half smile.

"Are you as worried about all of this as I am?"

"To be honest with you I am terrified, he always gets what he wants, it's been that way for as long as I've known him even before we started fooling around behind Shawn's back"

"I just want all of this to be over so that he wont ever hurt anyone again like we have experienced"

Staring out at the lake we sat quietly beside one another, it was comforting to know there was someone who could understand how I was feeling. We had been sitting in silence for almost thirty minutes when the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end.

"Well now if it isn't my two favorite people, this must be my luck night"

"What are you doing here Mark?" Austin and I said in unison as we quickly got off the ground to face Mark.

"It's a free country I can do whatever I please, but I am sure you two are already very aware of that fact" Mark began to make his way toward us, and although there were two of us against him I didn't really like those odds as Mark was almost double our size.

"What do you want?" I said while slightly moving in front of Austin who seemed to be as terrified as I am.

"Everything, I have money which gives me power, I have strength that gives me control, there is not much at my disposal that I can not have and right now I think I would like a go at you" he pointed not at me, but directly at Austin "You think you leave scars on me and get away with it, not only did you little joke of a kick force me to stay in the hospital an extra week, your little claws made their stamp on perfection and that is unacceptable"

"What exactly is going on?" we were all startled as a bright light shined down upon us from a top the hill leading down to the lake.

"Nothing that concerns you miss, just having a chat with a few of my good friends"

"Actually young man this is my concern I am detective Kerry, but I believe that we have already met"

Even in the low light we could see Mark tense up as the woman identified herself.

"I think it would be in your best interest to get back home before you find yourself in a world a trouble"

"Whatever, this isn't over" he mumbled as he pushed his way past Austin and I

"Are you boys aright?"

"Yeah we are ok now, glad you showed up when you did" Austin said letting out a long breath he had apparently been holding.

"How did you know anyone was down this way?"

"Easy I've had a few of my men tailing you two since I've gotten into town and reopened the case you were involved in" this must have been the person that Shawn had mentioned earlier. "I would advise you two to be a bit more careful and keep your guard up, how about I give you guys a lift back"

Gladly accepting her offer she lead us back to her unmarked cruiser.

"Which way am I headed first?" she asked looking back at us in the rearview mirror

"You can just make one stop at my place, Austin is more than welcome to finish out the rest of the night over there"

"Sounds like a deal to me, is that ok in your book Austin?" the detective asked him

"Yeah that would be great" he appeared to still be a little shaken up and quickly drifted off to sleep leaning against my shoulder.

Arriving back at my house, detective Kerry helped us inside, once I got Austin settled in the guest room I sent Jason a text message so he would know where to find him in the morning.

"Thanks a lot detective"

"You are very welcome and please call me Ellen"

"Well I can not thank you enough detecÉEllen"

"Once again you are very welcome, I would like you and Austin to stop by the station sometime soon I am sure that we all have much to discuss, here is my card should you need to get in direct contact with me and if you can not for any reason be sure to place a call in the officer Sheldon"

"I will and will be seeing you soon you are right there is much that we need to fill you in on"

As she drove off the events from the night finally hit me, walking into my room I was surprised to find Shawn sitting in my computer chair with his head in his hands.

"Hey what are you doing awake?"

"Being worried sick about you," he said looking up, his eyes red from tears. "I woke to find myself alone in bed and when you did not return I became worried when I noticed your cell phone was still here but you were nowhere to be found in the house"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you worry, I really just wanted to go for a walk to try and sort through some of the mess flying around in my head. I wasn't the only one apparently I ran into Austin down by the lake and he is actually sleeping in the guest room now"

"What why?"

"We had a run in with Mark down by the lake and it gave him a good fright as well as myself to be honest"

"Alex are you serious?" he said becoming visibly upset

"Yes but everything turned out ok, EllenÉI mean detective Kerry showed up before anything got out of hand and I just have to call her to set an appointment for us to talk about everything pertaining to all that has happened"

"Don't you run off giving me a scare like that again, we can worry about all that stuff later, as for right now I need you in bed with me"


After that night I found myself keeping a closer eye on Alex. It wasn't that I didn't trust him or anything like that it was more for my comfort than anything else. Knowing Mark was around kept me constantly on edge, the saving grace being school was out for the next two weeks so at least we wouldn't have to see his face in class.

"When is our meeting with detective Kerry?"

"I spoke with her yesterday morning we are set to see her this afternoon actually but she is coming around to my house"

"Oh that is convenient, did you let everyone else know so that they can be here as well" as asked wrapping my arms around his waist and kissing his neck

"Yes everyone is aware, my folks are out of town this week to visit my aunt back up north so we have the house to ourselves until it's time to go out to the cabin"

"Sounds like a plan to me do you think it would be ok to just let the gang stay with you until our departure?"

"That sounds like an idea, though I don't have as many rooms as you I can accommodate the couples rather easily," he said leaning back into my embrace.

His smell was intoxicating and the feel of his body pressed against mine was having an effect on me. It has been weeks since we have made love, but with everything that has happened it just never seemed like an appropriate thing to bring up, I felt that it would make me seem somewhat selfish to be thinking those thoughts. I was lost in my own thoughts when I felt Alex push his butt back against my erection causing us both to let out quiet moans.

"Shawn it has been to long since I have felt you inside of my I need you now," he said with a look of lust and need in his eyes

"Are you sure babe, there is no rush I am ok with waiting"

"We have waited long enough, I not only want, but I need you to make love to me"

Grabbing my hand he lead me to the bedroom, gently pushing me down onto the bed before backing away. With a sly smile on his face he began to slowly undress before me lifting his shirt over his head tossing it at me. Laughing I threw his shirt to the side, turning back to focus on my lover he slowly unbuckled his belt and seductively lowered his pants to the ground. Facing away from me he bent forward to remove his pants from around his ankles wiggling is tight but inches away from my face. No longer able to remain passive I grabbed the waistband on his underwear lowering them to expose his light caramel hole.

"Love it has been to long since I've seen you in all your glory like this I can't hold back anymore" Alex let out a loud moan in response as I drove my tongue straight into his hot hole, before running it along the outer rim making him shudder in anticipating and excitement. After getting him nice and wet I easily slipped my finger in and slowly began to finger fuck him.

"Yes Shawn uhÉmore" I then added two more fingers working them around inside of him, rubbing his prostate was enough to send him over the edge as a puddle of cum formed on his bedroom floor. "I need you inside of me fuck me now"

The lust in his eyes was unlike anything I had ever seen in him before, I was naked and on top of him in record time, Alex was squirming and moaning beneath me as I rub the head of my cock at his entrance.

"Oh baby stop teasing me"

I leaned forward pressing my lips to his, pushing my tongue into his mouth, in one steady motion my cock entered his hole until I felt my the skin of Alex's ass pressed against me, moaning into each other's mouths. I slowly pumped in and out of Alex for what seemed like hours, slowly working up a sweat trying to keep calm as Alex squeezed his anal muscles around my cock every time I pulled outward. Feeling Alex getting close I picked up the pace until I was pounding is hole with everything I had.

"FuckÉyes, I'm going to cum fuck me harder" his body shuddered beneath as he had his second orgasm, the anal contractions were too much for me with one last thrust I emptied everything I had inside of him, moving around slowly as my climax ended I could feel my excess cum leaking out as I laid on top of my lover.

"You don't know how much I needed that"

"I think I could take a good guess," I said kissing him before he looked up at the clock.

"Shit I didn't realize it was this late we need to hurry and get cleaned up Ellen should be here in the next thirty minutes"

I laughed to myself as I felt him struggle trying to get out from under me

"Get off we need to shower before she gets here"

"Ok if that's what you really want" trying hard to keep a straight face before losing it and rolling to the side in a fit of laughter as Alex looked down at me with the cutest little scowl on his face. Suddenly his expression became very serious and I knew the joke was over.

"I am just ready for all of this to go away, then we can put it all behind us and hopefully Mark will be gone for good so he can't hurt anyone again"

"I am hoping for the same thing love and I will be with you every step of the way as I have been, now lets get the smell of sex washed off before everyone gets here"

We didn't play around in the shower outside of some light kissing and caressing as we washed each other, we were in Alex's room when Tiffany burst through the door.

"I found them, told you they were having sex" Alex tried to hide his face in his hands causing his towel to drop from around his waist, bringing on another wave of embarrassment.

"One of these days I swear I am going to kill you Tiff"

"Oh you wouldn't hurt little ole me, life we become so dull without me around" Alex lunged forward trying to get a hold of Tiffany, obviously forgetting his clothing situation I heard him yelp and come running back into the room grabbing his towel off the floor.

"Uh sorry guys didn't realize we were interrupting anything, we figure Tiffany was just being her usual self" Austin said, with the gang peering around the corner their faces flush with embarrassment

"No harm done just give us a minute to get decent before the detective arrives"

"I can't believe I did that"

"Hey don't worry about it, I am sure everyone was a bit shocked, but at least they are seeing you in good spirits and that's all we want" pulling him into a hug and kissing the top of his head we held each other until we heard the doorbell ring. "Well that's our cue I suppose we should put some clothes on, unless you'd rather do your interview naked" that earned me a sharp look from Alex who turned away and bent over to while looking through his dresser for something to wear. Sneaking closer behind him a swatted him on the butt before rushing off into his closet to close the door before he had a chance to retaliate.

"You lucked out for now Mr. but I'll get you back," he said with a sly smile. "Now lets get out there and put this all behind us for good this time"

"I am proud of you and I love you very much"

"Thank you babe I love you too, that helps me more than you know"

Holding hands we made our way downstairs to where everyone was waiting, I was ready for this all to be over as much as Alex was, hopefully this will put an end to it all, I know deep inside that if the system doesn't deal with Mark I will do it myself personally.

Okay Guys so that is Chapter 17 I am glad you guys have stuck around with my for this long and hope you will continue to enjoy reading. I appreciate everyone's feedback it really gives me things to think about and help me grow as a writer, so with that being said I love hearing from you guys so please to be afraid to drop me a line, love it, hate it, or have suggestions of your own. Also some of you may know but there is a yahoo group that has all of the chapters and will more than likely be updated faster so feel free to go over and join that group as well at

Next: Chapter 18

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