Change Is Good

By Xavier Anthony

Published on Feb 12, 2013


Disclaimer: The story will include descriptions of sexual activity between teen boys. As this is a work of fiction the characters may not always practice the safest sex, but I implore you to please always be careful there are a lot of nasty things out there and it's not worth it. If material of this kind offends you or if you are not of legal age, then stop reading. Don't forget to donate if you can. I will be trying something a little different with this chapter so feedback is important so I know how you all feel about it. This is my first story that I am trying out so let me know what you guys think and if you want me to continue on any feedback is appreciated well enjoy guys and hope to here from you all drop me a line at

Chapter 19: Back to Reality


The end of winter vacation meant returning to reality and dealing with everything that comes with it, Ellen had left us messages to get in touch with her as soon as we got back but I wanted at least one more day to just spend not worry about these things.

"Are you sure you want to put this off any longer than you have too?"

"Shawn please understand I know that this is truly important and we need to have things in order fairly soon, but I just don't want to think about it all just yet"

"But babe the longer you drag this out the harder it will be to get it all resolved"

"Look I know that okÉI justÉI'm going for a walk"

"Alex waitÉ" I close to the car door before he could say anything else leaving my friends with confused looks upon their faces as they waited on the porch. Looking back I was overcome with shame as seeing the hurt expression on Shawn's face, but I wasn't going back now I'm just not fully ready to deal with all of this at once. So I just kept walking until I was to tired to keep going, looking at my surroundings I found myself at the lake so I just sat down on the bank losing myself in my thoughts.

I don't know how long I was sitting there when I heard the rustling of grass and someone take a seat next to me

"This has always been your favorite spot to come to ever since you moved here"

"I guess that's why would explain why I can never seem to hide from you no matter where I go" I said giving Tiff a small smile.

"You know you really have Shawn worried back there, I think he is actually at a lose for what to do you must have been pretty harsh back there in the car you want to tell me what is going on?"

SighÉ "I just want some kind of normal to come back, the vacation was amazing no one worried about anything and no one looked at me with pity in their eyes. Now that we are back I can already see the pity return and Shawn treating me like I am glass." Tiff scooted closer to me pulling my head to her chest.

"Oh Alex I'm so sorry I wish none of this had ever happened, I know I can't take it away but please don't push us away especially Shawn. He really cares about you we all do and we just want to help you get through this so everything can go back to some kind of normal"

Tears silently fell from my eyes, taking in just how much Tiffany really means to me how much they have all come to mean to me.

"Thank you I don't say often but I really appreciate you being here for me"

"I know you don't have to say anything, that's what best friends are for, now wipe your face you have a man at home the deserves an apology and a big kiss" she said with a smile as she wiped away some of my tears with her sleeve.


"Hey man I'm sure he will be okay, you know better than any of us how much he is really hurting on the inside, between you and me I think we haven't been doing to great a job at treating him normally since he has come back from the hospital. I don't want to see him hurt again any more than you do but some advice, treat him like you always have not like he is some precious jewel your afraid to drop I'll be you anything that the main reason he enjoyed vacation so much is because all of this drama was left behind, almost like old times again before this all went down."

"Thanks Justin that means a lot, you tend to stay quiet through most things but when you open your mouth your words have always been rather profound, I can see why Tiffany has taken such a strong liking to you."

Just then we heard Tiffany and Alex come through the door.

"Hehe let anyone know that I'm going soft and I might have to rough you up a bit, but remember what I said" he patted me on the back as he walked over to Tiffany.

"Hey where are Jason and Austin?"

"They headed out for a bit, though honestly probably to find you so I am sure they will be on their way back shortly"

"And on that note we will be taking our leave as well, school is getting ready to start back up and I need to redo my wardrobe and Justin's too"

"Hey what's wrong with how I dress?"

"Dude just go with it, that is one battle you won't win against Tiff" Alex said with a smile.

"Shawn I'm really sorry for the way I reacted earlier that wasn't fair to you and you didn't deserve that"

"No you have no reason to apologize I should be the one to apologize, back home where we have to deal with everything I was so caught up in protecting you that I didn't take the time to be with you the way I should have and for that I am so sorry" Alex made he was over to me straddling my lap, we shared a passionate kiss.

"I forgive you if you forgive me and then we can call it even" I pulled him down for another kiss, brushing my tongue against his lips seeking entrance he let out a soft moan as we explored each other's mouths and my hands roamed down his back beneath the waistband of his jeans and underwear. "I'll take that for your answer, now don't you go anywhere" he said before lifting himself off and dashing to his bedroom.

I laid my head down against the back of the couch a breath a sigh a relief that I didn't even realize I was holding when Alex reappeared before me wearing a rather mischievous smile and not much of anything else but a skimpy pair of sexy underwear the likes I have never seen before on him.

"Now where were we?"

He once again straddles my waist, only this time undoing my pants, pushing them and my underwear down in one motion releasing my now hardening cock. Coming down for another kiss I find my hands snaking their way down his back again and gasp in delight when I realize Alex is actually wearing a jockstrap making my cock throb in anticipation of what I hope is coming. He slowly lifts himself up and points my cock right at his entrance, slowly coming down I let out a sigh as I easily sink into the warmth of his tight lubed hole.

"Oh wow that certainly feels good as tight as ever uhh"

Adjusted to me being inside of him, Alex begins to bounce on my cock sending waves of pleasure throughout as I grab on to his waist and begin to meet his downward motions with thrust of my own.

"Fuck Al I don't know how much longer I can last like this, you're so hot and tight"

"I need it Shawn fuck my hole baby, fuck me hard"

My eyes roll around to the back of my head as he bounces up and down with wild abandon, I feel my balls draw up and I know I'm moments away from my climax.

"Baby I can't oh god ride my fucking cock uhhÉ I'm gonnaÉ"

"Do it baby fill me up uhh yes fuck me"

My vision blurred as shot after shot of hot cum filled his tight hole, it felt like it would go on forever. Not long there after Alex began his own climax milking even more cum out of me, so much so that some began seeping out of him coming down around my cock.

Exhausted and spent Alex let himself fall against me, my cock still embedded in him "I love you baby boy" I said kissing the top of his head. So lost in the moment we didn't realize we had company until we heard someone clearing their throat.

"Umm wow how long have you guys been standing there?" I asked as Austin turned a deep shade of red and Jason tried to look anywhere but at us.

"Long enough" Austin said barely audible "We came back to see if Alex had come home and well don't get me wrong we didn't mean to watch or anything but personally I was really hot andÉwell I didn't want to interruptÉand Jason said we should leaveÉand I kind of didn't want toÉ"

"What I think he is trying to say is we are sorry for kind of perving on you guys in your intimate moment it was really fucking hot andÉ"

At that moment Alex, whose face was buried in my chest broke out in a fit of giggles seemingly unable to control himself.

"While I am not much of an exhibitionist I supposed we appreciate the compliments"

We all looked on strangely as Alex continued to chuckle after his statement, it wasn't long after that we found ourselves laughing right along with him I suppose in a way to relieve the awkwardness of the situation and just when we thought things couldn't get anymore weird

"What's going on in here and why does it smell likeÉOh my god" Tiffany stopped dead in her tracks stumbling in upon the situation as Justin made a quick turn in the opposite direction. "While I suppose we are all happy that you two seemed to have worked things out could youÉ"


I wanted to die of embarrassment right there, it was bad enough both of our exes stumbled across us in the middle of it, but now Tiff too oh there was no way she would let me live this one downÉever. Still hiding my face in Shawn's chest I finally managed to get myself under control.

"So as awkward as this all is would you guys kindly mind a hasty retreat to the kitchen so that we can perhaps go and change into something more decent and ummÉclean"

With a uniformed nod and a shit-eating grin from Tiff they all made themselves scarce once again leaving us in private.

"So that wasÉ"

"Don't even say it I would rather not suffer humiliation just yet I know Tiff has a ton of it for the both of us at this point"

Shawn lightly chuckled as I slowly lifted myself off of him as he slipped out of me with what had to be the loudest "pop" I have ever heard. I could feel myself go hot in the face as I heard the muffled chuckles coming from the kitchen.

"Shut it, none of you are helping this in any way" of course that only made the volume of laughter the bit louder.

Shawn leaned up and kissed me "Go up and start the shower, I'll be right behind you"

I made my way up to the bathroom bending over starting the shower adjusting the water, when I felt Shawn come up behind his semi-hard against my hole.

"Isn't that what got us in trouble in the first place"

"Actually if I remember correctly it was you and a certain pair of underwear that got us into such a compromising situation" to emphasize his point he pulled on the band of my jockstrap.

"Well maybe I can make it up to you somehow" pulling him close with a slow sensual kiss

"This isn't doing much for the whole compromising position situation, but I think I can roll with it"

After our rather sexy and satisfying shower we made our way down to the kitchen to face the firing squad. They seemed to be waiting on us as we walked in with suspicious looks on their faces and it dawned on me.

"Well did you boys enjoy your shower?"

"Indeed a question as I would like to have one that would be the equivalent of that one" Austin said trying to suppress a chuckle.

"I do believe that at the cabin I did say I would kill both of you and I have not revoked that statement" I said prepared for another round of chasing people around a kitchen. I was having an intense stare down with Austin and Tiff, when we all broke out in more fits of laughter.

"Just to clear the air before you attempt to kill my girlfriend I would advise you guys to close the door to the bathroom, try to be a bit quieter, and lock the door to your parents bedroom so certain perverted peeping toms can't put their ear to the door"

"And even close the curtains as you guys tend to get a little involved and not really be aware of your surroundings" Jason said with a blush avoiding eye contact. On the plus side I'm glad everyone seems to be normal and on the negative side why did it have to be my sex life.

"Ok can we talk about something else other than my sex life?"

"And miss this chance to exploit every aspect of this while it's still hot, absolutely not"

"Fine, but just so you know considering that I'm the cook don't be surprised if your dish has an extra blend of herb and spices" as I walked over to the pantry to figure out something to make for dinner and to get their minds off of my ass.


"What do you mean you are thinking about cutting me off, what the fuck is that supposed to mean, you call me all the way back home to tell me that bullshit?"

"You listen and you listen well Mark we firmly believe it is time you take some responsibility for your actions, these latest allegations against you are not going to go away so easilyÉ"

"So maybe you should make them like you did before"

"I no longer think that would be in your best interest, look at what you have become. The wild parties the boys, the cars, all of which we could look over but this is above all that. I went to visit that poor boy and what you have done to him is something no amount of money can fix, I am ashamed to think the boy I gave birth to grew up to become what you are today"

I was furious I didn't want to hear another word they said, not only did I have this damn detective on my ass, now I potentially lose the protection of my family lawyers, that is something that I am not prepared to deal nor do I think it is fair that I should have too. This is all the fault of Shawn's damn golden boy, maybe it's time I paid him another visit and make sure he understands it would not be in his best interest to pursue these allegations any further.


After all the craziness I caused when I first arrived here I am glad to see Alex bouncing back from everything, the old me would have hated to admit it but the two of them were made for each other just seeing them together makes me hopeful for the future I hope to have with Jason.

"So I have to ask how you felt seeing your ex love in the throws of passion twice in the same night?"

"It was a bit shocking at first I must say, I mean we never got that far because I was a jerk to him so it was almost like a slap in the face but nothing to be concerned about really, now the same question thrown your way"

"Honestly it was pretty hot, there are really no hard feelings left there, I can't blame anyone but myself for not being able to be in the position that Alex is in currently. And since I met you I wouldn't have it any other way" I leaned over and lightly kissed Jason on the lips. This is only one of the few times that he has actually stayed the night with me at my place and after the vacation in the mountains we were closer than ever and I am so glad it is about more than just the sex, mind you that is something that has proven to be out of this world. I think I could finally be happy and leave everything in the past, as I rolled over with Jason spooned behind me with a sigh of content as I fell off into a blissful sleep.


Finally truly alone with Alex after sending everyone home, I sighed and breath in the scent of his hair as he slept soundly atop my chest. I could watch him like this for hours, so peaceful not worried about anything with only his dreams to occupy his thoughts, I sometimes wish he could be this relaxed when awake and hopefully that is something that is going to become possible here in the near future. I miss that carefree smile that shown across his face when we first met, I lightly stroked his face and placed a kiss upon his forehead before going off to sleep.

"Good morning lover boys glad you decided to wake and join me for breakfast but I would advise you to put your clothes on the right way"

"Well maybe the king is back and setting up a new fashion trend" Tiffany let out a strangled noise dramatically dropping her fork and knife.

"There isn't enough space in here for the size of your ego my fair lady" I chuckled to myself as I watched the two of them interact; it was never a dull moment with the two of them and always a breath of fresh air.

"If you two don't mind we actually do have things to do today"

"Really your not going to sit around here and suck face all day?" that comment earned her a pillow to the face, apparently Alex's weapon of choice.

"Where is Justin anyway isn't he supposed to keep you on a short leash these days" which of course sent a pillow back in Alex's direction which ended up in my face when he quickly avoided the incoming attack.

"I think we should leave before I your living room becomes the site of the next world war," I said walking out the front door leaving them to work through their "issues"

"Hey Shawn, are you actually leaving the house withoutÉ"

"Hello to you too Austin and no I just didn't want to be in the middle of the battlefield, where is your better half today?"

"Hehe I could understand that I've been the unfortunate victims of those battles as well, and he had a few tings to take care of this morning"

"How are things with you boys going?"

"Actually really well, ever since the cabin vacation I think we have gotten closer, and I don't mean just because of the sex" he said with a deep blush as he looked away

"Hey look at me, I am glad things are going so well for the two of you, and even though we had a rocky start when you first made you appearance here I'm glad you were able to come full circle" pulling Austin into a hug I actually felt we finally had closure between the two of us.

"Is there something that you two would like to tell me?" we turned to see Alex standing there with his hands on his hips and a smile on his face.

"Nope, because there is nothing to tell now come here and give your favorite boyfriend a kiss," I said as he skipped his way over and umped into my arms. That happy go lucky boy that I fell in love with seemed to be returning and soon I hope to put the past in the past and finally look forward to the future.

Okay Guys so that is Chapter 19 and I hope you guys are still on this wild ride with me. I appreciate everyone's feedback it really gives me things to think about and help me grow as a writer and sometimes I truly need that extra spark from you guys, so with that being said I love hearing from you guys so please to be afraid to drop me a line, love it, hate it, or have suggestions of your own. Also some of you may know but there is a yahoo group that has all of the chapters and will more than likely be updated faster so feel free to go over and join that group as well at

Next: Chapter 20

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