Change Is Good

By Xavier Anthony

Published on Apr 1, 2013


Disclaimer: The story will include descriptions of sexual activity between teen boys. If material of this kind offends you or if you are not of legal age, then stop reading. Don't forget to donate if you can. This is a new story that I am trying out so let me know what you guys think and if you want me to continue on any feedback is appreciated well enjoy guys and hope to here from you all drop me a line at

Chapter 21: Let the Games Begin


My heart was pounding a cold chill running down my spine, I should have been there with him I should have known better

"We won't let you shoulder the blame for this all on your own you know, we should have all know better after he showed up right there on school grounds"

I knew Austin was right but that alone was not helping me to feel any better "I told him I wouldn't let anything happen to him again I promised him" I lost it falling to the ground leaning into the open door of Alex's car


The feeling of not being able to do anything was just awful. I knew Shawn was taking this hard, probably harder than any of us with the exception of maybe Tiffany, who to this point hasn't said a word as she just continued to stare at the car.

"We will find him, babe I promise" Justin said as he came up from behind Tiffany, wrapping his arms around her waist.

She didn't say anything barely even reacted and I felt my chest tighten as Shawn continued to sob on the ground. I couldn't stand it anymore myself as I turned around and buried my face in Jason's chest trying to hold myself together as he held me close. I have never been one for religion but if there was ever a time I pray Alex is safe and unharmed.

I've come this far and I can't believe I'm losing my nerve, maybe it's the damn face but whatever it may be I can't let it stop me now. There is to much at stake for me at this point.

"Where am I?" A groggy voice pulled me back to reality.

"We'll look who decided to grace us with his presence, how are you feeling sleeping beauty" Mark said as he walked around and stroked the face of the beautiful boy restrained in front of him. The boy flinched away from the contact on his skin a disgusted look appeared on his face as he looked into the eyes of his captor.

"Haven't you caused enough damage as is already?"

"Enough?" Mark said with a laugh "I haven't begun to show you what enough really is. Did you really think I was going to let you put me behind bars and do nothing about it?"

Behind bars? What was he talking about, I could feel a nervous sweat begin to break out as I realized I may have bitten off more than I could chew getting involved with Mark again.

"You brought all of this down on yourself, you have no one else to place blame on"

"Of course I do, if you weren't such a goody goody none of us would be in this mess right now, so I say this whole affair boils down to your own selfishness" with a backhand slap that made me flinch from the sound of contact the boy was once again lost to this world. I looked down at my trembling hands I was losing my nerve but this time out of fear, what pain have I just brought upon this boy and those close to him?


Sleep did not come to me that night, after we found his car and pulled ourselves together we contacted Ellen to let her know what was happening. The hardest part was telling his parents, the looks on their faces was one I shared if things played out to the worst case scenario I don't think there is anything in the world that would get these people to smile again.

"I figured you would still be up, I brought you some tea to help calm your nerves" my mom said as she placed the tray of tea down on my nightstand.

"What if we don't find him mom, what if I never get to hold him again?" I couldn't stop the tears again feeling like a child as I was cradled in my mother's arms.

"Oh honey I'm sure things will work out for the best, but right now he needs you to be strong for him even though I know it's hard" it's time like this that I wish my parents didn't have to be away so often.

Somehow I managed to fall asleep only to be awoken by my phone ringing, not caring to look who was calling I quickly answered the phone to silence the ringing.

"Good morning to you sleeping beauty"

"Mark! What the hell do you want?"

"Shame on you friend that is no way to talk to the one who has your happiness in hand now is it?" My blood went cold he had Alex, but what did he intend to do with him?


Waking up the first thing I notice was the pounding of my head and I was strapped to bed unfamiliar with the surroundings.

"You shouldn't move around to much it will only make things that much more uncomfortable"

I look up to see a guy about my age looking back at me, when recognition floods my being

"You!? You're a part of this too?" The guy could only look away and would not look in my direction.

I can't believe Mark had help in this, it was all a part of his elaborate scheme and I fell right into his hands. My mind reeled with anger as I looked on at this guy who played the supposed hurt victim that got me caught up in all this.

"Glad to see you awake again cutie I don't think it would have been much fun to play if you weren't awake to enjoy it" the smile on his face made my skin crawl and stomach churn, I could only imagine the sick and twisted things he had in mind, but I was even more so sick at the thought that Mark could get someone else to go along with him in his depraved actions.

"Oh don't give me that look we are going to have so much fun in the mean time I have other matters to attend to so I will take my leave"

"How can you stand any of this" I asked the unknown guy with a bit of an edge in my voice. He flinched as he looked away from me.

"Someone like you would never understand" still avoiding my gaze he let out a sigh "for what it's worth I am sorry" he said before walking out of the room closing the door behind him as he went leaving me tired and confused. As I lay there looking at the ceiling my thoughts drift to Shawn, I just pray that when its all said and done we can be together again.

************** I can't stomach this anymore it's not worth it to bring this much pain to people. I know what's at stake and a cold chill runs through me as I thought about what Mark might try and do to me if he figured out that I have anything to do with this.


Two damn days and it feels like an eternity since I've seen Alex, knowing that Mark has him hasn't made me feel any better. Mark's call left me furious, but the sight of Alex bound to a bed was almost to much and with everyone doing the best they could for any leads the wait was killing us all. I hadn't told anyone about Mark's ransom, I knew better no matter how much we gave him Alex wouldn't be set free that easily he was in to deep and no amount of money could make these problems go away. It was late afternoon when Alex's folk showed up at our door.

"There has been a break, we just got a call from Ellen. Apparently their department has received and anonymous tip about someone matching Mark's description. She told us not to get over excited as this could also bring bad news but I had to let you know"

My mother directed everyone to the living room while I ran up to my room to let the others know about the new information. It seemed everyone shared the same sentiment as me, although it wasn't much it was enough to keep us hoping that Alex was ok and would be brought back to us soon.

We were waiting for what seemed like hours when the phone finally rang.

"Hello everyone I know you all must be drained physically and emotionally, but following the tip we have found Mark and have been staking out an abandoned house for the past few hours. This is sensitive information and normally I wouldn't not be sharing these details though I have a personal stake in this as well after getting to know you all. The plan is to wait until nightfall before we make our move hopefully to catch him off guard.

********** "How the hell did they find out so fast, this doesn't make sense. This is all wrong all fucking wrong this was not the plan"

Mark paced all around the room looking very unsettled occasionally glaring at boy bound to the bed trying to figure out what the next move would be.

"Ok here is the new plan we use him as a shield to negotiate terms to get out of this and if they aren't willing to bend we take him out right here" I let out an audible gasp as he revealed his plan.

"Are you insane we can't do that I didn't sign up to murder or help murder someone, hell I didn't sign up for half I'd this shit"

"If you remember correctly you owe me or have you forgotten your trip to overseas last year?" I could feel myself visibly pale as his words began to sink in "I am going to see if I can get a peak at what we are dealing with before making my final move, don't try anything you may end up regretting."

"Is it really that bad?" I was startled by the boy not expecting him to have been awake for that conversation.

"What do you mean?"

"Whatever it is he has on you, is it really bad enough for you to become a part of all of this?"

"You wouldn't understand" I said looking towards the door expecting Mark to come back through at any time.

"Well help me out a little, I'm Alex by the way I don't think I've caught your name during any of this." He gave me a weak smile, he actually smiled which only served to confuse me.

"Why would be smiling at all at a time like this?"

"More often than not I tend to look at the bright side of things, here and now I feel you may not being doing this of your own free will."

"I suppose I'm not when I think about it but..."

We were cut off by Mark rushing back into the room who immediately focused his eyes full of hatred at Alex.

"The show is about to begin cupcake"

Our eyes widen in horror as Mark revealed what he had concealed beneath his clothes.


Somehow we managed to convince the detective to at least let me stand by inside one if the communication vans while they made their move on Mark. Before everything was set we got a surprise when Mark came out holding Alex in his grip, I wanted to run out and rip him to shreds when I noticed an object being held to Alex's head glimmer in the light.

"No Shawn, we can't act we don't know what he intends to do" Ellen said holding me firm "I know what must be running through your head right now, but I need you to promise you will not do anything...Shawn!"

I realized I had little choice as I reluctantly agreed.

"Now listen up you fine men and women, meet my demands and we can all walk away with something, refuse me" his eyes catching mine as they widen in surprise "and some of you will lose everything" he said with a grin across his face.

"Shawn remember you promised, I realize it was a mistake to bring you only I need you to remain still and let us deal with with this."

My heart was breaking as I watched tears fall from Alex's eyes, he was so close and I could do nothing for him I felt completely useless.

"Please bring him back to me, I don't care about anything else" I asked with tears in my eyes

"We will do the best we can" I knew by her tone she didn't want to make a promise to me that she couldn't keep, it took all I had not to breakdown right there as I looked up at Alex again.

Okay Guys Chapter 21 I hope you guys all enjoy it, Love it, Hate it, maybe even a few suggestions here and there, or food for thought you know I love hearing from you guys. I know I said I don't do cliffhangers but I promise to keep them few and far between. Now I've introduced a new character and I'm curious to see what you guys think is going to become of him. Also some of you may know but there is a yahoo group that has all of the chapters and will more than likely be updated faster so feel free to go over and join that group as well at

Next: Chapter 22

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