Change Is Good

By Xavier Anthony

Published on Oct 17, 2012


Disclaimer: The story will include descriptions of sexual activity between teen boys. If material of this kind offends you or if you are not of legal age, then stop reading. Don't forget to donate if you can. This is a new story that I am trying out so let me know what you guys think and if you want me to continue on any feedback is appreciated well enjoy guys and hope to hear from you all drop me a line at

Chapter 7: Stars in the Sky


I awoke feeling warm and safe lying next to Shawn wrapped in his arms his natural smell bringing an unnatural calm to me. Not wanting too disturbed him I just lie there as I take in the events of last night and how wonderful it all seemed. He is so kind, patient, and loving that it's all so hard to believe that out of everyone around I was the one that was chosen. As much as I would just like to stay like this all day I have to answer natures call and check in with Tiffany. Before leaving the room I stand in the doorway just watching Shawn sleep peacefully, I feel like the luckiest person alive.

Shawn Coming back to the conscious world the first thing I realize is that Alex is not in bed with me. Stricken by a sudden panic I calm down hearing the shower running and get out of bed as well to check on him. Walking into the bathroom I am awestruck at the beautiful sight in front of me, he has not yet noticed I am there as I watch the water roll down his back into the crack of his perfectly shaped butt. Being as quite as possible strip off my now cum soiled underwear and slip into the shower behind Alex. It's as if he is in his own world somewhere we can't reach and he doesn't notice my presence until I slip my arms around his waist, pulling him back against me. Kissing is next lightly I barely hear as he lets out a quiet sigh, I am painfully hard in seconds as my cock slides between the crack of his ass. Alex turns around to look me in the face before dropping to his knees on the floor of the shower.

"Babe you don't have to do this if you are not ready please don't feel like you have to do this to please me." He looks so hot kneeling down below me, my cock inches from his face that I don't want him to stop but at the same time I promised him that we are not going to rush into things.

"I'm doing this because I want to, not because I have to." He looks up at me with a sly smile before slowly sliding the head of my cock between his lips. I throw my head back as the pleasure courses through my body using the wall of the shower for support.

"Oh my god babe that feels amazing, I know you said you have never done anything like this before, but you are a natural." I gently run my hands against his face as I feel myself losing control, I am not one to have a short trigger but the things he does to me are just to hard to explain. "Alex I'm getting close you should back off." Instead of slowing down he takes my words as encouragement to speed up, his tongue swirling around the head sets me off. "I'mÉuhÉAlexÉuh fuck babe." My knees buckle as I shoot 5 strong spurts of cum into my lover's mouth feeling completely drained I fall to the floor looking Alex in the face as he swallows my load, my word the things this boy continues to do to drive me crazy. I want to return the favor but Alex just give me a quick kiss before rinsing off and hopping out of the shower.

"Next time babe but for now we have to get some food in your stomach I know you must be starving and I can't have my boyfriend go hungry on me." Surprised by this new playful confident side of Alex I can only watch as he saunters out of the bathroom and presumably to the kitchen.


I can't believe what an eventful the past few hours have been, being with Shawn makes me want to go from zero to sixty in no time losing most if not all of my inhibitions and insecurities. These are my thoughts are a pen connects with my head bringing me out of dreamland.

"Hey what is up with you this morning? You have been in la la land for the past few classes" I look over at Tiffany half confused and half angry that she just hit me with a pen before I realize that she is right and I have barely been cognitive in the last few classes. Then as if struck by lightning Tiff's face lights up, "You got laid didn't you" she says a little to excitedly.

"What! No, shut up!" I turned to avoid her gaze knowing full well that this simple action as already given her the answer that she is looking for.

"Oh I knew it! You just couldn't wait to get your hands on that stud could you?" I have never wanted the ground to just open up and swallow me as much as I wanted it to right here in this moment. Of course I planned on telling Tiffany I just really couldn't think of the right way to bring it up, although that no longer remains to be the issue at heart here any longer due to the eloquent way she puts things. "All joking aside I am actually really happy for you. If you allowed things to progress to the extent that they have you must obviously care a lot about him and feel that he cares deeply for you as well." It still surprises me that sometimes it's like she is two different people trapped in one body which would equate to there never being a dull moment when she is involved.

"I really do actually I have never felt this way about anyone before and although it can be a little scary at times the good far out weighs the bad. You were right when you told me don't really stress about becoming close and just let it happen" I could feel myself almost beaming with happiness just thinking about the time spent together with Shawn and looking forward to what we will be getting into.

The end of school couldn't come soon enough I was almost over eager to see Shawn as I waited by our cars. Tiffany had already zoomed off home looking forward to spending more time with Justin and I am really happy for her, glad thins turned out different than what I was expecting. I had been waiting for about ten minutes when I guy I have never seen before approached me.

"Hey your Alex"

Surprised he knew my name I was caught a little off guard before I responded. "Yea that would be me, I don't think we have met before how do you know me?"

"Oh sorry I guess I don't really stand out very much I, but we have a few classes together though I usually get there first and leave last. My name is Austin by the way"

"Oh ok cool, don't feel bad about not standing out I'm not really one for the spotlight myself so all things considered it's not that strange." Giving Austin a quick once over I notice he is attractive in a different kind of way than Shawn, about the same height as me with shoulder length blond hair, piercing blue eyes with a slightly bigger build than my own. Not someone I would be interested in dating, but I can't help but get this strange vibe from him.

"Austin!?" we both turn to see Shawn standing there with a very surprised look on his face, but there is also something else something that I don't know how to feel about. "What are you doing here?"

"Hey we have been here for awhile I have just been catching up in a lot of my classes so I tend to stay late after school not really mixing with the general population like you guys. But I was also getting to know Alex as we share a few of the same classes and it might be good for us to study together sometime, if you don't of course Alex"

"I don't see why not, Tiffany and I usually study together for most of our classes but I guess it can't hurt to add another." I couldn't help but notice that Shawn's face was slowly turning into a scowl as I accepted Austin's offer to study together and the look that just screams that there is something more to the story of these two that I am just not being filled in on. As if this were all playing out in slow motion the ball finally drops and my answer shows itself.

"Great we will have to set something up sometime soon, so until then I will see you later bye Alex." He then walks over to Shawn and kisses him square on the lips. "As for you Shawn I hope to see you later, it's been far to lonely without my boyfriend around" With that he scampers off to the other side of the parking lot presumably to his car.

This can't be real I stand there not knowing how to feel emotions are running through me at a million miles a second. He has a boyfriend? Then what are we? What was everything that we have been doing together? I look over at Shawn the expression on his face is unreadable and I don't really know what to think.

"Alex I can explain" not really in the mindset to listen to what he may have to say I get in my car and drive off as Shawn calls out my name. I don't stop, I don't listen I just drive how could I have been so stupid and easy, of course someone like that would already have a boyfriend.


Crying my eyes out punching my steering wheel I can't stop thinking of Alex. He won't answer my calls, he won't open the door, and he doesn't want to see me. I promised him I would never hurt him and now the only person I have ever cared for like this wants nothing to do with me. I look up at his window hoping he will come to it and let me explain everything that is going on, I just need to tell him that Austin is not my boyfriend at least not anymore after what he did to me how could he be. I was so shocked to even find him here that I never even reacted and allowed him to say and do those things. Just as I start up my car to head home Tiffany appears knocking on my window, at first I am skeptical thinking she wants to hurt me for what Alex is going through, but I decide to take the chance and open my window.

"We need to talk now, I don't know what is going on but you need to explain yourself. I have a best friend up there crying his eyes out locked in his room because of you so I need answers now before you find yourself unable to please a boyfriend again"

"A lot has happened today get in and I'll explain everything and hopefully you can take this back to Alex and we can fix all this" Tiffany hops in and I drive off, this may be the only shot I have at getting through to Alex so I need to make this count.


Things could not have gone any better if I had planned them myself, oh wait I did plan it and this is only the beginning. I will have Shawn back, but I think I will have a little fun with Alex along the way I think Shawn deserves to feel a little pain like I did when he left me. Hurt his heart first then swoop in with empathy and compassion luring him back putting me back where I belong. This is going to be to easy and way to much fun.

Okay Guys that is Chapter 7 I hope you guys all enjoy it, Love it, Hate it, or food for thought you know I love hearing from you guys. Also some of you may know but there is a yahoo group that has all of the chapters and will more than likely be updated faster so feel free to go over and join that group as well at

Next: Chapter 8

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