Change of Duty Station

By Homer's Odyssey

Published on Feb 13, 2008



Well Dudes, It has been a while and I have been busy in Washington D. C., keeping you all safe from terrorists. I got my orders in December and am on my way to California in this story.

I'd like to dedicate it to Alex, who has been an inspiration through out. Alex is a hotelier and he is also a great editor and story dude. Thanks Alex.

Of course the story is about Male to Male Sex. If that offends you or it is illegal for you to read that kind of stuff where you are, then what in hell are you doing here anyway? Young Dude just hang in there and come back when you are legal and then whip it out, stroke it and enjoy!

Although my story is about hot sex it does not always indicate that the characters are doing safe sex. The truth is that while the story is 68% true, the dudes really did take precautions and wore condoms. It is just hard to write when you have to put in every sentence that one or the other dude slid a condom over a hot throbbing cock. I'll put in some slipping on condoms in for flavor, but for the most part it will just be raw hot sex!

There is no copy right for my stories. If you want to copy or plagiarize this, go ahead. Who in hell would want to copy write this anyway.

This is a fuck story so unzip let it hang out and enjoy!

One more thing. When I write my stories I usually include a question. This time I'm writing about a trip from Washington D.C. to the West Coast. There are three stops that I write about. The question is that one of the stops didn't happen. The stops were Columbus, Ohio; a stop about 100 miles from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; and Las Vegas; Nevada. Sorry to disappoint you dudes but one of these places never happened. If you write me at and tell me which one you think never happened I'll answer and tell you which one and include a list of my Nifty stories and their posting dates. Deal????

I had been doing military things since I got out of the hospital outside of Washington D. C. about a couple of years or so ago. Not that much action so close to the seat of our government unless you are a 16 year old Congressional male page. For you uncut dudes Congressional pages are those hot looking twinks who run around D. C. putting out for our Senators and Congressmen.

Uncut Dudes, I sometimes talk to you in asides and although I am cut myself, I really think uncut dudes have more fun and sensation. It's just envy on my part I guess.

I did have a good sex buddy, a Navy Corpsman and we made out as often as we could. See my stories "wounded Marine" and "the lieutenant and the lifeguard", also in Nifty. If you need help finding them just E-Mail me at and I'll send you the complete list of my Nifty stories and posting dates. .

I got Change of duty orders to the West Coast in December and was on the road on December 22 with orders to report by January 3. I was driving my trusty Corvette, red of course. I had an entrenching tool, tire chains, a mountain sleeping bag and enough water and MREs in case of bad weather. (Uncut dudes, MREs are Meals Ready to Eat, in case you never had the chance to eat Military style). I even tucked in some extra blankets in case it really got cold.

I left my place in D.C. where I had been living, early on Saturday morning. The movers had cleaned me out and there was little to do except get some breakfast and leave the keys for the landlady. I was really moving fast on the highway and was in western North Carolina by noon. The scenery was great and the interstate was not crowded. The vette was purring and as it got towards 10 P.m. I was driving through Ohio. I planned to stop every night just before dark. the first night out though I was pushing it and figured I would get a motel with some sort of room service and crash there. I found a Holiday Inn that looked decent just outside of Columbus. I checked in and parked the Corvette in their underground parking lot and went up to my room. I checked things out and found the room service menu and ordered a French dif sandwich with French fries. I mixed myself an orange juice and vodka from the room bar and looked over the X rated movie list on the TV. (Uncut Dudes, not much imagination when it comes to alcoholic drinks, but vodka does the trick and doesn't stink up your breath.) The TV Schedule list looked hot with a couple of titles that looked interesting, "the truck stop" and another "Spartans".

There was a knock on the door and a voice said "room service!". I had stripped to my boxers but thought "what the hell? If it's a guy, I can always compare baskets, can't I?". The dude who came in wheeling the meal delivery cart almost blew me away. He was wearing a tight white jacket with even tighter black slacks. He was young, maybe 18 or 19 had a great face and short cut blond hair. He was an Angel for a weary hard up Marine traveler! He said his name was Jake and if I needed anything else just give room service a call. Wow! Did that ever give my balls a rise

I chatted him up a little and told him that I was a Marine on my way to California. He told me that he was a college student and worked to pay college expenses. I asked him what time he got off that evening and he said that I was the last call for that night. When I asked him if he wanted to share a couple of drinks and show me how to operate the pay for X rated films on the TV? he surprised me and said "Sure, Just give me a few minutes to check out of the room service kitchen and I will be right back". I really didn't think he would come but about 15 minutes later there was a knock on the door and there he stood. He was wearing a maroon sweater over his skin tight black trousers and looked good as hell.

I asked him in and said "I'll fix drinks if you can set up an X rated on the TV. I'm drinking orange blossoms, vodka and orange juice, but you can have anything that they have in the room bar". He said, "the orange blossoms sound fine. Make mine strong. I really want to get a buzz on. It's been a long day and I just want to relax and enjoy." My cock was already semi hard and I said "Why don't you take off some of those clothes and really relax." He was bending over the TV controls and all I could see were his black tightly covered buttocks. This was getting to me and if things didn't move pretty fast I was liable to cream my boxers. My hard on was very evident, but I did my best to not show it off through the boxers right then.

"There" he said. " We have several choices. There are about half a dozen heterosexual films and two MxM ones. Need I ask, but the two MxM ones are "Truck stop" and "The Spartans"?" We agreed on the "Spartans" and he set that one on the TV. I was fixing our drinks and he was slowly stripping off his sweater, shirt, black trousers, black shoes and black socks. When he got down to some black thongs, I noticed the outline of a gorgeous hard 6 1/2 inch cock under the thongs.

The "Spartans" movie was starting on the TV as he lay down on the double bed and reached for the orange blossom drink I had fixed for him. I dimmed the lights so we could watch the movie and lay down besides him. We each had a couple of fluffy pillows and propped ourselves into a half sitting position. We were almost touching side by side.

The "Spartans" movie started out with a bunch of naked dudes throwing javelins at a target. Everything hung out and most were semi hard. (Uncut Dudes, let me tell you, I'm hung up on ancient Greece and the uncut Greek dudes and twinks of that time in history). After they threw the javelins each dude would lay down on a bench and his partner

would scrape him with a stiggel. Uncut dudes, If I have spelled it right that is a wooden flat stick that was used in the Grecian days to scrape someone's bod clean from sweat after exercise. After both partners had scraped each other, the fun really began. Some pairs would go down on each other and others would slip their cocks up their partners love hole. It was frantic sex and soon there was cum on most of the naked bods. There were dudes fucking face to face with one partner having his legs over the others' shoulders. There were some partners doing it doggie style and even some foursomes fucking in daisy chain circles. Sex, hot sex and no limits.

As the action in the movie got hotter, I felt fingers on my left nipple caressing it. My nipples were almost as hard as my cock. A voice whispered in my ear, "are you O.K. with this?" I groaned and replied "Oh God yes! We know what we want so just let it happen"! He continued playing with my nipple and began sucking it. Then he shifted to kissing my mouth and sucking my tongue. The movie ended and he pulled away for a minute and went into the bathroom and I heard him piss. Then he returned with a big bath towel. He lay the towel down next to me and pulled my boxers off then he lay down so that his mouth was at my raging hard cock. He took my cock into his mouth and started sucking. His own cock was right in front of my mouth and I pulled his thong down and we were wildly sucking in a 69 position. After a few minutes we both seemed to get so hard and were writhing on the bed in anticipation of coming, we pulled out of each other and he asked me if I wanted to fuck him.

God, did I ever! He lay on his back and raised his legs to put them on my shoulders. There he was, with his love hole pointed right at my cock and pulling my bod into him. He was easy to slide into and when I brushed his love nut he went wild. "Love me, oh yes love me and just keep that throbbing cock in my love shoot"! My hard balls were slapping the cheeks of his ass and we were making passionate love to each other. Then I felt him cum and I lost it too. His jizz was all up and down my chest and I was pumping my own cum deep into his ass. The feeling was out of this world. I felt the cum rise in my cock and felt it move into his now slippery hole. he was moaning and groaning. "Do me Babe! Oh, just do me deep and make us one!"

Of course I couldn't hold out any more and I shot my load. The fast pace had got me and the squeezing of his tight ass hole was exquisite. My cum started dripping from his ass and it made my cock feel fantastic. We finally slowed our fucking down to where we could breathe again and I gently pulled my now soft cock out of him. We lay there for a couple of minutes and then he took me by the hand, grabbed the bath towel and led me to the bath room. He turned on the shower water and when it was warm he gently pulled me into the water. We soaped each other off and then we were both hard again. This time he wanted to do the fucking and turned me around so he could put his cock in my ass. I had had so much hot sex that my sphincter was wide open and his cock just slipped in like it was being sucked. He reached around and started stroking my cock as he thrust in and out of my ass hole. His thrusts were powerful and deep. The rhythm of his stroking my cock matched the rhythm of his thrusts. He kept saying "Oh my God, it feels so good! I want it so much. Oh! ! Squeeze it tight, Baby. Jeeze!!" He was fucking me hard and at the same time his stroking my cock was driving me wild. Then he exploded into my ass as I shot my load onto the wall in front of us. I creamed his hand as the cum dripped from my ass. Our bodes were attached. His cock was getting softer in my ass hole and my cock was getting softer with each spurt of jiz I shot. He turned me around and we kissed as our heat dwindled. Then we washed each other again, dried each other and went back to the bed where we spooned and I went to sleep with my cock in the crack of Jake's ass. What a fantastic way to go to sleep!

In the morning I woke alone in the bed. On Jake's pillow there was an envelope that contained a note saying "That was the most wonderful night of my life. Here is a card with my address and phone number. Call me when you get to California and if it is possible I want to have us get together again. Love, Jake!" There was a sprig of Rosemary in the envelope. (Uncut Dudes, Rosemary is the "Do not forget me" flower.)

Later on as I was driving towards Oklahoma and thinking of Jake, I noticed that the sky was getting dark and there seemed to be a lot of wind. I had expected to reach Oklahoma City before dark but the wind and darkness was slowing me down. At about 4 P.M., (Uncut Dudes, 4 P.M. is 1600 Military time); I came to a small town and decided I had better stop and look for a place to stay out the storm that was breaking. I saw a small reasonable motel and pulled up in front of it. As I got out of the Vette a young guy in the office was just putting on the "no vacancy"

light. I went into the office and asked the dude if there was any other place to stay in town or down the road. The guy was very nice, but he told me that this motel was the last one for 150 miles. He added that he thought the storm was going to be fierce and that there were no places to stay going back for 50 or 100 miles either. I must have looked very discouraged because he said "maybe he had a place to stay at the motel if I didn't mind sharing". He said that the owner lived aways up north and when the weather was bad, he had given him permission to keep one room for himself where he could ride out the storm. If I didn't mind I could share a room with the manager dude. Since he looked clean and neat I figured I might as well share the accommodations and be damn glad that I could do so. I agreed that if he didn't mind, I would be glad as hell to share a room with him. He told me that all the rooms had double beds, and was that alright with me? "Sure" I said and asked him if there was any place nearby or where we could get something to eat? He said that there was a pretty good place just across the road and as soon as we got me settled in we could get a meal at the restaurant. The snow had begun to get thicker so he took me out and showed me a garage around back of the motel where I could park the Vette out of the snow. We got my gym bag out of the Vette and went to the last room in the Motel row where he unlocked the door and turned on the lights in a really decent room. He said "Here it is and you can stow your gear here while we go across the road to the restaurant. And by the way my name is Tommy". I told him my name and that I was in the Marines and on my way to California. He said "Glad to meet you" and we started across the road.

It wasn't a large place but it looked comfortable. we were the only customers and there was a young waiter who Tommy greeted and introduced to me as Diego. Diego brought us menus and Tommy ordered drinks, Bourbon and water for him and double Martini for me. We chatted for a while and Tommy told me that the motel had TV, but most times during storms, the TV station went off the air. He said that not to worry because he had brought to the office when he came to work some X rated magazines that he had just received in the mail. He said we could hang out reading and looking at the naughty pictures when we got back to our room. (Uncut dudes, you and I know where this is going, but wait a bit and I might surprise you!)

We had hot roast beef sandwich dinners and as we finished Tommy said to Diego "If the weather gets any worse, you know that you can bunk with us. You and I have done it before and my buddy is pretty open minded. I just got a batch of porn magazines and if the TV station goes off the air we can check out the hot dudes and what they do in the pictures. There is only one double bed, but it is big enough for three." He looked at me and asked me if that would be alright with me? I nodded alright and Diego said "Yeah! It looks like you guys might have a third in your bed. I'll be closing up as soon as I get things cleaned up in the kitchen, so keep a light on for me. It will take about half an hour and I'll knock before I come in. I wouldn't want to disturb you guys in any embarrassing moments." Tommy laughed and said "We'll just have to see how embarrassing it can get, baby!" With that we left the restaurant, walked over to the motel office, picked up the package of magazines and went to the room. Tommy told me that Diego knew which room we would be in and that he most surely would spend the night with us. He repeated asking me if I was alright with having Diego sleep with us. He said that Diego was one hot dude and it would be a lot of fun with him. I said that it would be great to have the three of us in the same bed and I hoped we could sleep naked. Tommy laughed and slapped me on my ass saying "It may be storming outside but it is going to be one warm party inside. He pulled a bottle of bourbon out of his bag and we both took a drag and started to undress. We were slow, and between pulls of the bourbon. We finally got down to Tommy's jockies and my boxers.

There was a knock on the door and it opened. There was Diego and he said "you guys are way ahead of me. I'm disappointed but I suppose the real party hasn't begun yet. I'm really ready for some action, so let me have a pull on the bourbon and you dudes can undress me. Hot damn, I'm going to have two cocks in bed with me. Show me those man cock books while you get me naked. Then show me your equipment. You both look hard under your underwear. maybe you should both get naked before you get me naked and I can play with you while you make me naked too!" What an introduction to a hot night to come.

Tommy and I quickly got out of our underwear and started undressing Diego. As we did so he stroked and kissed our cocks. By now Tommy and I were both dripping precum and doing some kissing of our own. As soon as we had stripped Diego he said "Tommy you know how to fuck me and while you are doing it, I'll suck off your buddy. I told him that if we got into the righht position I could suck him while he was doing me. I lay full length on the bed, Diego lay on top of me in a 69 position and Tommy soon had his six inch hard cock going in and out of Diego's ass. Diego was an ace cocksucker. He would lick my cock for a while and then he would deep throat it. It was driving me wile and I was having a hard time keeping Diego's cock in my mouth. Diego and Tommy were moaning and groaning and Diego was saying "Do it deeper Tommy! Oh yeah, push that big hunk of meat in deeper! I want that tool to rub my love nut until we all shoot for the moon. Oh, God yeah! Plow me deep and suck me into your throat, Baby!" That last was for me and I was really sucking on Diego's cock for all that I was worth.. I think Tommy came first as I heard him shout "I'm coming, Oh yeah I'm coming". I shot next and it felt so good that I wanted it to go on forever. Diego sucked and sucked the love juice out of me until I was dry and moaning for more. But there was no more jiz inside of me then. Suddenly Diego began to come. He shot load after load into my mouth, before he was finished. "Oh, God" he said, that was hot and we'll have to switch around for the next time. Baby you are sure one hell of a cocksucker and I want more of you". Tommy said "who wants to take a shower, I think the three of us could make a sexy trio in the shower! Then we could come back to bed and make some more loving!"

The shower was crowded. I kept brushing Tommy's ass with my cock and Diego was half way into my ass for most of the time. We all seemed to get hard at about the same time and then it happened again. I felt Diego's cock thrust all the way that it could into my ass. I was ready to plow Tommy and when I did I reached around and started fisting his cock at the same time. Tommy pushed back on my cock and I did the same to Diego. We set up a rhythm and kept it going until I started shooting my cream into Tommy. Diego wasn't far behind and cum was dripping from my ass and it felt wonderful. It seemed to go on for ever and we all were shooting and moaning for it not to stop. As all good things do, it did stop and we had to clean ourselves again paying particular attention to butts and cocks. Finally we got out of the shower, took towels and went back to the bed.

We took long looks at the magazines and played with each other while we admired the magazine models. All seemed to have enormous cocks and all of the guys in the pictures were either fucking or sucking. Pretty soon Tommy dimmed the lights and we spooned with our cocks pressed deep into each others mouth. It was like a triangle. Tommy had his head between my legs and was sucking my Cock! Diego had his head between Tommy's legs and was sucking him. To make a complete connection I had my head resting between Diego's legs and had his wonderful cock where I was licking and sucking it into my own mouth. My lips were wrapped around his hard cock.

We finally went to sleep in each others arms and when we woke there was light in the room and Diego said "Oh my God, I have to get back to the restaurant and open it for breakfast! You guys get dressed and come on over. I'll fix Bloody Mary's and we can find out what the weather is doing! When Diego was dressed he pulled me into a tight embrace and kissed me hungrily. He whispered in my ear "That was the greatest fuck fest I've had in a couple of years. You do it right and you are one hell of a cocksucker. I'll miss you and, if you, and if you ever come this way again, I'll be waiting for you to suck, fuck and dick me. Love ya! Baby."

Two days later I pulled into the bright lights of Las Vegas. It was going on 2 P.M. in the afternoon (Uncut Dudes, that's 1400 Military time)

and I headed for one of the tall hotel casinos. I parked in their parking lot and went right in to the large gambling room. I had saved more than $100 for gambling and was all set to drive on when that was gone.

It didn't work quite that way. I was so lucky that the chips were falling out of my pockets. I was ahead by $15,000 by 4 PM that afternoon. Wow! (Uncut Dudes I'm usually a very timid gambler and here I was $15,000 ahead ) Double Wow! I was shooting craps and the table manager was having fits. You would have thought it was his money. He was a youngish dude, maybe 30 at the most. He was wearing tight black pants and white shirt with a bolero jacket. A real hunk in other words. His features were quite pale, from being indoors a lot.

I took a break for a piss call and as I was letting it all hang out over the urinal, I looked up and there he was watching me. I just let the piss roll out and when I was finished, he said "Hi my name is Richard and have you checked in yet? If not I'm authorized to comp you a room and dinner. You are a big winner and we really want to make you happy here. I'll take you over to the check in, and set you up for the suite and get a ticket for dinner.

I was really flabbergasted but thought "what the hell! I can sure use the free room and the menu I saw on the way past the gambling room was out of this world." So, I said "sure " and then I got crazy and said

"do you come with the package?" I was looking at his bulge and scrutinized him all over. He laughed and said "maybe that can be arranged too. You look hot and I'm Bi. We'll talk that over when we get you checked in." After washing up I followed his slim black form with the great bubble ass cheeks over to the check in counter. He spoke to the desk clerk on duty and I was given a key to a suite. The desk clerk said "every thing is free and whenever you want to have a drink or something to eat just tell them your suite number and we will comp that too. Do you have any luggage?" I said "yes I have a suitcase in my corvette and it is in the parking lot in front." The croupier, Richard, said "I'll go out with him and take him and his luggage up to the suite." The desk clerk said "O.K." and we went out got my suitcase, and parked the vette in the casino underground parking lot. (Uncut dudes, there was an attendant in the garage and I was given a claim ticket for the vette and I felt fairly secure leaving my precious vette in the garage.)

We took the elevator up to the floor to my complimentary suite. I pressed my card room key into the key slot and we went in to a great room and bedroom. Richard said "I need to check out of the crap table and you can take a bath if you want. Don't take too long though, I won't be long and maybe you will want some dinner before we get into explaining things. You know, like what you like to do and how we can get it on. There is a MxM video on the TV and maybe we could watch that for starters. Also don't be shy about using the room bar. It is on the house and I am allowed to use it with you". With that he left the suite and I started to undress for the bath. I poured a Jack Daniels neat and took my naked bod into the bathroom. (uncut dudes, "Jack" is one of my favorite drinks and the green label is a special treat)

I had been soaking in a large jaccusi style tiled tub for about half an hour when there was a knock on the bathroom door. I shouted "come in" and guess who? Of course it was Richard. He looked at me and at my growing hard on. Like I told the uncut dudes, I'm cut and I sport 6 1/2 inches when hard. All 6 1/2 inches were showing when Richard came in. He took one look and said "do you want me to join you?" I quit caressing my bod and said "God yes, I was about to jerk off, but now that you are here we can help each other. Get rid of those clothes and jump in here where I can get my hands on you!" I let him see me slowly stroking my hard cock. Richard said "don't go too far, I'll undress and get in there with you and we'll make out." He went to the main room and was quickly back. He was sporting at least a 6 1/2 inches hard cut cock. He was stroking it and quickly got in side the tub with me. At first he straddled me and stroked our cocks together. As he pulled our cocks he squeezed them and played with the helmet tips. Our balls were rubbing and feeling so great that I knew that mine were building up a load of cum that would soon shoot all over our hot bods. But, before that happened he let some of the water in the tub out and then he went down on my cock and placed his own cock right in front of my mouth. I gobbled it in and sucked it as far in my mouth as I could. His suck pace quickened and my cock was telling me that I was about to shoot. He surprised me and shot several big loads just before I joined him with a series of ejaculations. He turned around and we faced each other with gobs of cum in and around our cocks. "That was hot" he said. "Just wait until I get you into that big bed in the next room, and we'll make some great music. Oh Baby, I love loving your cock! Do you fuck, and like to be fucked?"

Then he turned on the warm shower water and we rinsed off. He said "Before we get down to the real world, let's dress and go down to the dining room, have something to eat, drink some and then come back up to the bed in the suite!" This was going to be one hell of a night and I had $15,000 in my jeans to boot. I said "That's a plan and it sounds great. Not only was I lucky at the tables, but I'm lucky as hell in the sex department too. What a night this is going to be, Baby"!

I dressed up a little and we took the elevator down to the dining room where we were treated like royalty. The two waiters who took care of us did a great job. Richard ordered a light wine and we both had large filet mignon with all of the trimmings.

We talked about the Marine Corps and Richard told me that he cleared almost 70 Grand not including tips and nights like this. He thought I should get out of the Corps and become a croupier or hotelier where I could live the high life. I told him that I liked the Marine Corps and was scheduled to return to the Sand Box in a couple of months and I wouldn't want to miss that. We figured we were missing a hot time in the sack so we got up from the table and I tipped both waiters $100. That is a hell of a big tip, but I was going upstairs and get it on with my gorgeous dinner companion, so what the hell, I could share some of the good times, couldn't I?

Richard played with my ass in the empty elevator as it rose to our floor. He even sucked face with me for a while after we reached our floor and before the doors opened. As soon as we got into the suite, we grabbed each other and began undressing each other. When we were both naked we hugged and fell on the bed. Both of our cocks were at attention sticking straight out from our bods. Richard asked me if he could fuck me now and as i said "yes" I was already pulling my legs up to put them on his shoulders and exposing my rose bud ass hole for him to put his cock into. Richard was lubing his cock and my ass hole before he slipped a condom over his throbbing cock. (There it is, Uncut Dudes. The slipping on of condoms that I promised you)! He gently pressed the tip and then the shaft of his 6 1/2 inch cock into my waiting ass hole. He made it feel so good! He began a slow in and out motion and every time he brushed my prostate I felt the most incredible feeling all through my ass and balls. I tried to help by opening my sphincter when he pushed in and then tightening up when he pulled almost all the way out. It couldn't last and before I could stop it I was spreading cum onto his naked chest. Then I felt the condom swell in my love shute and he was bucking and moaning for all he was worth. He left his cock in the love shute until it softened and then solely took it out. He peeled the condom from his cock and got up and went to the bathroom where he disposed of it in the toilet. he called to me and suggested another shower. I obliged him and we were soon having another session in the jaccusi/bath tub. I wound up doing him once again. This time we did it standing up with my cock thrusting in and out, in and out. We both shot at almost the same time and then had to rinse the cum off again.

That was about it for the night and we spooned our way to sleep. Next morning he was gone and there was a note on the writing desk in the suite. It read "Thanks for a wonderful night! Come back to Las Vegas and maybe I can find a job for you being my pussy boy while I am your Pussy boy. Love, Richard" There was a card with an E-Mail address and a Las Vegas phone number on it.

Viva Las Vegas! And lets see what the West Coast can bring?

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