Channings Visit

By Andy Darko

Published on May 28, 2013


This story will contain sexual acts between two adult males. I am not, nor do I know the celebrities involved. I do not know their sexual preferences. If you are not of legal age, please direct yourself to another site. If you enjoy Nifty, please donate!

-------------------------------------------------- Channing's Visit - Chapter 8 --------------------------------------------------

Guys... I know you hate me. SO SORRY FOR THE DELAY! I got back on land and things went crazy. But, as promised, I will continue to write as often as possible!

Many thanks to Fred, James, Tony, Eric, Slayer, Purab (get some sleep this time!), John, Geoff, Dylan (told you I wasn't done!) and Josh for the e-mails and encouragement!

A rap on the door shook me from my sleep. Dazed, and mildly hungover, I squeezed my eyes shut as hard as possible, hoping the sound would go away. Just as I began to slip back into sleep, the knocks came again. I grunted.

"Psst. Hey, sleepyhead!"

Meagan's exaggerated whisper prompted me to open my eyes. Not two inches in front of my face, Channing still slept peacefully. Our bodies were still tangled, my leg thrown over his, his arm around my waist. I craned my neck to see my sister peeking through the door. I grunted again.

"Joey and I were going to get some breakfast. Get your behind out of bed. And, bring Sleeping Beauty with you."

I plopped back onto the pillow and gently ran my hand over Channing's face, calling his name quietly. He twitched at the contact, sighed deeply and pulled me closer to him. When I spoke again, his eyes fluttered open. I could tell that he was still very much asleep. I began to relay Meagan's message, but was cut off as Channing leaned in for a lazy kiss. Not one to object, I obliged. Of course, I was aware that my sister was still in the room, so I backed away after a second or two.

Channing was already asleep again.

I chuckled to myself, then looked to Meagan. "Not gonna happen."

She rolled her eyes. "Fine. We'll see you guys later."

The door closed quietly and I found myself staring at the sleeping man in front of me, in disbelief that he was now mine. Barely over a month ago, I would never even have dreamed that I would be curled up next to such an amazing person; a person who, somehow, thought I too was amazing. I smiled to myself as I placed a light kiss on his lips, then turned and pressed my back into his frame, fitting together like two puzzle pieces. As I drifted back to sleep, I felt him shift and kiss my neck.

What felt like hours later I awoke again, this time for a very different reason. At first, I thought I was dreaming. Of what, I don't know. But, as I came to, I realized what had stirred me: a warm, wet sensation on my cock. I cracked open my eyes and saw a suspiciously man-sized mound underneath the duvet. I pulled the covers back and was greeted by two bright green eyes. With an audible pop, Channing pulled my rock hard dick from his mouth and smiled up at me. "Good morning."

"Shut up and suck," I grumbled, still partially asleep. With a throaty chuckle, he lowered his head and kissed the head of my dick. The sensation rippled through my body as I pressed my hips up to meet his touch. Then, with one more devious grin, Channing wrapped his puffy lips around my shaft, eliciting a moan from me. I could feel his tongue snaking its way around the tip. He bobbed on my member eagerly, but slowly enough to keep me from bursting.

I found myself mesmerized by the movements of his body: the way his shoulder muscles bunched as he dove into my crotch, the stretch of his lips around my piece, the primal lust in his eyes when he stared up at me. I placed my hands on his head, halfway between caressing and guiding him. He shifted his weight and placed on hand on the base of my shaft, jerking me slowly, but saying nothing. His giant hand was blissfully warm as he leaned forward and kissed my skin, first on the hip, then the spot between my leg and my groin. I had never been touched in such a way. My skin bumped up. From my hardness came an enthusiastic spurt.

But, he didn't stop there. His lips parted, making way for his long tongue, which gave a teasing lick over my balls. I whimpered loudly. He had just discovered another one of my hotspots and, from the look he gave me, he wasn't about to let me off easy. Channing scooted down and lay flat, kicking the sheets off in the process, and lifted my legs over his shoulders. He alternated between licking, sucking on one, then the other and even teasing my hole with his masterful tongue. I was literally lightheaded.

I released my hold on his head and pulled my shirt over my head. Then, I went to grasp my erection, but was denied the pleasure. Channing took a wrist in each of his hands and pinned me to the bed. "No, not this again," I groaned as I ground my hips into his face. "Please?"

He lifted his head, his lower face covered in a gloss of our juices, and shook his head. Then, silently, he resumed his oral manipulations. Even from his awkward position, his strength outmatched mine and I found myself immobilized. I could do nothing but thrust my hips into his waiting mouth or writhe in pleasure as he tongued my balls. I moaned and whined and grunted in pleasure as he slathered my cock with his spit, my dick shining in the light. At one point, he deep throated me for so long that I thought he might have passed out. It was certainly not his first time at the rodeo.

I could feel the pressure steadily building in my nether region. Despite the fact that I couldn't move very much, Channing was doing all the work necessary. In fact, his relish for restraining me was a new turn-on. Physically, it wasn't hard to see how his muscled body could have its way with me. It was the emotional aspect. The fact that I knew he would drive me to the brink of sexual pleasure purely to satisfy me was beyond alluring.

The orgasm began in my legs. I could feel them quivering, like I had been jogging for miles. Channing, ever attuned to my needs, felt it too and released my wrists. His own hands stretched out, caressing my skin as he attacked my dick with his sumptuous lips. I lost all motor functions, finally tangling my fingers in my hair as my back lifted off the bed. My moan stopped in my throat as my body clenched, then exploded. I basically screamed with pleasure as I shot straight into Channing's mouth. My last orgasm had been days prior, and this one made up for lost time. I lost count after seven pulses.

Ever the gentleman, Channing caught every drop and as I collapsed onto the bed, trembling from the intensity, he pulled off of me, looked me in the eye and swallowed every last bit of my seed. If I hadn't just busted, I would have done it right then.

My sexy god crawled up the bed, pressed his body into mine and kissed me passionately. I could taste myself on his lips and tongue, a tantalizing thought. Between my legs, I could feel the heat of his own neglected member beneath his boxers. He hovered over me, hair tousled, eyes red from sleep and breath smelling of cum.

I found him beautiful.

"First morning as my boyfriend and this is how you wake me up?" I smiled. "This is going to be a wonderful relationship."

He flipped on that trademark smile and ground his hips into mine. "I'm not done with you just yet."

As dramatically as possible, I flopped limply onto the bed. "No!" I whined. "I don't wanna!" His face was pure shock at my childish behavior. "Are you telling me I don't get to get off?"

I buried my face in a pillow. "Who cares? I already did. Besides, morning sex is weird."

There was a period of silence before he replied with a new determination in his voice. "Oh, fuck that. I'm gonna tear your little ass up." I felt him lay next to me and could hear him taking his underwear off. So, as any reasonable grown man would do when faced with having sex with his gorgeous, caring, celebrity boyfriend, I sprung off the bed and ran for it, laughing all the while.

Channing was right behind me. "You better get back here, you little shit!"

I pounded down the hardwood hallway overlooking the living room, then grabbed the railing and began down the stairs. I had made it all of one step before a large arm curled around my waist and lifted me bodily from the floor. I yelped in surprise as Channing began the trek back to the bedroom. "You're really in trouble now," he growled as he pinned my naked body to his.

"You can't make me!" I howled dramatically, smiling ear to ear. "Bottoms on strike! Unfair anal conditions!"

He backed through the door, which was a huge mistake. I clung onto the door jambs for dear life, digging my fingers into the painted wood. "Oh, my god, Reagan! What is with you right now?" he grunted, leaning backwards. I felt my fingers slip and, as we stumbled backwards, he turned at the last second and slammed me onto the bed. I was still laughing as he scrabbled up my body and pressed me into the mattress with his weight. His chest was heaving from the run and a slight sheen of sweat beaded his forehead.

"You think this is funny?" he said in a low voice, his face inches from mine. I couldn't even manage to stop laughing long enough to answer. I found the whole situation hilarious. "Fine. I'm gonna fuck you until you cum again."

My laughter died. "Oh... oh, no you're not. I don't reload that fast."

He lowered his face low enough that our noses touched. "Then, I guess I'm going to be fucking you for quite a while." There was a long silence as the words sunk in.

Then, I snorted in Channing's face and laughed even harder than before. His gruff facial expression became one of annoyance as he rolled off of me. It took a good minute before I could speak. "Really? Where did you hear that? Some B-grade porno?"

"You are seriously killing the mood."

I smiled reassuringly at him. "I'm sorry, babe. I was just picking on you." To drive my point home, I grasped his semi-hard dick and gave it a squeeze. His eyes fluttered at the contact and all traces of displeasure evaporated. Within seconds, Channing was rock hard and dripping. I leaned into him and drew him into a lingering kiss. Our tongues dueled as I began to jerk him off, spreading his precum over his thickness. Taking the reins, Channing's hand crept to my ass, kneading the flesh hungrily.

And then, at the precise moment his finger brushed against my hole, my phone began to ring.

"Are you for fucking real right now?" Channing yelled at the ceiling, throwing his hands over his face in exasperation. Despite his frustration, I couldn't help but smile at his reaction. I patted his chest. "I'll make it quick, babe."

I turned sideways on the bed, leaving my legs atop the mattress, and stretched to reach my pants. In our passionate make out session the night prior, I had apparently kicked them across the room. I was mere inches away from my musical trousers when I felt Channing grab my ankle. When I glanced over my shoulder, his face was a mask of pure intrinsic libido. He said nothing as he yanked me back onto the bed in one pull.

"Channing!" I squealed. "It might be important!"

He snaked one arm around my chest and the other down my back. His fingers found my ass and his lips brushed against my ear. Both touches sent goosebumps across my skin. "More important than me?" he whispered. "More important than your doting boyfriend who wants nothing more than to bring you pleasure?"

"More like my boyfriend who wants to ravage my ass."

"You say tomato, I say tomato."

The phone continued ringing and Channing's finger continued massaging me. I wouldn't normally have any debate in my mind as to which scenario I wanted to play out, the phone or the fuck, but I didn't normally receive calls this early. I whimpered slightly as I felt Channing slip inside of me. He wasn't being fair. His lips grazed the spot right under my ear. "So... what's your choice?" I couldn't muster enough brain power to answer, but fate answered for me.

The phone stopped ringing.

"Time's up."

Without releasing me from his hold, Channing threw his leg over me and pressed his hot dick into me. My eyes rolled back and I released a huff of air. He slid all the way home, until I could feel his trimmed bush on my ass. Despite having had an orgasm minutes prior, I could feel myself begin to get hard again.

With his body still wrapped around mine, it was all Channing could do to jab his piece in and out of me. Though the thrusts weren't especially powerful, I could feel the passion behind it. Combined with his quiet grunts in my ear, I was blatantly turned on. Channing, however, wasn't satisfied. He propped himself up on his hands, releasing me from his weight, and began to fuck me down into the mattress.

A myriad of sounds escaped my lips as I took the anal assault; moans, squeals, gibberish. Freed from his grasp, I arched my back, lining myself up perfectly for Channing. With my chest pressed down into the bed, I couldn't see very much of him save for one arm and hand. But, I could feel him.

His muscled body was already getting hot, a sensation I loved. And, if his arm was any indication, his skin was slightly flushed, something I had never pointed out to him. When I brushed my finger against his forearm, the effect was instantaneous. Goosebumps ran across his skin and a hiss escaped his lips, as if he had forgotten that I could move of my own will. The touch seemed to incite him. He quickly leaned over and nibbled my neck eagerly.

Channing buried himself into me, then wrapped his arms around my waist and rolled, taking me with him. I found myself being fucked from underneath, a new experience for me. He thrust his hips into me as I lay prone over his body. I rested my feet on his knees, opening myself up to Channing.

After a sweaty few minutes, I pushed Channing's legs flat, then peeled my body off of his and sat up. With a sultry glance over my shoulder, I leaned forward, propped myself on his legs and began sliding up and down his rod. Channing groaned loudly as I teased him with my languid pace. He hooked his hands around my waist and tried to pull me into a faster speed, but I refused. I took it slow and steady, building up the tension in the room. I could feel sweat dripping from me, rolling down my back to where our bodies met. When I looked back at Channing, his hair was clinging to his forehead and his entire torso was covered in a sheen of perspiration. I felt my own dick pulse at the sight of him.

Determined to drive him crazy, I rode him at that same pace for a long while. Channing alternated between running his hands over my body and reclining with his hands behind his head. No matter his position, he kept his eyes on me, watching, absorbing every detail of our fuck. I, on the other hand, lost myself in the feelings and stared ahead blankly through the open door. I ran my hands over Channing's thighs, then up towards his body until I could feel his heavy balls. From my lover came a slow growl. I smiled, then returned my gaze forward...

And, saw Joey walk past the door. A split-second later, his face returned, albeit a little more attentive. I held one finger up to my lips, making sure he didn't interrupt the moment. He pointed towards the way he had just come and mouthed, "Meagan," before leaning in exaggeratedly and slowly closing the door. Just as the knob was released, I heard her voice. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but I was sure that Joey was imploring her not to open the door for both her sake and ours.

Channing's voice called my name, raspy from not speaking. I sat square on his cock and looked back at him. "Come here," he whispered. I felt my brow furrow in confusion. "I'm not that flexible, Channing."

He rolled his eyes. "Get off of me, turn around and come here."

I reluctantly separated from him, stood and sat on his lap. He crossed his legs under me and stared at me for a short time before taking my face in his hands and kissing me passionately. I felt light-headed as our bodies intertwined, my arms around his shoulders, our legs tangled, our tongues fighting for space. The heat between us was building, literally and metaphorically. I took the initiative and speared myself on Channing, riding him harder than I had before. His eyes rolled back as our hips clashed noisily. It wouldn't be long now.

The room filled with our sounds; heavy breathing littered with the occasional moan or whimper, the loud smack of kisses, skin on skin. Channing's eyes bore into me relentlessly, as if he was seeing me for the first time. The thought was understandable. We were in a new relationship and had learned so much about each other in the past twenty-four hours. Even the fact that we were kissing was new and alluring. All of these thoughts must have turned Channing on as much as it did me because, within a matter of minutes, I felt his body tighten. He said nothing, but pulled me into a ferocious kiss and curled his body up, pushing himself deep inside of me. As he came inside of me, he huffed and puffed through our kiss.

I had no chance. All of the familiar sensations were undeniable. Just as Channing came down from his orgasm, I felt mine begin. I was teetering on the edge as he leaned back from our kiss. His eyes were droopy, glazed over and unfocused. Then, like a hunting lion, he locked eyes with me, concentrated and intent.

I lost it.

As soon as he looked at me, I shot. And, I shot just as hard as I had an hour prior. The first burst nailed Channing under his chin, the second on his neck and the subsequent shots made a line down his torso. I gripped his muscular arms as I shuddered blissfully.

Channing began to laugh breathily. When I questioned him with a glance, he smirked. "I told you I'd fuck you until you came again."

"Oh, fuck off."

There was no true animosity behind the words and Channing knew it as he drew me into another mind-blowing kiss. When we separated, he brushed my hair off of my forehead, a small but adorable gesture. "Shower?"

I nodded. "We probably should. Especially since Meg and Joey are back."

"How do you know?"

"Joey walked by and did us the favor of closing the door before my sister walked in on us," I said, laughing. Channing, however, did not seem amused. "Joey saw me fucking you?"

"Is that a big deal?"

"Well... no... but, it's just... weird. He's my friend," he said awkwardly. "And, now he's seen my boyfriend naked." I bit my lip and shrugged, unsure of what to say. Channing truly looked uncomfortable about the situation, which made me a little uncomfortable about my prior interaction with Joey. But, I thought it best not to say anything at all.

"I'm sure it's nothing to worry about," I assured him. "Let's go shower and then pretend it never even happened." He nodded, but said nothing. His silence worried me. If he was this upset about Joey seeing me nude, I could only imagine how he would feel if he found out that we had hooked up. Although, in my defense, it was before we started dating. I shook the thoughts out of my head and made for the bathroom with Channing in tow.

Under the hot water, I found myself lost in the moment. Channing started washing his hair as I scrubbed my skin clean. I watched his every movement, still in awe of his beauty. When he caught me staring, he smiled, a sight I don't think I'd ever tire of. I began the awkward task of washing my back which drew his attention. "Let me," he insisted, taking the soap from my hand. I balked. As much as I didn't mind the affection, I was still somewhat self-conscious about my scars. Channing seemed to hear my thoughts. "Babe, I don't care about the scars. Just let me wash your back."

I turned slowly, as if revealing them for the first time. Without missing a beat, Channing began his task. He took his time, his fingers brushing my skin tenderly as he washed. It was only a short silence before he spoke. "So... are you going to tell me what happened?"

I bristled. "I already said I don't want to talk about it."

He leaned in close and wrapped his big arms around me. "Reagan, it can't have been so bad that you can't tell me-,"

I whipped around so fast that I sent a spray of water into his face. "It WAS so bad, Channing. It was a nightmare. And, I DON'T want to talk about it, so stop asking me!" I knew my reaction was uncalled for. I knew that it probably made me seem bipolar. But, I wasn't ready to live that experience over again, least of all with Channing.

I stormed out of the shower, snatched up a towel and retreated to the bedroom where I hastily toweled off. By the time Channing emerged, I was dry, clad in a pair of shorts and a tee and curled up on top of the bed. The silence that filled the room was thick, but I couldn't bring myself to say anything to him. It was taking all of my focus to not think about that night...

"I... I'll be downstairs," he said after a few minutes. I didn't respond, just remained with my back to him until he left.

I must have dozed off, because I woke up stiff. When I glanced at the clock, it was only an hour or so later. My stomach growled insistently, so I stretched and made for the kitchen. I was around the corner when I caught wind of the conversation. Meagan's voice reached me first.

"I'm not surprised he acted like that, honestly. He doesn't even talk to me about it, much less let me see them. As a matter of fact, I haven't seen him without a shirt since the incident."

Channing sighed. "But, what happened, Meagan? Why is he so shaken up?"

"I shouldn't tell you," she replied. "If he won't tell you himself, I don't know if it's my place."

"Please? I know it's important, but every time I mention them, he freaks out on me. I just want to know."

It was Meagan's turn to sigh. "Fine. But, swear to me that you will NOT tell him that I told you. I don't think even my sisterly immunity will save me from his wrath."

"I swear."

"You, too, Joey."

"Of course," he said quickly.

There was a pause. I could imagine Meagan with a drink in hand, taking a sip contemplatively. "You have to understand that it was already a... difficult time in his life. He wasn't the person he is today. He was sociable almost to a fault. He was constantly drinking, partying, doing illegal drugs. He was... different.

"It didn't help that he was dating this douchebag, stuck-up moron named Dallan. Hands down one of the worst people I've ever met in my life; lazy, arrogant, completely narcissistic. And, my brother's number one enabler. Aspiring model during the day, heavy-handed bartender at night. Basically kept Reagan drunk during their entire relationship.

"So, it's a night like any other. Dallan's working and convinces Reagan to come out and see him. I'm sure he poured a drink or six down his throat because that was his idea of being a good boyfriend. Anyway, Reagan leaves to go home before Dallan gets off work and, by home, I mean Dallan's crappy apartment that was conveniently within walking distance to the bar. Now, as you both know, my brother isn't the most... masculine looking man in the world. Small frame, slender body, so on and so forth. Now, imagine him with hair down to his shoulder blades."

Joey grunted. "Wow. He would look-,"

"Just like me," Meagan finished. "He sure did. And, to the four drunk jerks that started cat-calling him from across the street, he was just some random girl walking down the sidewalk at two in the morning. So, imagine their surprise when Reagan informs them that he's actually a man. Well, surprise and anger."

"Oh, no."

"He hadn't taken ten steps before they jumped him. First blow was a bottle to the face, knocked him out cold. They didn't want to be caught, of course, so they took him by the same hair that had deceived them and dragged him off into some nearby woods. That's what most of those scars are: the result of them pulling him over rocks and glass and anything else on the ground. When they found a suitable spot to continue their barbarism, they woke him up by using him as a toilet."

"Jesus Christ." Channing's voice was half shock and half rage. I could only listen, recounting the events along with Meagan. I could still hear them laughing.

"Once they were sure he was awake, it truly got ugly. They beat him to within an inch of his life. Punched him, kicked him, one of them used a rock. He knew enough to curl up in a ball so they couldn't damage his internal organs, but that was a small consolation. His arm was broken in two places, his shin was fractured, and three vertebrae were broken. Not to mention the plethora of cuts and bruises.

"It was only luck that someone had seen the first hit and called the cops once they saw these mongoloids drag him off. Bill Maldonado. I'll never forget his name. He saved my brother's life. But, by the time the cops got to them, Reagan was..." I heard her choke back a sob. "It was the worst thing I'd ever seen. My little brother broken, battered and close to dead hooked up to all of these... monitors and IVs and... they didn't think he was going to make it. The doctors said between the potential brain damage and the paralysis..."

"He was paralyzed? How badly?"

"From the waist down," she said, sniffling slightly. "One of the broken vertebrae had pinched the spinal cord. There was talk of surgery to potentially correct it, but nothing could be done until he started to heal. So, we waited. I spent most of my time in the hospital with him. Dallan made a few appearances. When Reagan was finally beginning to get better, they went in. It was initially for the sole purpose of correcting the fractured bones, but we insisted that they at least try to regain the function in his legs."

"Which was obviously a success," Joey spoke.

"Not without months of painful physical therapy. He literally had to learn how to walk again. Every day, he fell, he cursed, he got frustrated. And, just when he was starting to progress... Dallan dumped him."


"Right there in the PT room. Told him he couldn't take it anymore. I thought Reagan was going to lose it. But, instead, it made him work even harder. I used to laugh with him about it. He said he wanted to walk again so he could catch Dallan and beat his ass." She chuckled lightly, but the pain in her voice was evident. "And, sure enough, look at him now. Jogging all the time. Walking normal. Although, he certainly isn't the social butterfly he used to be."

"I can't believe I teased him about his hair," Channing sighed. "I didn't know."

"I'm sure he didn't even think about it like that."

"And, the guys that attacked him?"

"Caught and locked up with a maximum penalty. Thank you, Colorado state hate crime law."

There was a pause before Joey spoke. "You never mentioned your parents throughout all of this. Where were they?"

"As a matter of fact," Channing chimed in. "I've never heard Reagan mention your parents at all."

I felt a pang of pain in my chest as Meagan answered, her voice heavy. "Our parents... died two months before Reagan's incident. Car accident. Probably part of the reason Reagan drank as much as he did."

It was obvious that neither Channing nor Joey knew how to respond to that, which wasn't surprising. Meagan and I had quite a story behind us and most people didn't know how to take it all in. Quite frankly, neither did we. It was all we could do to survive every day knowing what we had been through.

And, that was why I felt bad for snapping at Channing. Because, considering how much I had lost and been through, I should have welcomed him into my life fully instead of hiding from him. All he wanted was to embrace me and that was something I truly needed.

I sucked up my pride, fixed myself up and walked around the corner as nonchalantly as possible. The trio at the table jumped in surprise, Meagan moving quickly to wipe her eyes. I pretended not to notice as I made my way to Channing. "Can I have a minute?"


We stood out on the back porch, almost in the exact same spot where Channing spilled out his emotions the night prior. I pulled him into a hug. "I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier. It's just-,"

He silenced me with a kiss so strong that it almost hurt. When he finally released me, he stared me straight in the eyes, cupping my face in his hands. "You don't have to apologize. I... I know you have your reasons. Just know that I'll be here for you whenever you need me, okay? For absolutely any reason in the world. You don't even have to ask. Okay?"

I was touched deeply by the sentiment. So much so that I wanted to cry. But, just as he was pretending he didn't know my history, I had to pretend that I didn't know he knew. So, I shoved him away playfully. "What has gotten into you? You're like a Hallmark card or something."

He lunged at me, throwing me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, and headed inside. His booming laugh was infectious, spreading through myself, then Meagan and Joey as they caught sight of us. It was nice to laugh, especially after being reminded of so much sadness. I could have lived in that one moment forever, that moment full of mirth and joy and promise.

And, it was all thanks to Channing, the man I was growing to care for more and more each day.

Thanks for reading guys. Feel free to e-mail me and let me know what you think, what you would like to see or even if you just want to say thanks or anything!

Next: Chapter 10

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