Chaperone Becomes a Bitch

By Jack Sone

Published on Nov 4, 2013


Chaperone Becomes a Bitch Chapter 2 by Jack Sone

They wouldn't let me go until I jerked off for them while they took pictures. I was theirs. "You belong to us now bitch" was how Evan put it.

David added that it would be nice to have a set of holes to use whenever they wanted and they didn't even need to leave school to do it.

I limped back to my hotel room wondering how far this would go. I found out the next night...

Chapter 2

I felt like I was hiding when I got back to my room. I was simultaneously terrified and horny as fuck. The fear came from the unknown. What had I gotten myself into?

The next day was pretty normal. Evan and David ignored me at breakfast.

Everyone went along with their usual business. The band performed at some competition. I began to wonder if I had dreamt the whole thing. I guess I hoped I had dreamt it, but the soreness in my throat and ass was enough to know it was real.

Late in the afternoon, we were touring a museum and I was just roaming around keeping an eye on the kids. I was sitting down having a cup of coffee when Evan and David came into the museum coffee shop. I tensed up as they entered not knowing what was going to happen. I tried not to make eye contact, but you could see the change in them as soon as they saw me.

Their happy, young, teen attitude turned into men who were in charge. Men who were sure of themselves. Men who were going to take what they wanted.

None of the other students were in the coffee shop, so Evan and David sat down at my table after they got their drinks.

"Jackie-boy! How you doing today?" asked Evan, slapping my back a bit too hard.

"Hi Evan. David. I'm fine," I replied sounding more tense than I wanted.

"You like the museum?"

The boys completely ignored my question and their smiles turned cold.

"Curfew is 11, teach. I want you in your room at 11:05 on your bed, naked on your hands and knees" said Evan. "I also need your extra room key." He put his hand out to receive my extra room key.

I looked him in the eye. I hoped my look would make him crack. Maybe it would eventually, but he was stronger than I was. I cracked after only a few seconds. After all, he had been inside me. Last night, his dick was in my mouth and in my ass. His seed was still in my stomach. When you look into the eyes of a man who has been inside you, you know you're his.

I broke the stare down and looked down. "Yes Sir." It came out automatically. I didn't even think. I reached into my wallet and gave him my extra key card.

"You know you're a bitch, right?" sneered Evan.

I didn't look up. It was surreal. What had I become. "Yes Sir." I replied. I look up at him and then quickly looked back down. This kid was somehow making me treat him as my superior. It felt good in a surprising way that I didn't expect.

"Who's bitch?" said David, getting into the mix.

"Look him in the eye when you answer," said Evan. It was his nature to control whatever was happening.

I looked up into David's eyes. He was the more easy going of the two. He was not as mean as Evan. He was a typical horny teenage with a new outlet for his needs. But, when I looked into his eyes, I saw something new. It wasn't mean. It was a look that said he was completely in charge and there was only one correct answer. "Yours, Sir," came out of my mouth, soft and defeated.

The rest of the day was a mix of fear and excitement. At times it went as slow as the last 5 minutes of the school day. A few minutes before 11, I checked my rooms quickly, except for Evan and David's room. I was back in my room by 11:03 and quickly assumed the position with my ass facing the door. I heard the beep of the door lock about a minute later.

As soon as the door opened, I knew there were three. I couldn't tell why, but my assumption was confirmed as Evan said, "See? I told you he was our little bitch."

"Damn!" was all I heard. The voice was higher than Evan or David's voice.

It sounded familiar, and my heart nearly stopped. What the fuck! They were bringing someone else into this? I didn't expect it, but I didn't really have a choice.

"Spread your legs, bitch." It was David's demand. I spread them farther apart, but he wasn't satisfied. "Show us your pussy," he insisted. I reached back and spread my cheeks to the sound of their laughter.

"Fuck," said the higher voice. "You weren't kidding."

Evan walked in front of me so I could see him. He looked right at me, but spoke to the boy with the high voice. "I don't blame you for not believing us. But now that you know, welcome to the club. We're going to work him over real good tonight." Evan grabbed my chin and said, "You should thank me, Teach. I got you another dick to service. You're going to love it too. Young dick, but just as hard."

It came so quick. Yesterday, I was just a teacher who checked out porn on the net. Now, my life was very different. Out of fear, I just nodded my head.

Evan broke the silence. "Come on Josh. Come see your teacher."

As he came around to the front, I saw it was Josh, a student in one of my rooms. He was a freshman, so he was 14 or 15. Nice kid. Always smiling, joking and a great attitude. We had chatted a lot and he was always very pleasant and easy to talk to. He was cute and the focus of several of the older girls. He had blond hair that was kind of long. He was about 5'5" and fit. He probably weighed 110 pounds or so. He was wearing nylon gym shorts and a t shirt.

He wasn't smiling. He was just looking at my face, confirming what was happening. I would guess it didn't seem real to him. This is not what he expected. Me either, for that matter. He probably wondered if I would get him in trouble. I'm sure we would figure out that that wasn't really a possibility. I could see the gears turning in his head.

"Hi Mr. Jones."

OK. What else do you say to a teacher? I'm guessing he hadn't come across this situation before. He may as well have been passing me in the hall.

"Whoa, Josh!" said Evan. "He ain't Mr. Jones anymore. That was at school.

That was yesterday." Evan looked at me. "Tell Josh what he should call you."

I looked at Evan, standing there with the same mean and controlling look that was becoming too familiar. The much shorter and younger Josh was at his side. I didn't want to say anything, but Evan's earlier threat was real.

"Call me bitch," I whispered.

Evan laughed and slapped Josh on the back which caused him to fall forward.

Josh caught himself by putting his hands on the bed and his face was right in front of me looking into my eyes. We stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity but was probably only seconds. I saw them change.

I saw THE change. His eyes changed from curiosity and confusion to power.

The power shifted right before my eyes. I had been the one in charge.

But, it was obvious to Josh that was no longer the case. He was now above me in the hierarchal world of high school classes.

"Ha!" he laughed. "I had no idea you were a bitch, faggot." Evan and David laughed louder at this. Young Josh had become one of them.

"We told you we were going to get you laid on this trip Josh. We didn't know it would be Jones though," said David as he came forward.

"Whoa man!" Josh put his hands up. "I am not gay. I'm not fucking a dude."

"That's your call little man," said Evan. "You don't have to fuck him.

It's up to you. But you're one of us Josh. There are men who fuck and those that get fucked. They can be man or women, straight or gay, young or old It don't matter. We need to fuck and they have holes. It's just business man. This bitch is old, but his holes are tight and he does what we tell him... ANYthing we tell him. It's your call, but this boi gives great head and takes dick like the pussy he is."

"I don't know Evan," said Josh. "He could get us suspended for this, couldn't he?"

David stepped closer to me. "I can answer that for you Josh," he said as he pulled his dick out of his pants and offered it to me. It was semi-hard and an inch from my lips. I had no choice. I opened my mouth and let the dick rest on my tongue. I looked at Josh and wrapped my lips around David's mocha colored dick. David put his hand on the back of my head and said, "That a boy. Relax the throat and let it all the way in." He pulled my head toward him and soon my nose was buried in his course, jet black pubes. He released my head which went back like a spring and then pulled me in again standing still while I bobbed in and out on his growing dick.

David looked back at Josh who was adjusting himself in his nylon shorts.

"Take a picture Josh, just don't include my face. That's all the insurance you need."

Josh didn't have his phone or a camera, but he got the picture all right.

He laughed and said, "I'm in." He gave Evan a high five and stepped forward jokingly pushing David aside. Josh reached into his shorts and pulled out his penis. It wasn't a dick. I couldn't even call it a cock.

Josh had some growing to do. Sure it was normal, I guess. It just wasn't anything like the man cocks of Evan or David. His pubes were blond and hard to see, so he looked younger than his years. He offered it to me. It was 5" at the most and hard as rock. I engulfed it in one gulp and felt Josh shudder. His knees buckled a bit as he moaned, collapsing to the floor as David caught him.

Josh sat on the bed, leaning against the backboard with his legs spread. I crawled up to do what I was supposed to do and started giving him the best blow job of my limited experience. I hoped he wouldn't treat me bad. He was in a tough spot. I still think he was a nice kid and maybe I could limit the damage to my future. After all, I had four years of Josh to look forward to, or dread.

Next: Chapter 3

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