Chaperone Becomes a Bitch

By Jack Sone

Published on Nov 10, 2013


Chaperone Becomes a Bitch Chapter 4 by Jack Sone

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This installment of Chaperone Becomes a Bitch is rooted in real life experiences as opposed to fantasy. Thank you to Sir who inspired these events.

...After they left, David's cum drying on my face, I jacked off my biggest load in a decade smelling Josh's cum on the sheets and the feel of Evan's ravaging of my ass.

At least it was over tomorrow. We'd get on the bus. Head back to town. Life would return to normal. Right?

Chapter 4

The bus ride back home was uneventful. We returned to the school, unpacked, and cleaned out the busses. I was exhausted and headed home ready to catch up on my sleep and was ready to just be by myself for a change. I poured myself a drink and fired up the computer and surfed the web. After about 15 minutes or so, I received a private message on facebook. It was from Evan.

"Hello bitch. I'm a little surprised you didn't thank me for helping you find your true self. No matter. You'll have time to thank me properly soon. Your life has changed and as time goes on, you will appreciate this change. I am going to help you realize your true potential in service to superior men like myself. It is important that you understand your place and purpose in life. To start, I'm going to have you follow a simple direction. This is a simple, but important test. I require these three tasks to be completed before midnight tonight. Make a new gmail account with a name that accurately describes your position in life. Shave all body hair below the head. You may leave your arms as they are... for now. Using your new gmail account, send five pictures showing your hairless armpits, ass (spread cheeks), ball sack, pubic area, and legs to

Your compliance and servitude to me are required. I have more pictures like the attached."

He attached a picture of me sucking Josh's dick. I wasn't exactly sure how old Josh was, but he was under 18. I was forced to suck him off, but I'm sure that wouldn't hold up. I was fucked.

I felt my face get flushed. My heart rate sped up. I was scared, but my first thought was that I was glad he hadn't used my work email. I also thought he wrote well in his message. Always the teacher, I guess. I tried desperately to think of a way out of this. Do I move to Canada? Let it all come out and tell them I was raped and blackmailed into this? I didn't know. I wasn't thinking too clearly and it was already 10:30. I wasn't sure how long it takes to shave your body, but if I had to do it, I didn't want to be late. I didn't want Evan mad at me. He wouldn't hesitate to ruin my life.

I came to terms with the fact that the best thing to do was to follow his directions to the letter. I headed to the bathroom to get started.

I'm not a hairy guy, but I do have a normal to light amount of hair. There wasn't too much on my chest and thank god I had none on my back. I sat on the edge of the tub and got started. It wasn't too hard, except for shaving my ass. That isn't an easy thing to do. But, I got it all done in about an hour. I had about 30 minutes to meet Evan's deadline. I still had to take the pictures, set up an email account, and get them sent. I was starting to get nervous.

He wanted me to set up an account that "describes my position in life." He was fucking with me. He wanted me to come up with a name that said to him that I knew I was his little fuck toy. His bitch. I was his property to do with what he wanted, when he wanted, and how he wanted. It made me feel like shit. If I didn't accurately describe our `relationship,' he might use it as a reason to send out those pictures. I tried to out think him. I tried to come up with something that would meet his needs, but would seem innocent to anyone else. I couldn't come up with anything. I didn't have time to think. My mind was swimming with worry and time was running out fast.

I tried several that were unavailable. I had 15 minutes left. It worked. No one already had that name. Set up account. Prove I'm human. Yes! I agree to the fucking terms and conditions! I finally had it set up and quickly took pictures. Legs were easy, so were my balls, pubes (lack of pubes), and armpits. Taking a picture of my hairless asshole was more difficult and it took several tries. But, I finally got it and logged into my new gmail account and sent the pictures. It was 11:56. Four minutes to spare.

I felt something odd. I was proud? Maybe? I don't know. I was happy I had met the deadline and hoped it pleased Evan. Why the fuck would I care about Evan being pleased? Was I happy that I had escaped the threat of exposure? I don't think so. I think it was the pleasure I felt because I had met Evan's demands. I hoped it made him happy. Maybe he was right about what I was.

12:01am. SirMasterEvan sent an email:

"Bitch. You have done well in your tasks. You see yourself as my toy, huh? Ha. Well, we will play some games. When you shower, piss, or wipe your ass after taking a shit, you will be reminded of what you are. You are a bitch and I am your superior. I made you shave your hair and you followed my directions. It better represents your purpose in life. Real men like me have hair. You are not a real man, so you have none. Although I am 17 and you are old, I own you. You belong to me now. Keep yourself shaved closely. You may apply lotion if your newly shaved skin is irritated. That shows you how kind I am. You are welcome. I will visit you tomorrow at your place. I haven't blown a load for about 24 hours now and I will require a good solid fuck tomorrow afternoon. Tomorrow morning, you will clean your apartment and launder your sheets. Then, you will go shopping for new underwear. I want you to buy three pairs at panties. You may go anywhere you like. Do not wear underwear and go to a mall on the other side of town, if you want. Buy one pair of black lace panties, one string bikini style, and another of your choice. While at the mall, go into the bathroom and put on whichever pair you like. Take a picture of yourself in the mall bathroom wearing your new panties and send me the picture. 555-7727."

I read it three times, just to make sure I understood. Evan seemed different and not so mean in this email. Sure, he was making me do things. Just expecting that I was going to further demean myself for his amusement. As his... `toy.' Weird thing was I wanted to do it. Was I truly becoming a bitch? Maybe he didn't need the threat of blackmail at all.

The next morning, I cleaned my small apartment very well. It didn't take long. I'm pretty neat. I used extra fabric softener on my sheets.

I drove to a mall about 30 miles away. I developed a story to tell the clerk. I was looking for some underwear for my girlfriend to give her on our upcoming vacation. I wanted something sexy for her. I wondered how much panties cost. Probably more than the 3/$10 packages I bought at Wal-Mart. I wondered why they called them panties. My mind wandered to the impending fuck I was going to get from Evan that afternoon and I boned up on the drive. With no underwear, my hard cock stretched my jeans. I tried to think of something else so I wouldn't walk into the mall hard.

When I got to the mall, I stopped by JC Penny and bought a shirt so I'd have a bag to put my panties in that didn't advertise that I had a bag of women's panties. I headed to the Victoria's Secret and rushed through my fake girlfriend story to the 20 something sales clerk. She showed me some different panties and asked what size my girlfriend was. I wasn't prepared for that. I told her my girlfriend was about her size and smiled at her. I looked around quickly and picked out a black lace pair, and a blue thong. For the one of my choice, I picked a beige lace pair with a little red flower on the front. They were see through - lacy, I guess. I paid over $30 and headed out the door putting my Victoria's Secret bag inside my JC Penny bag.

I had already scoped out where the bathroom was and looked around to make sure no one was watching me. I felt like I had a big sign over my head that said, "EVAN'S BITCH." No one was watching and there was no one in the bathroom. I headed to the handicap stall and pretended to be taking a shit. I sat on the toilet and pulled my jeans off and put on the lacy beige pair that I chose. I hoped he would like them. I got excited and boned up again. So the selfie showed me in the beige panties with a hard dick. I didn't want to be hard, but I couldn't control it and I didn't want to stay in the bathroom any longer than I had to. I left and returned to my car where I sent the picture to the number Evan had given me.

I got an immediate response from Evan. "LOL, bitch. I'm going to keep you in those panties. I'll be at your place at 5."

"Keep me in those panties?" What the fuck! He was keeping me in those panties? Why did that excite me so much. I didn't want to do anything but wear those panties if that's what he wanted. I drove home with the biggest boner since I was 17 myself.

When I got home, it was 4:00. I threw my new JC Penny shirt in the closet and put the two pairs of panties I wasn't wearing on my dresser. I sat down and pondered over the next hour until I heard someone turning the door knob and trying to get into my apartment.

Next: Chapter 5

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