Chaperone Becomes a Bitch

By Jack Sone

Published on Nov 10, 2013


Chaperone Becomes a Bitch Chapter 6 by Jack Sone

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...He took me to the bedroom and fucked me for the next hour on sheets that were infused with Downey fresh air scent. He fucked hard, long dicking me because it made me wince in pain. He used every hole I had and I licked every pit, ball sack, dick, and ass hole he had. After he filled me with his cum, he pushed me off the bed and went to sleep.

Chapter 6

I slept pretty good considering I was on the floor and a 17 year old was in my bed. My ass hurt, but it was a good kind of hurt. I woke up around 7am and quietly made some coffee and cleaned myself up. I realized I hadn't eaten the night before, but I wasn't sure if I should make anything to eat. I figured I better wait, just so I didn't piss Evan off. He hadn't been too mean to me the night before, but I had seen his mean streak and didn't want to start the day off that way. My cheek was tender from when he slapped my face yesterday, but thankfully, wasn't bruised.

It was Sunday and tomorrow, we'd be back in school. I'd be teaching classes and Evan, David, and Josh would be just some of the students. I didn't have any of them in any of my classes, but I would see them around. It wasn't that big of a school to be able to hide from them.

Around 11:00, I heard Evan stirring in the bedroom. "Hey faggot!" he shouted. I hurried in wearing sweats and a t shirt. "Strip," he commanded. He was laying in bed with the covers kicked to the side. His dick was hard and angry looking and he was slowly stroking his balls.

I took off the sweat pants and t shirt and stood at the side of the bed wearing just the blue thong.

He looked me up and down and had me twirl around for him. "I'm going to like having my own personal cum-dump. I could get used to this." He got up and walked to the bathroom. "Follow me."

I followed him into the bathroom. His orders and the way he treated me caused my dick to get hard. It was no match for the flimsy small pouch on the g string. He saw it and laughed. He took a couple of swipes at it, slapping it from side to side. "Looks like I'm not the only one enjoying this, teach."

He stood in front of the toilet and said, "Hold your Master's dick so I can pee." His cock was still hard and pointing up. He began peeing and the piss went up in the air in an arc and started coming down all over the place with very little going in the toilet. With out thinking, I put my other hand up to block it. That helped a bit and more of his stream found the water in the toilet, but some got back on his cock. He finished a very strong, acrid smelling piss and told me to clean him off. I reached for a towel but he said, "No towel."

I understood what he meant and got on my knees in front of the toilet. Kneeling on the piss covered floor, I began to lick his ball sac clean. His dick had deflated a bit and as I was licking his balls, I felt warm liquid on my head. He had held back some piss and was finishing up on me. "You're going to have a mess to clean up in here, boi," he said. He moved the stream to hit me in the face. I closed my eyes and lifted my chin so he had a better angle. I felt the warmth of his fluid spreading across my face and dripping on to my stomach and cock.

He finished pissing and walked back and sat on the bed. "Crawl over to me and take care of my morning wood, bitch," he said while he spread his legs and scratched his balls.

I crawled on my piss covered knees over to him and took him inside me. I guess I had gotten better at giving a blow job because he came in less than 5 minutes. He told me to keep his cum on my tongue and to not swallow.

"Show me," he said.

I opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out, showing him his seed on my tongue. He looked me over, smiled, grabbed his phone and took a picture. "Can't have too much insurance, eh teach? Swallow my seed bitch. Those are my baby makers inside you."

I swallowed the thick, salty cum and hoped I had pleased him.

"Nice," he said. He started to reach toward me. It looked like he was going to caress the side of my face. I was wrong. He slapped it instead. It wasn't too hard, just enough to remind me who was in charge.

"School tomorrow faggot," he said. "Things are obviously going to be a little different. Don't worry. I'm not going to turn you in or share any pictures unless you don't do what you're told. Keep me happy, bitch, and it will work out fine." He paused like he was thinking and then continued. "I want you to wear the black panties today. At 3:00, you will go to the Wal-Mart on High Street and buy bright red nail polish, a black sharpie, and carrots with the greens still attached. Buy only those three items. I'm sending you to the local store. Someone might see you that you know, but that's not my problem. It'll probably give you another pathetic hard on doing as your Master commands. I'm going to leave. You will clean up the bathroom before you go to the store. Give me your spare house key."

I processed what the hell was going on. He wasn't satisfied with the use of my mouth and ass for his perpetual hard on. He wanted me to degrade myself. Give him my key? I was loosing control. No, I had already lost control. I didn't process longer than a few seconds and got up and got my spare key and brought it back into the bedroom. He was getting dressed. I gave him the key and he left, advising me to not fuck up a simple grocery list.

As I was already covered in piss, cum, and the smell of Evan's sweat, I started in on cleaning the bathroom. Then, I showered and got dressed in the black panties, jeans, and a polo. I grabbed something to eat and sat to wait for 3:00. I wondered if he would be watching me complete my tasks. Was he sharing pictures with his friends? What would school be like tomorrow? All this thinking about how I had totally lost control of my life gave me a boner. I wasn't sure how that made me horny, but I jerked off, reminded of my place by the black panties and smooth boyish body that once had hair. I exploded, had to change my shirt, and headed off to Wal-Mart.

I wore a baseball cap to the Wal-Mart and picked up the carrots and sharpie. I headed over to the makeup section for the nail polish. I didn't know what I was looking for, but red was plentiful and I bought the cheapest brand. I wished they had self check out, but they didn't. It didn't matter. The clerk didn't even look up. He had probably seen a lot. Oddly, I was a bit disappointed that he didn't care. I completed the transaction and headed home. No one I knew had saw me. Easy. And, Evan was right. I had a boner.

At home, I put the items along with the other two pairs of panties on the coffee table. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. The unexpected freedom was odd. Just a few days ago, I did whatever I wanted, when I wanted. I had been turned into this teen's cock sucking fuck hole so quickly, I didn't know what to do with myself.

I turned on the TV and surfed around for a while and made myself a sandwich. I was just sitting down to eat it when I heard a key at the door.

Evan walked in like he owned the place. He didn't say a word and sat down on the couch and picked up the sandwich and took a bite.

"Got any beer?" he said while chewing my dinner.

"No Sir," I replied. "I'm sorry."

"Damn. I should have added that to the list. I see you got the items I told you to buy. Good bitch," he added. "What else do you have to drink?"

"I don't have much. I haven't been to the store since we got back from the trip." I hoped this wasn't going to make him mad. "I don't even have any milk."

"I'm not looking for milk, fuck face," he said with crumbs dripping from his face. "Do you have any liquor? Bourbon or vodka?"

I was worried about this new development. Underage drinking. But, in the scheme of things, I guess it wasn't as bad as sex with a minor. I went to the cabinet and checked. "I've got some scotch and a little rum."

"Scotch," he burped. "On ice."

Kid knew how to drink. I poured him a scotch over ice and served it to him. He took a long drink and choked it down trying to pretend he was used to the burn.

"Strip to your panties, Sally," he chided.

The scotch seemed to have an immediate effect on Evan. I wondered if he was a mean drunk. I mean, meaner when he was drunk. I took off my polo and jeans and folded them neatly. I already had another hard on. Being his bitch was a turn on for me. I can't deny it. He might be right. This might be my calling.

"Who owns you bitch?" He smirked as he said it knowing the answer.

"You Sir. You own me." I didn't make eye contact when I answered.

"Look at me when you answer me. I want to see your eyes when you tell me what a fag you are."

I looked back at him and said again, "You own me Sir. I'm your bitch." It felt good.

"Well, bitch. We're going to make sure you know it. I don't want anyone else getting a piece of that pussy with out my permission. Give me that sharpie. I'm going to put my mark on you," he said. He finished the sandwich and wiped his hands on my couch.

I handed him the sharpie and he twirled his finger indicating I should turn around. He roughly moved me into a position more convenient for him and pulled my panties down. He took a hold of my right ass cheek. He slapped it several times and said, "I like it pink." He then took off the cap and wrote something on my ass cheek. I couldn't tell what he wrote, but it took up my whole cheek. He put the cap back on and slapped it a few times. "There!" Looking good.

I looked around to see what it said. I couldn't see it all, but I figured it out from the letters I could see. "EVAN'S TOY" was written across my backside in large permanent black marker. He was smiling looking over his property. "I like it," he said. "David needs to learn that I'm your main dick. I just allow him to use you."

I hadn't seen David since we got back from the band trip and had unloaded the busses at the school. David wasn't as mean as Evan. He was a pretty normal teen boy with a never ending hard on. He was skinny and cute with light brown skin and a huge dick from his African heritage. He wasn't into making me his bitch. He just needed holes.

"David will be here soon. I want you to greet him at the door on your hands and knees wearing the blue thong so he can see my brand," directed Evan.

I took off the black panties and put on the blue thong. My dick was still rock hard and Evan made fun of it. "That's a pathetic little cock you got boy. Have you ever even had it in a pussy? Did she feel it?"

He didn't intend me to answer. He was just talking shit. My dick got harder the more he talked. "Get me another scotch," he said and put his feet up on the coffee table. ( I brought him another. He snapped his fingers and pointed to the floor. I sat on the floor at his feet watching TV. He channel surfed for a half an hour or so. He had me get him two more drinks and he was starting to slur his words and laugh at things that weren't that funny. At one point he patted my head and said, "I like having my own pet bitch." It was the most sensitivity he had shown since this all started.

He received a text and told me to unlock the door and get on my knees for David. A few minutes later, David opened the door and looked at me on the floor wearing a blue thong. He looked over at Evan, drinking a scotch on my couch watching my TV and then looked back at me.

"Dude! We got us a crash pad! This is going to be awesome!" he shouted and headed over to Evan to give him a high five.

"Bitch! Get my boy David here one of these drinks," bellowed Evan. David sat on the couch while I walked to the kitchen to get him a scotch. My fresh ass brand showing vividly on my pink skin.

David laughed loudly. "HAHAHA! Evan's Toy! I love it dude. I haven't gotten off since the trip. I got a load for ya teach," he added in my direction.

"You'll get your turn, son," Evan said to David. "First though, I got some things. He's going to put on a little show."

I gave David his drink and Evan was waving an empty glass indicating he needed a refill. I took it and went back to the kitchen.

David said, "Shit dude! We got ourselves a fucking slave. I don't have to do anything ever again. I'm going to have him do all my chores, my homework, everything!"

"Hold on shitface," Evan responded. "This bitch is mine. I'll let you borrow him when I want, but I own this fuck toy. It was my idea."

David backed down quickly. "Yeah dude. No problem man. I'm good."

Was Evan becoming possessive of me? Maybe he was just that way with all of his stuff.

I brought Evan another drink. "Sit on the coffee table boy. We're going to watch you paint your toe nails bright red. This is going to remind you that you're a little fucking bitch, even more than not having any hair."

Sigh. Again, no choice. I sat down and opened the nail polish. I have never used nail polish, but it wasn't hard to figure out. There's a little brush on the cap and you use that brush to paint your nails. It was harder than I thought, but part of it might have been sitting in a blue thong in front of two horny teen boys. I got some on my skin which Evan yelled at me for.

"You better figure that shit out faggot or I'll have you paint your fingernails just in time to go back to school tomorrow," he slurred through alcohol blurred eyes.

I finished all ten toes and they commented on how much I looked like a whore. ( "Dance like it whore. Show us a whore dance." Evan was getting drunker and, it seemed, meaner.

I tried to dance slutty. I don't know what a whore dances like. I hoped they didn't either.

Evan turned to David. "I branded his ass with my mark, just like you brand a cow. I bet he'd look good with a tail. Don't you think?"

David went along laughing and said, "Sure dude. hahaha. A tail!"

"Get the carrot pussy boi and make it a tail," said Evan.

I was confused. How do I make the carrots a tail? Like pin the tail on the donkey? I hoped not.

"Shit for brains!" Evan shouted. "How the hell did you become a god damn teacher? You are dumber than a fucking door knob." He pulled me over his lap and grabbed the carrots. He took one and broke off the tip and shoved it in my ass. He slapped my cheeks a couple times and wiggled the carrot around. "Now, you have a tail, bitch. But, it's too small."

He added two more carrots with their greens sticking out of my hole. He slapped each cheek a few more times and then pushed me off. "Crawl around like the pig you are, whore," he said. "Fucking crawl over and get me another scotch."

I crawled on my hands and knees trying to clench hard enough so the carrots wouldn't fall out. They were pretty deep, but Evan was getting drunker and angrier and I didn't want to do anything to set him off. David was just laughing his ass off.

I returned on my hands and knees, wiggling my ass, trying not to spill a drop of scotch.

"You want some bitch?" Evan asked me.

Couldn't hurt, right? Might help. Maybe I'll just become a drunk. "Yes Sir," I answered.

He smiled. Unzipped and took out his soft cock and dipped it in the drink. "Here you go bitch. Help yourself," he said offering me his scotch covered cock.

I crawled up and engulfed it tasting the scotch and his musk. He dipped it in the drink and offered it to me several more times. He was wasted and his eyes were dropping back in his head. Can't hold his liquor, I guess.

David was watching the events still sipping his drink. He wasn't drunk, but he was rubbing his growing crotch. He was certainly horny.

Evan was getting sloppy, spilling scotch on the couch while trying to dip his cock in it and still taking sips of the golden brown liquor from the glass that his dick had been in. I think he was so drunk he forgot.

"Get off me faggot," he said suddenly and got up and headed to the bathroom. I looked at David and shrugged. He smiled and pulled out his hard cock which was about the same color as the scotch.

"Well? Come on teach. You know what to do," he was almost pleading.

I crawled over and as I took it in my mouth, we heard the unmistakable sounds of someone vomiting. I hoped it was in the toilet. David laughed again and after a while we heard the toilet flush and Evan falling into the bed, obviously passed out.

"Nice, now I got you all to myself teach," said David pushing my head further down onto his manhood. He smothered my nose in his pubes and forced his cock deep into my throat which caused me to gag. He let up the pressure. "Relax your throat dude. You can do this. It just takes practice. Lots of girls struggle at first."

He wasn't patient enough for me to learn how to take such a huge cock down my throat without gagging. He got up, and put the front of his shirt behind his head. He said, "That's all right. We'll work on it later. I don't have much time, so let's just have another go at your ass."

He put me over the end of the couch, ass high and entered me slowly. Very slowly, inch by excruciating inch, just like he had done on the first night at the hotel. He must have to do this to all the girls he fucks. His cock would scare them away if he didn't. Once he got in, he pulled out and rammed it all the way in, fucking me full force. He grabbed the pillow and put it over my head to dampen the moaning and whining. It didn't take him long, but it seemed like forever. He pulled out and came on my back.

"Dude! You got your biscuit buttered. That's what I call a buttered biscuit," he laughed.

Where do they come up with these sayings?

He took his hand and rubbed his cum all over my back and ass and then stuck his fingers in my mouth. I suckled the long, skinny, tan fingers tasting his boy cum and began to beat off.

"Dude! You are such a faggot. Cool though. I don't care, but I'm out of here. You jerk off on your own." He pulled up his pants, fixed his shirt and took off. "Take care of my man Evan, now. See you school teach."

I felt used. I wanted to snuggle. David just wanted to fuck. He didn't even get undressed. Just pulled his dick out and fucked me with his pants still on. Shit, I'm even starting to think like a pussy.

Evan was clothed, but unzipped with his dick still hanging out and passed out across the bed. I cleaned a little vomit off the toilet seat, but it wasn't too much of a job. I was thankful he tried. He stirred a bit and was snoring softly. I went back to the couch, finished his scotch, jerked off into my blue thong, and made another sandwich. Just another typical Sunday night.

Next: Chapter 7

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