Chaperone Becomes a Bitch

By Jack Sone

Published on Nov 19, 2013


Chaperone Becomes a Bitch Chapter 7 by Jack Sone

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... Evan was clothed, but unzipped with his dick still hanging out and passed out across the bed. I cleaned a little vomit off the toilet seat, but it wasn't too much of a job. I was thankful he tried. He stirred a bit and was snoring softly. I went back to the couch, finished his scotch, jerked off into my blue thong, and made another sandwich. Just another typical Sunday night.

Chapter 7

I slept on the couch while Evan slept in my bed... or was it his bed now. The bed. Evan slept in the bed. I woke up early. It was the first day back to school after break. I showered and went through my normal routine. It wasn't quite normal. I still had "Evan's Toy" written on my ass and as I put on my socks, my painted toenails reminded me of what Evan and David had made me do yesterday.

I wondered what Evan's home life was like. He wasn't there, that's for sure. Did his parents think he was staying at a friend's house? I was in the kitchen drinking coffee and I heard noise in the bedroom. Evan came running out zipping up his pants as he made his way to the door.

"Fucking Bitch!" he shouted. "I'm going to be fucking late. Why the fuck didn't you wake me, faggot!"

He slammed the door. Apparently, he didn't want an answer. I felt my heart rate rise. I have to figure this out because a mad Evan was a meaner Evan and I wasn't interested in that.

Today was the first day back to school since my life had changed. Three people, that I knew of, had seen and used me in the most compromising ways. Evan, the ring leader who claimed me as his bitch and slave, his buddy David, the lanky blatino who just liked to get his rocks off, and the freshman Josh who Evan had made me give a blow job to on the recent band trip Evan was mean. David was nice, but his dick was huge. Josh ... I don't know about Josh. He was pulled into the hotel room and saw me used like a pig. He loved the blow job, but what 15 year old kid doesn't want a blow job. He was young. I wasn't sure how he would deal with having a teacher as a cum whore.

I was nervous and excited. I didn't know what to expect and now that Evan was pissed, the nerves out weighed the excitement. I drove to school and walked into the teacher's lounge trying to act like it was just another day. I exchanged the usual pleasantries with my colleagues while my mind was on the day ahead of me and what changes it would bring. Evan had enough pictures to destroy my life. At his mercy, I would lose my job, be humiliated, and probably spend time in jail. My claims of rape and blackmail would be difficult to prove.

The first half of the day went normal. I was beginning to think this would be no bid deal. Maybe these boys would just go on like normal too. I walked to the teachers lunch room after 4th period and saw Josh coming the other way. We made eye contact. He looked like he was in trouble. I looked at him and he glanced away. Weird, I thought. He has the upper hand, but he doesn't know it. He must not know what to do with it. It isn't normal to have one of your high school teachers available to get your rocks off. Josh didn't know what he had and that was all right. I wasn't about to become a bitch to a little kid. He was 15 or so. Evan and David... well, they're men. They took my virginity and made me a bitch. Josh? He's a kid. Just a little kid. I'll be god damned if he thinks he's going to use me as his bitch too.

As I walked into the lunchroom, I received a text from an unknown number. It said, "Stadium bathrooms. Now." I turned around and headed immediately for the stadium. There was no one around. The stadium was empty and the bathroom doors were locked. I didn't know if I had the key to these bathrooms or not. I've never had to get in them when they were locked up. I tried a few keys. Maybe whoever had texted was inside. I certainly didn't want Evan any more pissed off. The indoor master key worked on the bathroom doors and as I turned the knob, I heard a high voice behind me.

"Thanks bitch. I knew you'd come." It was Josh. He came up quickly while I turned around. "Well get in teach. It's cold as fuck out here."

Kid was feeling a little froggy. OK, it was an opportunity to do some teaching. This kid was not going to treat me like this. Being a bitch to two men was more than I could handle. I wasn't going to add this little fuck to my list of tormentors.

Josh followed me into the bathroom and shut the door. He had a sneer on his face that said he was enjoying this. I wasn't sure how he would handle the situation, but it became apparent that he had a dominant streak that was masked by that young angelic face.

"Josh," I said, determined to nip this in the bud, "That's not how you talk to a teacher. I know what you saw, and I know you know it isn't right. What Evan and David are doing is illegal and they could go to jail for a long time." I nailed it. I should win an Emmy for this shit. He looked at me and I could tell the wheels were turning in his head. My instincts told me he was a good kid who wanted to do what was right.

"Faggot," Josh yelled. His demeanor had changed, but I could tell it was all bravado. "You're a dick sucking faggot who loves to get fucked."

"No, Josh," I said calmly. "Evan and David made me do that. I don't know what they told you, but they raped me. They forced me to do those things. Don't worry though, you'll only go to juvie. You'll only be locked up three or four years, until you turn 18."

Josh's look had changed. The forced `I'm a tough guy' attempt had changed. He was an innocent, kind, scared kid again. "I didn't do anything," he cried. There were tears pooling in his eyes.

I stepped closer and put my hand on his shoulder. "Not yet Josh. You haven't really done anything to get you sent away yet, but think about it. The way you were acting just now will certainly get you there quick."

He looked up at me with tears streaming down his face. "Evan told me I had to Mr. Jones." He called me Mr. Jones. Well, that's a start. None of these boys had referred to me as Mr. Jones since that first night at the hotel. Josh continued, "He said if I didn't make you suck me off again, he'd..." He stopped and looked down at his shoes. He was thinking. He shook his head and his attitude changed. He looked up at me and the fear was gone. He was fucking smiling in a way that made me nervous. "Look teach," he said. "I ain't got time for your shit." He was unbuckling his belt. "I don't give a fuck what you think. Evan has it all figured out." He was unzipping his jeans. "He says you got a mouth and we got dicks. It's a perfect match." His jeans were pulled down below his balls and he held his hard dick in his hands. He nodded down to his hard near 5 incher. "Suck me off, bitch!"

I looked at his cute, innocent face. It didn't reconcile with the attitude and words coming out of his mouth. Evan had done a number on this kid. I sighed and dropped to my knees. Last time, Josh had laid back and just let me do the work. He was in a different mood tonight. As soon as my knees hit the concrete, he grabbed my ears and pulled me onto his boyhood. It was skinny and hard. It was smoother than Evan's or David's. He pulled me all the way into his light, wispy pubes and held me there. Maybe I should have pretended to choke, to make him feel like a big man, but I didn't think of it at the time. I tightened around his dick and he moaned. He started fucking my face in quick, short, rabbit like movements. I was just a warm, wet, tight hole and he was using me like a bitch. He probably fucked my mouth for three minutes before he busted in my mouth. He held my head tight with his dick buried in as deep as he could shove it. I felt a strong stream of cum hit the back of my throat. I had no choice but to swallow. Josh shuddered; I actually felt him quake in my mouth. He held it there, breathing fast and shallow while he came down from busting his nut down my throat.

"Evan says once you put your seed in a bitch, he's yours forever. You my bitch faggot?" chided Josh.

I looked him in the eye. I just swallowed the cum of a 15 year old kid and he wants to know if I'm his bitch. Well, I guess it was evident. "I'm your bitch, Josh." What else was there to say? "I got more of what you want, old man." Josh turned around, his ass right in front of my face. Evan must have been training him for a while. "Show me how much of a faggot bitch you are. A real bitch wants to lick his man's hole."

He bent over spreading his ass cheeks as he backed up to where I was kneeling. What the fuck! He wanted me to lick his shit hole? No fucking way man. I put my hands up to keep him away. "Josh, I am NOT going to lick your asshole. I'm not doing it!" I was desperate.

"Don't fuck around Jones." He was pissed. "You're going to lick my hole. I've seen it on video and I bet it feels great. I want to know what it feels like so make sure you stick your tongue in deep and clean me out." He struggled to pull his phone out of his jeans., pushed a few buttons and showed me a picture of me getting my ass raped by David's long dick. "You like this view of you faggot? I'll send these out to everyone in my phone if you don't get your tongue in my fucking hole fucking NOW!"

Who the hell was this? Evan Jr? He was mean and demanding all of a sudden. Where'd the scared, crying little boy go? I was a bit scared and really had no choice. Hopefully, he wiped well. I mean, what else do you think about when you're about to stick your tongue up someone's asshole. I hung my head which told Josh he had won. He laughed and backed his spread cheeks to my face. I tentatively flicked my tongue toward his hole and missed. I gagged at the thought. He backed up quickly and my nose was buried in his ass crack. He reached back and pushed my head deeper in and ground his ass around my nose.

"Lick it," he demanded.

I reached out with my tongue and found his pucker. It was tight and it didn't taste at all like what I imagined it would taste like. It resisted briefly and my tongue broke through into the insides of this boy. He moaned again and started jacking his hardening cock. He continued to push my face into his ass cheeks, moaning louder and louder. I was exploring deeper and deeper. I was so engrossed in his hole, I didn't hear the door open.

"Oh Damn! Look at the teacher bitch. God Damn! You got your tongue so far up his ass, it's going to be stuck." It was Evan's unmistakable I'm in Charge voice. I pulled out and fell back on my ass. Josh moved forward and turned around, dick in hand. He looked up at Evan.

"You were exactly right again. He couldn't wait to take my load," Josh said to his mentor.

"I told you he was a bigger bitch Josh," Evan responded.

Bigger bitch? What the hell does that mean? Bigger bitch than who?

"All right, little dude. You did great. After school, meet me at the new crib. You're going to love it," Evan said, while he headed toward the door. "And have some beer for us Jones."

Josh pulled up his jeans and ran after him. "See you after school, bitch," said the formerly sweet kid.

Next: Chapter 8

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