Chaperone Becomes a Bitch

By Jack Sone

Published on Nov 21, 2013


Chaperone Becomes a Bitch Chapter 8 by Jack Sone

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..."All right, little dude. You did great. After school, meet me at the new crib. You're going to love it," Evan said, while he headed toward the door. "And have some beer for us Jones."

Josh pulled up his jeans and ran after him. "See you after school, bitch," said the formerly sweet kid.

Chapter 8

I finished out the school day in a way that must have made it obvious to my students that I was preoccupied. I couldn't keep my thoughts straight and I had a perpetual hard on which made me conflicted. I was feeling the same combination of excitement and fear that I felt this morning coming to work. But this time, the excitement of more sex with Josh was overcoming the fear and was probably what was making my dick so hard.

I got out of the school as quick as possible and stopped to pick up some beer. I stressed over what kind because I didn't know what Evan liked. I got some Bud and a much more expensive local micro-brewery to cover myself and hope that it didn't piss him off.

School had been out for about an hour when I made it back to my place. I put the key in and opened the door. I saw Evan from the back standing in front of the couch. His pants were at his ankles and he was holding his shirt up. The unmistakeable rhythm and thrust of fucking was evident. I couldn't tell who it was, but someone was sitting on the couch and Evan was obviously fucking his or her face. Evan turned around and saw me enter.

"Good job faggot," he said. "I figured you'd find a way to fuck up buying some beer." He turned his face back to focus on the fucking he was giving the mouth in front of him. I heard gagging. Evan put his hand back, snapped his fingers and said, "Beer me, bitch." He giggled at himself.

I walked over to hand him a can of Bud and looked down to to see Josh sitting in the same clothes he wore to school and while he had me blow him and lick his hairless asshole earlier in the day taking Evan's 7" hard dick like a champ.

Evan took the beer. "I've been using Josh as my bitch boy since before he sprouted his first pube, teach. You ain't the first fag I've used." He chugged the beer and burped. He threw the can behind him and grabbed Josh's head with both hands. He looked at me while he fucked the boy's mouth. I felt sorry for Josh. He's the other bitch Evan mentioned. Has been for a while. No wonder he was so good at being a dick. He learned directly from Evan using him for who knows how long.

"You jealous teach? You jealous that I got other fags to use? You know how tight his pussy is. You had your tongue up in that shit earlier today. You want to see a picture?" Evan stabbed the back of Josh's throat making Josh gag more as he taunted me with his words.

"Get naked teach," he barked. "I want to show Josh how much of a fag you are in those panties."

SHIT! I fucking forgot to put on the panties this morning. It's not like it's a normal thing. Evan had told me to wear them, but he didn't specifically say to always wear them. I guess I was supposed to know. SHIT!

"Yes Sir," I replied respectfully. I didn't want this to get any worse. "May I put the beer in the refrigerator so it's cold for you first Sir?"

"Right after you open another for me princess." Evan pulled out of Josh, pulled up his pants, and sat on the couch next to the boy. Josh had saliva dripping down his chin. He reached up to wipe it away, but Evan slapped his hand down. "Leave it!" he said. "I'm going to have the new bitch clean you off."

I put the beer away and returned to the couch and stood in front. I was out of ideas as to how I was going to hide the fact I didn't have on the panties. I figured I should just tell him. Maybe he'd appreciate honesty.

"Sir," I stammered. "I'm sorry, Sir. I was getting dressed for work this morning and I forgot about the panties Sir. I'm sorry." I looked down and braced for what might happen.

Silence. I waited with my hands behind my back and kept my head bowed. Josh rustled on the coach uncomfortably. The poor kid. Wait... poor me.

"Strip." Evan had said it so quietly, I barely heard it, but it had an intensity that scared me. I got out of my clothes as quickly as possible taking care to fold them and lay them neatly on the coffee table. I stood naked in front of an 18 year old sadist and a 15 year old kid who played both roles and apparently I was at the bottom of the heap.

Evan turned toward Josh and brushed hair out of his eyes with a tenderness that surprised me. "This is why I have to be firm Josh. Bitches gotta learn and teach here is going to get taught. Do you remember when I had to teach you?"

Josh's face was still covered in spit from the face fucking Evan had given him. "He won't learn if you don't teach him Evan." His voice was so high.

"Lick Josh's face clean bitch. Lick up his spit with your tongue," said Evan, still quiet.

I moved to Josh and got down on my knees and started licking his chin as that was where the most saliva was. Josh took hold of my head and pushed it back. He hocked up a big glob of saliva and spit it right in my face ... and laughed.

"Nice one Josh," said Evan as he grabbed my arm, turned me around and pulled me over his lap. I didn't know how strong he was. He had my ass right on his lap and my head was close to Josh's leg. "Keep his mouth busy boy." He wasn't talking to me. He was talking to Josh, who slid over and unzipped his jeans. I was going to suck the kid off for the second time in one day.

Evan slapped my ass. It didn't hurt, but it surprised me. "There isn't any choice when I tell you to do something, bitch." SLAP. "When I want you in pretty panties, you wear pretty panties." SLAP. They were becoming harder. "There is no forgot." SLAP. "There is no discussion." SLAP. "You just do." SLAP.

Josh let his 5 incher pop out of his underwear and lifted my head and put my mouth on over his dick and said in a pretty good Yoda impression, "Do or do not. There is no try."

Evan laughed and said, "Except you just do faggot." SLAP. And then in his version of Yoda, said, "There is no do not." SLAP. OK, that one hurt.

Josh held my head down tight. His whole dick was in my mouth and my nose was buried in his soft pubic hair. He smelled of... boy, I guess. There's no other way to put it. It wasn't a bad smell. He moved my head side to side and ground up to smash my face.

Evan was slapping hard and quick now. He hit both ass cheeks. I could feel the heat in my ass and each slap... hit. These were open handed hits. Each hit seemed to hurt exponentially more than the last.

Josh lifted my head and I gasped for air. Just as quickly, he spread his hairless thighs and put my mouth to his balls. "Lick them clean teach," he said.

As I licked his balls, I moaned. They were tasty. Smooth with the occasional short hair and I loved the smell. I was almost mesmerized and then Evan began telling a story. "You see teach, you aren't my first faggot. I was still in the 6th grade when I first found out I could make a boy submit. He was a grade older, and seemed like a nice kid, but I caught him checking out my pubes in the bathroom. I developed early. He didn't have any, and he was probably just admiring what a man looks like. But, I saw it as an opportunity. I wasn't shy, so I turned to him, shook my dick at him and said, `Is this what you want to see faggot?' He claimed he wasn't, so I helped him out by dragging his faggoty ass into the stall. He learned he was a bitch with my 11 year old dick pumping my juice into his mouth. Once a boy's got my juice in him, he's forever my bitch. I learned then, that I could use fags to my advantage. I used him all through middle school. But I grew tired of the same old mouth, so I expanded my stable of bitches, didn't I Josh?" He paused. Josh was moving my head around his ball sack and murmured in the affirmative.

Evan continued. "I found Josh at the park one day about a year ago playing basketball with his other fag friends. I wasn't in the mood for breaking anyone in slowly, so I just took him in the bathroom at the park. I was going to just have him suck me off, but I figured his twat must be tight as hell. I couldn't help myself, so I just helped my self to it. I fucked him, slapped his ass and sent him back to the court with a pussy full of my man cum. Josh has been a good bitch. Does what he's told. Does it with enthusiasm. Takes some pride. So, I thought I'd reward him back at the hotel when I first made you suck his dick. I take care of my bitches."

Josh seemed to be getting off on the story, grinding my head deeper around his warm, moist balls. He lifted his ass off the couch and pushed my head back to his ass. Like earlier today, I flicked my tongue and began licking his pucker.

"Eat me, bitch," said Josh.

I heard what sounded like a high five. Evan was proud of his little faggot turned tormentor.

Evan had pride in his voice as he continued. "Josh wants to fuck. I'm the only one who's been up his pussy, but now he wants to feel what it's like to fuck a man into a bitch. So, congratulations teach. You're going to be my bitch's bitch. That's about as low as you can go."

He began slapping my ass again and brought back the sting and pain. Evan spread my cheeks and spit on my pucker. I felt his finger toy with my asshole in the same way my tongue was at Josh's hole. He pushed in, so I pushed in. I tried to move away from the invasion as my tongue drove into Josh's hole. Josh lifted his legs off the couch and seem to be suspended in air while my tongue found a spot even deeper than I thought possible. I hit a place I never had before. Evan's finger deep in my ass and my tongue driven deep into Josh's ass. Josh was moaning which made me want to please him more.

I was into it. I didn't want it to end. Evan must be able to read my mind. Out popped his finger and he pushed me off his lap. I landed on my side on the floor at the feet of these two teens.

I looked up. Evan had a sneer as he looked at me with derision. Josh was still leaning back. His legs were quivering. A bitch's bitch. I felt like dirt.

"I'm going to watch you faggot. Treat my girl like gold. You're Josh's bitch for the rest of the day. He's going to do any and everything he wants. If I don't sense you are going the extra mile, we leave and your life is over."

Josh said his first words in quite a while. He seemed to come back to reality. "Really?" That voice - he must be an alto. "This is going to be awesome."

Next: Chapter 9

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