: Asian Persuasion

By Ash M

Published on Sep 7, 2000



The last thing I wanted to do was spend Labor Day weekend with my boyfriend and his obnoxious buddy. Cole and I live in San Francisco, we have been together for the past year or so. We have been close friends forever, but one drunken night really brought us together. It started out as casual sex between close friends, but then turned into something much more. Cole knows me very well. He tells me I send this girl-next-door persona, but in real life I'm a little temptress. I see his point; I use every advantage I can in my career. I'm a corporate attorney just out of graduate school. I graduated 2 years ahead of my class. So at 23 years of age, I have a little baby fat still on me. Fortunately, it's all in the right place. But this young look has made me a little self-conscious about my place in corporate America. I guess that's why I work so hard and tend to be a little bitch when it comes to managing my career. Casually, though, I am fun person too hang with. I like to party with the best of `em. I'll try anything at least once.

So Jake, Cole's obnoxious buddy, calls to see if we would be interested in an impromptu vacation to San Diego. Jake and his latest flavor live in Colorado. They scored some cheap fares and were looking to be around water over the long weekend. Of course, Cole agrees and makes all the arrangements without consulting me. I had my plans for the weekend all mapped out with me working a very important brief. Needless to say, I was not a happy camper when I heard about Cole's plans. This current assignment had a lot of executive visibility and I was not going to be unprepared. Also, I could care less for Jake's company. Jake, Cole and myself went to the same high school together. Jake was the typical dumb, insensitive jock. Most of his girlfriends were pretty annoying as well, the blond gorgeous but clueless type that could not hold any conversation. I have nothing against blondes; I'm one myself. I just can't stand when they personify nothing but dumb. I was all set to tell Cole I would not be going to San Diego. The only problem was, I already bailed on him a couple weeks ago when his parents were in town. We were supposed to entertain his folks while they were visiting. I, of course, was working and he had to show them around all by himself. I made it up to him with a mind numbing blowjob but I also promised that I would go anywhere he wanted next. I should have known I dug myself in a hole with that one.

Labor Day weekend comes quickly and we arrive in San Diego. Jake recommended the villas, surprisingly, the accommodations were very nice, he usually is a real cheap-ass. Cole and I had an adjoining villa with Jake and his girlfriend. The two villas shared a pool and a super large jacuzzi. Cole and I arrived in the morning; Jake and his girlfriend were not due in until the afternoon. I took this time to take a quick dip. Airplanes make me feel sticky. So I stripped naked and jumped into the pool. Cole was unpacking and mentioned he'd join me in a minute. The water was great against my nipples. They immediately jumped as I hit the water. I felt an earth-shaking tingle between my legs. I couldn't help but think that Cole was going to be a lucky SOB once he jumps in.

I take care of myself pretty religiously. Cole says I look exactly like the actress Kristy Swanson. I'm 5'5 about 105 lbs. I'm pretty tone and have a great tan from the summer's festivities. I must say I love my breasts, they are a 34C and are the perkiest things. I can thank my mom for that. She's 45 and still has a great set of tits. It seemed like an eternity until Cole came out to the pool. I had this aching sensation between my legs and was looking for some serious relief. Cole finally came out and jumped in naked. He swam to the opposite end of the pool where I was sitting on the steps. As he approached, I attacked him and turned him around. I propped him up on the steps and proceeded to lick his stem for all he was worth. I love sucking his knob and playing with his boys at the same time. This gets him going pretty well, so I have to be careful not to erupt the volcano too early. I take it down a bit and go really slow. Once I feel he is good and ready, I throw myself on to his hot prick. The natural moisture and the water from the pool make excellent lubrication. I start pumping for all I'm worth. The slow burn deep in my pussy starts almost immediately. I know its not going to take much for me to come. After a few moments, the orgasm begins. Damn, if I'm going to slow down though, it feels just way too good. I look at Cole and his eyes are closed with a heavy concentration on his face. He's pacing himself, I love that. I was fucking him for all he's worth and he's trying to stay in the game. That is really fucking sexy. I can't hold much longer so I stop gyrating. Quickly, I tell Cole to get behind me and do me doggy. I love it from behind, the boy gets sooo deep. I can't take too much of this and finish my orgasm in just seconds. Completely, spent and drained I give Cole a long luscious kiss on the lips and walk into the villa. I need a long bath and perhaps a little nap. As I lay in the tub my arousal starts up again. Gently, I play with my lips and doze into a slumber.

In my peace, I hear a loud knock on the bathroom door. It's Cole and he's yelling that Jake just arrived at the villas. It may have been the abrupt nature of my wake or the fact that Jake is here, either case, I am not happy. Taking my sweet ass time, I get dressed and meet Cole and Jake out by the pool. They already have the beers fired up and I can see how the weekend is going to fare. A devilish smile comes on my face as I noticed that there isn't another female around. My hope is that Jake didn't bring a female friend and that I would have the whole weekend to work on my brief. After making nice with the boys, I noticed something has changed about Jake. Usually, by this time he's slapping high-fives with Cole and talking about his latest pussy conquest. Surprisingly, he's talking about his business and how well he's managing it. Dare I say he shows sign of maturity.

Breaking their conversation, I ask, "So Jake, where's your girlfriend".

Jake says, "Elise is inside making some calls."

My bubble is blown; I thought I'd be able to spend the weekend alone, while the boys chum it up. Now I have to cart some airhead around the entire weekend.

I walk back into the villa to fix myself a coke and rum. As I approach the door to the pool, I see this gorgeous Asian woman sitting behind Jake. She's got her legs wrapped around Jake's waist and is gently caressing his chest. I duck behind the drapes and take a closer look. I can't help but think she is an athlete. She has a great set of legs and they are very nicely tanned. Taking a minute to compose myself, I take a quick look in the mirror. I decide to make a quick change and take off the shorts and tee shirt I was wearing. I replace it with my 2-piece bikini. If there is one truth about women its that, yes we are competitive. I decided to use my perky rack to counter her gorgeous legs. Grabbing my drink, I walk out to the pool for introductions.

Not even through the doorway, Jake's girlfriend and my eyes meet. We both are quick to smile at one another. Not losing eye contact, I approach the group. Jake quickly stands and introduces us.

"Sweetheart, this is Ashley, Cole's girlfriend. Ashley this is Elise, my one true love." says Jake.

I extend out my hand and feel her hand slide right into mine. Her hands are very soft and feminine but yet her grip is firm and confident. Right away, I feel caught off guard. Still continuing the eye contact, I realize I may have been looking too long and hard. I start to think that Elise is not completely Asian. Her eyes are a hazelnut color and her hair is lighter that I thought. I later find out that Elise is half Japanese and half Irish-Italian. The mix in her gene pool creates a very striking and exotic woman. She has a very natural beauty to her. I don't think she wears any makeup because her complexion is very soft and smooth. Her body is really just as great as her legs. It is apparent that this woman is some kind of athlete. She is about 5'7 and very tone. She has nice definition in her arms, something I've always strived for. Yet her figure is still very feminine. She is rather busty at the top, but not to the point where it looks unnatural. I think to myself that Jake must have out done himself with this one.

All four of sit down and make some small talk. I find out that Jake and Elise have been together for the past couple of years. Elise is a resident at a local hospital and is looking to get into Neurology. It becomes very obvious that this is not the woman Jake typically would be dating. But it is equally obvious that they are in love and Elise has shown Jake the error of his ways. I can't help to think how this weekend will turn out. So far, nothing has gone as I have expected. I like Elise almost instantly and find myself eager to get to know her.

During dinner that evening, it's obvious that everyone is enjoying each other's company. We decided to go to a local Spanish restaurant. The atmosphere kicked up a notch after our 3rd round of sangria. Everyone is feeling really high. In fact, the whole crowd in the restaurant is pretty lively. They have a mariachi band playing with some scantly clad dancers. It was really quite a scene. It wasn't long before some of the patrons started dancing themselves. It got a little erotic with some of the pairings. One woman sitting next to us got up and started dancing with one of the female dancers. It started innocent enough, but soon turned into a lot of grinding action. Of course, everyone cheered rather loudly, but the dancer cut it off just as soon as it started. Needless to say, I was buzzing a lot and starting to feel pretty naughty myself. The rounds kept coming and our group found itself getting pretty obnoxious. So Elise and I were teaming up against both the men. We were taking turns insulting the guys for all their "misgivings". The conversation was all about sex and soon all the ghosts were out of the closet.

A game had started about which individual has done the kinkiest thing. The one rule was that the significant other had to tell the story about the other.

Jake started by talking about Elise's first time in a threesome situation. Elise was in pre-med and was involved in a coordinated study group. The group consisted of three females and two males. I guess after a few hours of study, the group decided to do some drinking and play some naked drinking games. I guess when it was all over the other two females were passed out and Elise and the other two males were almost all naked. Since they were all drunk and Elise was feeling pretty horny, she decided to make her move. From Jake's story, Elise took the guys both on until they both passed out. Midway through Jake's story, Elise interrupted to give some minor details. She went on to say that the most exciting part was when she was on her knees and getting it from behind while sucking on the other guy's dick. Elise also described very vividly about the orgasms she felt throughout the night.

After she finished her story, there was complete silence. Then we all busted into laughter. Elise was practically crying from the sudden exposure into her personal life. Cole and I could not stop commenting on how great the story was. It was clear; the story was going to be tough to beat. Then Elise went into her story about Jake and three different women. It lacked any sex appeal and was all about wham-bam thank you `mam. I talked about Cole's drunken experience with a dominatrix. But still lacked the same eroticism that Elise's story had. The Cole started in on me. I was to say the least a little nervous; I have not been very innocent in the past:

Cole said this was a two-part story. I knew instantly where he was going with all this. In my college days I was very attracted to my best friend. She was also my Big Sis in my sorority and my roommate for a year or so. Although I was attracted, I never dared to do anything about it. Her name was Sara. Sara was soon graduating from school and moving to Rome. I still had a year left of undergrad and was feeling a little lonely from her soon departure. Sara and I had done everything together and even came close to sharing a one-night stand together. (Another story) Anyway, it was Sara's last week and we were in finals. I think the future loneliness was playing with my head because I was not thinking straight that whole week. For some reason, I thought the best way for me to keep a part of Sara here was to seduce her into sleeping with me. So that whole week I tried to be extra flirtatious and extra raw. I tried to get her drunk every night and bring up the topic of sex. I was even extra touchy feely.you name it I tried it. At the beginning of the year, Sara and I decided to put our twin beds together to save room. So each night we shared a bed and would kiss each other before falling asleep. This last week was no different. On the very last night before Sara left school, I decided to play on my sad card. I had it all planned out. I told Sara that we had to spend our last night together but that we also had to party our asses off before the night was through. So Sara and I decided to go to a fraternity party that was right up the street. Sara's boyfriend was in that house and was so generous to fund our beer consumption the entire night. As we got completely blitzed I lost Sara. I was determined to find her and take her home for my last stand. I soon found her and her boyfriend making out in the library. When I called out her name, she jumped and yelled, "Ashley there you are, I was looking all over for you." Of course, I didn't believe one word she said. But was glad to hear she still had me on her mind. She made her good byes and we stumbled back to the house. Once back in our room, we both took a shower to freshen up. I lit up a fatty to increase my chances. Sara admitted in the past that she gets horny when she smokes pot. As we got ready for bed and finished the joint I started in with my sad card. I told her how much I was going to miss her and how much she has meant to me all these years. She reciprocated my feelings and we fell into each other's arms. As we lied in bed under the sheets I could feel the sexual tension get stronger. My pussy was getting very wet and started to tremble with my arms around her. We were spooning and I started to press my pelvis into her buttock. To my surprise she started to move along with my gyrations. I started to breathe down her neck and she moved closer to my lips. I couldn't stand it much more; I pressed my lips into her neck. I moved my lips toward her ear lobe and gently nibbled. She quickly turned around and we were face to face. She had a devilish smirk and was looking straight into my eyes. It was as if she knew my whole plan this past week. We closed our eyes and leaned forward for our lips to meet. Even though we had done this same act many times before, it was clear this time the emotions were strong. When our lips touched it was soft and moist. Perhaps the perfect kiss. My lower lip was squeezed just between both of hers; she moved her tongue in and out ever so slowly. I was in heaven. The moisture between my legs was heavy. I could feel that I drenched through my panties. I reached for her breasts, and gave a little squeeze. I tried to tease her nipples into excitement. I was not experienced with what would pleasure her. I was simply going with what felt right. We touched and kissed the whole night into the daylight. We finally fell asleep without ever going into our love zones.

As Cole finished part one of the story there was complete silence. Except this time there was no loud laughter. Jake and Elise just sat with amazement almost wishing the story had not ended. Elise looked me straight in the eye and said, "I think I love you." Her comment did cause a huge laughter. The group simmered down enough for Jake to ask, in typical Jake fashion, "So have you had a taste of the hair pie?" After Elise slapped Jake, Cole when into part two of the story:

It was about a year ago and Cole and I had started seriously dating. One of Cole's girlfriends was getting married and there was a bachelorette party planned. I knew this person and most of the gals at the party through Cole. They nagged Cole into making me attend. I'm never one to turn down male strippers and alcohol. Besides these gals were a rowdy bunch and I was looking forward to cutting loose from a hard weeks work. The night was pretty typical. It started out with lots of drinking and a male strip tease show. We followed that up by getting into a chartered bus and going barhopping. The bride to be was quite a heavy drinker and was still going strong towards the end of the night. As the night came to a close, most of the girl in the party was passed out. There were ten of us girls ready to go keep the party moving. So after we dropped off those passed out. We looked for another scene. At two in the morning there weren't too many possibilities. The maid-of-honor threw out an idea I would never forget. She said, "Lets go to a girly bar." Everyone busted out with an enthusiastic yes!! So we charted our way into the city's classiest titty bar. Being all ladies, we got in free and had the best seats in the house. The club put us off to the side of the stage so that we would have some privacy yet still have a great view of the stage. The club was fairly tame at the time. But we soon got it rock-n-rollin. There were not too many gentlemen patrons, which was nice to not have everyone staring at us. Everyone took turns buying each other dances with the lady performers. Everything was relatively innocent up to then. Then someone had the performers do a special stage show just for the bride. As I said earlier, these gals are rowdy so anything was possible. They called the bride to the stage and had her strip to her undies. They tied her down and proceeded to spank and pour whip cream all over her. Then they called the maid-of- honor up to the stage and forced her to lick off all the whip cream. At this point, I was very wet in my crotch. The scene instantly reminded me of my last night with Sara. Again, I was feeling the need for some feminine attention. The dancers then proceeded to take turns giving the bride a very erotic lap dance. The crowd was going completely wild at this point. A particular dancer caught my eye on the stage. She had dark hair and a very voluptuous body. She had a schoolgirl outfit on and was the one spanking the bride and maid-of-honor. This schoolgirl looked to be no more than eighteen at best. It was obvious she was the schoolgirl character because she played the part very well. After the strippers had their go at the wedding party, they called on the group to send the least likely to be married up to the stage. After everyone looked around, they all voted me on to the stage. They even began chanting, Ashley, Ashley!! Feeling the peer pressure, I stumbled on the stage. As I stumbled, I remembered I was not wearing any panties. I was hoping this was not going to be an issue. How foolish!! They dog collared me and started parading me around the whole club. They had everyone slap me on the ass as we walked by, all this with my clothes still on. Then they brought me back on stage they whispered to me, "Do you mind taking your clothes off?" My answer shocked the hell out of me, I said, "Not at all." What was I thinking? They proceeded to strip me and soon found my commando state. Although they stopped at my bra, once they saw my bush they said, well it sure doesn't matter at this point. So there I was completely naked, tied to a cold chair sitting in front of complete strangers and my boyfriend's girlfriends. The strippers took their turns giving me a slow and erotic love dance. I was wet all over and the crowd was going completely wild. I even had a chance to share a kiss with a couple of the strippers. My drunken state was obviously getting the best of me. The stripper, however, that did not perform a dance was the schoolgirl. I was very bummed about this. Once the show was over, they untied me and had everyone give me a round of applause. They escorted me into a backroom behind the stage to what I thought would be my clothes. They brought me into this small erotic dark room with a half couch; only candles lighted the room. They told me to wait there and someone would bring my clothes right in. As I waited I started to get cold and very excited. I started to shake with nervousness as I felt something very sensual was about to happen. Soon after, the schoolgirl stripper walked in and introduced herself as Carolyn. She said she has my clothes in the dressing room and would take me back if I wanted. Playing the game, I told her I was in no big hurry. Carolyn said, "Great because your friends asked that I show you some courtesy for your performance this evening." I was in no mood for any more games at that point, after she made that comment, I took a step forward and leaned into her lips. I began kissing Carolyn like she was Sara. We were passionate with our lips. Carolyn backed me into the sofa and soon tasted every inch of my body. I laid back and enjoyed her masterful touch. She knew the exact amount of pressure to pinch my nipples. Her fingers were streaming across my sides and caused me to shutter in ecstasy. Her hands found my love pot and she used her palm to lightly glance over my clitoris. My hips started to jump up and down with every passing. Her lips were biting my nipples causing them to ache for more attention. I could not get enough of this woman. The Carolyn lowered herself between my legs. I positioned myself on the couch to make her more comfortable for her task. She dove right into my pussy licking the sides up and down. She then dove her tongue right in causing a wave of wetness to flow like a dam. She moved up to give me a kiss on the lips. I grabbed her by the back of the neck and kissed her for all she was worth. For the first time, I had a taste of myself and of pussy. I knew from then on I had to have more. Carolyn broke our kiss and refocused on my love hole. She proceeded to give me the best head, using just the right amount of pressure on my clit. She used her fingers to explore every inch of honey pot. I began to shudder in a tidal wave of an orgasm, but all I could think about was how much I wanted to return the favor. As my orgasm subsided, I geared up for my chance. But then I heard a voice down the hall calling my name. It was Sheila, the bride to be, I quickly got myself together and peeked out the curtain. I said, "Hi, I'm just getting dressed, I'll be out in five." She looked me up and down quickly and gave me a conniving smile. Once Sheila left, Carolyn got up and ran to fetch my clothes. As I got dressed, I soon got frustrated at my lack of success. I kissed Carolyn good night and rushed back to the party. The night ended soon after and I went home excited to tell Cole of my adventures.

After Cole finished the story, both Jake and Elise were slapping the table with enthusiastic, "Winner!!" After they stopped the ranting, I gave my vote for Elise's story as it had much guts too pull off. Cole agreed and we ended the contest in a dead stalement. All the sex talk got me really worked up. After all we were still at dinner getting bombed. Reminiscing of my bi-days was really exciting. I could help but think of how I could get myself back into that situation.

We broke the topic of sex and started dancing with the rest of the restaurant patrons. Cole, Jake, Elise and I all switched partners and took turns housing each other up. It was really a great time. The boys wanted to head over to pub where we could continue the festivities. The gals agreed and we were soon off to an English tavern for some darts and beer. While the boys played darts, it gave Elise and I a chance to chat girl-to-girl. It turns out we have a lot in common. She and I have the same approach on work and our personal lives. We are both very aggressive when it comes to something we want. We both even play soccer in our spare time. Elise is an avid athlete as she was once a part of her college swim team. That would explain those great shoulders, legs and arms. It turns out she continues her swimming regiment. She even started to tell me about how she came to meet Jake and how he repulsed her. He later won her over and she knew he was a teddy bear under all that toughness. I could tell she was enjoying the conversation equally. She began to do the pat on my knee thing every time something funny would come up. Perhaps I was looking too much into it, but she was very responsive.

The boys returned from darts and said they wanted to hit another bar for some pool. At the same time Elise and I looked at each other and said, "Strip Club!!". The boys claimed their innocence. But we gals knew they were looking to dump us off so that they could go be guys. We thought we would let them off the hook and let them go their way. Elise and I decided to walk back to villas as it was just down the beach.

On our way back, Elise and I decided to pick up some wine at a local liquor store. Our great buzz was starting to go fade and we weren't ready to call it a night. We picked up a couple bottles of red wine. We, surprisingly, both do not care for white wine. Another thing we have in common. Upon arriving at the villa, we decide to take the wine out to the patio chairs. We managed to polish off the first bottle and kick-start our buzz again.

Our conversations on the patio turned more personal. I think we both felt a warmth between us. It was a natural comfort and we felt like we've known each other for ages. Once things get personal they usually get sexual. So she began to tell me about Jake's hang-ups since her late working hours. I told her about Cole's laziness and how sometimes he brings it into bed. We shared just about everything we could have. I asked how could Jake have hang-ups with someone so knockdown gorgeous. At the time, I didn't realize how forward that must have sounded. But it was too late, it was out there. She blushed and said thanks; she said she'd die to have the breast I had. I gave my honeys a quick look and smiled back at Elise. Jokingly, I said, "Ya, they are pretty great.". We both got a quick chuckle. A moment o f silence passed and I quickly bluttered out, "you wanna sit in the Jacuzzi?" She answered with an affirmative great idea!!

We both went back to our villas and changed into our suits. She had a super tiny suit that looked absolutely sexy on her. It was black with a g-string back. The cups barely covered each tit and the suit was screaming the word hot!! I watched her walk from her foyer all the way to the Jacuzzi. I must have had this look of awe on my face because she looked up midway and caught my eye. She returned a wide smile and said, "You pretty hot yourself." Completely busted, I had nothing to say but the truth. I told her she looked absolutely stunning. She handed me my glass of wine and thanked me with a kiss on the cheek. Blushing, I sank into the Jacuzzi.

There was an uncomfortable silence for the first time in our conversations. We both sat there not knowing where this was all going next. She broke the silence by saying, "Not to be a jerk like Jake, but did her you ever get a chance to go down on a girl?" Under normal consequences, I would have been caught off guard. But I was quick with my answer, I said,"No, unfortunately, I haven't been so lucky." She giggled.

I asked, "So why do you ask?" She replied, "its something that I have always been curious about but have never experienced myself."

She proceeded to tell me about one of her girlfriends and their personal experience. Apparently, all her girlfriends are recommending she try girl on girl. I backed them up by saying it is the most erotic, soft and sensual experience you could have. She bit her lower lip and shook her head up and down. I decided to take my shot, I asked her "So have you had another threesome?" She said, "No but Jake is trying to persuade her into one." She said it would never happen if planned, only if it were the right time at the right moment.

We were in a very dangerous place. The sexual tension in the air was very high. The boys weren't due back for at least a couple of hours. We were both fairly naked in the Jacuzzi with plenty of alcohol in us. She looked incredible in the water. I could feel my head get very warm and fuzzy. I was very horny and I wanted so much to touch this woman. The only problem was how to break the ice. This time was like no other because I lacked the control and the game plan as I usually do. This was going to be something special I could most certainly tell.

"So we never declared a winner with our kinky stories. We need to have a winner. How do you suppose we do that?" asked Elise. She asked in manner that carried a lot of innuendo.

"I gather we could only decide, if we each had experienced what the other had. Only then could we tell who the clear winner is." I replied.

She gave a huge smirk, tilting her head and leaning forward. Oh my, I thought, this was really going to happen. I leaned in and our lips met. I had not felt this softness in such a time. I straddled her in the Jacuzzi and used my hands to run against her hair. Our kisses were soft and slow. We were methodical with our tongues as we took turns penetrating our lips. Her hands quickly found my ass. She started caressing just under the band of my suit. Soon I could feel my suit bottom come down my waist. Our lips never departed. We made out for what seemed an eternal bliss. I took a quick break only so that she could pull my bottoms completely off. I followed suit with her and soon we were both naked back to kissing. I continued my straddle and made love with my lips. I tasted every sweet inch of her face, lips and neck. Her hands found my breasts and it was apparent she was eager for a taste. She pushed me back and started feeding on each of my nipples. Back and forth, soft and rough she would alternate. She pinched ever so gently, I was gushing with wetness all over her belly. My hands found her nipples and reciprocated the touch. I yanked her up so that we could switch positions. She was now straddling me and I was working her breasts. Her soft moans of pleasure, were music to my ears. I wanted nothing more than to please this woman all night long. She pulled me off her breasts and asked if we should go inside. I agreed and we were soon hand in hand walking to my bedroom. While she prepared the bed, I found some candles to light the room. This gorgeous woman lay across the sheets caressing her pussy lips gently waiting for me. I plopped on top of her and continue my barrage of tongue action. I was determined to lick every each of Elise until she cried of pleasure. I wasted no time and dove head first into her pussy. The taste was sweet and subtle. I pried her legs open and as wide as possible. I wanted to have every inch of her womanhood exposed for my tongue to travel. Reaching up to her breasts, I find pinching each nipple while teasing the clit created quite the stir. Her moans grew loud and fast. I continue this ritual and repeated faster and faster. Her legs closed quickly around my head and I was trapped. I was oblivious, the taste and feel of her pussy on my tongue was heaven. Her orgasm shot through like a freight train. Elise convulsed at least six or seven times before fully subsiding. I had done it, I had my first taste of pussy and I was happy. Elise pulled me up to her lips and we continued our lovemaking. Elise wasted no time reciprocating my tongue-lashing. We made love for several hours and the boys never made it home that morning. We never asked and never cared. It gave us more time to experiment with each other's bodies. Our first sixty-nine was magical, it lasted almost two hours.

All this and it was only our first night..more to come.

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