A summer to Remember

By Tyler

Published on Jun 24, 1997



A Summer to Remember

Chapter One:

Tyler was not exactly sure how he had come to be in his present position but if he were to be completely honest with himself he had to admit that he was enjoying it a great deal. Even as he gagged once again on the very generous length or Jasons anatomy, he felt the warm flush of sexual excitement fill his whole being with satisfaction. And eventhough he had been incredulous at the thought of going down on the seventeen year olds bone, the feel of the silken adolescent cock in its excited state in his mouth was pure bliss.

It had all begun when Tyler's mother had begun badgering his father about a return trip to the Bora Bora and Micronesia once again this year. After the trip they had taken there three years agon during Tylers summer vacation his mother had always wanted to return when the two of them could go alone. Well Mom had finally convinced Dad that Tyler would be just fine with his aunt to check up on him and the maid to stay with him full time and that he really deserved the vacation from work. Well having decided to go, off his parents went and suddenly there he was alone and loving it! He was basicly on his own, Tilda the maid wouldn't really care what he did as long as he did not get arrested and eventhough his old aunt only lived two miles away and could be a royal pain in the ass, the chances of her being sober long enough to find her car keys were pretty slim.

So secure in the knowledge that short of burning the house down he could do anything that he wanted, Tyler surveyed himself in the mirror after a shower thinking about what he would wear to the party that he had been invited to tonight. Although he was not totally pleased with what he saw there the thin lithe frame of his fifteen year old body could certainly use the addition of some muscle, he suppossed it could be a lot worse. His skin was flawless and the deep tan on his normally very fair features set off his reddish brown hair and light green eyes in a very interesting way. The only thing that really did please him was the size of his heavy thick cock and the round muscularity of his ass which all of the girls in school seemed to find irresistable.

Wondering to himself what it would be like to be attending his first unsupervised party Tyler chose his clothing very carefully and did he best to make sure that he looked his best. Which in this case included a very weather set of torn jeans, a hockey jersey and a pair of sandals with no socks. After looking at himself in the mirror, he thought "What the fuck!". He sat back down on the bed kicked off his sandals and slipped out of his jeans and briefs and then put his jeans back on. Standing and checking himself in the mirror he was very pleased with the way that the tight Levis showed off his anatomy and the fact that the rips made it pretty apparent that the jeans were all he was wearing. Just the thought of it served to cause a stirring in his loins that he hoped would find expression tonight somewhere besides his own hand.

Thus girded for the quest of life and love in the adolescent society that he was hoping to ascend to, of f Ty went in hopes of a glorious evening of conquest. Little did he know that across town there was someone thinking the same way with his tight little ass and pouty cherry lips in mind!

"A Summer to remember"

Chapter two

Well now that I was finally at Jason's house I was a little nervous because in all truth I was a little afraid that all of the older guys would think that I was a little dorky or something. but steeling myself with the thought of how awful it would be if I went through life afraid to go to a party, I gathered my courage and went up on the porch and rang the doorbell.

I rang the doorbell and you could have knocked me over with a feather when a middle aged man answered the door. It had never occurred to me that Jason's parents were going to be home for one of his famous parties.

"Hello there!" the man practically shouted scaring my insecure teen heart even more than his mere presence. "You must be looking for Jas. Come on in!" as the door swung open I could hear some sixties music playing in the background and decided maybe plans had changed.

"oh by the way I'm Dan, Jason's dad and probably not half as bad as the little snot would have you belive. And just who might you be?"

Now I'm not a moron or anything but to be honest I lnow that I am really shy, and I was really shocked to find this guy here in what was supposed to be a pubescent celebration of life and vice. So of course I stood there for a long minute looking like an idiot who couldn't remember his own name, but finally I chirped out in a quivery voice that only one who is fifteen can manage" Hi there sir, my names Tyler and I just moved to town." Really clever, Huh?

"Well nice to meet you Tyler, you can probably find Jason upstairs in his room, I heard the shower about ten minutes ago so he should be out. Top of the stairs first door on you right.".

"Cool! Thanks alot Mr. Hanson, I'll go on up."

I turned and practically vaulted up the steps and almost lost one of my Birkenstocks in the process, painfully aware that it was probably apparent to the man behind me that there was nothing on under the jeans. Feeling like a fool I turned the corner as quick as I could and grabbed the doorknob on what I hoped like hell was Jason's door and practically burst through.

Of course once again because of my youthful stupidity I was once again surprised even more shocked than before. I had flown through the door into the right room all right but lying on the bed was Jason in the buff and if I was not mistaken with a prize woody. Of course I tried to stutter out some stupid excuse and duck back out the door as Jason grabbed for something to cover up what I suspect that he had just been stroking. He said hold up for a minute as he grabbed some sport boxers and threw them on while furiously blushing in what was a very attractive way. Jesus what was wrong with me here I was looking at another guys bone and really getting kind of turned on by the fact. I couldn't help but notice that he was even bigger than I was and from the glance that I got also uncircumcised like me.

I furiously pushed these thoughts out of my mind a little late to judge by the puzzled look as I blushed more than just a little myself.

"Jeez didn't you mom ever teach you to knock Ty? I thought someone was storming the place or something!" Jason said as he put on a pair of jean shorts to cover the still very serious bulge.

I couldn't help but notice just how nice a body that he had, I mean he also had a twenty eight inch waist but his shoulders were a lot beefier and he had a lot more muscle than me, not really bulky still lithe but not skinny like me. I would kill for a body like that and was really working the soleflex for everything that it was worth to get it. But I was patient and knew that it would take time.

"Hey listen Ty, Plans changed because my parents decided to stay in tonight so there won't be any party tonight."

I was crushed! I had been looking forward to this all week. And now I had to go home and listen to my drunk aunt talk about how things used to be if she was still even there.

"Damn" I said. "Now I have to go home, sit there and be bored and listen to my aunt talk shit!"

Jason looked at me funny again for a second and then said in a sort of uncharacteristically shy way "Well, you want some company? I could spend the night if you want me to."

Quite honestly I was thrilled here was probably the most popular person in the eleventh grade at a new school asking me if it was all right if he hung out with me!

"Cool we could probably raid my dad's liquor cabinet and get a little buzz and play pool or swim all night! And you'll love the new house it's like a castle the thing is huge!" I answered.

Jason looked really pleased as he said,"Awsome, I love to play pool and slurp booze! Hopefully your dad has some tequila, I really love the stuff! just let me grab some clothes and a few things and tell my dad, okay?

I looked at him thoughtfully for a second and said questioningly, "why don't you pack for a couple of days? My parents are gone for two weeks and except for my aunt and the maid during the day we would have the house to ourselves we could have a blast.

Primo dude! that's definitely the bomb! Let me pack up and tell dad where I'll be.

He started gathering stuff and stuffing it into a bag and then went into the bathroom off of his bedroom with the bag. A couple of minutes later I heard him yelling down the stairs to ask his dad who said it was fine with him and he came rushing back in the door like a whirlwind filled with enthusiasm and flushed with excitement.

"Well I am ready to go."

"Cool lets ride guy." I said " I really think that you are going to love the house its great."

And off we raced, into what little did I know was going to be one of the most exciting nights of my life!

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