
By Jack Santoro

Published on Dec 30, 2004



Charlie By

After some truly hot times rooming with Andy and Jim while attending previous conventions I was surprised and unhappy to get a phone call from Jim saying that his company wasn't sending him the next year. My company was still sending me, and I booked a room for myself. The first evening, when I went to the restaurant next door for dinner, I met Charlie. I'd just sat at my table when the waiter asked me if I'd mind if he seated another man with me, as they'd overbooked and were short of space. Facing the prospect of eating alone, I was happy to have company. Charlie was about my height, six feet, slim build as I was, and two years younger than my 28 years. Like me, he had brown hair and eyes. Unlike me, he had a very warm smile on his oval face. We quickly became acquainted, exchanging personal details over dinner. Charlie had been married for three years and his wife was expecting a baby the following month. I informed him that I was divorced and childless. We decided to continue the conversation in my room, perhaps because we both felt lonely. "So you've had time to get used to being a bachelor again," he said. "I've had almost two years to get used to the idea. It's not too bad, once you get used to it." That was true. I'd become accustomed to my own company. "Well, you might say I've become a bachelor again, since my wife and I haven't had sex for three months now. The doctor thinks sex is a bad idea during the latter part of pregnancy." "Well, then, you probably do what I do, get relief from your hand," I said. "That can be fun too." "Oh, I've been doing that a lot," he said. "I think it's fun. I can do it almost anytime I want, since I don't have to worry about how another person feels. In fact, I'd been thinking about jacking off after I get back to my room tonight." "I was going to do exactly the same thing," I replied. I didn't want him to leave yet, so I asked him a question off the topic: "You know if it's going to be a boy or girl?" At that time, the mid-1960s, ultrasound was not well known, and most parents had to guess. "I really don't know, Jack. One thing that bothers me is that my wife said if it's a boy she wants to have him circumcised. I really don't want to put him through that, especially since I'm not circumcised." "Neither am I. I like it just the way I am. Being natural is very nice." "Especially for jacking off, right?" "Especially for that. Now that I'm single again, it's really important. Anyway, how did you escape being cut? About half the kids got it when I was born." "My mother told me I was born with a short foreskin instead of the long nippled kind most kids are born with. The doctor told her that since it covered only half the head and already slid back easily it wasn't worth putting me through the pain." "Yeah, I know. They don't give babies anesthesia for that, just let them cry their lungs out. I'm glad they didn't do that to me. My father wasn't cut, and my mother knew that it wasn't necessary to get clipped to keep it clean." "The front half of the head always sticks out on mine. I've been worried that I've lost some sensitivity because my rim is much more sensitive than the front part. I've been keeping it taped shut to keep the whole head protected." "Well, without the foreskin to keep it moist, it can dry out and lose sensitivity," I said. "That's another reason I don't want my kid clipped if it's a boy. The doctor's really been working on my wife, though. He told her that a tight foreskin keeps the head from growing fully, and that removing it early lets the head grow out." "I don't believe that at all. I've always had a long tight foreskin, and mine has a big head on it." "Mine has a big head too, but I thought that was because there's not much foreskin to keep it squeezed down." "I can show you if you want. You can see for yourself," I suggested. I saw a sparkle in his eyes as I spoke. "I'd like to see it, if you don't mind. I hope it's okay," he added tentatively. "That's not a problem. We're grown men. I've got nothing to hide." I stood and began removing my clothes. "I'll show you what I've got too. You'll see how I keep it taped. Anyway, I've got to remove the tape now because I have to pee." We doffed our clothes, and when we were standing butt-naked we looked carefully at each other's crotches. Charlie's penis hung down ahead of his patch of brown pubic hair, with a big bulge at the end of the sheath of skin, which was held together with a small piece of white surgical tape. It seemed shorter than mine, which hung freely. As I watched, he removed the tape and the skin slid back to uncover the bulbous front half of the big head. "You've got a long foreskin," he remarked. "It covers the head and has a long nipple at the end." "It's always been long," I replied. "That's the only difference between my penis and yours. I think they're both about the same length from the base to the head." "Mine's about three and a half inches soft, about like yours. That extra skin adds maybe an inch on yours." "Mine's a little over six inches hard." "Mine's exactly six. The big head's what my wife likes. She loves it when I slide it into her." "Mine did too. I'd often make her come just by working the head in and out of the opening. She said it stretched her and felt really good. A couple of women I knew before I met her said the same thing." "That happened to me too. I had only one serious girlfriend before I met my wife, and she loved it when I slid the head slowly into her. She told me to pull out and work it in again. She came just with the head working in and out of her." "I think the size of the head's genetic. My father's cock had a big bulge in it at the end, so I guess his had a big head too." "Let me go pee," he said, moving towards the bathroom. "Do you skin back to pee? I don't have to." "Sure I skin back. I've got to go too. Let me show you." I squeezed into the bathroom with him and stood at the sink. With two fingers, I pulled my foreskin back to uncover the front dome of the head and let my stream flow into the sink. "I often pee into the sink too, when I'm home alone," he said. "It's easier and less messy than doing it in the toilet. If my wife's home, I'll sit down to pee, because standing it makes it splash, no matter how careful I am." Charlie came to stand beside me, and I felt the warmth of his thigh pressing against mine as he pointed his penis into the sink and began his stream. "Our streams are about the same size, Charlie. Some guys have tight pee-holes, and their streams are thinner. Andy was like that." We released our fluids until we were drained, and milked the last drops from our cocks as I ran the water to flush the residue. We returned to the bedroom and sat side by side on the edge of the bed. "I guess your tight foreskin doesn't give you any trouble, because you can skin back. Does it go back as easily when you're hard?" "The best way is to try it yourself. Just grab my penis and see how it skins back." Charlie tentatively grasped my cock with two fingers on either side of the head and began pulling back to bare the front dome of my glans. "Your tip's purple like mine," he observed as more came into view under his gentle traction. I think our tips are about the same size." "I think they're also about the same shape. They're bigger than the shafts, and both are round at the end. I can see your rim flares, even through the skin." His fingers on my cock were arousing me, and my prick began swelling. "Your foreskin's not only longer than mine; it's thicker. Go ahead, feel mine. It skins back very easily." At his invitation, I grasped his thin foreskin, already half back, and gently nudged it all the way to uncover his corona. My touch provoked a response in his prick as well, and I felt it swelling between my fingers. "You've got a very nice dick," he said, his eyes glittering. "Your slit opens up just like mine when you're hard." I was fully erect now, and the lips of my meatus had pouted to form a teardrop shape. His was almost erect, and I saw the lips of his slit parting, swelling with the pressure of blood. "Your foreskin stays back all the way when you're hard. Pull mine forward. You'll see it covers the head completely when I'm hard." He pulled on my foreskin, bringing it up to engulf the swollen glans as my prick came to full erection. "That is nice!" he exclaimed. "You can get longer strokes when you jack it. I can only pull mine half-way up the head." "With the sensitive rim, you can get a lot of thrills snapping that skin over its edge." "I do. That's how I do it, and it always feels really nice. I hope you don't mind, but it feels especially nice when you're touching it." He looked into my eyes as he spoke, a shy smile on his lips. "I don't mind at all. Your fingers feel very nice on my prick. You got me very hard just sliding my foreskin." Now that we were both erect, I saw that we both had straight shafts. A big vein bulged on the right side of each penis. Now he began retracting my foreskin slowly. "Tell me if this hurts now that you're hard," he said softly. His warm fingers insistently exerted more traction, revealing half the head, and then pulled harder to make my foreskin slide back to clamp the rim of my helmet. "It doesn't hurt at all, Charlie. It feels very nice. Skinning it back stretches my foreskin wide, and makes the nerve endings in it tingle." To emphasize my point I began jiggling his foreskin up and down to bump his rim. His fingers tightened slightly on my foreskin and pulled it the last increment to bare my corona. "That's really nice. You're stretching my skin as well as hitting the rim. Your rim has that flare at the top, just like mine." I saw that a drop of clear fluid had appeared to fill his teardrop shaped orifice. "We're alike in other ways, too," I continued. "Some guys have what they call low hangers.' Both our ball sacs are tight." I continued to stroke his foreskin, compressing his corona with each upward movement. "My skin lays flat behind the head except when I pull on it. Yours makes a thick roll," he said as I lifted his prick to inspect the underside. "That makes your dick thicker right behind the head. That must have felt good for your wife." "She said it did. She really liked the way it forms a thick roll of skin behind my rim. I'd push it into her with the foreskin fully forward, and it would skin back and lock behind the rim as I pushed it in." "Well, you see mine doesn't. It looks cut when I'm hard," Charlie said. "We both have thin gee-strings," I said, explaining what I'd seen. Some guys have very thick ones, and when you pull back their gee-strings pull the head down." "I've seen that," he said. "I've done this with other guys at times." His confession didn't surprise me, instead pleasing me that we were both ready to enjoy each other's bodies. "I enjoy getting off with other guys. Someone else's hand feels better than my own." "I've had several jack-offs with other guys since my wife got pregnant." He began a slow and steady stroking of my foreskin, taking long strokes to cover and bare the head. "A guy's hand feels better even than my wife's." "A guy knows exactly what to do to make a prick feel good," I agreed. "You've got a really nice tip on yours. That tight foreskin hasn't kept it from growing out. I was able to see its shape even through your thick skin. I think that doctor was wrong." "Of course he was. I'm not the only one with a big tip and long tight foreskin. I've seen others that way too." "Your tip looks really sexy," he said. "I like both the color and the shape." "That's what they call a helmet' shape. We've both got that." His fingers were moving faster now, and I sensed that he was eager to bring my prick to orgasm. "Yours doesn't get as wet as mine," he said. "Mine always leaks a lot. That helps because it feels better wet." "I know. Sometimes I put a couple of drops of oil to lube my foreskin." Astroglide was not on the market during the 1960s. "Last year at this convention a guy I jacked with gave me some of his lube." "I can give you some of mine if we go tip to tip," he suggested. We stood up to face each other and he thrust his hips forward slightly until the bulbous nose of his wet and slippery glans touched mine. "Your tip feels hot," I commented as the rounded end of his helmet slid against mine. Once he'd coated the end of my head with his fluid, we moved apart slightly and a thin transparent string of viscous cock-juice linked the ends of our helmets. "I think an uncut cock smells natural," he said. "Cut guys don't have that smell. Some women think it smells dirty." "My wife used to love it," I said. "Her brothers weren't cut, so she grew up thinking the uncut cock is natural. Many women have never even seen an uncut model." "One woman I knew before I met my wife thought my cock was dirty because it wasn't cut. That didn't last long." "That happened to a guy I knew once. His fiancé was a nurse, and she'd been brainwashed by the doctors into thinking a natural cock was dirty. She told him she wouldn't marry him unless he got clipped." "What happened?" he asked. "He went along with her, and a couple of months after the surgery they broke up. He was left with the scar. That really ruined his day," I replied. "I'd never get cut just because some woman wanted me that way." "I wouldn't either," he said. "I'm just worried about my kid if it's a boy." "Tell her what you know, that a long tight skin isn't a birth defect, and that when the kid grows up it'll pull back easily, the way mine does." We'd sat down again, our hands still on each other's pricks, and we slowly stroked them as we spoke. We skinned each other back simultaneously, and Charlie spoke again: "I hope my kid's norn with a short skin like mine. Then maybe I can talk the doctor out of cutting him." "I hope so too, for his sake." Charlie then said: "You've got the same little bumps on your rim as I do." "Yeah, those are the nerve endings. They form little buds on our ridges. That's what makes them so sensitive. I can come just by bumping my foreskin against my rim." "Me too," he said. He was holding my foreskin tightly back as he spoke. "I use long strokes to get almost to the end, and then skin back hard. That stretches the nerve endings in my skin, and then I just bump the ring of skin against the back of the ridge. That way, I can control it better, so that I stay right at the edge for a minute or so." "I like that feeling, being right at the edge. That feels so good, and then when I come, it's really hot." I was holding his foreskin back clear of his rim as he was speaking. Now I began slipping it forward just enough to touch the flaring purple rim, confident that I was sending messages of joy into the little buds of sensation that studded it. "Pull back a bit harder," he instructed me. "I like the way you stretch my skin when you pull back." I pulled back harder and a look of bliss came over his face. I bumped his thick rim faster now, stretching the skin on the back-stroke, and Charlie let go of my prick and lay down on the bed, legs spread. I grasped his tight scrotum with my other hand and tugged on the thick wrinkled skin. "You like that?" I asked, knowing what the answer would be. "Oh, I love it," he replied. "You keep that up and you'll have my load in a few seconds." "I'd like to make it last, but you look like you really need to come badly. Your tip's turned darker purple." I increased my speed and saw his body tense as his excitement mounted. "I do, I do!" he said as he closed his eyes. Now I was snapping the tight skin back and forth rapidly, bumping the sensitive nerve endings of his upturned rim and pulling back to stretch the nerve endings in his foreskin, watching as he came closer to the moment of no return. His need must have been urgent, for suddenly he cried out and I felt his cock pulse in my fingers as a thick white rope of liquid shot from his distended meatus to land on his stomach. His stomach muscles rippled and his legs were trembling as another hard jet erupted from the teardrop shaped orifice. Charlie moaned loudly with each spasm, and I kept up the steady drumbeat of sensations against his corona to make him drain his tanks completely. His prick pulsed in my fingers again as another hot jet gushed from his swollen tip, this time running down onto my fingers. The next stream was less creamy, and gushed out with less force. I knew he was near the end, and that any instant his engorged helmet would become super-sensitive, so I stopped bumping his rim, instead holding his foreskin back hard to maintain the tension on its nerve endings. His glans gushed another stream, and then began oozing a thin liquid, the last of his ejaculation. I gently laid his prick down on his stomach and watched as the tension drained from his body. His eyes were still closed, and his breathing slowed as he sank into the languor that inevitably follows a hot orgasm. It took a couple of minutes for him to overcome the mind-numbing daze that had overwhelmed him, but he finally opened his eyes to look up at me. "How was it?" I asked. "Oh, Jack, that felt great. I was trying to relax, but I was so turned on that I couldn't hold back and I just came." "I like to make it last too, and I try to keep all my muscles relaxed. That way, I enjoy it more." "Oh, I know just what you mean," he said. "I come harder when it takes a long time, but this time the pressure was so much that I just let go." "What did it feel like, those last few seconds?" I asked, wondering if his sensations were the same as mine. "Well, I was trying to stay relaxed, but your fingers sliding my skin up against the rim and then pulling it back hard gave me a feeling like I had to pee. Then I got a tingle in the rim and the feeling grew more intense. I thought I'd be urinating all over the place, and I felt the head swell even more and the tingle spread all over the head. My eyes were closed, and I saw a red flash in front of my eyes, and that's when my dick exploded." ""That's how it feels for me," I said. "What was it like when you were coming?" I continued probing.

"I was so hot that that first come felt like it was burning inside my dick. It just poured out of me, and I was paralyzed except for my dick pumping out the juice."

"Did your tip get very sensitive after a few shots?"

"Oh, it really did. It always does after I shoot a few times. You were realy good about that, stopping stroking my dick when you did. It wouldn't have felt so good if you'd kept pumping me after the head became sensitive."

"I could feel it, that moment when your tip became too sensitive. The same thing happens with my penis, and I have to stop stroking then."

"Even after you stopped stroking me, it kept coming out. It still felt very hot, but it wasn't pumping hard the way it did for the first few shots. It was just a delicious flowing feeling, and it really relaxed me. I guess I was just dribbling the last few seconds."

"You were dribbling, Charlie. I just held your skin back and watched the juice dribbling out of your helmet. It wasn't as white and milky during the last few seconds. The last couple of drops were clear. Look at your penis now." I ran my fingers along the underside of his softening prick, compressing the urethral tube and milking the last drops towards the tip. Charlie raised his head to watch.

"It's just clear juice, like my pre-come," he said.

"It is. You drained all your sperm and now you're just producing clear mucus." I slipped a finger under his scrotum and massaged the perineal part of his urethra to bring the residue forward, and then I grasped his now limp shaft and squeezed as I worked my fingers forward. His foreskin was still fully back from the still swollen helmet, and we watched the viscous liquid ooze from the orifice. I grabbed some tissues from the box on the bedside stand and gently dabbed at the front of his glans to catch the drips. Then I wiped the pools of cream from his stomach.

"I like the way you did that, Jack. You didn't scrape the front of my helmet with the tissues. It's still very sensitive."

"I know the feeling, Charlie. My prick's a lot like yours."

"Almost, Jack. You've got a lot more skin than I do, though. Look at how the head's all covered, even though you're rock-hard." He was right. Although I'd pulled my foreskin forward to protect the head when I'd begun working on him in earnest, and hadn't touched my penis since, my erection hadn't sagged at all.

"My prick's hard because watching and feeling you coming in my hand was an intense turn-on," I confessed. "That really kept me hard, and if you'd been stroking me I would have come just like you."

"Now I think your dick needs some relief," he said as he sat up to face me. "You lie down now, and I'll make you come." I lay on my back, spread my legs to give him full access to my scrotum, and waited for the waves of pleasure I was sure he'd provide. My prick lay flat on my stomach, the foreskin-covered head bulging urgently through its fleshy glove.

"Think you can hold off for awhile, or are you already on the edge?" he asked as he picked up my prick with two fingers on each side of the glans. He gently pulled the foreskin back to bare the bulbous front end, and then pushed it forward again to engulf the glans.

"I'm going to try and relax," I replied. His fingers continued their insistent manipulation of my foreskin over the swollen helmet, slowly increasing my excitement.

"I'm going to do you nice and easy, then. I want it to be really good and hot for you," he said. "Now I want you to tell me how it feels for you, and tell me what you want me to do."

"Just keep stroking me nice and slow," I said. "I'm in no rush."

"Your dick feels a lot different from mine," he said as he continued to slide my hood halfway off the head and then return it to its full forward position. The soft friction was very pleasant, without the feeling of burning urgency that had overwhelmed him. "There's a lot more skin to work with, and it's so thick," he continued. "I'm pulling back, while you had to pull mine forward."

"I like the way you're doing it, nice and easy. I'm totally relaxed, and I can feel the sensations building up slowly."

"Just tell me when you want me to skin it back," he said. "Right now I'm just going to slide your skin. I can feel it sliding so smoothly."

"That's because you gave me some of your juice," I said. "That extra lube makes it feel very smooth. I don't need any oil and the natural lube feels better."

"I knew it would be good for you. My lube is smooth and slippery." Charlie continued to slide my foreskin slowly up and down the head as he spoke, sending gentle thrills down my shaft.

"That feels so good. I can feel myself getting hotter, but I know I can last another minute or two."

"I can see you're getting excited," he commented as he continued to work my foreskin, now in slightly longer strokes that brought the rippled edge of my foreskin back almost to the flaring rim. "The head feels harder through the skin, and your tip's getting darker purple."

"That's it," I said. "I can feel it building up slowly, very slowly. You've got the magic touch."

"Your tip's very hard now, like a rock. It's really shiny." His fingers kept up their steady motion, adding to my excitement without sending me headlong towards the brink.

"Okay, now start stripping it back, all the way. I think I'm ready for the final stage." His warm fingers pulled back harder with each stroke, stretching the opening of my foreskin against the upturned rim of my cock-head, each stroke longer as I'd directed.

"You've really got a lot of skin to pull back," he said as he worked the thick fleshy hood back until it rode over the rim and snapped down into the deep groove behind the flaring corona.

"That's nice, really nice."

"The head's so swollen," he said. "Now I've got it all the way back. Want me to pull back harder?"

"Yeah, do it," I replied, and I felt his fingers tighten on my shaft behind the head, dragging the foreskin away from the high flaring rim.

"You've got so much skin I have to pull hard. Is that comfortable for you?"

"Oh, yeah, it's really nice. I can feel a tickle right in my rim when you bring the skin up to touch it." Charlie continued to draw back my foreskin, stretching its nerve endings, and then bringing it up to bump lightly against my engorged corona."

"I'm hitting those little bumps on your rim now. That must be really nice for you."

"You're right," I whispered, the excitement filling my body as he caressed and stretched my nerve endings, each stroke sending a pleasant thrill down my shaft. My glans began to ache for relief as the pressure built up inside me.

"How does it feel now?" he asked.

"I'm getting that urge to pee," I replied softly as I felt the muscles deep inside me begin to tighten.

"Getting a tickle in your rim yet?" he asked as his fingers continued insistently to work me up towards orgasm.

"Yeah, my rim's tickly, and it's spreading," I answered in a barely audible whisper. "When it gets tingly, I'll be right there. Go slowly then."

"I know what you mean. I'll keep you right on the edge as long as I can." His fingers slowed, but despite the gentle stroking my legs began to tremble.

"You're getting it in the legs," he said. "I know you're close, so I'll slow down even more."

"Yeah, just right," I whispered as my eyes closed. I felt myself withdrawing from the outside world, retreating into myself as my attention became fully focused on the delicious sensations Charlie was pouring into my hot hard prick. I felt a tickle deep inside me as a drop of lubricating fluid began its slow crawl up my urethra towards the end.

"You're juicing now," he commented as his fingers continued to stimulate my rock-hard erection, drawing back the thick roll of flesh and then bringing it up to brush my corona. I said nothing, my mind totally absorbed with the hot sensations in my prick.

"You're right there," he said. "You can't talk anymore. Just relax and let me do it to you. Let it happen." His delicate fingers slowed their motions even more, but a tingle had begun in my corona. My stomach muscles tightened and rippled, and I knew the moment was only seconds away.

"You're juicing more now. Any second..." I heard his soft voice in the distance as I desperately tried to remain relaxed to stretch the moment of glorious anticipation as long as I could. I felt him tug on my tight scrotum, sending more sensations into my groin. My entire helmet was filled with the hot tingle of impending orgasm, and then something snapped. A hot red flash passed in front of my tightly shut eyes and a sharp contraction gripped the root of my cock.

"HUNH!" I grunted as the first burning hot jet poured into my tube. The acute sensations of anticipation had given way to the heavy pounding of my orgasm, and I was in another world now, totally oblivious to anything outside my own bady.

The heavy rush of hot lava burned its way up my shaft, rounding the bend upward into my glans, and I felt myself erupting wildly. I writhed on the bed as another tight contraction gripped my cock-root, sending a second burning jet streaming up my tube and out the distended orifice of my glans. A third hard spasm jolted my cock-root, and I felt Charlie's fingers wrap tightly around my shaft to stroke the fleshy hood in long strokes that completely covered the head.

My inner world was exploding in a silent blast that devastated my nervous system. The mind-numbing frenzy of my orgasm wracked my body, and another hot blast of cream poured from my throbbing helmet. I felt my cock-root convulse again, sending another thick stream pouring from my distended orifice as I cried out helplessly.

Now I felt Charlie's tight encircling fingers pull back hard on my foreskin, and the fleshy collar was drawn tightly back from my helmet as yet another gush poured from my slit. Another hard contraction wrenched my cock-root, and the following one was weaker. My urethra was still filled with fluid, but the pressure was less, and subsequent spasms became weaker, until my orgasm tapered off into slow dribbles. I felt Charlie release my prick and lay it gently on my stomach to deflate in its own time.

I lay still, totally dazed, enjoying the creeping relaxation that began to fill my body. My breathing slowed, and after a timeless period I opened my eyes.

"You're back with us," he said as he looked down at me with a warm smile. "You were really creaming there. You were yelling so loud like you were being tortured."

"You can torture me like that any time," I replied, smiling up at him.

"That was really beautiful, feeling your cock throbbing in my fingers. If I hadn't just come, I would have lost it right there."

"You really made me come hard," I said appreciatively. "You did it just right."

"I could almost feel it when your tip became too sensitive. That's why I stopped stroking and just pulled back on your skin." Charlie picked up my softening penis and pushed the protective hood over the shrinking helmet.

"There, now it's covered again," he continued. He grabbed some Kleenexes and began wiping the pools of cream where they'd fallen on my stomach. His other hand worked behind my scrotum, pressing forward on my urethra to force the residue up my shaft. He milked my prick while I lay contentedly, enjoying the gentle attention my prick was getting. He dabbed at the tight end of my foreskin as he milked the glans inside, soaking up the dribbles that emerged.

"I really enjoyed that," he said. "I loved giving you the same hot thrills you gave me, feeling your prick throbbing in my hand. I knew just what you were feeling, because I'd felt it when you did me just a few minutes ago."

"I loved doing you, too," I replied. Charlie now lay next to me, and we turned to face each other. His arms snaked around my body, hugging me tightly.

"Only two guys can do something like this," I said. We know what feels good for each other, we know how to stroke each other's cocks..." I trailed off, knowing he felt the same way. Now the darkness of sleep descended over us, and we sank into oblivion.

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