Charmed Phoenix

By Uriel Cowan

Published on Dec 19, 2010


Charmed Phoenix" uses characters from the Aaron Spelling TV show, "Charmed". Spelling Enterprises; all rights reserved. I do not own these characters. They belong to Aaron Spelling.

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"Charmed Phoenix"

Chapter 3: New Love

Instead of going to school I was at the Manor to start my training with Warren. Wyatt and Chris was in magic school with the rest of the family teaching. Warren and I were in the Manor's basement where the Halliwells made a training room for Phoebe when she used to lived there. It was just me and Warren. I was wearing a light gray a cut off shirt, showing off my amazing arms from going gymnastics, and some white track shorts, while Warren was shirtless wearing black sweat pants. Warren ripped tight eight pack was glistening with sweat. It took all my control in my mind not a sprain a hardon in my shorts.

Warren then pick up two swords and throw one to me. Warren then swung his sword with great force at my head, even though I was able to counter it out, I was still thrown about 6 feet backwards. I simply went into my Kill Bill Attack Mode, I ran back toward him and swung my sword at his left shoulder, but he countered it easily. This went on for 15 minutes until he started throwing fireballs at me. I then use my pyrokineses to extinguish the flames before they got to me. I then use my telekinesis to throw the sword out his hands. I went to strike him with my sword, but he roundhouse kick the sword out my hands and punch me in the stomach. I double back and jump into the air to perform a series of kick towards Warren. He simply grab my legs and swung me into a wall. I use my telekinesis to help stabilize me in the air as ran up the wall and flip back unto my feet. Warren smiled at me, but the smile quickly vanished when I sent a wave of fire towards him. He then use his empathy to redirected it back at me. With a flick of a wrist, i sent it into a wall. I hastily telekinetically lift up a sword and sent it soaring towards him. He then used his empathy to tap into my powers and did the same. The swords were attacking and countering in the air as we fought back and forth in hand to hand combat. I never in my life as a phoenix met such a worthy opponent. Warren grabbed me in a bear hug and i use my Tk trip him. We came tumbling down with great force, but he still won't let me go.

Warren grasping for breath: Man... yo...u are a bad...ass. Uh, Wyatt and Chris aren't even close to you. If i didn't no better, i think you can take on my mom and win.

I smiled back a little embarrassed and still in his bear hug that loose a little: Tha...nks, you... For...get i am a trained assassin.

Warren started to pull me closer to his face: You know, l like you in this position.

I bush a ketchup color red: You know what, I like it too.

We started to lean in close to kiss when someone on the steps coughed. We both look up and to find Chris standing there looking at us. Like kids caught taking cookies out the cookie jar, Warren and I quickly got up and dust ourselves off.

Chris smirked: Riel it's time for some potions when your done here.

I discombobulatily stated: Ok, be in a minute.

Chris snickered: Ok, I will be in the kitchen when you done.

I looked at Warren, who had walked away to put up the equipment, I spoke shyly to him: Uh, I'm going to leave. I started up the steps.

Warren smirked: Hey, don't you forget that you owe me dinner and a movie tonight.

I almost fell going up the stairs when he said that. I quickly turned and replied: You still want to go with me.

Warren stated back quickly: Of coursed because I'm really interested in you.

I smiled back: I guess it's a date.

Warren the shimmered out to go home.

In the Kitchen I head up into the Kitchen to see Chris a stiring a pot of water. He looked up at me and laughed at my expense.

Chris still Laughing: Riel i see that you got a good workout down there.

I glared at Chris: You can just bite me. All we did is just trained and we fell on top each other.

Chris snickered: Oh, you fell alright. Anyway lets get started, I'm going to teach you how to make a Basic Upperlevel Demon Vanquishing Potion. It will mostly vanquish all low-level demons and/or stun if not vanquish Upperlevels. If it doesn't work then we would simply need to just add a few more ingredients plus the demon's flesh to increase the power of the potion.

I looked at Chris replied: Ok let get crackling.

He smirked: It's that easy.

Before he even started to teach what needs to be done to prepare the potion, i was already at Step Five.

Chris looked shocked: While i guess you really don't need me. God you could have told me that you already knew how to do it.

I simply replied: I was already trained for this remember. I wish that you guys stop trying to treat me like I'm new to all this. All you are supposed to do is show me more and different techniques to using the Craft.

Chris replied with a little attitude: Well sense you got this down, I really want to know what's up with you and Warren. I mean you two been flirting with each other for like ever and then i saw y'all in the basement. You can't say it's nothing.

I blushed at Chris as I turned the potion: Well, he asked me out for tonight and I said Yes.

Chris looked as if he was going to piss on himself: ARE YOU SERIOUS! Man, What about WY... Uh, why some soon.

I looked at him weird: First, Chris you're my best friend and you know how long i been crushing on him. Second, I know what you was going to say, what about Wyatt. Wyatt had a chance, but he never act on it.

Chris looked weird and mumbling: I just wouldn't tell him if I was you.

I didn't hear him what he mumble, so I just ignored him and finished up the potion. I then started to think about Wyatt. I mean he never attempted to asked me out. Wyatt never give me a reason to think that he would be interested.

Chris yelled: Riel, snapped out of it you're going to boil over the potion.

I looked down and saw the potion bubbling over the sides: Oh, sorry i lost my focus.

Chris rolled his eyes: I know, pour the potion the into the vials on the island.

I hear Orbs coming in and looked up to see Wyatt. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and started to seal the veils.

Wyatt turned to Chris: Hey Bro. They need you back Magic School, I will take over here.

Chris threw up deuces, and orbed to magic school. I looked at Wyatt and he looked back at me. Then ten demons just shimmered in. I wave my hand sent half into the living room. Wyatt started to blow demons but when he blow one, two would return. I grab potions and started throwing then like crazy.

Wyatt scared for my life yelled: RIEL GET OUT OF HERE I CAN HOLD THEM OFF!

I replied back while kicking a demon in his face: I'm leaving without you. I then yelled for Warren, shimmered in.

Warren as vanquished three demons with a Fireball: WHAT the FUCK going on here!

I seen a demon throw a energyball at Wyatt ,who intern put up his shield to defect it. The demon was piss, but Wyatt flick his wrist and five demons exploded into a oblivion.

Warren came up with a idea: Wyatt lets try a Power of three spell.

I gave Warren a confused look as I jump kicked a demon it a wall: I am not a Charmed One it won't work.

Wyatt gasp as energyball hit and cause me to bust into pieces of red orbs, but I regenerated like all others phoenixes: Hell we have nothing to lose here.

Warren replied: Come over here and hold my hand. He then through fireballs to cover us as Wyatt and I join hands with him, he performed the spell. In the circle that's is Home Safety gone and Evil Roam Rid all being from these Walls Safe Brothers' Three now head our Call!!!

The demons surrounding us started to melt into a huge puddle and then evaporated in the air. Wyatt shocked: It worked.

Warren laughed: Of course, because Reil here is at a equal power level as us, so he can combine his powers with ours for a super vanquish if needed.

I looked Warren and grinned shyly: Well, I guess you guys have me as a back up Charmed One.

Wyatt laughed: I guess we do not need a training section today. Riel, I can see that your far from a little basic witch.

Uriel smiled back: Told Ya So!

Wyatt yowled: I... Going to bed.

Warren comment kinda harshly: Well, go to bed.

I gave him a be nice look: Go to bed Wyatt.

Wyatt replied: K, see Ya.

Warren walks over to me and whisper in my ear: Can you be ready for our "Date" in couple of minutes.

I answered flirty: Sure, but if you want me sexy, give me an hour.

Warren snickered: Go head beautiful.

I step out away from him and Flameout to my house. I started the hot water for my shower so that it can get warm before I step in. I had my long reddish, black hair in a ponytail, so i took it down and started to strip. I have a ipod dock in my bathroom on sink countered, so i walked out of my bathroom naked into my room, which is join together with my bathroom and grab my ipod touch and iphone4 off my desk and set it on the dock.

I gave myself a look over my body, liking what i saw: my 6'1 frame, 175 pounds of Lean muscle with reddish black hair that goes behind my shoulder, a nice tight six pack, and a big HIGH bubble butt that always got me hitted on. I have no hair on my body execpt my pubs, hair and pits, i felt that was a blessing. I started to play Beyoncé "Ego". I started to dance front of mirror on the back of the bathroom door. I finally get in the shower, after the second verse came in; "Usually I'm humble, right now i don't choose You can leave with me or you can have the blues Some call it arrogant, i call it confident You decide when you find on what I'm working with Damn i know i killing you with them legs Better yet the thighs Matter fact it's smile or maybe my eyes Boy you a site to see, kinda something like me..."

15 minutes later, I was standing in front of my of my bed in my red boxerbriefs deciding what i wanted to wear. I finally decide on a pair of black slim jeans that show my bubble butt, a black wife beater, and a tight black & red hooded thermo shirt that was a was to show off my arms and chest from gymnastic workouts. I was use my projection power to create a mirror in front of me and I check my myself out and started with my hair. I decide to comb it back and wear a red head band to hold there. I went over and grab my black polo boots and made the mirror disappear as walkout my room and down the stairs. I grab my phone and say that there was message from Warren: Hey, Babe when your ready come to my house and i will drive you to our first destination. I texted back: Mk! Lol I'm on my way I then Flameout to his house and i was in the living room and i yelled: Warren, I'm here!

He yelled back: I in the bathroom and will be right down.

I replied back: Ok, but where is Phoebe, Coop, and your sisters.

As he walked down the stairs: "They still are at Magic school with everybody else. Wow, you look good." As he looked me up and down. He looked hot, because he was wearing a black shirt with a Celtic design on it that was a size too small, but i hug all the right places. His 6'4 framed look huger and more power by the way standed there. He was wear a fitted pair of jeans that sagged a little to show his black boxers. I zone out a little before he called my name repeatedly.

Warren: Riel, are you ready?

I replied: Oh, yeah, sorry that I zone out.

Warren laughed: I'm use to it.

I thought to myself: (damn, he thinks I'm crazy or something) Ok lets go.

Warren open the door for me and we got into his 2009 Jeep Cherokee. We left to Chris Brown and T.I on the way.

I asked: Where are you taking me?

Warren answered: I decided to just go to dinner and maybe a walk on the beach afterwards.

I stated: Great.

We reached the Restruant that was owned by Piper,Charmed, i just thought about it and it's like basically she was screaming they were the charmed ones.

Warren got a us a priviate table near the rear of the restraunt and started to order for the both of us. When he was done he looked me in the eye and saw that was smiling both on the inside and out. He then ask me about my assissin adventures as i asked about his Charmed ones.

Warren: Hey when is your next gym meet, i want to go.

I replied: It is Thursday.

Warren: The day before our football and i expect you to be there.

I laughed: If only you really come to my meet.

Warren: You kno that i really what to see you in your spandex.

I laugh and was a little in embarrass at that statement. I looked at him sharply: So you like me for my body.

Warren smiled: That and because you are much a good person. You make me laugh. I know you since forever.

I blushed at his comments. The waiter return with the delicious food and Warren and started back into conversation as we laughed at each other's jokes. We got up to leave Warrren paid for the meal and I left the tip.

Arrived at the Beach at sunset, the sun was just over the horzion of the water, glowing a red reb shimmer over it. I grabbed Warren hands and we walked down the beach near the shore.

I stated: Man, I'm really having a nice time with you right now.

Warren smiled and blushed: I did too, i hope we can do it again.

I leaned into him and kissed him on the cheek. He stop and turned: Thats all i get.

I replied: If you can catch me then you can have something more. I race toward the car and laughed at a confused Warren until he ran after me.

Warren drove me home and Walk me to my porch: Well then i guess we are gone for the night.

I look at him a laugh: Warren if you want spend the night you can.

A huge grin lite up his face: Great. We went inside the house and head up to my room.

Tbc... The sex scene will be in the next part and then it will be in Wyatts pov

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