Charming X Man

By moc.liamtoh@09yug_nza

Published on Dec 25, 2008


Disclaimer: This story is the work of fiction and is completely in no way associated with the lives of any of the actors portrayed, if any. Anything not originally written in the Charmed or Marvel series is completely made up and any similarities between the characters and the actors mention is coincidental. All X-Men and other related elements are property of Marvel and all Charmed and other related elements are property of Aaron Spelling. Enjoy

I don't like surprises. Whether they are good or bad. I mean I act the same to both good and bad news at first: Panic. Since I don't like surprises it's only fair that I tell you more about myself so that there won't be any surprises later on. Let me start off by saying my name is Brian. I'm gay. Not the fairy kinda gay cuz they scare the hell out of me. I'm just a normal teenager attending a normal high school...or so I thought. Well, I got a huge surprise that changed my life forever. My life took a completely different road on my 18th birthday.

I was walking to the cafeteria on a typical Wednesday. Well it was my birthday but it kinda sucked cuz I had a killer headache so like every drug dependant person, I started searching. I went to the nurse and my friends and teachers, and none of them had an Advil. As the day went, the headache got worst.

Finally 8th period gym class and then I'm out. We had to play volleyball and like always, I was chosen last. It doesn't hurt or anything. I really don't care for sports. But as always, I was last. Then it was a blur. I think it was because of the headache. I wasn't really into the I wasn't even paying attention. My gym mates know not to pass the ball to me unless they wanted to lose.

Next thing I knew, a ball was flying straight at me. In a panic I covered my face with my palms facing away and tightly closed eyes. Little did I know that when I open my eyes, I will see the impossible. When I didn't feel my body come into contact with the ball, I opened my eyes. To my surprise (fear as well), the ball was motionless, frozen in mid air, right in front of me. I was scared and so was everyone else. I felt their fear. I somehow...sensed it. The only thing I could think of was to run. So that's what I did.

I sprinted out of that gym so fast that the screams and cries of my class mates were only echoes in my head. I was so scared and caught up in the moment that I didn't even see that I was about to run into someone.

Somehow, I ended up on the ground. The person I ran into helped me up but I still couldn't see who it was. My headache had just gotten worst. The scene was spinning and my eyes were probably doing something weird. When the pounding finally stop, I was on the verge of tears. Not only because I was hit the floor with my head but because I just froze a ball in mid air. I'm a freak.

"Are you ok?" he said.

I was speechless. Of all the people I run into, San Francisco High alumnus and ex-Captain of the swim team, as well as one of the sexiest guys alive, Chris Halliwell. His green eyes are so memorizing and his voice was so captivating that all I can do I stare. Then it hit me. I'm gay and a freak.

In a panic I sprint out of school and into my car just before anyone can see me. I drive as quickly as I can to my safe spot which is near a lake 20 minutes from the school. As I'm driving, I can't help but think what will my parents think? What will my friends say? When I get to my sanctuary, I can't help but cry. What is there left for me to do? The school has probably called my parents and told them all about how their son is a freak. If I go home, what will my parents think? What will they do to me?

Suddenly I hear a car pull up. I turn around and I see a blue 1990 Toyota 4Runner but I can't really see who is driving because all the windows are tinted. I cannot believe who stepped out of the car...Chris Halliwell. WTH!?!?! Was he following me?

"I saw you were a little dazed when you bumped into me and I saw you jumping into your car and I just wanted to see if you were ok," his angelic voice rang in my head.

Drying my tears and clearing my throat, I managed to croak out a very pathetic "I'm ok."

"Is everything ok?"

"No. Everything up to this point has been a complete disaster. I'm screwed for life."

Silence. Either he didn't know how to respond to that or...well he didn't know how to respond to that.

"It's ok Chris. I'm ok."

He took off and left without another word. It was getting pretty dark now so I headed home too. I pulled up in the drive way but was afraid to go in. The lights were on so that meant that my family was home. It's time to face my fears.

I walked in the front door and the first thing I see is my mom crying and an angry look on my dad's face.

"Have a seat," was all I heard from any of them in. The next couple of minutes there was silence. Finally "I don't know where to begin," my dad says.

My mom sat right next to him weeping. She can't even speak at the moment.

"Your school called earlier today. They said the gym teacher wanted to talk to us."

"What did he say?"

"He said you have mutant powers and you used it on other students. Please tell us son. Tell us that this isn't true."

"Dad you know it's not true. He is lying! I did not use anything against anyone."

"So you do have powers! You are a mutant!"

"I'm sorry dad. It's not something I can control. I didn't even know that I was or even if I am. How do u know it wasn't another kid who used their power to stop that ball in front of me?"

"Are you or are you not a mutant?"

"I don't know!"

"How do you not know?"

"I don't know!"

"You better start talking cuz if not...!"

"Stop yelling! Stop yelling!"

The house starts shaking violently. Dishes are crashing to the floor. Shattered glass is everywhere. Mom starts screaming and Dad is holding on to her. Then...slience.

"Get out of my house you mutie"


Author's notes: This is the first installment of Charming X-Man. Feedback is appreciated. Let me know how you like it at I'll try to get the next chapter as soon as I can.

Next: Chapter 2

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