Charming X Man

By moc.liamtoh@09yug_nza

Published on Apr 3, 2009


Disclaimer: This story is the work of fiction and is completely in no way associated with the lives of any of the actors portrayed, if any. Anything not originally written in the Charmed or Marvel series is completely made up and any similarities between the characters and the actors mention is coincidental. All X-Men and other related elements are property of Marvel and all Charmed and other related elements are property of Aaron Spelling. Enjoy

< > Telepathic Conversation [ ] Intercom and Radio

"Hey guys. These are my brothers Chris and Wyatt," Brian introduces his brothers to his group of friends.

"Hey Brian. We were thinking about taking a trip into town and having a good time this weekend. You wanna come with? Of course Chris and Wyatt are also welcome to come," Bobby said.

"Sorry guys. I can't. I'm going home this weekend to see my family."

"Come on Brian. We should hang out more," Jubilee said. "I wanna see you shake it."

"I wanna see your brothers shake it," Amara said quietly, winking at Chris.

"Sorry but I can't."


Friday evening was just around the corner. It had been only a day since Brian was forced to go on his date, yet he was looking forward to it.

"Can anyone tell me why it is important to write, especially in today's society?" Professor Xavier asked his English class.

"With what society views as a problem, such as Mutant Rights, those who can write well are able to translate that writing into other forms such as speeches and then use that to show that society doesn't have a problem."

"Right you are Kitty. I would like an essay of your opinions on what society views as a problem on my desk next Monday. Class dismissed. Brian, can I speak with you before you head out?"

"Sure Professor...wassup?"

"It seems that you having a bit of trouble concentrating in class today. I can assure you, it wasn't very hard to pick up what you were thinking."

" know?"

"Well actually I don't. There were some of the bits and pieces I picked up."

"Sorry Professor I won't let it happen again."

"Make sure it doesn't."


Next up was Calculus. Luckily this was one of the only subjects that Brian was able to completely concentrate and forget the world.

"Why is Calculus so important?" Bobby asked.

"Why?! Why is Calculus so important?" Professor McCoy retorted. "Does anyone know the answer to this?"

"Well Calculus was what fueled the Scientific Revolution. If Calculus didn't exist, we wouldn't have things such as airplanes, cars, or even iPods."

"Nicely put Brian. For a bonus, can you name the two inventors of Calculus?"

"Leibniz and Newton."

"Excellent. You win 20 teacher's points."

When class ended, "Nice work Brian. I think this is going to be a very interesting semester," Hank said.

"Thank you Professor McCoy."

Chemistry went by so quickly that Brian didn't know where the time went. Luckily he was partnered up with Bobby who didn't have a clue what Chemistry was. One moment he was prepping both Bobby and himself, and the next moment he was putting out a fire caused by some students showing off their power. All in all it was a fun day.

"Brian you said you couldn't go out this weekend because you're going home right?"


"We, the group as well as I, agreed that we wanted to get to know you better so we decided to hang out Friday night instead."


"Dude you gotta go."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

<With who?>

<Well it's obvious that it's someone...or else you wouldn't be going on a date. Unless you're the type of person who goes on dates by yourself.>

<Shut up...yes I'm going out with someone smart ass. But I'm not saying who.>

<Why not? I mean we're not that close but if you share i'll give u my secret on how the get lucky on the first date.>

<Yeah see that's why I don't wanna tell you. It will probably jeopardize our oh so mature friendship.>

<Nothing can do that, I barely know you. It's not like I'll hate you cuz you dig fat chicks or anything like that.>

<Oh haha it's nothing like that.>

<Who is it?!>

<Ok fine. If I tell you, you have to promise you wont get mad.>

<Dude it's me. I'm always chill .>



"Robert is there something wrong?" Professor McCoy asked at the sudden display of emotion.

"Oh sorry Professor, I thought there was a spider on my foot."

<You cant do that!! First of all he is a teacher. And second of all, he's old.>

<Bobby. I like Scott and I don't see him as a teacher. And he isn't that much older. It's like nine years...but if you count the months it's only a little more than 8 years.>

<Brian...seriously?! It's Scott. You don't know him like I do.>

<You don't know him like I do either. If your so worried, why don't we double?> Brian communicated knowing Bobby is against that idea.

<Are you crazy. I'm not going to go on a double date with a teacher. That's...wrong! >

<Why is that wrong? I am a legal adult and so is he. I don't see anything wrong with that. Bobby come on. Don't be like that.>

<Don't be like what? Disgusted?! How did you expect me to react?>

< know what? Never mind. If you can't go, then you can't go.>

<Whatever.> That was the last thing Bobby said to Brian that day.

The rest of the week goes by and not a single word was said between Brian and Bobby. Did he really mess up his friendship with Bobby? He and Bobby weren't really "friends," were they?

"Please Bobby. Talk to me."

"About what?"

"Well...I don't know. You seem to be avoiding me. Does this have to do with the Scott thing?"

"What Scott thing?"

"Come on Bobby. Don't be like that. Haven't you ever had a crush on someone older than you before?"

"Well yeah but this is different. You dont just have a crush on him, you're going out with on a date!"

"I'm sorry but I like him...kinda more than a crush."

"See that's the thing. He is a teacher. What part of that don't you understand? He is supposed to be there for guidance in school. Not in the sheets."

"Are you implying that I'm going to have sex with him? It's a date Bobby. A nice dinner between two consenting adults."

"Hey guys."

"Oh crap...Scott you scared me," Brian says.

"Hey pervert," Bobby whispers to himself.

"Bobby!" Brian shouts

"Excuse me?"

Bobby starts walking off. "What the hell was that about?"

"Bobby's mad."


"Don't worry about's just something I gotta deal with."

"OK...I'm looking forward to tomorrow."

"Yeah me too," Brian said unexcitedly.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'll figure everything out and I'll be pumped for tomorrow night."

"Counting every minute until that time comes." Scott says, blowing an air kiss towards Brian and walking away.

"Well this blows."


"Ok Bobby. Time to settle this right now."

"What's there to settle? You're doing the teacher. It's as simple as that."

"What?!?! I am not doing anybody. What's gotten into you? I thought you were this sweet, cocky friend. But I guess I was wrong." Bobby said nothing. "I don't know what I did to you, or where I have wronged you but I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing?"

"Because I must have done something horrible for you to act like a jerk...I mean what the hell did I ever do to you?"

"You did nothing to me. I just don't want you going out with Scott."

"Why not? What is so wrong with him?"

"Nothing's wrong with him. I just don't think he's the right guy for you."

"Oh so you think you know the right guy for me?"

"No but I know it's not Scott."

"How do you know that? And how am I supposed to know that if I don't try, if I don't give him a chance? Please Bobby try to see my side of this."

"I'm trying I swear I am but I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because...I don't know.... it's Scott."

"Come on Bobby you have to do better than that."

"Brian...he is a teacher. A TEACHER. Do you not find that wrong?"

"No. We are two adults agreeing to go on a date. Well he kinda forced me to."


"No not like that. I only agreed to go just to shut him up."

The mood was changing quickly. "So you're not going because you like him?"

"Well yes of course I like him a little. But most of it was just to shut him up because he was singing in my class after you left from psionics."

"Brian. Why didn't you tell me this earlier? It would have spared us all this drama."

"Haha you should have seen your face when I told you that I was going out with Scott."

"Shut up."

"So...are we good?"

"Hell no."


"Ok, ok fine. We are good. But just so you know I am completly against this, whether he 'forced' you or not."

"Duly noted. So what did you think when you found out I was gay?"

"Well I wasn't really concerned about that. It's the other thing. I thought you had gone nuts or something."

"Well are you ok with me being gay? Like you won't get weirded out or nothing sleeping with a gay guy."

"You mean in the same room right?"

"Well duh!"

"Of course not. You're my friend and I couldnt care less if you had three feet."

"Can you help me out for tomorrow night?"

"With Scott? No way. You're on your own."

"Fine. Jerk."

The two shared a much needed laugh. The next day was Friday which meant that Brian had two things on his agenda: Training and his date.

Brian hurried down to the Danger Room where he was looking forward to his first group session with the X-Men and then individual combat with Scott.

"Brian. You're late."

"I'm sorry Scott. I woke up late. I won't let it happen."

"See that it doesn't."

This was a side of Scott that Brian has never seen before. It was so HOTT. Brian was not paying attention to anything Scott was saying and got up as soon as everyone else got up.

"Bobby what are we doing?"

"Weren't you paying attention to your 'boyfriend'?"

"Shut up he's not my boyfriend."

"Jeez I'm just kidding. Um let's see. Well we are grouping into 3's and we are going head to head to see who works best with whom. I guess you cant be in my group."

Brian reacted with a mock hurt. "I'm just kidding. You're in my group along with Jubilee. Her powers are very useful for something like this. Jubes this way," Bobby said waving his hand at Jubilee.

"Hey Brian. You ready?"

"Yeah what are we doing?"

"Well we are going to have a little battle between teams."

"Who are we battling against?"

"We don't know. We'll find out in a second."

The Danger Room shifted appearances and everyone is standing at an open field and hanging out of place was a Scoreboard with the names Team Ice vs. Team Hawk.

"Who are Team Ice and Team Hawk?"

"We're Team Ice and Team Hawk's over there," Bobby said pointing at Angel, Emma and Nightcrawler.

"Wait that's not fair. They're teachers and we're students," Brian said.

"In training, there are only two teachers, Cyclops and Storm. Everyone in here is considered students."

[I want to see everyone give their best shot and the winners will go up against the winners of other battles and the overall winning team will go on a trip to Southern California for vacation.] Scott said over the intercom. [Everyone give their best and...begin!]

Team Hawk wasted no time getting into battle. Angel took the sky and Kurt disappeared. Emma just stood there staring at Brian.

"Let me show you what I've got," Emma glared from across the way.

Emma ran towards Brian in an offensive position and before they could make contact, Brian froze Emma. Well he froze the whole room. In the middle of the battle, Chris and Wyatt orbed in.

"Brian what happened?"

"Well I was trying to freeze only her but the whole room froze."

"I remember Mom telling us stories like that. She told us that if we ever got her powers, we should focus on freezing only what we want to freeze."

"Well I tried that."

"Concentrate harder. Visualize her slowing down as she run towards you and completely stopping in her track. Do you know how to unfreeze the room?"

"I could try. I won't be blowing anybody up so I think it should be easy," Brian said as the room unfreezes.

Chris and Wyatt orbs out of the way just in time before Emma were to collide into them. "Wait what just happened?" Emma asked dumbfounded.

"You'll see," Brian said with a smirk.

Just as he was concentrating on freezing Emma, he felt a sharp pain in his head. He looks over to Emma and he sees her with her hands raised in front of her with her fingers pointed towards Brian. She was hitting him with psychic stuns. Little by little Brian attempted to reflect the psychic stuns. As he was pushing her out of his head, he unknowingly levitated in the air. He was using so much power, it was draining

Brian successfully deflects the stuns Emma was sending. He was sending them back to her with the same amount of power he used to push her out of his head. Much to his surprise, and everyone else in the room, the stuns solidify into knives...psionic knives. Brian had created his first psionic weapon. One by one they pierced Emma's head and with each one, Emma didn't seem to flinch at all. She was concentrating on deflecting them. When all the knives disappeared, Brian floated in the air, lifeless. His body remained still as it bounced up and down in the air. With the effects of gravity, he quickly fell to the ground, but not before his two brothers orbed in to help.

Chris and Wyatt laid Brian down on the floor of the Danger Room and everyone watched in horror as the lifeless body lay motionless on the floor. Emma approached the body ready to attack again.

[Emma stop.] Scott said from the control room.

"Scott it's ok. She can't win." Brian freezes Emma as he says this and falls unconscious.

-Ly and Johnny

Author's notes: Sorry guys this took so long. School had just started and all and work has been more or less fun. Well this is the 10th installment of Charming X-Man and I hope you guys like it. As always, feedback is appreciated. Let me know at

Next: Chapter 11

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