Charming X Man

By moc.liamtoh@09yug_nza

Published on Jul 4, 2009


Disclaimer: This story is the work of fiction and is completely in no way associated with the lives of any of the actors portrayed, if any. Anything not originally written in the Charmed or Marvel series is completely made up and any similarities between the characters and the actors mention is coincidental. All X-Men and other related elements are property of Marvel and all Charmed and other related elements are property of Aaron Spelling. Enjoy

< > Telepathic Conversation [ ] Intercom and Radio

The shortly-lived battle had taken a toll on both parties. It was dark inside and out for Brian had not awaken from his deep slumber after his battle with Emma. Likewise, she had not come out of her frozen statue-like form. It had been two days since the battle and neither seems to be coming through.

The Professor tried everything he could to unfreeze Emma. Miserably, he failed. Half of the school was caring deeply for the frozen beauty while the other half constantly visited Brian.

On the third night after lights out, while the Professor was tending to Emma, he noticed a twitch in her left hand. Moments later the twitch resonated throughout her body and she became alive once again.

Simultaneously in the hospital wing of the mansion, a very strained Brian came to. He didn't want to make a cry for help for sitting on a chair right next to his bed was a sleeping Scott. Hunched over with a coat covering his body, Brian couldn't help but wake him up.

"Scott, Scott what are you doing here?" Brian shook the sleeping Scott.

"Hey Brian. Glad you can make it back. For a while there we thought we already lost you," he replied.

"Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere."

"Ok well I worked things out with the Professor and you have all of next week off."

"What? Why?"

"You have to promise me not to get mad though ok?


"Well after you froze Emma, you went unconscious. We rushed you right over here and we did all these tests on you. For some reason however, you were rejecting all the IV's and the water and food. Professor got really worried so he did what he had to do. He looked into your mind to find a solution to both yours and Emma's problem."

"What wrong with her?" Brian said disgustingly.

"Since you went into the coma, she stayed frozen."

"Wow. I must be stronger than I think," Brian made a failed attempt at laughing.

"Actually you are," Professor said walking through the doors. Following him was Emma.

"I see you are alright," Emma said.


"Ok Professor he is alright. Now can I go?"

"You are dismissed."

"What a bitch," Brian said after she left the room.

"I heard that!" Emma said shouting from down the hall.

"Brian it's good to see you up and talking. It was hard to keep up with you while you were asleep."

"Asleep? Scott said I was in a coma."

"After I looked into your mind, I saw that you were not in a coma. You see, when you froze Emma, it kicked your mind and body into over drive because you have been trying to deflect her telepathy. After a while you started to strain yourself. When you were unconscious, your mind was still working and it kept Emma in a frozen state. How, I cannot explain."

"It's ok. I don't need an explanation. As long as I'm back, everything is fine."

"That's good to hear. Well Brian I'm sure Scott has explained. You have the next week off. To recover and such."

"Thanks Professor."

"Scott, I think Brian should get some rest."

"It's ok Professor, I'm not done talking to him yet." "Ok well don't stay too long. You have an early day tomorrow."

As the Professor leaves, Scott slumps back into his chair. "Well how long have I been out?"

"About three days now."

"Wow that is long. Where did I get the mental energy for that?"

"I don't know but you had some."

"How long have you been there?" Brian asked pointing at the chair.

"Um...not long."

"You stayed here the whole time didn't you?"

"No," Scott's attempt at lying failed.


"Why what?''

"Why were you here the whole time?"

"Because I care about you. And as much as I do, it's getting really late. I do have to teach tomorrow so I'm gonna take off. Now I can actually get some sleep knowing that you are doing fine."

As Scott gets up to leave, "Scott..." Brian says.


"Do you mind spending one more night?" He asked padding the empty side of the bed next to him.

He couldn't resist. This was a chance for true bonding. As Scott got into the bed with Brian, everything felt right. Scott got behind Brian and they spent the whole night together. As they were falling to sleep, Brian turned around and gave Scott sweet passionate kiss on the lips. The kiss erupted into more as Scott reciprocated the kiss adding more.

"What was that for?"

"For staying."

As the night went on, Brian fell asleep in Scotts arm. A couple hours later, Brian woke up and checked the clock hanging from the wall. It was only three o'clock. Looking and feeling around in the dark, Scott was nowhere to be seen.

"It's ok Brian. I'm right here," Scott said entering the room. "I just needed to change."

Brian couldn't keep his eyes off of Scott. And change he did. Scott got into bed earlier with jeans and a t-shirt. Now he was wearing almost nothing. He had on a pair of black boxer briefs. It was such a turn on.

"Come back to bed."

"That's something I hope to hear more often."

As Scott got into bed, Brian couldn't help but get turned on. From the bare hairless chest to the eight-pack abs to the toned calves. Brian loved it all. And when he came into contact with him on the bed, he couldn't help but get hard.

He tried so hard not to do anything stupid. So he turned around and faced the other way. When he felt Scott's arms around him, he noticed something poking and prodding his butt.



"What's that?"

"What's what?"

"That," Brian said, gyrating into Scott's crotch.

"Oh my god I am so sorry for that. It's just that every time I am around you that happens."

"It's ok," Brian said. Then he did the unspeakable and moved Scott's arms which were around him, lower. All the way down to his crotch. "I get it too."

The next morning, everything felt different from the night before but somehow, similar. When Brian woke up, he was still in Scott's arm, but not in the hospital wing. He was in his own room. How did he get here?

"Did you sleep better?"


"Yeah, for some reason you were tossing and turning in the hospital bed so I thought you might have wanted to sleep in your own bed."

"You brought me here?" Brian said confused, not remembering the walk from the basement.

"Yeah. I carried you here. You know how hard it is to try to push the elevator button while carrying a person?"

"You carried me here? All the way from the basement?"

Before Scott could answer, Brian pulled him in for a passionate kiss. Soon enough Brian was laying on top of Scott in lust frenzy. Hands were roaming everywhere. Brian ran his hands across the center of Scott's chest all the way down to his abs. Lingering for a moment, Brian decides to go for it.

He followed the happy trail all the way down to the elastics of the briefs. He could feel Scott's cock from the outside and only hoped to have the pulsating membrane in his hand. Scott had his hands all over Brian's back, feeling every bit he could get his hands on. When Brian starts to put his hand inside Scott's briefs, he felt Scott retract.

"What's wrong?" Brian asked.

"Nothing...I don''s just. I think we are going at this too soon. We haven't even gone on our date yet. I just don't wanna do something that we both are going to regret later on."

"It's ok I understand," Brian said trying to hide the hurt in his voice.

"No no. Don't feel bad. I just want us to spend some time together first before we do anything."

"It's ok Scott, I honestly don't mind waiting."

"You sure?"


"What time is it?"


"Holy shit I'm late. Sorry Brian I have to go to my class, but I will swing by later to check up on you ok?"

"Yeah no problem."

As Scott ran out of the room, Brian felt emptiness inside. He laid his bed and began crying. Suddenly, white lights filled the room and Chris and Wyatt were standing there watching their younger brother cry.

"Brian what's wrong?"

"OMG where have you guys been?"

"We had to take care of some stuff at home."

"Stuff? What stuff? And how come I wasn't invited?"

"After we left your battle, we got a call from Mom and she needed us at home."

"What happened? Is she ok?"

"Yeah we took care of it. There is nothing to worry about. So what happened during your battle?"

"Well there's this bitch I was fighting against and she was trying to attack me using telepathy but luckily I blocked her. I started to send the telepathic stuns back and they worked for a while but she is an expert at telepathy so she was able to block them. After you guys left, she knocked me off my feet and tried to attack again. That was when I froze her and only her."

"That's good news. Congrats little bro. You get that from my side of the family," Chris said stupidly.

"Dumbass we come from the same family."

"Shut up."

"Both of you shut up. I'm not done yet. Well apparently after I froze her, I knocked myself out. While I was unconscious, Emma stayed frozen. When I came to, she unfroze."

"Whoa. I have never heard of that before. I though Mom's power only worked temporarily. We should check it out." Just like that Chris and Wyatt orbed out.

"Jeeze, give me a heads up next time."

"Sorry," echoed through the room.

Brian decided to take a walk to clear his head about what happened. He decided to go to the backyard and sit by the pond.

Pondering deeply and staring at his reflection in the pond, Brian didn't realize that there was anyone else.

"And he's alive," Bobby yelled from behind Brian.

Surprised, Brian fell into the pond. When finally composed himself, Brian turned around to cuss him out, he noticed Bobby didn't have a shirt on. Bobby's body was not as muscular as Scott, but he is toned, and lightly tanned.

"Oh my god. I am so sorry Brian."

"You jackass."

"Ok let's get you out of those wet clothes and into something dry so you won't fall into a coma again."

"Shut up."

On the way back to Brian's room, Bobby wanted to mess around with Brian so he started to slowly freeze the water that was clinging to his body. When the water droplets reached his back, Brian turned around and telekinetically flung Bobby into the wall at the end of the hall.

"Oh my god, Bobby. I am so sorry," Brian shouted across the room.

"You liar," Bobby groaned.

"We're even now," Brian chuckled as he walked into his room.

As Brian changed out of his clothes, Bobby walked in rubbing the back of his neck. "Dude, you could have at least helped me up. I got you out of the pond didn't I?"

"Dude, you had that coming. So why didn't you visit me in the hospital?"

"What are you talking about? I was there every day. Scott kicked me out by 10 because of curfew."

"I bet it was..."

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing. Well are we going to hang out today?"

"Sure, I can't believe that you took out Emma."

"That was cool. Though technically I didn't take her out."

"So....what are we doing today?"

"I don't know. We can go out into town like we planned. We won't go partying, we can just all go to the mall and hang out."

"Ok but let me shower first."

"Whatever dude. Just don't show me your weenie."

"Yeah cuz I've been doing that lately."

As Brian jumped into the shower, he couldn't help but think about the night he and Scott had. Suddenly he got hard again. He successfully pushed the thought out of his head and his boner went away. Luckily right before Bobby had barged into the bathroom.

"Sorry. Gotta pee."

"Get out!"

"Ok....hurry up though, we're leaving soon."

"Ok just get out."

As Brian got out of the shower, he wiped down with a towel and covered himself. Walking outside, Bobby was laying on Brian's bed.

"Dude seriously? Cover up."

"You know you like what you see."

"Yeah I love a hairless, scrawny, blond."

"Well give me a second," Brian said as he shoosh Bobby out of his room.

While getting ready in his room, Bobby heard a knock at the door. When he opened it, he saw standing there in the door way, Brian in a black dress shirt, red skinny tie, and light blue jeans.

"Wow you sure know how to dress yourself."

"What can I say, I got out a lot."

"Well everyone is waiting in the cafeteria so I'll be down in a second."

"It's ok I'll wait for you."

When everyone met in the cafeteria they all headed to the garage. They took two separate cars where Ray drove Jubilee, Jamie and Kitty. In the second car, Bobby drove Brian, Amara, and Roberto.

They went shopping, ate a little bit at the food court and did some more shopping. When the group walked past a salon, Amara couldn't help but scream.

"This is so my new place. Look they do waxing here. Let's check it out."

As the group walked in, they were instantly greeted by two gentlemen when went straight to the girls.

"Girl, I love what you done to your hair. You have to let me know your secret," one of them said to Amara.

Naturally all the guys giggled silently to themselves upon hearing these remarks. Everyone walked through the salon and the girls instantly fell in love. The guys of course felt awkward. Ray decided to speak up.

"Hey we're gonna head out when you girls are done, find us at the arcade. Brian you coming?"

"No I think Imma hang around here a bit. I might change up my looks."

"Dude. Whatever."

As the guys left, Bobby hesitated a little but Brian said it was ok that he left with the guys. While looking through a catalogue, Brian found a hairstyle he always wanted to try. Currently, he had sandy blond hair that when down to his ears.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" one of the gentlemen working there asked.

"Yeah can I cut and dye my hair?"

"Of course what color?"

Brian made his way back to his room with some bags. Since he came back, people have been complimenting him nonstop and he did enjoy the attention a lot. He got into his room and decided to put his new belongings away. When he looked at his bed, there was a present lying on his pillows neatly wrapped.

When he opened it, there was a card. Brian tore the envelope and it said:

"At eight o'clock strikes, the sun will set. Another present you will get. Here to take you on a date. Downstairs your carriage waits."

-Love Scott

-Ly and Johnny

Author's Notes: Hey guys this was a very fun chapter to write. I hope you guys liked the passion brewing between Scott and Brian. What were Brian's brothers doing? Where will Brian and Scott go for their date? As always, I appreciate that you guys are reading these stories. Let me know at

Next: Chapter 12

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