Charming X Man

By moc.liamtoh@09yug_nza

Published on Jul 15, 2009


Disclaimer: This story is the work of fiction and is completely in no way associated with the lives of any of the actors portrayed, if any. Anything not originally written in the Charmed or Marvel series is completely made up and any similarities between the characters and the actors mention is coincidental. All X-Men and other related elements are property of Marvel and all Charmed and other related elements are property of Aaron Spelling. Enjoy

< > Telepathic Conversation [ ] Intercom and Radio {Flashback}

The day was going great for both Brian and Scott. After the morning sexcapade, the two couldn't keep their hands (and lips) off each other.

"There are some things I have to take care of and it will take most of the day. So here. This is my credit card. Go out and you can buy whatever you want. Whatever you want," Scott said.

"Wait what do you mean you have something to take care of. I'm not going to spend the day with you?"

"Sorry, honey, but it's really important. I want you to have fun today which is why I gave you my card. I'm really sorry but I can't get out of it."

"Ok fine. What time will you be back?"

"Before dinner starts," Scott said as he got up to leave. "Don't look so sad. It will only be for a couple of hours. You can do that right?"

"Yeah whatever."

Scott gave a little peck to Brian before he walked out the door. "What am I going to do today? Ooh I know. Wyatt! Chris!"

Bright white lights appeared before Brian and when they faded, his two brothers stood in place.

"What! What's wrong?" said Chris.

"No nothing is wrong. Scott just left and he gave me his credit card. He said I could buy whatever I wanted but I didn't want to go shopping alone. Please, please come with me."

"Sorry lil' bro. We can't. We have stuff to do. Mom needs us at home right now."

"Why! What's wrong with mom?"

"Nothing. She has us working like dogs going to different places and doing a lot of things. We just can't get out of them right now."

"This day sucks. Scott just took off and I have no one to hang out with."

"Why don't you hang out with Bobby?"

"How am I supposed to do that?"

With the wave of his hand, Wyatt was able to orb Bobby all the way from Xavier's mansion. When he appeared before the brothers, he wasn't the only one surprised.

"What the hell?!?!?!?!"

"Oh my God. Bobby what were you doing?"

Back in the mansion, Bobby was having some fun alone time. He put in a porno and decided to give himself a little treat. All of a sudden, he found himself standing naked, with a boner, in front of Brian, Wyatt, and Chris.

"Oh my God. I'm so sorry," Wyatt said. "How was I supposed to know he was naked?"

Grabbing a towel to cover himself up, Bobby said, "What am I doing here? How did I get here?"

"Little details we can work on during lunch. Come on get dressed. Thanks guys," Brian said and winked as Chris and Wyatt orbed off.

"Brian, what the hell man?!"

"I'm sorry Bobby. I have nothing to do today and no one can hang out with me. My brothers are busy with who knows what and Scott...well he just took off. So my brothers brought you here. Come on Bobby. Please, please. Scott gave me his credit card and said we can buy whatever we want."

"He said 'we'?"

"Well no. He doesn't have to know you were here."

"Ok fine. Let me get dressed first. Do you mind like you know...turning the other way?"

"Bobby, I just saw little Bobby. You don't have to act all shy around me. You don't turn me on one bit," Brian lied for at the sight of Bobby's body, he seemed a little winded.

MEANWHILE IN SAN FRANCISCO "Do you think we should tell him?" Chris said.

"No why need to worry him now when we can do this by ourselves," Wyatt responded.

"We have been trying for days now and nothing. I think we might need him for this."

"Not unless it's completely necessary. He is spending the day with his friend and his Paris. Let him have this one."

"Ok fine. If we don't find dad in two days, we have to call Brian."


XAVIER'S MANSION "Yo Bobby!" Ray shouted as he approached Bobby's door.

No one responded so Ray knocked. "Bobby wanna come shoot some hoops?"

Still no response. When Ray opened the door, the room was completely empty. "Dude that's disgusting. If you're gonna watch porn and then leave, at least turn it off." Ray said to himself as he turned off the porn that Bobby had left on.

BACK IN PARIS Bobby and Brian were spending their day in Paris. There were plenty of things to do in the city of lights, but the adventure seeking duo didn't know what to do first. They decided to take a tour of the Louvre.

"Bobby. Isn't this amazing? It's so beautiful," Brian gasped at the painting he was staring at.

"Really? All I see is this skeleton looking guy holding his face and it looks like he's screaming."

"What do you know?"

After a couple hours of visiting the museum, the two decided to grab lunch. They found a cozy caf‚ nearby and decided to take a look at the menu.

"I'm ready to order. What about you Bobby?"

"Um...I have no idea what any of this is."

"Ok what do you want to eat?"

"Hamburger and fries, and a coke."

"Ok. Gar‡on, donnez moi une ni‡oise salade, un hamburger et frites, et deux coca."

"Dude you speak French?"


"I think that is sexy," Bobby said.

"You think I'm sexy?" Brian responded.

Hearing how this actually sounded, Bobby correct his statement by saying, "The French language is sexy. Not you. Not that I'm not saying you are not an attractive guy, you are. But I'm not attracted to you in that way..."

"Bobby it's ok. I was just fucking with you. Jeez you sure know how to chatter like a monkey." As he said that, the food came out.


After lunch, the two decided to go sight-seeing instead of doing anything in particular. They walked through the very busy streets of Paris, accidentally finding the business district. There were huge stores left and right.

"Oh my God, Bobby!!!! We have to go there," Brian shouted in elation as he saw the D&G store.

"Dude wait up."

As the two browsed the store, Brian acted like a dog with a bone, saying that he wanted this and he wanted that. Meanwhile Bobby was amazed how his somewhat questionable gay friend turned completely gay at the sight of a store.

Brian got lost in the store while Bobby went down the street to the CD shop. He wasn't a very high end kinda guy. He doesn't wear D&G, Gucci, Chanel, or anything Italian. He doesn't even find American Eagle appealing. After listening to a couple of records, Bobby was lost in the music, losing track of time.

Suddenly a pair of hands came from behind and covered his eyes. "Guess who," a familiar voice rang.

Bobby turned around to see a very happy, smiling Brian. "Did you find anything you liked in there?"

"Yeah. It almost made me feel guilty for buying all of that. But, Scott did say I could buy whatever I want. Hey what's that over there?" Brian pointed in the opposite direction.

Bobby turned around while Brian pulled a square box the size of a palm and put it on the table in front of them. When Bobby turned back around to say "What," he noticed the little box sitting on the table. "What is that?"

"Something I picked for you." When Bobby opened the box, he saw a silver watch with the D&G logo on it.

"What's this for? Brian I can't accept this."

"Why not?"

"'s too expensive and you didn't even pay for it. Scott did."

"So? He said I could buy whatever I wanted. Look I got me some sun glasses...Bobby, take it. It's a little thank you present for spending the day with me."

"I can't accept this."

"Please Bobby. For me?" Brian said with the cutest puppy dog eyes he could force himself to make.

"Ok ok fine. Thank you." Bobby said getting up to give Brian a hug.

On the way back to the hotel, Brian and Bobby came across a huge shopping center and Brian let out a squeal and Bobby knew what that meant. It was time to get more new things.

"Well I do wanna look hot tonight for Scott when he gets back."

"Dude, whatever."

"Come on Bobby. I need your advice on clothes."

"You want my advice?"

"You're right, I just need someone to gawk at me while I try on clothes that will be ripped of my body as soon as Scott sees them."

"Woah woah TMI buddy. Let's just get you some new decent clothes. And no more about this Scott ripping clothes off of you. The visual I'm getting..."

"You're picturing me and Scott having sweaty naked man sex?"

"If you let me finish. The visual I'm getting is killing my brain cells."

"Uh huh."

The two entered the mall but nothing was all that appealing to Brian at first. The further he went into the mall, the better the clothes got. After hours of shopping, Brian managed to get himself a whole new wardrobe that will last him years.

"What do you wanna do now?" Brian asked Bobby.

"What?" Bobby responded.

"Well we went shopping and that is all I wanted to do. What did YOU want to do?"

"I wanna chill in the hotel room. My feet are killing me."

"Ok fine. Before we go, we have to hit one more store."

"Ok. Which store?"

"It's a surprise. Excuse moi, ou est la FNAC?" Brian asked a passerbyer.

He got directions to this store and within minutes, they came up to one. The two walked inside and Bobby looked like a kid in a toy store.

"It's like a Best Buy, but bigger."

The two went straight to the gaming department. "Bobby, Wii or PS3?"

"Why? You're not seriously going to buy me one are you?"

"Sure why not?"

"No Brian. It's not even your money."

"Ok what if I said I am buying it for us. You know to chill at the hotel and then take it back to the school?"

"It would be nice to have a PS3."

"PS3 it is."

After a quick decision in the store, the two walked out with a brand new PlayStation 3 and some games to take back to the hotel.


The two were having the best of time playing the PS3 back at the hotel. They played Mortal Kombat vs. DC, Killzone 2, Resident Evil 5, and Harry Potter (Just Brian). With the fun they were having, they didn't realize how much time had passed by.

"It's 5:43," Bobby said looking at his new watch.

"Crap that means Scott will be home pretty soon. Wyatt. Chris. Can you orb Bobby home?" Brian shouted into the ceiling.

"I'll see you later," Bobby managed to get out before he disappeared in white lights.

"Bye...Bobby," Brian managed to sigh out.


When Scott walked through the door, he couldn't help but notice a very delicious aroma throughout the room. He turned into the kitchen and saw Brian wearing a white apron, using up all the stove space.

Scott just stood there as he watched Brian cooked some shrimp in one pan, stir something in another pan, threw in some carrots in a pot, and tasted a little of what was in the last pot.

Scott thought to himself "Wow this is sexy."

"This needs a little bit of salt. Do you mind grabbing me some."

"How did you know I was here?"

"Well I heard you checking out my ass."

"Wow you must be getting pretty good at the whole telepathic thing. What am I thinking now?"

"That you think I am incredibly sexy with the apron on and you think it'd be sexier off of me."

"You are good."

"That was a guess...haha. Dinner will be ready in about ten minutes so go and relax. Play some PlayStation."

For dinner, Brian made a three course meal. They started out with a Cesar salad (homemade dressing), garlic shrimp pasta, and for dessert, pan au chocolat.

"Wow Brian. I didn't know you could cook. Where did you learn?"

"Back in high school, I had to take something after school so I wouldn't be at home alone so I chose cooking."

"Your parents knew about that?"

"No I told them I took karate. They should have suspected something when I kept getting my ass kicked in school though."

The two had a very romantic dinner. The room was surround with lit candles, there was soft music playing in the background, champagne was put on ice.

After dinner, Scott and Brian retired to the couch in the living room area where they sat and talked for hours. Though it started getting late, neither party felt the need to go to bed.

"Be right back," Brian said to Scott.

"Where are you going?"

"I have a surprise for you," Brian shouted from the kitchen. "Close your eyes. And just because you have your visor on does mean I don't know if your eyes are closed or not."

"Ok they are closed."

Brian returned with a tray of chocolate covered strawberries that he made right before Scott could see it. "Open your mouth."

"Ooh I'm liking this already."

"Shut up. Not like that."

Scott sat there with his mouth open and his eyes shut tight. Brian set the tray down next to Scott and straddled his lap. Holding the strawberries carefully, he started feeding them to Scott. After the third strawberry, Brian proceeded to kiss him.

This kiss went from being just a kiss to a full blown face sucking marathon. They started getting hot and heavy on the couch. They only broke the kiss in order to get the shirts off of each other.

They got up and started stripping and walking towards the bedroom, leaving a trail of clothes. When they got to the room, all was left was their boxer briefs. When Brian started taking his off, Scott put a stop to it. "Don't take those off. I want to do it...with my mouth."

Scott started kissing his way down Brian's neck, then his chest, licking his nipples and going all the way to his abs. When he got on his knee, Scott started licking the lines on Brian's abs. He resumed to kissing and licking and when he got to Brian's briefs, he did what he said. He shut his lips around the waistband and pulled down with his mouth.

Scott released Brian's cock (which slapped him in the face). When he got the briefs off, Scott started sucking on Brian's meat. He took it all in one gulp and began deep throating the teenage cock. His hands were roaming about Brian's back. Scott slipped a finger in Brian's hole and began fingering him, all while sucking his cock.

Brian felt like he was going to explode any minute so he stopped Scott. He made Scott lay on the bed and Brian got between his legs and began sucking on his cock. He didn't need much time to adjust to the 9 inches. He went straight to deep throating the monstrous cock.

With his left index finger, Brian wiggled his way between Scott's crack and was massaging his hole. He began sucking harder and he slipped his finger into Scott's hole. It was tight. Since Scott was enjoying the best blowjob he was getting from Brian, he didn't even notice the finger going in.

Brian stopped sucking and fingering and he got on top of Scott and positioned himself on his cock. He took all nine inches at once. He sat on Scott's cock without needing to adjust to anything. Brian and Scott were in a euphoric state. The pleasure Scott was getting from the tightness of Brian's ass and the feeling of Scott's cock up Brian's ass was incomparable to anything.

With Scott's help, Brian started bouncing up and down on his cock. Brian started stroking his own cock but Scott wouldn't allow it. So he took Brian's cock in his own hands and starting jerking him off. With his ass being pounded on and his cock being worked on, Brian was ready to cum. Scott let go of Brian's cock and began pounding harder on his ass. Within seconds, Brian came all over Scott's neck and chest and a little hit his face.

"I'm cumming," Scott yelled as he pumped his load deep into Brian's ass. The two stayed in that position as their sex high came to a halt. Their breathing and panting slowed down as well. Brian collapsed on Scott's body and the two laid in bed. They fall asleep on each other's arms.


"You're right! That is a nice way to wake up," Brian said.

Scott was under the sheets giving Brian a blowjob early in the morning. Brian put his hands on Scott's head and started face fucking him. He was fucking Scott's throat and he soon came in Scott's mouth. Coming up for air, the two lovers make out in bed and lay there as they watch the sun rise.

"Did you wanna..." Scott started asking.


"Do you...again?"

"Really? You're not tired?"

"No I just got you off and now I'm hard as a rock."

After giving Scott another kiss, Brian turned around and lifted his leg. Scott wasted no time entering him for he was still a little loose from the night before. He got to work right away. He pushed his cock all the way in, pulled almost all the way out, and pushed all the way back in. He was able to keep a steady rhythm going and started picking up the pace.

After five minutes of side fucking, Scott started to feel his balls tightening and he knew he was close. He fucked harder and fast and with one last thrust, he pushed all the way in and unloaded his seeds deep within Brian's anus. The two laid in bed for another hour with Scott's softening cock still inside Brian's hole.

-Ly and Johnny

Author's notes: I hope you guys enjoyed Brian's and Scott's first love making session. I know I had a fun time writing it. Well there is some Bobby-Brian relationship build up and more of Scott and Brian having hot man sex with each other. Let me know how you guys like the story coming along at

Next: Chapter 14

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