Charming X Man

By moc.liamtoh@09yug_nza

Published on Aug 16, 2009


Disclaimer: This story is the work of fiction and is completely in no way associated with the lives of any of the actors portrayed, if any. Anything not originally written in the Charmed or Marvel series is completely made up and any similarities between the characters and the actors mention is coincidental. All X-Men and other related elements are property of Marvel and all Charmed and other related elements are property of Aaron Spelling. Enjoy

< > Telepathic Conversation [ ] Intercom and Radio { } Flashback

After a night of passionate love making with Cyclops, Brian woke up at 3 AM. He didn't know what it was but it felt like something was home. He couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling so he walked out of Scott's room and quietly shut the door.

<I think I'm gonna go home and spend the rest of the weekend there. I haven't spent a lot of time at home so this might be fun> Brian thought to himself.

<Are you leaving?> A voice rang in his head.

<Scott? How are you hearing me? I'm not even trying to talk to you telepathically.>

<I don't know. This has never happened to me before...even with Jean.>

<Who's Jean?>

<Conversation for another time. So are you leaving?>

<Yeah. I'm gonna spend the rest of the weekend at home.>

<I know, Scott. But I miss my family already. When my dad went missing, they didn't even tell me because they didn't think I was ready to use my witch powers.>

<Brian, you are a strong person. As long as you concentrate, you can do anything.>

<Ok...well call me?>

Brian snuck into his and Bobby's room to grab a few things: toothbrush, some extra clothes, deodorant, towel, pretty much anything he thought he would need. He sat down at his desk and pulled out a pen and paper. He began writing:

Bobby. I'll be gone for a few days. I know I just got back but I'm going to be at home for a couple of days. You have the room to yourself. Don't do anything I wouldn't.

XOXO Brian.

With that, Brian orbed home.

When he got home, he orbed right in the middle of a battle going on in the living room of the Halliwell Manor. He dropped his bag and tried to scope out who was in the house.

"Look out!" Piper shouted from the entry hallway. Brian put up his hands and slowed down a fireball that was only a couple feet from his face. With his telekinesis, he sent the fireball away from him and into a wall.

"Orb to the attic. Your brothers are waiting there. I can take care of these ass holes," Piper said.

"Be careful," Brian said as he orbed away.

"Brian what are you doing here?" Wyatt asked, in a shocking tone.

"I told you guys to call me if you need anything."

"We got this under control little bro," Chris responded.

"Well apparently not. I've got fireballs materializing out of nowhere and attacking me. Is that my welcome home present?"

"Don't be such a smart ass and get over here," Wyatt shouted. "Read this with us."

Here these words from us brother three

Rid these walls of evil entity.

Fight fire with fire and send them to hell,

Where other evil creatures dwell.

The walls were lit on fire as Chris grabbed Brian's shirt and they were both orbed to Aunt Phoebe's house where Piper and Wyatt were already waiting.

"Are we just going to let our house get burned to the ground?" Brian asked.

"No. The fire is like...smoke. It will sweep through every nook and cranny in the house and when it's done, it will dissipate on its own. I just don't want you to be there because when it finds something, it will explode and there are lots of creatures hiding in our there will be some fireworks tonight," Piper said.

"Why didn't you guys call me? I know it's late and everything but I can orb now so it's easier for me to go back and forth."

"I know baby we should have and I'm sorry we didn't. What brings you back home?"

"Um...aren't we missing someone? Someone name Dad?" Brian asked.

"Oh no sweetie. Since you found him, the elders are trying to keep a closer eye on him so they are keeping him up there for a couple of days."

"Ok. Well I just got this uneasy feeling when I woke up in Scott's room..."

"Woah, woah...hold it. Rewind. Who is Scott?" Piper asked.

"He's my...I don't know. Well he's my teacher."

"Your teacher?!?! Isn't that illegal? And how is he?"

"Mom, calm down. He's not really my teacher and plus the school I go to doesn't really have any rules, because we are all responsible adults who can make decisions for ourselves...and he is only 27."

"Well...what are you doing waking up your teacher's room?" Phoebe chimed in from the kitchen, obviously missing most of the conversation.

"He's not just my teacher. We had a date this week."

"Yeah. He went to Paris," Chris said in a jealous, mocking tone.

"Paris? I swear my sons aren't telling me jack squat these days. Well am I going to meet this Scott person?"

"Well I don't know. After our date, we haven't really discussed where we stood and whatnot so I don't know."

"Well you better find out soon because I'm sure your dad won't like the fact that you are dating an older man."

"Speaking of which...can I visit him...up there?"

"Sure bro, I'll take you there in the morning so you won't get lost or nothing," Wyatt said.

"That'll be cool. Thanks Wyatt."

"I'm going to peek in our house to see how it's doing. Be right back," Wyatt said as he orbed off.

"Yoo hoo. Are we having a Halliwell party in here?" Paige yelled while ringing the doorbell.

"Paige why don't you just orb in? I don't care anymore," Phoebe said, opening the door for her sister.

"Well I didn't know if everyone is decent...unlike last time." The whole family shared a chuckle.

"Hey Auntie!" Brian shouted.

"Hey sweetums." I know it's late and everything but did you guys want to go out and grab a late dinner?"

"That'll be awesome," Chris said.

"Paige, can you take the kids? I'll stay here with Phoebe," Piper said.

"We are not kids," Brian defended himself.

"Are you older than me?" Piper asked sarcastically.



Paige took Chris and Brian out to her car. "Where is Wyatt?"

"Here I am," he said as he orbed into the front passenger seat of Paige's car.

"Where did you guys want to eat? My treat."

"Auntie, you drive, you pay, you choose."

The three had a midnight dinner at China Palace down in Chinatown and Paige was getting caught up with Brian.

"Wait so you're not a white lighter?" she asked.

"That's right!"

"But you can orb?"


"That is so sweet. I still have to take care of charges and I'm 50. You're only 18 and you don't have to worry about that stuff. That's so unfair."

"You are half witch, half white lighter. I am half witch, half mutant. You take care of charges, I save the world. Which would you choose?"

"You are such a smart ass. You get that from our side of the family," Paige said proudly.

Suddenly Brian's cell phone rings. Who would be calling at this hour?

"Scott, baby. What's wrong...You need me there right now...Ok I will be there in a second ok?" Brian hung up the phone. "Sorry, I gotta go. The world is in danger...again. So much for my weekend at home."

BACK AT XAVIER'S [We are getting a distress signal from New York City] Scott said over the intercom in the Blackbird.

[What's going on in New York City?] Bobby asked.

[It seems like the government has launched a full on attack against mutants by releasing all of their sentinels.] Scott replied.

Just as they were about to take off, Brian orbed into the Blackbird and took his seat next to Bobby.

"Hey catch me up. What's so important that I have to leave my family?"

"Well sentinels were released in New York City and as always, we have to clean up the government's shit," Bobby replied.

"Ok so how do we get rid of these things?"

"Destroy and conquer!" Bobby said with a freakishly creepy smile.

When Brian turned around, he saw the new kid that moved into Bobby's old room. "Hey Bobby, why is that new kid here? He can't be an X-Men...can he?"

"No, the Professor asked him to come with us, so he can show us his new power. The Professor, Scott and pretty much anyone else in the school can't figure out what he can do."

"Hmm...I wonder what he can do."

Suddenly the Blackbird starts shaking violently. [Everyone hold on. It seems like the sentinels have a hold on the Blackbird] Scott said.

On the outside of the plane, a robotic hand grasps onto the back end of the plane and another hand grabs onto the front end of the plane. It starts to pull the Blackbird apart.

[It's ok. I got it] Brian said, showing off. He closed his eyes and put his hands in front of him. The Blackbird stopped shaking. All was silent and the plane was not moving anywhere. [I think that is our clue to get out of here and kick some robot ass.]

When the team walked out of the air craft, they saw two robot hands on either sides of the ship. It was foggy and dusty and nothing could be seen through the grayness of the surrounding buildings.

Unexpectedly, lasers were being shot at the X-Men from all directions. When the lasers reached the X-Men, it bounced off a blue telekinetic shield. "Keep it up for a second longer," Bobby said as he began freezing the force field, creating a solid shield.

The X-Men were trapped in their own shield with no plan and nowhere to run. The frozen shield shook violently as the sentinels sent laser after laser attacks.

"Does anyone have a plan? Cuz once Bobby's igloo melts, I can't continue to put up a shield. I'm really exhausted," Brian said.

"I do," James said, speaking up for the first time. "When this frozen shield completely melts, I need you to levitate me up to where all the sentinels can see. And keep me steady."

"What?!?! Are you crazy? I can't levitate you to where you will be in danger," Brian said shockingly.

"Just trust me on this one."

"I hope you know what you are doing," Scott, Bobby and Brian said.

When the igloo started cracking, Brian created a shield one again and pushed it outward, disintegrating the frozen shield. With the shield up, he began lifting James. James readied himself and stretched out his hands, and legs. When the sentinels attack, the lasers began encircling James and soon it looked as if he was glowing. The lasers were gone but James was still a bright yellow. He pointed his hands towards two sentinels and began shooting lasers out of his hands. He ripped the two sentinels apart. Soon there were flying metal scraps everywhere.

"Hey Bobby! I got a plan."

"What is it?"

"I need you to create the biggest, sharpest, iceberg you can. Make it extra sharp, just for me. And do it quick."

"Ok." Bobby wasted no time creating his glacier.

"Hey Bub. What are you planning to do?" Wolverine asked.

"Well I'm going to put James down. And then once Bobby is done with his ice sculpture, I will push it towards the sentinels and hope for the best."

"Good thinking, Bub. Mind if I catch a ride on his iceberg thingy?"

"Be my guest."

"All done," Bobby said. He managed to create a house size ice sculpture within seconds.

"You ready?"

"I was born ready."

Brian put James down and began lifting the iceberg. It was heavier than he thought and had a lot of trouble moving it. Once he got it going, it was barely moving through the sky. Rogue came behind him and touched his neck with her bare hands. Brian felt weaker than before and the iceberg, with Wolverine hanging onto it, began falling. When Rogue let go, she used the telekinesis she gained from Brian to help him out. Bobby covered his whole body in ice and followed the glacier in the air. He helped out by pushing the ice and he effectively picked up the speed.

"Keep going Bub. You're doing great."

Suddenly, Brian began glowing bright yellow. He could feel his achy muscles restore itself. He felt his mental strength come back to life. He didn't feel weak anymore...he felt healed.

Brian, feeling restored, split the ice into five sharp pieces and launched them into five different sentinels as Wolverine jumped off and began attacking the remaining sentinels.

"Scott, shoot the ice with your lasers." Scott did as he was told and the places where the ice had landed, exploded, causing the sentinels to shred into useless metal pieces.

Amara transformed into her fire form and began summoning mini volcanoes underneath the sentinels. As soon as the volcanoes appeared, lava began spewing out of them and melted some of the sentinels.

Ray ran up to one of the sentinels and placed his hands on the left foot. He began sending electrical pulses through the metal robot. Instantly the sentinels stopped in its tracks. Ray flew up towards the torso of the robot and started sending stronger electrical pulses and a trap door on the chest of the robot popped open and the main circuit of the robot was fried, rendering it useless.

Wolverine took down two sentinels with his bare claws. After jumping from the ice sculpture created by Bobby, he began cutting one of the robots heads off and jumped in. He took it for a ride and began attacking other sentinels. After attacking the one, the current robot he was in showed a detonation within 10 seconds.

Finally, all of the sentinels were gone. Metal pieces were scattered throughout New York City.

"I can clean this up easy," Amara said. She opened up holes in the ground and one by one the big chunks of robot body parts were sucked into the hole. Within minutes, the city was clean again.

"Good job team. Let's get back before anyone waking up at this ungodly hour sees a band of mutants walking through New York City in the dark," Scott said.

One by one the students began filling the Blackbird. They each took their seat after an exhausting battle and was ready to go back to school and get a well deserved rest.

[I can't get the plane to move. It's stuck] Scott said nervously.

"Maybe I can help." Brian orbed to the top of the air craft. He placed one hand on the plane and one hand on his forehead. He began channeling his powers to get the Blackbird moving. It wasn't going anywhere.

When it seemed like Brian's attempt weren't doing any good, something fiery flew up behind him. It quickly caught his attention and he turned around in an offensive position, ready to attack. He turned around and at first it seemed like it was a mirage. Maybe it was his exposure to over exertion of power.

The figure he saw was beautiful. It was angelic. It looked like a bird engulfed in flames. It looked like a...phoenix. All it said was "I can help." When Brian fixed his stance, the flamed creature entered the back of the ship and it started moving again. Brian orbed back into his seat in the Blackbird.

"How did you do that?" Bobby asked.

"Bobby you should have seen what I just saw.

BACK AT THE HALLIWELL MANOR "Brian what happened?" Piper said as he orbed into the living room of his Aunt Phoebe's house, all dingy and dirty.

He began rambling. "It's nothing. We took down some mutant killing robot. I was exhausted and somehow I completely healed myself. The Blackbird wasn't moving to I tried to get it moving, only to see that I couldn't do anything because I was so tired. I saw a phoenix and it helped me..."

"Wait what?!?! How did you heal yourself? What's a phoenix? What's a Blackbird? What mutant killing robot?" All questions from his family were directed at him at the same time.

"I'll explain everything in the morning. Right now I just need some shut eye because I am so tired from that damn battle. Mom is the house ready yet?"

"Yeah Wyatt just checked on the house and it has been calm for about a half hour so yeah it's safe to go home."

"Goodnight Aunt Phoebe. Good night Aunt Paige. See you guys in the morning," Brian said as he orbed to his house with his family.

IN THE MORNING "Hey bro, you wanna go up there and see dad?"

"No. One more hour. I only got like two hours of sleep last night."

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah it's just that every time I go to sleep, I have this nightmare and I wake up again. When I go back to sleep, I have that same nightmare."

"What are you dreaming about?"

"I don't know. It looked like a ceremony. Something in a black robe walking up to an altar. The altar had a blindfolded girl and this person...thing in the black robe stuck out its hand and cut a hole with its nails where the girl's heart is. "

"Did you see who it was?"

"No it was covered under the robe the whole time."

"Ok don't worry. It was just a nightmare. Ok get up. I'll take you up there to see dad and get some fresh air."

"Fine. If I'm cranky, it's going to be your fault."

-Ly and Johnny

Author's Notes: I hope you guys are liking it so far. I'm still working on including more Charmed stuff in and hopefully the next one, Brian, Wyatt, and Chris will do an actual vanquishing-power-of-three spell. As always, feedback is appreciated at

Next: Chapter 16

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