Charming X Man

By moc.liamtoh@09yug_nza

Published on Nov 27, 2009


Disclaimer: This story is the work of fiction and is completely in no way associated with the lives of any of the actors portrayed, if any. Anything not originally written in the Charmed or Marvel series is completely made up and any similarities between the characters and the actors mention is coincidental. All X-Men and other related elements are property of Marvel and all Charmed and other related elements are property of Aaron Spelling. Enjoy

< > Telepathic Conversation [ ] Intercom and Radio { } Flashback

Scott Summers was not enjoying his day off...his first day off in such a long time. He had plans to spend the whole day with Brian, but when Brian left, Scott was left all by himself and his thoughts.

<Hey stud. Penny for your thoughts?>

<Leave me alone, Emma.>

<Aw is Scotty love sick? More like lust sick. You can't seem to function correctly without that annoying little prick, can you?>

<Emma, I said leave me be. Don't make me ask you a second time.>

<Fine. You don't have to be such a dick. All you had to do was ask.>

Scott was mad that his day was not going as expected. On the other side of the continent, Brian was very much so enjoying his day with his family. The Elders allowed Brian and Wyatt to take Leo back to earth to spend some time with his family.

"Dad. It's so great to see you again. After what happened last time, I'm surprise that they would let you back down here with us."

"Brian I never got to thank you for rescuing me..."

"Dad. Don't get all sentimental and stuff on me."

"No. It's nothing like that. It's just that when I was captured I had a lot of time to think...about you."

"What about me?"

"Well, there are some things that you haven't learned yet and things that we have yet to teach you."

"What kind of things?"

"I cannot tell you. You will come to learn of these things on your own time. But for now, we have to start preparing you and teaching you all of the Power of Three magic."

"Do we have to start today? Can't we just enjoy the sun? Can't we just enjoy the first a whole family?"

"Of course I wouldn't want to ruin this day for anything. I got all three of my sons and my wife, all alive, all living under one roof."

"What did you want to do today? Let's go explore San Francisco. It's been forever since I've been out to the city."

"Bro, you just wanna go shopping."


"No I have a better idea," Leo said.

"What's the surprise?" Brian said.

"Just close your eyes and give me your hands."

Moments later the whole family was orbed into a library looking building. "Where are we?" Brian asked.

"This, son, is magic school."

They family went through the double solid oak doors and found themselves to be at the front of a very long hallway.

"I am head master of this school."

"But, dad. You are mortal. How does someone who is mortal keep control of a whole school full of witches and other magical beings?"

"Well, that's what I got your mom for. She likes to scare the students using her own methods."

"Shut up Leo," Piper said, slapping Leo's arms playfully.

Brian walked away from his parents as they began a make-out fest in the middle of the hallway, where all the students can see. "I think I'm going to check this place out."

BACK IN XAVIER'S MANSION "Brian cannot know what we are doing. It has to be kept a secret," a mysterious visitor said.

"Yeah I know. I feel like I am betraying a good friend of mines," Bobby said.

"It almost seems like you have a conscience, like a mind of your own," said the visitor.

"I do have a mind of my own you know. Why do you think I am seeking you out?"

"I don't know," Chris said coming from out of the shadows.

BACK AT MAGIC SCHOOL "How are you liking it so far bro?" Wyatt asked, popping out of thin air.

"It's actually pretty nice, but..."

"But what? This is the place where strong witchcraft is practiced. This is where all the great witches learn the craft, and where many generations to follow will learn theirs."

"Yeah, but it reminds me of Westchester. It's a school to teach students who are different, not to be afraid of their difference, but rather, embrace their uniqueness."

"What's wrong with that?"

"There is nothing wrong with it. I just think there are some people who would rather blend in with the crowd."

"What does that mean?"

"Think of it this way. I am a witch. But, I am also a mutant. And I am gay. That's like the lowest of the low."

"Brian where is all of this coming from?" Phoebe said from the doorway.

"Hey Auntie. How long have you been standing there?"

"Pretty much the whole time you were rambling about being the lowest of the low. Sweety, you shouldn't feel that way. First of all, you are not just a witch, you are a Charmed One. One of the most powerful witches throughout history. And for the mutant part, you get that from your dad, you should be proud to have inherited such a powerful gift from him. You are half witch and half mutant. To me that is just as good as being half witch half white lighter. And being gay has nothing to do with the fact that you kick demon butt every single day. So what if you are gay? So what if you are all of the above. What matters the most is that you know you save the world on a day to day basis."

"Aww thanks Auntie. You are so sweet," Brian said leaning in to give his Aunt Phoebe a hug.

Brian gasped in as he no longer felt himself hugging his aunt. He stared into the wall as he saw flashing pictures in his head. He saw the hooded creature from his nightmares. This time, he did not wake up to stop the nightmare. It continued on.

After approaching the altar with the blindfolded girl, the hooded creature cut a hole in her heart. It pulled out her heart from the body and began eating it. It was surrounded by a bunch of other demons and there was another guy wearing an orange robe standing next to a podium with a big black book. As the creature finish up the heart, she turned around revealing her face to the crowd.

"Brian what did you see?" Phoebe said as Brian came out of his trance.

"This hooded demon girl eating a heart. It looked ceremoniously. There was a guy in an orange robe, who I think is the priest, a big book that I think is the bible. It's just my nightmare. I don't know why I am getting them during the day."

"You just had a premonition."

"No I didn't. I don't have that power."

"Brian I know a premonition when I see someone having one. And you just had one."

"How is that possible? I thought that each child would have a different power. Like I had the freezing thing, Wyatt had the premonitions and Chris had the telekinesis."

"I don't know. Maybe...maybe. Wyatt, is it possible that Brian has all three of the charmed powers? And that his telekinesis is not a mutant power but rather a charmed one?"

"That is possible but the chances of that is like slim to none. Only one Halliwell had that power...well Warren, whatever. Melinda was the only ancestor to have all three powers. That must mean..."

"What? That must mean what?"

"It means you are the last Halliwell," Wyatt said.

"I am the last Halliwell? How is that possible? So there won't be any more generations to come?"

"It makes sense, what Wyatt is saying. The first person who had these all three of these powers was the beginning of our spell bound lineage. And her powers are spread throughout her children and grand children and so on. When all three powers subside in one of her descendants, it can possibly mean that the powers has run their course and will die with the person carrying them."

"So that means I'm not going to have kids, and Wyatt and Chris won't have kids either?"

"No it just means that your kids won't have any powers."

"That's not possible. Hasn't our family done so much good so that the lineage can continue? Why does it have to die with me?"

"It's just a theory," Phoebe said. "We aren't exactly sure, but it does make a lot of sense."

"Brian describe to me exactly what you saw in your vision again," Wyatt said, calmly.

"Were you not listening to the conversation we were just having? About me possible being the last Halliwell?"

"No I heard everything. But your vision seemed kinda familiar."

"Familiar how? Like you guys have dealt with it or familiar like you read in the book of shadows familiar."

"I think I can show you, and you too Aunt Phoebe. Close your eyes."

As the three closed their eyes, Brian concentrated on his vision. He held one of Wyatt's hands and one of Phoebe's hands. After watching his vision for the second time, he began linking all three of their minds together using his telepathy. After he felt like their minds were one, he played the vision for his aunt and his brother.

"Oh my god," Wyatt and Phoebe said together.

"What?! What happened?"

"We have to go tell your mom right now."

As the three rushed into the main library of the school, Piper and Leo were found snuggling in one of the corners of the room.

"You guys, Brian just had a vision."

"How is that possible? That's not one of his powers."

"Yeah yeah we got through that whole conversation already. It's not the fact that Brian had a vision, it's the vision itself."

"Where is Chris? Chris? Paige?" Phoebe shouted.

Almost instantly, both Chris and Paige orbed into the corner where the rest of the family was.

"What's wrong?"

"Brian had a vision. It's a horrible one too. Show them."

"Show us?"

"Yeah he used telepathy to link our minds to show us what he saw."

"That took a lot of work but I think I have a better way of showing you. Everyone sit in a circle."

As the family gathered around, Brian thought that if he concentrated hard enough, he could project his vision using his telepathy and then solidifying it like he did with his psionic weapons. It was worth a try.

His plan didn't work after all. Nothing happened. Then he knew how he can make it happen. "Wyatt, I might need your help. If I can tap into your powers, I might be able to do it."

Brian used his telepathy to link his mind with Wyatt. The vision replayed itself in both of their minds. Brian began feeling an immense flow of power between the two and then a translucent screen appeared before the whole family, showing the vision to everyone.

"How did they get the Grimoire back? I thought Leo orbed it somewhere where they couldn't find it."

"Can somebody tell me what is going on?" Brian said pertaining to his vision.

"The vision you just had was about a coronation. A coronation of the new source."

"New source of what?"

"It's the new source of evil."

Brian began chuckling.

"Oh my god you are serious?"

"It gets worst."

"How does that get worst?"

"The new source is...Melinda."

"Melinda, demon sister of yours, Melinda?"

"Yes. We must vanquish her before she is crowned Queen of the Underworld," Piper said with a stern look on her face.

"Piper you can't go. Our powers are attached to our emotions. When u see Melinda again, you will get all motherly and won't be able to vanquish the daughter that you raised for thirteen years," Phoebe said.

"No. She is evil and evil must be vanquished. It's as simple as that. Phoebe, Cole was evil and your husband but he was also the Source so you of all people must understand," Piper said with a harsh tone in her voice.

"Can you vanquish something as powerful as the Source of All Evil? And you were married to the King of the Underworld...which makes you the Queen of the Underworld. My, my Aunt Phoebe, you were bad," Brian joked.

"She wasn't all bad. She helped us save an innocent...which Cole killed, but nonetheless she helped save him," Paige said.

"Let's orb home. Grab the vanquishing spell and let's head to the Underworld," Leo said.

"Dad, you shouldn't go. You're not a white lighter anymore so you can get seriously hurt. We will bring you back to the elders and the six of us will go," Chris said.

"No I want to be there."

"Honey, Chris is right. You can get hurt so you must stay away."

"Everyone ready? Let's get rid of this evil."

Chris brought Leo back to the elders and explained what was going on. He then orbed to the attic at the Halliwell Manor and joined his remaining family members.

"Paige do you remember where the coronation room was?"

"Yeah, since the Seer tried vanquishing us, it's kinda hard to forget."

All six held hands as they simultaneously orbed to the coronation room. It was empty and dark. Suddenly the torches hanging from the ceiling were lit and the blindfolded girl from Brian's vision struggled under her restraints at the other end of the room.

"Quick, hide."

Demons after demons began filling the room while Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Wyatt, Chris and Brian glamoured themselves to look like demons. A dark priest entered the room holding the Grimoire in his hand as the six charmed ones sat in the crowd with the other demons.

Then enter Melinda in a black robe. She looked different than when they saw her last. She looked possessed...almost demonic. Her eyes were black as coal and her skin was pale white. Her arms, hanging down to her sides, harbored clench fists with sharp black nails.

As she approaches the altar, Brian's visions was playing out. Melinda reached out and began cutting a hole in the blind folded girl's heart. The room was frozen as Piper and Brian put up their hands.

"Mother, Aunties, Chris, Wyatt. How nice of you to join me on my most glorious day," Melinda said.

"How is she not frozen?"

"You see, when I ran away all those years ago...well not so much ran but emancipated myself. I was taken in by one of the old Sources. You might have heard of him...Cole Turner." Phoebe gasped. "He taught me everything I know. At first he was reluctant but all the good magic you taught me only proved to him that I am worth teaching. He took me in like I was his daughter. There was only one problem. He was a ghost. He needed to be alive again in order to fully teach me his powers. Guess where I learned that nifty little trick from? After searching and searching, I finally found the Grimoire and I used the resurrection spell and brought him back."

"So he is back?"

"Well no, I killed him as soon as I realized I was one of the most did you put it...demons ever to walk the Underworld. You see, when I resurrected him, I didn't resurrect just Cole. I resurrected the old Source. He taught me his craft and I finally became strong enough where I could kill him with just the flick of my wrist. I learned the Grimoire inside and out. With some of the spells I learned from you and the new powers I got, I was able to cast a spell that protects me against good witch's powers, which is why I am not frozen."

"So this is what it comes down to. Either you kill us or we kill you."

"Well no. All I need to do is kill one of you and that way you can never come after me again. And I know which one to kill," she said looking at Brian.

"And who are you? My replacement? Can you throw fire too?"

"No but I can do this," Brian said as he flung Melinda away from the innocent.

"Didn't your mother ever teach you not to hit a girl?"

"You're not a girl."

"I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or an insult. At least I can say that you got murdered by a girl."

"Melinda stop this. This doesn't have to happen. We can strip your powers and then you can live like a normal human being and we won't have to kill you," Wyatt said.

"What fun would that be? I would rather live as a demon than a human any day."

"Then we have to choice but to kill you," Piper said.

"Mother, I am truly hurt. You would kill me? Your own daughter?"

"You are not my daughter. She died the day you took off."

"Well you can't really kill me."

"And why is that?"

"Because I will kill you first," Melinda said as she hurled streams of fire towards the family. All six orbed out and the flames hit the demons frozen in their seats, vanquishing them. "You just made me kill my loyal subjects."

"Demons aren't loyal. Shouldn't you know that by now? Seeing as you did kill your own teacher."

"Crystals," Chris shouted as five crystals disappeared from a box and surrounded Melinda. "Now!"

The three brothers began chanting:

Prudence, Patricia, Penelope, Melinda,

Astrid, Helena, Laura and Grace.

Halliwell witches stand strong beside us

Vanquish this demon from time and space.

Melinda began screaming as she is engulfed in flames. The flame subsides but Melinda is still standing. She lets loose an evil chuckle. "See I told you, you can't kill me."


Author's notes: This is the sixteenth installment of Charming X-Man. I know this isn't like a sexy scene or whatever but I like it. What is Chris doing with Bobby? And why couldn't they vanquish Melinda? Let me know how you like it at

Next: Chapter 17

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