Charming X Man

By moc.liamtoh@09yug_nza

Published on Jan 10, 2012


Disclaimer: This story is the work of fiction and is completely in no way associated with the lives of any of the actors portrayed, if any. Anything not originally written in the Charmed or Marvel series is completely made up and any similarities between the characters and the actors mention is coincidental. All X-Men and other related elements are property of Marvel and all Charmed and other related elements are property of Aaron Spelling. Enjoy

< > Telepathic Conversation [ ] Intercom and Radio { } Memories and Dreams

After the craziness that has been going on, Brian was ready for a much needed break. Scott somehow felt this as well, and felt like Brian was somehow being distant. He couldn't quite put his finger on it but something was odd about Brian.

"Baby, how are you feeling?" Scott asked.

"Ok..." Brian responded.

"Just ok?" Scott asked.


"What do you want to do today?" Scott said, attempting to keep the conversation going.

"Nothing...I just want to lay here."

"It's a beautiful day. You sure you don't want to go on a picnic or a hike with me?"

"No...I just want to be here."

"What's wrong? I feel like you've been distant and I'm starting to get worried."

"Nothing's wrong. I'm not allowed to just lay here?"

"Well yeah, but not for three days straight. Talk to me."


"Well what? Are you not happy?"

"You're a great guy, but..."

"Woah! Are you giving me the 'great guy but' speech? Are you breaking up with me?"

"Scott, over the past month, I've vanquished some demon bitch, I've gotten possessed, I've almost killed you a few times, and I've pretty much killed the biggest threat you guys have ever come across. That takes a toll on someone."

"What are you saying?"

"I need a break...from all of it. I need some time to focus on me and to learn about who I am and what I am capable of and how that affects other people."

"What does that mean? That I'm not enough for you?

"Not that's not what I'm saying at all."

"Then what is it?"

"I don't love you."

The words pierced through Scott like a dagger. He felt like someone had just punched him in the stomach and he had the winds knocked out of him. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

The truth was Brian didn't love Scott. There are no words to describe how he felt about him. Every time he was with him, every time he would think about him, Brian would picture a future together with Scott. He saw no one else in this future.

So why was he breaking up with Scott?

"I...I..." Scott was speechless.

"I just need to be by myself right now."

Scott got up to leave. "Where are you going? Don't leave," Brian begged with tears in his eyes.

"I need to get out of here. I'm going to look for another place."

"No this is your room. I'll move my stuff back to Bobby's," Brian said, fighting back the tears.

As Scott shut the door behind him, he maintained his posture as he walked down the hallway and down to the Danger Room where he wept in silence, alone.

BACK AT THE MANOR "I haven't heard from Brian in a couple of days. I wonder how he is doing," Piper said in a concerned tone.

"The last time we saw him, he was fine," Chris said.

"Yeah but why hasn't he called?" Piper asked.

"He's maybe making up for lost time with Scott. I mean he was possessed and an evil, power hungry monster took over his body. He will call," Wyatt said.

Just like magic, Brian orbed into the living room where the family was chatting.

"Where the heck have you been?" Piper said to Brian, as the family continued talking.

He had a sad look on his face.

"Baby. What's wrong?" Piper said.

The room got quiet. "I just broke up with Scott."

BACK AT THE MANSION Scott was in the middle of teaching a self-defense class but all he could think of was Brian. It didn't make any sense. Why did he break up with him out of the blue?

"Scott, you ok?" Psylocke asked walking into the danger room.

"Um...yeah I'm fine why?"

"Well all I can hear is 'Brian this' and 'Brian that.' I can only assume it's coming from one person."

"How did you...?"

"You were practically screaming. I'm sure even the Professor and Emma heard you."

[That's right darling...] Emma said from the control room. [You need to keep yourself in check when I'm around. Even the slightest stray I can pick up.]

"Do you want to talk about it?" Psylocke asked.

"No I just need some time to figure things out."

"How about you take the rest of the day off and I'll finish teaching here?"

"No I can handle it."

"Scott! Remember when Jean had died? How much of a mess you were. You still taught the students and you weren't focused enough and got punched in the face by a student?"

"Haha I guess you're right. I could use a break."


As Scott left, he couldn't help but remember his first time with Brian in the Danger Room. He still remembered how Brian landed on him after getting kicked by virtual Mystique and had his first kiss with Brian. The memory brought tears to his eyes.

BACK AT THE HALLIWELL MANOR "Wait! What do you mean you broke up with him? What happened? Did he force you to do something you didn't want to?" Piper yelled.

"Please Mom, we've already had..."

"Ahhh! Ahhh! I don't want to hear anything. Tell us what happened?"

The room got quieter than it already was. "I'm going to go sleep for a little bit. Then maybe I'll talk."

"Get your butt down here. Don't you know that your emotions are tied to your powers? If you have some hidden feelings, your powers could go all wonky and you could end up blowing someone up instead of freezing them. Now sit and start talking."

"Well...I think I love him."

Not a single gasp or sigh came from the family. "And that is a problem?" Piper said.

"No that's not the reason we broke up. I almost killed him...more than once. And I can't live with myself if anything had happened to him because of me."

"Baby, is that what this is about?"

"Son, what you need to understand is that you are a special person. A special person with a big heart and it's nice that you love him and that you don't want to put him in danger, but you have to understand that every relationship you have will have people at risk. It's how you learn to protect those you love," Leo said.

"I know, and I am protecting Scott from me by not allowing myself to hurt him in any way. It's for the best"

"If you love him, then how is breaking up with him the best? What you are going to learn is that you cannot always protect those you love from yourself. We can protect ourselves which means we don't want you to protect us," Leo responded.

"What the heck does that mean?" Piper said.

"You know...sometimes I can watch over myself. I don't need you to constantly worry about me. I'm a grown man..."

"Yeah a grown man that got kidnapped by a bunch of demons."

"That's different."



"Guys, guys. Hello. We are talking about me," Brian interrupted the argument between his parents.

"You right. Well baby, whatever you decide we will support. I mean you do love Scott. And he does have some powers unlike me," Leo said.

"What should I do? I mean I already broke up with Scott."

"Well do you still want to be with him? Even if there is a risk of you hurting him with your powers?"

"Yeah...I mean I think I love him."

"What do you mean you think?"

"Well I've never been in love before. He makes me feel special. Like I am the only person in the world who has his attention. I know I like him a lot and that I every time I'm with him, my heart beats louder and harder and I see myself having a future with him. When he comes home from work, I'll be in the kitchen making us dinner and we have a romantic night every night. And possible kids..."

"Whoa, Brian. Don't go too far. I don't know if I'm ready to have grand children yet," Piper said.

"What she means is that it sounds like love. Or at least close to it. You should go tell Scott this," Leo interjected.

"Well no. I was thinking the past few days about how I am going to keep him safe...from me. And breaking up with him is what I decided to do."

"I think you should at least go tell him and explain why you broke up with him. It's not too late and Scott really likes you too so I'm sure that once he hears why you broke up with him, he will understand. Then you guys can continue with your relationship," Piper said.

"Do you think he will understand?"

"Yes," Leo said.

"Ok I'll go. Thanks guys."

BACK IN SCOTT'S ROOM Brian decided to orb back into Scott's room and tell him that he didn't want to break up after all. He stopped in his room first to make sure he looked good for the occasion. After looking in the mirror, Brian decided to walk to Scott's room instead of orbing because he didn't want to be rude, since they aren't currently together.

Approaching Scott's door, Brian stood in front of it, about to knock. He heard Scott's voice coming from inside the room. It sounded muffled, almost like...he was moaning into a pillow. He listened little while longer. Then he heard another voice that caused his heart to drop into his stomach.

"See? You don't need that little twat when I'm here for the taking," Emma said.

Brian's blood was boiling in his veins. Tears started forming in his eyes. He couldn't take it anymore. He pushed the door open.

"So I see that I was just a quick fuck before you ran back to the tramp with the talking pussy?"

What he saw made his heart sink even lower and cry harder than ever. Scott was laying on the bed with nothing but his briefs on and Emma sitting at the edge of the bed close to him. She looked like she was adjusting her top right before Brian opened the door.

"Brian! What are you doing here?" Scott sat up and exclaimed.

"Well I came here to tell you that I love you and that I made a mistake by breaking up with you. But I guess it didn't take long for you to move onto something else with a hole."

"This isn't what it looks like," Scott said.

"Please you rude little prick. We were just talking. With my mouth and not my talking vagina."

"Then why are you in your underwear? And why is she putting on her clothes?"

"I was asleep when she came in here."

"Yeah right. You were asleep and she came in here to 'talk.' If you guys talked, then why are the lights still off? I'm not stupid. I'm out of here."

With that, Brian orbed out.

"Shit!" Scott screamed into his pillow.

"Jeez. The gays are dramatic," Emma sighed.

IN BOBBY'S ROOM Bobby was listening to music and doing his homework when all of a sudden, Brian orbed in. Not knowing Bobby's presence, Brian screamed and cried into his pillow.

After a few minutes, Bobby finally spoke. "Are you ok?"

Realizing that Bobby is in the room, Brian wiped his eyes on his pillow and mustered up his most normal voice he could. "Yeah, why?"

"Well, I spent the last few minutes listening to you cry."

Keeping his face away from Bobby, he managed to say, "Bobby, I'm fine. I'm just a little stressed."

"Which is why you were crying..."

"Yes it's good to just let it out sometimes."

"Ok..." Bobby said not buying it for one second.

"What you don't cry?"

Bobby chuckled a little. "No. Men don't cry."

"You should try it sometimes. It feels good."

"Brian, what's going on?"

"What? Nothing."


"I just need some alone time." With that he went to their bathroom before he could say anything else and turned on the shower. When he got in, Brian sat on the opposite side of the shower where he cried for the remainder of the time he was in there.

He got out of the shower and wasn't ready to come out. He stared into the mirror while reliving the events of the past hour over and over in his head. He started crying again and sat in the corner farthest away from the door and continued to cry.

Everything in the bathroom started to shake. He knew he had to get his emotions under control or else things can become bad quickly. After about ten minutes, when he was ready to come out, he washed his face and eyes, which were red and puffy. He came out but Bobby had already left the room. He put on some clothes and went to bed.

BACK IN SCOTT'S ROOM "Scott! How could you be so stupid?" Scott yelled at himself as he was pacing back and forth next to his bed. "You should have stopped him before he left."

"What? We did nothing wrong," Emma said.

"Emma. You shouldn't be here. Please leave."

"Fine. I was just trying to help."

"Well you're not."

"You know, we really could have had something special, you and I. But you're going to miss out." With that she slammed the door shut.

Scott slammed himself into his bed and cried in anger. "What am I going to do?" he thought.

IN BRIAN'S ROOM Brian was tossing and turning all night. His dream was getting worst and worst by the minute.

{ He and Scott were on a picnic. There was a blanket with a basket in the middle of it. There were all kinds of food and wine chilling in am iced bucket nearby. The sun was shining bright while the two were having lunch underneath a tree.

"Baby. I love you," Scott said as he gently kissed Brian on the lips. Brian felt the passion and the love between him and Scott.

"I love you too."

As the kiss became more passionate, the food disappeared and the two started rolling around on the picnic blanket and slowly, clothes were coming off.

Suddenly it wasn't him that was kissing Scott. Instead he was somehow yanked off the picnic blanket and was staring in horror as Scott and Emma were kissing and rolling around on the ground. He tried to speak but nothing was coming out. All he could see were those two making out and he couldn't say anything or move.

He watched in horror as clothes started coming off and Emma's moans were echoing throughout the dream. Before his eyes, he was having sex nightmare. }

Brian woke up drenched in sweat. He started crying into his hands and looked over at Bobby's bed. Noticing that the bed was still empty, he checked the time.

It was 1 AM. Where could Bobby be? He decided that he needed some time away so he orbed out. Bobby walked in the room just as the last orb light disappeared into the darkness.

BACK IN SAN FRANCISCO At the very top of the Golden Gate Bridge, Brian stood starring over the ledge. He didn't want anyone to find him. He wanted to be alone. Many thoughts were running through his head at once and he didn't know which one to listen to. Finally it was too much for him to take.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" he screamed loudly. All the voices were silenced. He started crying and sat down with his legs dangling over the edge. What was he going to do? Could he even look at Scott in the face anymore after what he saw?

Feelings of hurt and anger coursed through his veins. The bridge started shaking as if an earthquake was hitting San Francisco. The water underneath the bridge violently started rising, hitting the bridge and high speeds.

Closing his eyes, Brian took a couple of cool deep breaths. "Feels good to be up here, doesn't it?" a familiar voice behind Brian said.

"It could be better," Brian responded to Wyatt. "What are you doing here?"

"Well I came because I needed to clear my head but I saw that it was already occupied. I was about to leave, then I noticed the bridge shaking so I decided to stay. Wanna talk about it?"

"What's there to talk about? I made a mistake leaving Scott, and he moved on to the closest hole available to him."


"Yeah! I was in front of his room when I heard moaning and when I opened the doors, he in bed with that slut!" Brian started crying again.

"What slut?"

"That cock-hungry bitch Emma Frost."


"Oh? That's all you got? Can't you see that I need more than an 'Oh'?"

"Brian I'm sorry that must hurt a lot but you cannot let Scott or Emma let you get this emotional because your powers are tied to your emotions and you are a very powerful person."

"So what you're saying is that I have to keep myself in check because if I don't, shit will happen? So what? I'm not allowed to feel any strong emotions?" Brian cried harder.

"No, Brian you can feel anything you want to feel. What I'm saying is that you have to be careful with what you feel you can end up hurting someone with your powers unintentionally. You're my brother and I love you. I hate to see you hurting like this. Imagine if in a fit of rage that you decide to slam Scott against the wall after seeing what you saw? What then?"

"Well he would have deserved it anyway."

"That maybe true but you would still be hurting an innocent person."

"But I'm an innocent person too. Why is it that I'm allowed to be hurt but I can't hurt the person who hurt me?"

"Because you are good. Demons use their powers for retaliation because they don't care about the consequences. You are good. So the person who hurt you will get their ass bitten three times as bad."

"You don't understand. I loved this person. My heart was ripped out of my chest when I saw them two together. It's like...I've been betrayed. How can I ever go back there now?"

"You are a strong, confident person. You weren't the one who messed up. He did. You march back in that place with your head held high and you don't take crap from anyone because you know that you did nothing wrong. And besides, you are a Halliwell. Heartbreaks aren't rare in our family. Look at Aunt Phoebe."

"I guess you're right," Brian said with a chuckle.

"Now come on. Let's go home," Wyatt said.

"I'll meet you there in a bit. I just want to clear my mind a little while longer." With that Wyatt orbed out.

Brian thought and thought about what he was going to do. He can't go seconds without thinking about Scott and that tramp. Thinking about what Wyatt said, Brian had an idea. He is a Halliwell. A powerful witch with magic. Out loud, he chanted:

"After this cruel memory is seen and said, erase these thoughts from my heart and head." He thought about the first time he met Scott at the park and suddenly, that memory was erased. He no longer knew who Scott was.

Brian orbed out.


Author's notes: Oh My Gosh! Two stories in the span of a month? Just kidding. Dum dum dum! Haha hey guys I hope you enjoyed the last one I posted. I kinda just made this one on the spot so I don't know if it's even good at all. But drama drama drama! Let me know what you guys think at

Next: Chapter 21

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